Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.

That's not an answer to the question posted above. Although I expect many more just as you have posted.

When an OP is crafted with a biased agenda, then the OP will be opened. Every time.

Well that certainly narrows your children's chances of attending a majority black school huh? Indeed, most of the best schools share one thing in common, an absence of black students. Thus by default you just told me that you would rather your children attend a majority white school.
in Dallas was selected By US News as the best High School in the country. It's ethnicity balanced with only 42% white.

George Washington Carver Middle School in Miami with only 32% white was selected as the best Middle School in the Country.

The School for the Talented and Gifted is only 16% black. School for the Talented and Gifted - Dallas, Texas - TX - School overview

George Washington Carver Middle School is 61% Hispanic (likely Cuban) and only 4% black George Washington Carver Middle School - Coral Gables, Florida - FL - School overview .
It appears that while the best schools are not primarily black they are also not primarily white but rather an ethnic mix.
in Dallas was selected By US News as the best High School in the country. It's ethnicity balanced with only 42% white.

George Washington Carver Middle School in Miami with only 32% white was selected as the best Middle School in the Country.

The School for the Talented and Gifted is only 16% black. School for the Talented and Gifted - Dallas, Texas - TX - School overview

George Washington Carver Middle School is 61% Hispanic (likely Cuban) and only 4% black George Washington Carver Middle School - Coral Gables, Florida - FL - School overview .
It appears that while the best schools are not primarily black they are also not primarily white but rather an ethnic mix.

Few schools don't have an ethnic mix. The only question is what is the makeup of the mix. Even the above poll assumes an ethic mix. Hence the word "Majority."

Of course, there are some excellent public majority black schools. See here

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I would hope Republicans home school their kids. Then they don't have to worry about schools they don't like anyway.
I would hope Republicans home school their kids. Then they don't have to worry about schools they don't like anyway.

That would be cool if they could keep the money they pay in taxes to fund the schools. But then again, if Republicans aren't funding the schools who is? Indeed, that welfare money comes from somewhere.
That's not an answer to the question posted above. Although I expect many more just as you have posted.

When an OP is crafted with a biased agenda, then the OP will be opened Every time.

Everyone has biases. The only question is whether the bias is justified. There is nothing in the OP other than the question. Everyone is free to choose and explain why they chose the answer they picked. Everyone is free to answer the question honestly. Those who do not choose or explain their answer are obviously to uncomfortable to answer the question honestly. There is no problem in being uncomfortable. It is in fact a disturbing and controversial question. However, can you explain to me a way of which I could have made the op less biased? Or are you caught up with simply the intent you assume of the person that posted it? If that is the case then why does intent matter and why is your assumption of my intent valid?

I have been through this with you before: you don't have data for your bias.

Every parent wants his child to have the best education possible.

I have met 100s of non-whites at various universities and in the military and in business to whom, based on your performance here, to whom you could only carry their shoes.
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Then why do the Feds profile the racial make-up of every public school?

Do you think he's going to honestly answer that?

Yes. [MENTION=41303]katsteve2012[/MENTION]

To do otherwise would be admitting that he's ignorant.

Ignorance in this forum is often a matter of perception and opinion, except when one categorizes an entire race of people as many often do here, this thread being an example of exactly that.

That being stated, I am well aware of what the Feds do.

Speaking for myself, if any children that I am responsible for had the best opportunity at any school no matter what the racial make up is, I would see to it that they had the opportunity to go to that school.

On another note, I would not want them to experience what I did being bused to a predominately white school in the 60's where the majority of the teachers and adminstrators were at best, apathetic towards my success, and for the most part resented my presence there.

The high school that I attended was predominantly black, and although the school was most likely under funded, it was not reflected in the quality of work that those educators put forth.

I was surrounded by caring teachers and administrators who went the extra mile to help me.

Some were white, some were Hispanic and some were black, but they were committed to the students.
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Do you think he's going to honestly answer that?

Yes. [MENTION=41303]katsteve2012[/MENTION]

To do otherwise would be admitting that he's ignorant.

Ignorance in this forum is often a matter of perception and opinion, except when one categorizes an entire race of people as many often do here, this thread being an example of exactly that.

