Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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Did I mention she was a teenager? She wants to go to another school that is just as good but way more diverse. She shouldn't have to put up with racist BS because of academics.
How minority kids are treated in schools by the majority has a lot to do with where the school is located. In areas where a minority is considered to be a threat, be them Blacks, White, Latinos, or Orientals, parents will caution their children and often impart to them their own prejudices. The results are often a pretty bad experience for the minority kids. If I were in such a situation, I would try to move to an area with a good mix of minorities and above average family income where kids are likely to be judged on own merits not their skin color or ethnicity.

I have grandkids in northern Florida and Seattle. There is a huge difference in how minority kids are treated in school. My granddaughter in Seattle is a teenager and dates white, black, and oriental kids. When she has a sleep over, there's a real mix races, religions, and ethnicity. That is certainly not the case with my grandson in Florida.

There may be something to that. My niece dated a black guy at UConn (he's now a model in NYC) and she wasn't allowed to bring him to her roommate's weekend party in Stamford. He had a great time down here in redneck Florida. We raced Sea Doos during the day and gigged nile perch at night. He grew up in a very sheltered environment and didn't learn that he was not supposed to date white women until he got an apartment in Harlem. He's told it's okay to fuck a few, but he needs to settle down with a black woman if he wants to be respectable.

Racism in the South and to a lesser extent in the rest of the country, has changed a lot over the last 50 years. Gone is the overt, violent, and legal racism of the 20th century. No one is likely to encounter Klansman or a lynch mob or even be turned away from a half empty restaurant. It has been replaced by a much subtler version such as being ignored, ridiculed, or singled out for special treatment. All too often this type racism leads to a chain of unfortunate events that culminates in violence.
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I went to a Black high school in Chicago, Englewood during the depression. I realize now that Englewoods standards were fairly high and that caused a 75% dropout rate. I left after the ninth grade. In the Fifties those dropouts were potential problems so the schools changed course; "keep em in school and off the streets" became the battle-cry. Tests became easier, and standards lowered and more stayed in school. We are still trying to figure out how to raise standards and keep kids in school?
Depends upon how the school is being run.

Being white but given to logic I'd consider whether a given school was run by an administration insisting on good discipline and academic performance. Then by the applicability of available electives to my child's talents.

If so and the school were majority white - OK.
If so and the school were majority black - OK.

If the school were a liberal indoctrination center run by "let 'em run wild" leftists hell bent on passing kids through the system with no education, only exposure to party dogma?

If the school were majority white - unacceptable.
If the school were majority black - unacceptable.

I know you'll find the concept difficult to understand and our most mouth-foaming Marxists will now shout "RACIST" - but that's how the cookie doth crumble.
I went to a predominately black Junior High and an overwhelmingly white High School.

I didn't much notice any difference.

But that was 24 years ago, things seem to have changed quite a bit since then.
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Neither HOME SCHOOL THEM!!!!!!! NEA says raise them stupid then they will vote STUPID (DEMOCRAT)
I went to a Black high school in Chicago, Englewood during the depression. I realize now that Englewoods standards were fairly high and that caused a 75% dropout rate. I left after the ninth grade. In the Fifties those dropouts were potential problems so the schools changed course; "keep em in school and off the streets" became the battle-cry. Tests became easier, and standards lowered and more stayed in school. We are still trying to figure out how to raise standards and keep kids in school?
Teachers have been telling us for years that our schools are being used for childcare and socialization of kids which should be primarily the parents job, not teachers. We don't want 13 and 14 year old kids running the streets but also we don't want them disrupting the schools.
One thing is for sure. Nobody here (including blacks) wants to send their kids to a black school and nobody is unsure about it.
I went to a Black high school in Chicago, Englewood during the depression. I realize now that Englewoods standards were fairly high and that caused a 75% dropout rate. I left after the ninth grade. In the Fifties those dropouts were potential problems so the schools changed course; "keep em in school and off the streets" became the battle-cry. Tests became easier, and standards lowered and more stayed in school. We are still trying to figure out how to raise standards and keep kids in school?
Teachers have been telling us for years that our schools are being used for childcare and socialization of kids which should be primarily the parents job, not teachers. We don't want 13 and 14 year old kids running the streets but also we don't want them disrupting the schools.


