Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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Well, with all your blather, you managed to dance around the question demonstrating that while you know the Feds racially profile all public schools, you do not know why.

Would you like to guess?

Call it what you wish, I don't really care. The question was would I want my children to attend a predominately black or white school, and I answered the question how I chose to, if you don't like my answer, that is your problem, not mine. As opposed to playing a 64 question game here if you have something to state about the Feds, spit it out, or go bother someone else.

While you cannot answer the question: Why do Feds racially profile public schools, you've actually accomplished a lot.

You've demonstrated that you have an opinion about the public school system.

And that opinion is formed entirely independent of information that the Feds meticulously collect to ensure that schools are integrated.

Respondents of the poll who claim not to care about the racial make up of school their children attend, like yourself, also have admitted that integration is unnecessary and immaterial.


George Wallace would be proud.

And where were you when George Wallace was in his heyday? As I stated I know what the Feds do as as far as collecting data, I was bused to a a predominately white middle school for two years and attended a predominately black high school for 3 and saw the best and worst of both, but unlike many here, I was taught to live life and judge people one at a time, not based on statistics or polls like this nonsense here.
Call it what you wish, I don't really care. The question was would I want my children to attend a predominately black or white school, and I answered the question how I chose to, if you don't like my answer, that is your problem, not mine. As opposed to playing a 64 question game here if you have something to state about the Feds, spit it out, or go bother someone else.

While you cannot answer the question: Why do Feds racially profile public schools, you've actually accomplished a lot.

You've demonstrated that you have an opinion about the public school system.

And that opinion is formed entirely independent of information that the Feds meticulously collect to ensure that schools are integrated.

Respondents of the poll who claim not to care about the racial make up of school their children attend, like yourself, also have admitted that integration is unnecessary and immaterial.


George Wallace would be proud.

And where were you when George Wallace was in his heyday? As I stated I know what the Feds do as as far as collecting data, I was bused to a a predominately white middle school for two years and attended a predominately black high school for 3 and saw the best and worst of both, but unlike many here, I was taught to live life and judge people one at a time, not based on statistics or polls like this nonsense here.


Starting in the 1950s, many people living in New Orleans began moving to the suburbs – mostly white people. Research suggests that the reasons for this are many, and unfortunately, they are mostly based in racism.

White Flight

I said you were right dude lol.


I was wondering how anyone could disagree with something so obvious.

No one disagrees. "White flight" is a phenomena that is is old news. The suburb that I grew up in was a great example of that. We were one of the first black families who managed to get in, and after that, the "for sale" signs were out in abundance.

However, most parents in this era who buy homes choose a home first and the school system comes with it. Or they opt for private schools.

I said you were right dude lol.


I was wondering how anyone could disagree with something so obvious.

No one disagrees. "White flight" is a phenomena that is is old news. The suburb that I grew up in was a great example of that. We were one of the first black families who managed to get in, and after that, the "for sale" signs were out in abundance.

However, most parents in this era who buy homes choose a home first and the school system comes with it. Or they opt for private schools.


"Most parents who buy homes choose a home independently of the quality of the school system?"


I can only imagine since you were "taught to live life and judge people one at a time, not based on statistics or polls" then you've been wandering the entire country meeting and speaking to almost 300 million people to come to this astute conclusion.

Did it only take one night, while you flew through the air in a sliegh pulled by reindeer?

I'll choose to believe the JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE RESEARCH:

(I'll try to keep it short)

Many studies have confirmed the magnitude of public school quality’s contribution to house prices....housing market values proficiency test passage rates

I was wondering how anyone could disagree with something so obvious.

No one disagrees. "White flight" is a phenomena that is is old news. The suburb that I grew up in was a great example of that. We were one of the first black families who managed to get in, and after that, the "for sale" signs were out in abundance.

However, most parents in this era who buy homes choose a home first and the school system comes with it. Or they opt for private schools.


"Most parents who buy homes choose a home independently of the quality of the school system?"


I can only imagine since you were "taught to live life and judge people one at a time, not based on statistics or polls" then you've been wandering the entire country meeting and speaking to almost 300 million people to come to this astute conclusion.

Did it only take one night, while you flew through the air in a sliegh pulled by reindeer?

I'll choose to believe the JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE RESEARCH:

(I'll try to keep it short)

Many studies have confirmed the magnitude of public school quality’s contribution to house prices....housing market values proficiency test passage rates

Lol! Truth be told, i have in fact been to the majority of the states in this country and been to a number of other countries.

