Would you mind paying $12,272.73 in taxes every year?

The real question is, "Should the government be collecting 4 Trillion?".
Democrats never ask that question. That's the question Republicans ask.

The question libertarians ask - the real, real question - is "why does the government spend 5 Trillion"?
Sure you would, but that comes from an emotional place. Pretty meaningless.

Actually.. it comes from making a basic observation and asking a basic question.

Humans have lived most of our existence as a species under one form of governance or another.

The question is, When do we start to ponder another way? Do free and intelligent humans really need to be governed?

If we can think beyond the idea that we do, then we have to question why something we don't need is so expensive.
Very few people outlive the balance. Indeed, there are many parasites, aged 25-49, who drain the fund. If it was used for retirement as intended, the fund would be solvent.
Again, not the point. It doesn't matter if you don't outlive the balance. What matters is that if you do, then it is no longer "your money".
Again, not the point. It doesn't matter if you don't outlive the balance. What matters is that if you do, then it is no longer "your money".
Once it's taken from you, it's no longer "your money". That's merely a story cons tell themselves so they can get all holier-than-thou. Nothing cons love more than looking down on others. Even when it's laughably unjustified. Especially when it's laughably unjustified.
Once it's taken from you, it's no longer "your money". That's merely a story cons tell themselves so they can get all holier-than-thou. Nothing cons love more than looking down on others. Even when it's laughably unjustified. Especially when it's laughably unjustified.
When it is taken with the narrative that it will be returned to you upon retirement, then your response paints you as a nutcase.

However, the narrative is, "It's My money so it isn't welfare." True, right up to the point that you recieve the very last penny you put into it.

But it gets better. SS is a lifetime benefit. Meaning once you collect, if you live well beyond your SS balance, you continue to receive the money you DID NOT put in. At that point, it is now an entitlement.

If I were allowed and forced to pay into the worst retirement possible....the one that is the T-bills and government bond fund....all the money I paid into Social Security for the last 40 years I would be filthy rich.
I'd be looking for every tax dodge possible because of the yearly interest I would be making. Nevermind the volume of principle I would have collected.

Social security is a Ponzi scheme...
When it is taken with the narrative that it will be returned to you upon retirement, then your response paints you as a nutcase.

However, the narrative is, "It's My money so it isn't welfare." True, right up to the point that you recieve the very last penny you put into it.

But it gets better. SS is a lifetime benefit. Meaning once you collect, if you live well beyond your SS balance, you continue to receive the money you DID NOT put in. At that point, it is now an entitlement.

No. I didn't "Capisce" at all. Can you rephrase it into something coherent and relevant?
So America collects $4.05 trillion in taxes every year. And we have 330 million citizens.

4,050,000,000,000 / 330,000,000 = 12272.73

So each citizen, man, woman, child, infant, geezer has to pay $12,272.73 in taxes every year. If you have a wife and 2 kids that's $49,090.92 for all four of you.

Elon Musk would love this tax plan, so would the former Rush Limbaugh.

Sound fair?
I'm already covering Elon's share plus mine.
Where it is true that in approximately 2-4 years of collecting Social Security you will draw every bit of money that was deducted from your paychecks. However, if that money had been invested in something you would have an inexhaustible money supply if you only drew what a SS check is today...and leave considerably growing amount of principle for your heirs.
Fixing SS would mean collecting more payroll taxes and/or paying fewer benefits.
It has zero to do with the fund holding US debt.

Well then, they should fix it. They WOULD fix it, if they were in danger of losing their SS, but then, Congress gets a much better guaranteed retirement program for itself!
What the social security crisis actually is...

Is that the current amount of debt that our government claims it is in is no where near the truth. It's debts to its own people are a whopping bit more than anyone who is holding the bonds.
Well then, they should fix it. They WOULD fix it, if they were in danger of losing their SS, but then, Congress gets a much better guaranteed retirement program for itself!

How much more would you like to pay?
How much less would you like to collect?
So America collects $4.05 trillion in taxes every year. And we have 330 million citizens.

4,050,000,000,000 / 330,000,000 = 12272.73

So each citizen, man, woman, child, infant, geezer has to pay $12,272.73 in taxes every year. If you have a wife and 2 kids that's $49,090.92 for all four of you.

Elon Musk would love this tax plan, so would the former Rush Limbaugh.

Sound fair?
A majority of Americans spend more on taxes than anything else

You're taxed everyday on everything ....in every way possible
From the grocery store to the dmv to gas, for a fishing license
School ,feds....some states....and cities .,and on on and one we could probably do a list a mile n a half long ..tax tax tax fees fees fees

Buried in taxes that are for the most part used like special progressive Ed, the multinationals ,and the MIC are in charge .......oh that right nevermind


these people are rubber stampers enriching themselves

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