Why child labor laws should be less restrictive.

E.G., 14 year olds should be able to work 40 hour/week, and have the option of going to trade school.
I went to a Black high school in Chicago, Englewood during the depression. I realize now that Englewoods standards were fairly high and that caused a 75% dropout rate. I left after the ninth grade. In the Fifties those dropouts were potential problems so the schools changed course; "keep em in school and off the streets" became the battle-cry. Tests became easier, and standards lowered and more stayed in school. We are still trying to figure out how to raise standards and keep kids in school?

Ford, GM and Chrysler need to move their plants to Detroit. Then their tier 1-3 suppliers will move to Detroit too.

On average black students get $300 less a year than white students. States need to gather up all the money and divide it evenly.

Black women need to stop having children before marriage. It shouldn't be cool to have a baby daddy.

I went to an all black school until I was in 4th grade. Of the top 10 worst Detroit schools that year 9 were high schools and my middle school was number 10. Rapes, murders, knives, guns, gangs, horrible!!!!! Unacceptable.
I voted white. Because. I know better, I lived the storm. I Went to a majority black school back in the day. I lived this. Bussing and my friends were sent far far away. All those Hispanics AND BLACKS...didn't make anything better.
I went to a Black high school in Chicago, Englewood during the depression. I realize now that Englewoods standards were fairly high and that caused a 75% dropout rate. I left after the ninth grade. In the Fifties those dropouts were potential problems so the schools changed course; "keep em in school and off the streets" became the battle-cry. Tests became easier, and standards lowered and more stayed in school. We are still trying to figure out how to raise standards and keep kids in school?
Teachers have been telling us for years that our schools are being used for childcare and socialization of kids which should be primarily the parents job, not teachers. We don't want 13 and 14 year old kids running the streets but also we don't want them disrupting the schools.


Why child labor laws should be less restrictive.

E.G., 14 year olds should be able to work 40 hour/week, and have the option of going to trade school.
A 40 hour work week for 8th and 9th graders would be $300+/wk, far too much incentive to quit school.
Being in a school that is a majority of another race...You quickly learn about racial hatred.
Being in a school that is a majority of another race...You quickly learn about racial hatred.

We already knew you got your ass kicked a lot. Your posts are a dead giveaway.
Dude, that tune is getting old. That's like your standard insult. Can't you be a little more creative? Noamsayin"?

Thanks for letting me know it irritates you. Make sure I dont have a reason to use it on you. It must bring up bad memories of you getting your ass kicked as well.
We already knew you got your ass kicked a lot. Your posts are a dead giveaway.
Dude, that tune is getting old. That's like your standard insult. Can't you be a little more creative? Noamsayin"?

Thanks for letting me know it irritates you. Make sure I dont have a reason to use it on you. It must bring up bad memories of you getting your ass kicked as well.
See what I mean? You need some new material. :lol:
Dude, that tune is getting old. That's like your standard insult. Can't you be a little more creative? Noamsayin"?

Thanks for letting me know it irritates you. Make sure I dont have a reason to use it on you. It must bring up bad memories of you getting your ass kicked as well.
See what I mean? You need some new material. :lol:

You need to stop being so transparent. :lmao:
Dude, that tune is getting old. That's like your standard insult. Can't you be a little more creative? Noamsayin"?

Thanks for letting me know it irritates you. Make sure I dont have a reason to use it on you. It must bring up bad memories of you getting your ass kicked as well.
See what I mean? You need some new material. :lol:

That gimp, Matthew, is the one who needs new material!
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