Im not disputing that school quality contributes to driving home values. That's common sense. All that I am saying is that, people choose homes first based on what they can qualify for, and what the neighborhood is like, the school system comes with it. If you ever have purchased a home you should know that.

So what's your problem? Do you just like to argue?

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I think the outcome of the poll is clear. Knowing nothing about the academics of the school itself, most people would want their children to go to the majority white school. Certainly you have those who say "it does not matter" but they are only fooling themselves and trying to appear open minded. The most striking fact about the above poll is that no one prefers a majority black school. In an era where children still self segregate themselves at the lunch table black parents would still rather they segregate themselves at a table in a majority white school. And who could blame them? Tax revenue from black municipalities is almost nonexistent so they demand forced bussing so as to get out of an underfunded majority black hell hole. In their position I would do the same thing.

Yes, the outcome IS clear. You did not take a poll with an unbiased view. Who are you to put up a poll, collect feedback and then proceed to state that anyone who did not vote a certain way is "fooling themselves?" most of the respondents who did not vote the way that you believe they should have are some the least likely here to care one way or another about appearing to be open minded.

You are disingenuous and have zero credibility.

Yes, because obviously it was my good looks and charm that won them over huh? You have every right to post a "non-biased poll" if you like. But I guess I have no right to theorize on the results huh? Anything else you want to tell me not to do? And yes they're fooling themselves. Tim Wise is the most famous "White Privilege/Anti-Racism Activist" of our time, although, he lives in the whitest neighborhood he could possibly find (97% white, 0% black).
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I am sure you're have no data to support your opinion.
Most parents choose to send their kids to their local public school regardless of whether it's predominately black or white. Cost and convenience are the primary factors in determining where kids go to school not race or even the quality of the school.


Many Parents use the Profiling Data that Feds generate to identify schools where there are majorities of blacks, then they avoid those schools, either choosing to live in areas which are predominately white, or sending their children to private schools which are predominately white.

Its called "White Flight."

Look it up.

Use the internet.
My daughter moved from an area with about a 10% black school enrollment to an area with over 20% black enrollment. The new school is much better than the old one even though the black enrollment is over twice as high as the old school. The difference is a more affluent neighborhood which means more actively engaged parents as well as higher property taxes to finance the schools.

In communities that very segregated where you have schools that are 80% black and others that are only 10% black, race is a good indicator of the quality of the school because it indicates the affluence of the neighborhood. Better neighborhoods generally have better schools.
Most parents choose to send their kids to their local public school regardless of whether it's predominately black or white. Cost and convenience are the primary factors in determining where kids go to school not race or even the quality of the school.


Many Parents use the Profiling Data that Feds generate to identify schools where there are majorities of blacks, then they avoid those schools, either choosing to live in areas which are predominately white, or sending their children to private schools which are predominately white.

Its called "White Flight."

Look it up.

Use the internet.
My daughter moved from an area with about a 10% black school enrollment to an area with over 20% black enrollment. The new school is much better than the old one even though the black enrollment is over twice as high as the old school. The difference is a more affluent neighborhood which means more actively engaged parents as well as higher property taxes to finance the schools.

In communities that very segregated where you have schools that are 80% black and others that are only 10% black, race is a good indicator of the quality of the school because it indicates the affluence of the neighborhood. Better neighborhoods generally have better schools.

Yes there are children raised by IWSB's (intelligent and well-socialized blacks). But by no means are they the majority in your school.

And yet still, What would be the result if I were to fill a school full of poor Asians? How about poor Whites? Would there be a noticeable difference in safety and educational attainment than a school full of poor blacks? I would contend so. So what would be the driving factor for violence and low test scores in such a scenario? I would argue culture.
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Let's cut through all the PC bullshit and get to the bottom line here. Blacks raise their kids to be aggressive and racist. All one has to do is observe the conduct of blacks in society in general, especially in public schools. They're violent and they're not interested in education and their parents don't give a shit. Can't we stop making excuses for them and forget about trying to coax them into being civilized? "No child left behind"? Leave them behind!!! They're dragging down the rest of us! Fuck 'em.
Let's cut through all the PC bullshit and get to the bottom line here. Blacks raise their kids to be aggressive and racist. All one has to do is observe the conduct of blacks in society in general, especially in public schools. They're violent and they're not interested in education and their parents don't give a shit. Can't we stop making excuses for them and forget about trying to coax them into being civilized? "No child left behind"? Leave them behind!!! They're dragging down the rest of us! Fuck 'em.

