Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.

Eventually they will revert back to the tribal mentality. We can't afford to wait for them to evolve. Let 'em sink in their own quicksand.

I agree. If whites mind their own business everything should work out naturally. I for one could care less what a white person considers evolving. When whites start looking at their own issues and solving them then they can come to the Black community and attempt to dictate. Until then Blacks will only laugh at you.

Kinda like how SDS wanted to help the Black Panthers and the BP's looked at them as if they were nuts. But, they were wealthy white leftists so they had a use for them. Today those wealthy white leftists are college professors teaching us the scourge of "white priviliage."

I dont get your point. What did you post that for? I simply dont care what white people think unless they are good people. Even then they better have their own house in order before coming to me about mine.
Wow, not even one person voted in this poll for "majority black school".

Black people don't want their children going to a majority black school. Not even Asclepias voted for his children to attend a majority black school; which is down right contradictory. >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/9087796-post88.html

Thats because my kids don't need to go to an all Black school. They know their history already. They know our people invented the sciences and math which they willingly taught white people so whites could build Greece. So its only contradictory if you have trouble with reading comprehension.
Well, we know why blacks do so miserably in school now. Obviously, Afrocentric education prepares one wonderfully for welfare and minimum-paying jobs.
I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.

Depends on the student the parents and the schools. Bad parental involvement could be just as detrimental as bad teaching. Even good parental involvement could be completely unnecessary and hinder the student's progress when they leave the nest.

Many Parents use the Profiling Data that Feds generate to identify schools where there are majorities of blacks, then they avoid those schools, either choosing to live in areas which are predominately white, or sending their children to private schools which are predominately white.

Its called "White Flight."

Look it up.

Use the internet.
My daughter moved from an area with about a 10% black school enrollment to an area with over 20% black enrollment. The new school is much better than the old one even though the black enrollment is over twice as high as the old school. The difference is a more affluent neighborhood which means more actively engaged parents as well as higher property taxes to finance the schools.

In communities that very segregated where you have schools that are 80% black and others that are only 10% black, race is a good indicator of the quality of the school because it indicates the affluence of the neighborhood. Better neighborhoods generally have better schools.

Yes there are children raised by IWSB's (intelligent and well-socialized blacks). But by no means are they the majority in your school.

And yet still, What would be the result if I were to fill a school full of poor Asians? How about poor Whites? Would there be a noticeable difference in safety and educational attainment than a school full of poor blacks? I would contend so. So what would be the driving factor for violence and low test scores in such a scenario? I would argue culture.
I believe poverty is a better indicator than race when looking at educational performance. There is a high correlation between race and poor educational performance but there is also a high correlation between poverty an educational performance. There are some terrible poor black schools but there's also some terrible poor white schools.

In African communities that are predominately black we see strong correlation between poverty and poor performance. In countries like Finland where communities are predominately white we see the same correlation.

There's essential nothing that can done about a child's race but there's a lot than can be done about childhood poverty which we know has a major impact on educational performance.
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My daughter moved from an area with about a 10% black school enrollment to an area with over 20% black enrollment. The new school is much better than the old one even though the black enrollment is over twice as high as the old school. The difference is a more affluent neighborhood which means more actively engaged parents as well as higher property taxes to finance the schools.

In communities that very segregated where you have schools that are 80% black and others that are only 10% black, race is a good indicator of the quality of the school because it indicates the affluence of the neighborhood. Better neighborhoods generally have better schools.

Yes there are children raised by IWSB's (intelligent and well-socialized blacks). But by no means are they the majority in your school.

And yet still, What would be the result if I were to fill a school full of poor Asians? How about poor Whites? Would there be a noticeable difference in safety and educational attainment than a school full of poor blacks? I would contend so. So what would be the driving factor for violence and low test scores in such a scenario? I would argue culture.
I believe poverty is a better indicator than race when looking at educational performance. There is a high correlation between race and poor educational performance but there is also a high correlation between poverty an educational performance. There are some terrible poor black schools but there's also some terrible poor white schools.

