Would you like for your government to regulate prices, profits and wages?

The only definition of 'rich' that would matter is that held by the 'poor'.

Every dollar given to someone that didn't earn it, came from someone that did. Again, how much do you think should be taken from productive people to be redistributed to non-productive people? Is a trillion a year enough and how do you define rich. How would the non-productive people just take it?
Mr. Trump and the poor, Only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.

don't complain, be Patriotic.
I think national education is a good thing . As well as health coverage . National parks . Highways . The internet . Airports . Energy producing dams . Fire and police departments , FEMA , I can go on and on.
So basically you believe the role of the government which is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves is socialism?

Excluding health insurance which is not heathcare of course.

No . I think gov should work for the benefit of the people . Not for just the benefit of big biz .

I think gov should reign in capitalism, so it doesn't destroy itself . I think gov and biz should work together to improve the lives of Americans.
How exactly does government reign in capitalism?

Capitalism will destroy itself if unchecked . Take anti-trust laws. They preserve competition, which is the heart of capitalism.
Maybe. We'll see. Obviously you have never heard of MAP. Collusion is alive and well. But when capitalism fails people lose money. When socialism fails, people die.
Hooverville failed and had to get bailed out by socialism, well regulated.
I think national education is a good thing . As well as health coverage . National parks . Highways . The internet . Airports . Energy producing dams . Fire and police departments , FEMA , I can go on and on.
So basically you believe the role of the government which is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves is socialism?

Excluding health insurance which is not heathcare of course.

No . I think gov should work for the benefit of the people . Not for just the benefit of big biz .

I think gov should reign in capitalism, so it doesn't destroy itself . I think gov and biz should work together to improve the lives of Americans.
How exactly does government reign in capitalism?

Capitalism will destroy itself if unchecked . Take anti-trust laws. They preserve competition, which is the heart of capitalism.
Is it time to break up the media cartel? Five companies own nearly everything.
where is Wikileaks, so we can get, "the Truth"?
Would you like for your government to regulate prices, profits and wages?

Richard Nixon did it.

How'd that work out for him?

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