That being stated, I am well aware of what the Feds do.

Speaking for myself, if any children that I am responsible for had the best opportunity at any school no matter what the racial make up is, I would see to it that they had the opportunity to go to that school.

On another note, I would not want them to experience what I did being bused to a predominately white school in the 60's where the majority of the teachers and adminstrators were at best, apathetic towards my success, and for the most part resented my presence there.

The high school that I attended was predominantly black, and although the school was most likely under funded, it was not reflected in the quality of work that those educators put forth.

I was surrounded by caring teachers and administrators who went the extra mile to help me.

Some were white, some were Hispanic and some were black, but they were committed to the students.

Well, with all your blather, you managed to dance around the question demonstrating that while you know the Feds racially profile all public schools, you do not know why.

Would you like to guess?
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Yes. [MENTION=41303]katsteve2012[/MENTION]

To do otherwise would be admitting that he's ignorant.

Ignorance in this forum is often a matter of perception and opinion, except when one categorizes an entire race of people as many often do here, this thread being an example of exactly that.

That being stated, I am well aware of what the Feds do.

Speaking for myself, if any children that I am responsible for had the best opportunity at any school no matter what the racial make up is, I would see to it that they had the opportunity to go to that school.

On another note, I would not want them to experience what I did being bused to a predominately white school in the 60's where the majority of the teachers and adminstrators were at best, apathetic towards my success, and for the most part resented my presence there.

The high school that I attended was predominantly black, and although the school was most likely under funded, it was not reflected in the quality of work that those educators put forth.

I was surrounded by caring teachers and administrators who went the extra mile to help me.

Some were white, some were Hispanic and some were black, but they were committed to the students.

Well, with all your blather, you managed to dance around the question demonstrating that while you know the Feds racially profile all public schools, you do not know why.

Would you like to guess?

Call it what you wish, I don't really care. The question was would I want my children to attend a predominately black or white school, and I answered the question how I chose to, if you don't like my answer, that is your problem, not mine. As opposed to playing a 64 question game here if you have something to state about the Feds, spit it out, or go bother someone else.
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I think the outcome of the poll is clear. Knowing nothing about the academics of the school itself, most people would want their children to go to the majority white school. Certainly you have those who say "it does not matter" but they are only fooling themselves and trying to appear open minded. The most striking fact about the above poll is that no one prefers a majority black school. In an era where children still self segregate themselves at the lunch table black parents would still rather they segregate themselves at a table in a majority white school. And who could blame them? Tax revenue from black municipalities is almost nonexistent so they demand forced bussing so as to get out of an underfunded majority black hell hole. In their position I would do the same thing.
Do you think he's going to honestly answer that?

Yes. [MENTION=41303]katsteve2012[/MENTION]

To do otherwise would be admitting that he's ignorant.

Ignorance in this forum is often a matter of perception and opinion, except when one categorizes an entire race of people as many often do here, this thread being an example of exactly that.

That being stated, I am well aware of what the Feds do.

Speaking for myself, if any children that I am responsible for had the best opportunity at any school no matter what the racial make up is, I would see to it that they had the opportunity to go to that school.

On another note, I would not want them to experience what I did being bused to a predominately white school in the 60's where the majority of the teachers and adminstrators were at best, apathetic towards my success, and for the most part resented my presence there.

The high school that I attended was predominantly black, and although the school was most likely under funded, it was not reflected in the quality of work that those educators put forth.

I was surrounded by caring teachers and administrators who went the extra mile to help me.

Some were white, some were Hispanic and some were black, but they were committed to the students.
The opinion of most people is that schools in poor neighborhoods lack good teachers and principals. This may have been the case in the past but not so much today. School districts today are more likely to assign stronger principals and teachers to the more difficult schools. Of course teachers want to teach in "good" schools with supportive parents and a student body without the problems associated with a difficult home life. However, careers in education are not built in the "easy" schools but the hard ones where teachers and principals face very difficult problems daily. There are of course good and bad teachers in all schools, but teacher quality does not follow the color line as it once did.
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Honestly I wouldn't send my kids to any Public school in this country for a couple of reasons. One is the kids that are home schooled are smarter and more well adjusted to people show here in these stats.