In African communities that are predominately black we see strong correlation between poverty and poor performance. In countries like Finland where communities are predominately white we see the same correlation.

There's essential nothing that can done about a child's race but there's a lot than can be done about childhood poverty which we know has a major impact on educational performance.

I disagree. Some of the richest people I know barely have a dollar to their name. Money is not the only measure of success.
Yes there are children raised by IWSB's (intelligent and well-socialized blacks). But by no means are they the majority in your school.

And yet still, What would be the result if I were to fill a school full of poor Asians? How about poor Whites? Would there be a noticeable difference in safety and educational attainment than a school full of poor blacks? I would contend so. So what would be the driving factor for violence and low test scores in such a scenario? I would argue culture.
I believe poverty is a better indicator than race when looking at educational performance. There is a high correlation between race and poor educational performance but there is also a high correlation between poverty an educational performance. There are some terrible poor black schools but there's also some terrible poor white schools.

In African communities that are predominately black we see strong correlation between poverty and poor performance. In countries like Finland where communities are predominately white we see the same correlation.

There's essential nothing that can done about a child's race but there's a lot than can be done about childhood poverty which we know has a major impact on educational performance.

I disagree. Some of the richest people I know barely have a dollar to their name. Money is not the only measure of success.

I know you know he is talking about education as measured by American standards.
I believe poverty is a better indicator than race when looking at educational performance. There is a high correlation between race and poor educational performance but there is also a high correlation between poverty an educational performance. There are some terrible poor black schools but there's also some terrible poor white schools.

In African communities that are predominately black we see strong correlation between poverty and poor performance. In countries like Finland where communities are predominately white we see the same correlation.

There's essential nothing that can done about a child's race but there's a lot than can be done about childhood poverty which we know has a major impact on educational performance.

I disagree. Some of the richest people I know barely have a dollar to their name. Money is not the only measure of success.

I know you know he is talking about education as measured by American standards.

I'm not a fan of "standards."
So to boil it down, the question was basically a farce.
The true intent of the o.p. was to trumpet the standard, "All Black People are bad!!!!"
So to boil it down, the question was basically a farce.
The true intent of the o.p. was to trumpet the standard, "All Black People are bad!!!!"
Rather than, would you prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School? A more meaningful question might be would you prefer that your kids go to a school where the majority are affluent or the majority are poor? In either case it's a rhetorical question.
So to boil it down, the question was basically a farce.
The true intent of the o.p. was to trumpet the standard, "All Black People are bad!!!!"
Rather than, would you prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School? A more meaningful question might be would you prefer that your kids go to a school where the majority are affluent or the majority are poor? In either case it's a rhetorical question.


IMO the better or more meaningful question would, or should have been, "Would you prefer your children go to a school that helps teach your kids to live happy full lives, or one that trains them to regurgitate test answers.
So to boil it down, the question was basically a farce.
The true intent of the o.p. was to trumpet the standard, "All Black People are bad!!!!"
Rather than, would you prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School? A more meaningful question might be would you prefer that your kids go to a school where the majority are affluent or the majority are poor? In either case it's a rhetorical question.


IMO the better or more meaningful question would, or should have been, "Would you prefer your children go to a school that helps teach your kids to live happy full lives, or one that trains them to regurgitate test answers.
Actually the best way to select a public school is to use the state report card of school progress. This gives you a pretty good idea of the quality of the schools then contact parents in the school and ask their opinion. Basing decisions on race statistics or income data is not much help for a lot of people because they simply can't live in the areas with the best schools because of cost or location, so they have to settle for something less.

Teaching kids to live happy lives is really not the job of the schools, but rather the parents. Although kids spend a lot of time in school, parents not schools provide the biggest impact on their lives.
I explained to my kids that their public education was not really education but indoctrination. I taught them how to give the answers that would get them through to the next grade, then told them what the REAL answers were. They enjoyed putting one over on the dumbass liberal teachers.
My daughter moved from an area with about a 10% black school enrollment to an area with over 20% black enrollment. The new school is much better than the old one even though the black enrollment is over twice as high as the old school. The difference is a more affluent neighborhood which means more actively engaged parents as well as higher property taxes to finance the schools.