I dunno, they do seem to be improving. Slowly albeit, but improving. During the 70's, 80's, and early to mid 90's they were much more violent and uneducated. The FBI crime statistics also show that once they exceed a certain age they tend to cool down a bit as well. On the other hand, white education and hyper-sexuality seems to be affected negatively throughout the process due in part to white acceptance of black culture.
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Let's cut through all the PC bullshit and get to the bottom line here. Blacks raise their kids to be aggressive and racist. All one has to do is observe the conduct of blacks in society in general, especially in public schools. They're violent and they're not interested in education and their parents don't give a shit. Can't we stop making excuses for them and forget about trying to coax them into being civilized? "No child left behind"? Leave them behind!!! They're dragging down the rest of us! Fuck 'em.

I dunno, they do seem to be improving. Slowly albeit, but improving. During the 70's, 80's, and early to mid 90's they were much more violent and uneducated. The FBI crime statistics also show that once they exceed a certain age they tend to cool down a bit as well. On the other hand, white education and hyper-sexuality seems to be affected negatively throughout the process due in part to white acceptance of black culture.
Eventually they will revert back to the tribal mentality. We can't afford to wait for them to evolve. Let 'em sink in their own quicksand.
Let's cut through all the PC bullshit and get to the bottom line here. Blacks raise their kids to be aggressive and racist. All one has to do is observe the conduct of blacks in society in general, especially in public schools. They're violent and they're not interested in education and their parents don't give a shit. Can't we stop making excuses for them and forget about trying to coax them into being civilized? "No child left behind"? Leave them behind!!! They're dragging down the rest of us! Fuck 'em.

I dunno, they do seem to be improving. Slowly albeit, but improving. During the 70's, 80's, and early to mid 90's they were much more violent and uneducated. The FBI crime statistics also show that once they exceed a certain age they tend to cool down a bit as well. On the other hand, white education and hyper-sexuality seems to be affected negatively throughout the process due in part to white acceptance of black culture.
Eventually they will revert back to the tribal mentality. We can't afford to wait for them to evolve. Let 'em sink in their own quicksand.

I agree. If whites mind their own business everything should work out naturally. I for one could care less what a white person considers evolving. When whites start looking at their own issues and solving them then they can come to the Black community and attempt to dictate. Until then Blacks will only laugh at you.
I dunno, they do seem to be improving. Slowly albeit, but improving. During the 70's, 80's, and early to mid 90's they were much more violent and uneducated. The FBI crime statistics also show that once they exceed a certain age they tend to cool down a bit as well. On the other hand, white education and hyper-sexuality seems to be affected negatively throughout the process due in part to white acceptance of black culture.
Eventually they will revert back to the tribal mentality. We can't afford to wait for them to evolve. Let 'em sink in their own quicksand.

I agree. If whites mind their own business everything should work out naturally. I for one could care less what a white person considers evolving. When whites start looking at their own issues and solving them then they can come to the Black community and attempt to dictate. Until then Blacks will only laugh at you.

Kinda like how SDS wanted to help the Black Panthers and the BP's looked at them as if they were nuts. But, they were wealthy white leftists so they had a use for them. Today those wealthy white leftists are college professors teaching us the scourge of "white priviliage."
Wow, not even one person voted in this poll for "majority black school".
I dunno, they do seem to be improving. Slowly albeit, but improving. During the 70's, 80's, and early to mid 90's they were much more violent and uneducated. The FBI crime statistics also show that once they exceed a certain age they tend to cool down a bit as well. On the other hand, white education and hyper-sexuality seems to be affected negatively throughout the process due in part to white acceptance of black culture.
Eventually they will revert back to the tribal mentality. We can't afford to wait for them to evolve. Let 'em sink in their own quicksand.

I agree. If whites mind their own business everything should work out naturally. I for one could care less what a white person considers evolving. When whites start looking at their own issues and solving them then they can come to the Black community and attempt to dictate. Until then Blacks will only laugh at you.
Yeah, from the inside of a prison cell.
Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

It depends on the schools and the fields, not the demographics. Morehouse is better than Clayton State, MIT is better than FAMU, and Tuskegee is better than all of them.
Wow, not even one person voted in this poll for "majority black school".

Black people don't want their children going to a majority black school. Not even Asclepias voted for his children to attend a majority black school; which is down right contradictory. >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/9087796-post88.html

Thats because my kids don't need to go to an all Black school. They know their history already. They know our people invented the sciences and math which they willingly taught white people so whites could build Greece. So its only contradictory if you have trouble with reading comprehension.
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