And ,this video also have some really good reasons not to send your Kids to Public School

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Yes. [MENTION=41303]katsteve2012[/MENTION]

To do otherwise would be admitting that he's ignorant.

Ignorance in this forum is often a matter of perception and opinion, except when one categorizes an entire race of people as many often do here, this thread being an example of exactly that.

That being stated, I am well aware of what the Feds do.

Speaking for myself, if any children that I am responsible for had the best opportunity at any school no matter what the racial make up is, I would see to it that they had the opportunity to go to that school.

On another note, I would not want them to experience what I did being bused to a predominately white school in the 60's where the majority of the teachers and adminstrators were at best, apathetic towards my success, and for the most part resented my presence there.

The high school that I attended was predominantly black, and although the school was most likely under funded, it was not reflected in the quality of work that those educators put forth.

I was surrounded by caring teachers and administrators who went the extra mile to help me.

Some were white, some were Hispanic and some were black, but they were committed to the students.
The opinion of most people is that schools in poor neighborhoods lack good teachers and principals. This may have been the case in the past but not so much today. School districts today are more likely to assign stronger principals and teachers to the more difficult schools. Of course teachers want to teach in "good" schools with supportive parents and a student body without the problems associated with a difficult home life. However, careers in education are not built in the "easy" schools but the hard ones where teachers and principals face very difficult problems daily. There are of course good and bad teachers in all schools, but teacher quality does not follow the color line as it once did.

I agree. My own Father was an educator and began his career in a very difficult inner city school, and prior to finishing his career as a superintendent, he was principal of a middle school in a predominately white suburb.

He always believed that his experiences in more diverse or challenged environments made him a better educator. To your point, I don't think that careers in any field are built on what is "easy".
I think the outcome of the poll is clear. Knowing nothing about the academics of the school itself, most people would want their children to go to the majority white school. Certainly you have those who say "it does not matter" but they are only fooling themselves and trying to appear open minded. The most striking fact about the above poll is that no one prefers a majority black school. In an era where children still self segregate themselves at the lunch table black parents would still rather they segregate themselves at a table in a majority white school. And who could blame them? Tax revenue from black municipalities is almost nonexistent so they demand forced bussing so as to get out of an underfunded majority black hell hole. In their position I would do the same thing.

Yes, the outcome IS clear. You did not take a poll with an unbiased view. Who are you to put up a poll, collect feedback and then proceed to state that anyone who did not vote a certain way is "fooling themselves?" most of the respondents who did not vote the way that you believe they should have are some the least likely here to care one way or another about appearing to be open minded.

You are disingenuous and have zero credibility.
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Well that certainly narrows your children's chances of attending a majority black school huh? Indeed, most of the best schools share one thing in common, an absence of black students. Thus by default you just told me that you would rather your children attend a majority white school.
in Dallas was selected By US News as the best High School in the country. It's ethnicity balanced with only 42% white.

George Washington Carver Middle School in Miami with only 32% white was selected as the best Middle School in the Country.

The School for the Talented and Gifted is only 16% black. School for the Talented and Gifted - Dallas, Texas - TX - School overview

George Washington Carver Middle School is 61% Hispanic (likely Cuban) and only 4% black George Washington Carver Middle School - Coral Gables, Florida - FL - School overview .

Those schools have exacting entrance requirements. They mean nothing when it comes to evaluating average black academic aptitude.
I think the outcome of the poll is clear. Knowing nothing about the academics of the school itself, most people would want their children to go to the majority white school. Certainly you have those who say "it does not matter" but they are only fooling themselves and trying to appear open minded. The most striking fact about the above poll is that no one prefers a majority black school. In an era where children still self segregate themselves at the lunch table black parents would still rather they segregate themselves at a table in a majority white school. And who could blame them? Tax revenue from black municipalities is almost nonexistent so they demand forced bussing so as to get out of an underfunded majority black hell hole. In their position I would do the same thing.

Yes, the outcome IS clear. You did not take a poll with an unbiased view. Who are you to put up a poll, collect feedback and then proceed to state that anyone who did not vote a certain way is "fooling themselves?" most of the respondents who did not vote the way that you believe they should have are some the least likely here to care one way or another about appearing to be open minded.