In communities that very segregated where you have schools that are 80% black and others that are only 10% black, race is a good indicator of the quality of the school because it indicates the affluence of the neighborhood. Better neighborhoods generally have better schools.

Yes there are children raised by IWSB's (intelligent and well-socialized blacks). But by no means are they the majority in your school.

And yet still, What would be the result if I were to fill a school full of poor Asians? How about poor Whites? Would there be a noticeable difference in safety and educational attainment than a school full of poor blacks? I would contend so. So what would be the driving factor for violence and low test scores in such a scenario? I would argue culture.
I believe poverty is a better indicator than race when looking at educational performance. There is a high correlation between race and poor educational performance but there is also a high correlation between poverty an educational performance. There are some terrible poor black schools but there's also some terrible poor white schools.

In African communities that are predominately black we see strong correlation between poverty and poor performance. In countries like Finland where communities are predominately white we see the same correlation.

There's essential nothing that can done about a child's race but there's a lot than can be done about childhood poverty which we know has a major impact on educational performance.

By that same standard poor whites, who outnumber poor blacks, should be suspended at a higher rate then poor blacks. They aren't.

San Francisco Unified eliminates ?willful defiance? as a reason to expel or suspend students | EdSource Today

Study: Black students suspended more often than others

The problem has little to do with poverty. I could fly in a poor family from South East Asia and allow them to raise their children here in the United States while working for minimum wage and you could bet your ass that those kids would beat the hell out of both white and black students in GPA. The problem with low black educational attainment is that despite Affirmative Action they still cant preform to the level of whites or Asians because culturally they value education less than whites or Asians. This is evident from elementary schools all the way to college via the degrees they choose to pursue.
Black people don't want their children going to a majority black school. Not even Asclepias voted for his children to attend a majority black school; which is down right contradictory. >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/9087796-post88.html

Thats because my kids don't need to go to an all Black school. They know their history already. They know our people invented the sciences and math which they willingly taught white people so whites could build Greece. So its only contradictory if you have trouble with reading comprehension.
Well, we know why blacks do so miserably in school now. Obviously, Afrocentric education prepares one wonderfully for welfare and minimum-paying jobs.

Afrocentric education does nothing but indoctrinate the kids into cultural Marxism, and race/class conflict, thereby, sending them out in the world constantly looking over their shoulder for the "white boogey man." It reinforces violence, ignorance, and a culture that did not exist until black Marxist radicals simply made it up in the 50's and 60's.

See what they'll be teaching in the Chicago public schools | The Daily Caller
Chicago public schools are set to introduce a new Afro-centric curriculum, according to a closely-guarded copy obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The curriculum covers kindergarten through tenth grade and is designed to align with Common Core. It includes a web link to TheAfrican.com, a website whose publisher decries “fake-Jews” and calls the United States a “Zionist-occupied enemy territory.”

How lovely

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FxgDNE5bTU]Obama Jr. Drill Team (Wright/Farrakhan) - YouTube[/ame]
Wow, not even one person voted in this poll for "majority black school".

Black people don't want their children going to a majority black school. Not even Asclepias voted for his children to attend a majority black school; which is down right contradictory. >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/9087796-post88.html

Thats because my kids don't need to go to an all Black school. They know their history already. They know our people invented the sciences and math which they willingly taught white people so whites could build Greece. So its only contradictory if you have trouble with reading comprehension.

I don't think Arabs invading Northern Africa, forcing blacks to convert to Islam, and bringing enlightenment to the region counts as a black achievement. Have you read Guns Germs and Steel Yet? Guns, Germs, and Steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . It is a perfect explanation as to why Africa has been the ass backwards continent for the duration of its history. Indeed there is a reason that the only places that prospered included parts of North Africa, of which, 99.99% of black slaves did not originate in. But keep telling your kids lies. perhaps they will be aspiring history majors in college and get laughed into mediocrity as so many other Afrocentric professors have in the past.
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Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

It depends on the schools and the fields, not the demographics. Morehouse is better than Clayton State, MIT is better than FAMU, and Tuskegee is better than all of them.
MIT is ranked 5th in the world, Tuskegee is ranked 6th regional college in the South.

