Would you like for your government to regulate prices, profits and wages?

I think national education is a good thing . As well as health coverage . National parks . Highways . The internet . Airports . Energy producing dams . Fire and police departments , FEMA , I can go on and on.
So basically you believe the role of the government which is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves is socialism?

Excluding health insurance which is not heathcare of course.

No . I think gov should work for the benefit of the people . Not for just the benefit of big biz .

I think gov should reign in capitalism, so it doesn't destroy itself . I think gov and biz should work together to improve the lives of Americans.
How exactly does government reign in capitalism?
with socialism.

We've always had a blended economy, the trick has always been achieving the proper balance, and we are clearly out of balance here and now; a trajectory that began during the Reagan years, but has been utterly bipartisan in it's furthering.
Yet, the right wing alleges some subscription to capitalism, but have only social plans on a national basis regarding immigration.
So basically you believe the role of the government which is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves is socialism?

Excluding health insurance which is not heathcare of course.

No . I think gov should work for the benefit of the people . Not for just the benefit of big biz .

I think gov should reign in capitalism, so it doesn't destroy itself . I think gov and biz should work together to improve the lives of Americans.
How exactly does government reign in capitalism?
with socialism.

We've always had a blended economy, the trick has always been achieving the proper balance, and we are clearly out of balance here and now; a trajectory that began during the Reagan years, but has been utterly bipartisan in it's furthering.
Yet, the right wing alleges some subscription to capitalism, but have only social plans on a national basis regarding immigration.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Hell, I’d settle for a free market capitalist economic system, but we don’t have one of those and never really have had one; by design. We’ve have always had a blended economy to protect the interests of elites from the ravages of the market and to shift that burden onto the working class.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
We should form a mob! Occupy, occupy, occupy... oh wait, that's already been done.

The mob was formed by your financial elites, quite successfully as it turns out.



Hell, I’d settle for a free market capitalist economic system, but we don’t have one of those and never really have had one; by design. We’ve have always had a blended economy to protect the interests of elites from the ravages of the market and to shift that burden onto the working class.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
We should form a mob! Occupy, occupy, occupy... oh wait, that's already been done.

The mob was formed by your financial elites, quite successfully as it turns out.




Where has societal wealth been redistributed over the past half century shoog. Run find me some more pictures.
No . I think gov should work for the benefit of the people . Not for just the benefit of big biz .

I think gov should reign in capitalism, so it doesn't destroy itself . I think gov and biz should work together to improve the lives of Americans.
How exactly does government reign in capitalism?
with socialism.

We've always had a blended economy, the trick has always been achieving the proper balance, and we are clearly out of balance here and now; a trajectory that began during the Reagan years, but has been utterly bipartisan in it's furthering.
Yet, the right wing alleges some subscription to capitalism, but have only social plans on a national basis regarding immigration.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Yet, the right wing, "blames the poor for their, poor lifestyle choices".
How is it possible for a society based on capitalism to regulate "prices, profits and wages"? Are Bernie Sanders people hosting a poll?
That's my point, it's not. A government that did that by definition would be communistic.

But an econonic system that does is apparently "liberty".
No, an economic system that does it is a free market.
No, it doesn't. Mogadishu had no taxes for over a decade; and virtually no regulations, either.
How exactly does government reign in capitalism?
with socialism.

We've always had a blended economy, the trick has always been achieving the proper balance, and we are clearly out of balance here and now; a trajectory that began during the Reagan years, but has been utterly bipartisan in it's furthering.
Yet, the right wing alleges some subscription to capitalism, but have only social plans on a national basis regarding immigration.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Yet, the right wing, "blames the poor for their, poor lifestyle choices".

The entire system traps us all; I have problems with "both" "the left" and "the right", and I really don't even buy into that paradigm. What we're facing is utterly bipartisan.
with socialism.

We've always had a blended economy, the trick has always been achieving the proper balance, and we are clearly out of balance here and now; a trajectory that began during the Reagan years, but has been utterly bipartisan in it's furthering.
Yet, the right wing alleges some subscription to capitalism, but have only social plans on a national basis regarding immigration.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Yet, the right wing, "blames the poor for their, poor lifestyle choices".

The entire system traps us all; I have problems with "both" "the left" and "the right", and I really don't even buy into that paradigm. What we're facing is utterly bipartisan.
what excuse does the left have, for lousy social management?
How is it possible for a society based on capitalism to regulate "prices, profits and wages"? Are Bernie Sanders people hosting a poll?
That's my point, it's not. A government that did that by definition would be communistic.