You are disingenuous and have zero credibility.
Actually, you're the one being disingenuous. I suppose you might even have been more so had you said you would prefer to have your kids go to a majority-black school. However, that would have been stretching incredulity to limits no one chose to take.
I think the outcome of the poll is clear. Knowing nothing about the academics of the school itself, most people would want their children to go to the majority white school. Certainly you have those who say "it does not matter" but they are only fooling themselves and trying to appear open minded. The most striking fact about the above poll is that no one prefers a majority black school. In an era where children still self segregate themselves at the lunch table black parents would still rather they segregate themselves at a table in a majority white school. And who could blame them? Tax revenue from black municipalities is almost nonexistent so they demand forced bussing so as to get out of an underfunded majority black hell hole. In their position I would do the same thing.

Yes, the outcome IS clear. You did not take a poll with an unbiased view. Who are you to put up a poll, collect feedback and then proceed to state that anyone who did not vote a certain way is "fooling themselves?" most of the respondents who did not vote the way that you believe they should have are some the least likely here to care one way or another about appearing to be open minded.

You are disingenuous and have zero credibility.

Actually, you're the one being disingenuous. I suppose you might even have been more so had you said you would prefer to have your kids go to a majority-black school. However, that would have been stretching incredulity to limits no one chose to take.

What you think is irrelevant to me, but since you are screaming for attention, I clearly stated that it would not matter to me as long as the children that I am responsible for got the best education possible, no matter what the racial majority of the school was.


It is not my problem that you choose to ignore a clear choice that was part of this BS "poll".

That aside, let the OP speak for himself, you are not his keeper.
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Honestly I wouldn't send my kids to any Public school in this country for a couple of reasons. One is the kids that are home schooled are smarter and more well adjusted to people show here in these stats.




And ,this video also have some really good reasons not to send your Kids to Public School

Sure home schooling can work well for some people. However, today 60% of the families have two working parents. In addition there are over 12 million families with only one parent. In these cases, home schooling is rarely possible. In most states about 6 hours/day of class is required or is recommended. In addition there's field trips, periods for social interaction, sports or physical education, providing for classes that the parent is unable to teach at home, and assessment testing. Then there's preparation of class material and reports that must be done for the state.
Also, many parents simply do not have the skills needed to teach the various subjects.

For most families, home schooling is not the answer.
What you think is irrelevant to me, but since you are screaming for attention, I clearly stated that it would not matter to me as long as the children that I am responsible for got the best education possible, no matter what the racial majority of the school was.


It is not my problem that you choose to ignore a clear choice that was part of this BS "poll".

That aside, let the OP speak for himself, you are not his keeper.
The poll is BS because you don't like the results. Of course people want their children to go to the best school possible which accounts for the result.

Even blacks don't want their children to go to black-majority schools, ffs, no one does. They want their kids to get an education rather than joining the Crips, Bloods or your beloved Black Panthers. Piss off.
What you think is irrelevant to me, but since you are screaming for attention, I clearly stated that it would not matter to me as long as the children that I am responsible for got the best education possible, no matter what the racial majority of the school was.


It is not my problem that you choose to ignore a clear choice that was part of this BS "poll".

That aside, let the OP speak for himself, you are not his keeper.

The poll is BS because you don't like the results. Of course people want their children to go to the best school possible which accounts for the result.

Even blacks don't want their children to go to black-majority schools, ffs, no one does. They want their kids to get an education rather than joining the Crips, Bloods or your beloved Black Panthers. Piss off.

It is apparent that you either cannot read, or just refuse to. This is a poll put up by someone who had a biased view to begin with. That is where the credibility became non existent.

I do not care what the results of the poll were, because of the source, but I will for the sake of entertainment elaborate. This time.

The results were almost 50-50. 50 percent distributed to those like you who frequently express sentiments of belief in black inferiority, and the rest were divided between different opinions.

As far as the rest of your incoherent nonsense....... not even worth dignifying with a response.

For someone with the signature line, "Knowledge is Good", you do not know very much.
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