World University Rankings 2013-2014 - Times Higher Education

Indeed Spelman College is the highest ranked historically black college at 65. The student body is 100% female.
Black people don't want their children going to a majority black school. Not even Asclepias voted for his children to attend a majority black school; which is down right contradictory. >>> http://www.usmessageboard.com/9087796-post88.html

Thats because my kids don't need to go to an all Black school. They know their history already. They know our people invented the sciences and math which they willingly taught white people so whites could build Greece. So its only contradictory if you have trouble with reading comprehension.

I don't think Arabs invading Northern Africa, forcing blacks to convert to Islam, and bringing enlightenment to the region counts as a black achievement. Have you read Guns Germs and Steel Yet? Guns, Germs, and Steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . It is a perfect explanation as to why Africa has been the ass backwards continent for the duration of its history. Indeed there is a reason that the only places that prospered included parts of North Africa, of which, 99.99% of black slaves did not originate in. But keep telling your kids lies. perhaps they will be aspiring history majors in college and get laughed into mediocrity as so many other Afrocentric professors have in the past.

I dont think it does either. I said Black achievement. Arabs are an admixture. Yes I have read GGS. Why do you ask? The only ass backward continent was western Europe. There is a reason Greece was Europe's first civilization. The learned from Africans. Before that they were uncivilized and practiced cannibalism. A trait that has persisted up to and including their first landing on this continent. BTW you should check out the Thuya and Tut gene which 1 in 3 African Americans have. Your view on history has been tailored to make feel superior. Most of the Africans in West Africa descend from the ancient Egyptians.
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Thats because my kids don't need to go to an all Black school. They know their history already. They know our people invented the sciences and math which they willingly taught white people so whites could build Greece. So its only contradictory if you have trouble with reading comprehension.
Well, we know why blacks do so miserably in school now. Obviously, Afrocentric education prepares one wonderfully for welfare and minimum-paying jobs.

Afrocentric education does nothing but indoctrinate the kids into cultural Marxism, and race/class conflict, thereby, sending them out in the world constantly looking over their shoulder for the "white boogey man." It reinforces violence, ignorance, and a culture that did not exist until black Marxist radicals simply made it up in the 50's and 60's.

See what they'll be teaching in the Chicago public schools | The Daily Caller
Chicago public schools are set to introduce a new Afro-centric curriculum, according to a closely-guarded copy obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The curriculum covers kindergarten through tenth grade and is designed to align with Common Core. It includes a web link to TheAfrican.com, a website whose publisher decries “fake-Jews” and calls the United States a “Zionist-occupied enemy territory.”

How lovely

Evidently your knowledge on an Afrocentric education must have came from a cracker jack box. My oldest is getting her masters paid for by the university she attends. Both my younger daughters are in engineering classes. So much for your theory.
Well, we know why blacks do so miserably in school now. Obviously, Afrocentric education prepares one wonderfully for welfare and minimum-paying jobs.

Afrocentric education does nothing but indoctrinate the kids into cultural Marxism, and race/class conflict, thereby, sending them out in the world constantly looking over their shoulder for the "white boogey man." It reinforces violence, ignorance, and a culture that did not exist until black Marxist radicals simply made it up in the 50's and 60's.

See what they'll be teaching in the Chicago public schools | The Daily Caller
Chicago public schools are set to introduce a new Afro-centric curriculum, according to a closely-guarded copy obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The curriculum covers kindergarten through tenth grade and is designed to align with Common Core. It includes a web link to TheAfrican.com, a website whose publisher decries “fake-Jews” and calls the United States a “Zionist-occupied enemy territory.”

How lovely

Evidently your knowledge on an Afrocentric education must have came from a cracker jack box. My oldest is getting her masters paid for by the university she attends. Both my younger daughters are in engineering classes. So much for your theory.
Evidently your knowledge of grammar must have "come" from a cracker jack box. :lol:
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