But an econonic system that does is apparently "liberty".
No, an economic system that does it is a free market.
No, it doesn't. Mogadishu had no taxes for over a decade; and virtually no regulations, either.

We can't have that, clearly a military adventure is in order.
We've always had a blended economy, the trick has always been achieving the proper balance, and we are clearly out of balance here and now; a trajectory that began during the Reagan years, but has been utterly bipartisan in it's furthering.
Yet, the right wing alleges some subscription to capitalism, but have only social plans on a national basis regarding immigration.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Yet, the right wing, "blames the poor for their, poor lifestyle choices".

The entire system traps us all; I have problems with "both" "the left" and "the right", and I really don't even buy into that paradigm. What we're facing is utterly bipartisan.
what excuse does the left have, for lousy social management?

Same as "the right", the corporate state has no need for any "will of the people". Your vote is feckless, Goldman Sachs always runs the white house regardless.
It wored well in Venezuela.

It also worked and continues to work well in America and the rest of economically developed world. Where there are certainly specific examples of government regulating some prices, some profits and some wages.

Non-nutters understand that this not a question of absolutes, this is a question of balance between the engine of free market and framework of government regulation to ensure economy that runs fair, efficient and doesn't drive off the cliff.

Wow. Did Obama change your diaper too?
It wored well in Venezuela.

It also worked and continues to work well in America and the rest of economically developed world. Where there are certainly specific examples of government regulating some prices, some profits and some wages.

Non-nutters understand that this not a question of absolutes, this is a question of balance between the engine of free market and framework of government regulation to ensure economy that runs fair, efficient and doesn't drive off the cliff.

Wow. Did Obama change your diaper too?

Well if anyone's response here sounds like it is coming from someone not potty trained it's yours.
Be specific.

Minimal wage - that is a clear example of regulation of some wages.

The other examples are mostly found in inherently monopolistic businesses like basic utilities - government de-facto controls those prices and profits because consumer has little alternative but to rely on a single source for electrical/water/gas needs.

Regulation of monopoly | Economics Help
Minimum wage also prevents the young from getting a start in the job market. That's not a success. And I don't see how you can consider utility monopolies a success, compared to what?

We've had minimum wage since 1938's, I don't recall any crisis relating specifically to young not being able to start in the jobs market - do you?

Highest minimum wage was in the 60's at about ~$10-$11 in REAL terms, can you spot youth unemployment spiking?


We had slavery for a long time too, that didn't make it right. Of course many youths can't find jobs, what planet are you trying from? It's a beginner wage, the higher it is the less employers are going to be motivated. Have you ever owned a business?

That's right, just as slavery is morally wrong, so is compensation that borders on exploitation.

Your assertion that youth unemployment is obviously increased by higher minimum wage is contradicted by historic data.

Nothing's changed here. Filthy Democrats and beggers have made repeated attempts to dress up the issue of minimum wage for years. They'll package and spin it many different ways but the bottom line is they just want to use it as another way to funnel more free shit to their taxpayer dependent bottom feeders / voters. It's no secret. Democrats have manifested a low iQ, low class of worker who barely speaks the native language and lacks basic communication skills. These folks are limited to minimum wage paying jobs as they can't even multiply 2x2.
To summarize; we have way too many barely legal, 35 year old Guadalupe's trying to turn burger flipping in to a career that they can feed their families of eight on. Democrats want McDonalds and the like to subsidize our welfare system. Simple shit...just extract head from ass to see it.
America was and is based on labor and the creation of genuine wealth. The economic system in the U.S. is loosely capitalist with lots of necessary restraints in place, though not necessarily the most effective ones.
Hell, I’d settle for a free market capitalist economic system, but we don’t have one of those and never really have had one; by design. We’ve have always had a blended economy to protect the interests of elites from the ravages of the market and to shift that burden onto the working class.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
We should form a mob! Occupy, occupy, occupy... oh wait, that's already been done.

The mob was formed by your financial elites, quite successfully as it turns out.




Where has societal wealth been redistributed over the past half century shoog. Run find me some more pictures.
A trillion a year in welfare is not an insignificant amount. How much more should we redistribute? That does not count Medicare or social security.

US Welfare Spending for 2017 - Charts
Welfare serves the rich, as it keeps the poor from taking real redistribution into their own hands.

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