Zone1 Would You Stay With A Compulsive Liar?

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Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I know that most of you on here would probably answer no. I almost did, until I realized how much I love my man, he loves me, and how much we would be lost without one another.

Basically the only issue we have is it's just one lie after another with him. (Okay so sometimes he's a little bit lazy, but that's enough for me for it to be an issue between us.)

Anyways, I figured that the next best thing is that I would show him what his future would be like without me if he continued along this path so for the next few days we'll have no communication whatsoever unless it's absolutely necessary because if this does keep up, I feel like I won't have any other choice.

I'm hoping and praying that it does work so our relationship can be salvaged. Do you guys think that I'm doing the right thing by giving him a second chance by just scaring him straight and not completely ending it off with him?

If all your significant other did was lie to you would you break-up with them or would you be like me and try to find a way to make it work?
Oh dear
Oh dear
Lost without a liar ?
I rest my case Milord

Well other than that he treats me like a princess or a queen and really loves me as we don't have any other issues between each other as I already pointed out. He doesn't cheat on me or anything. I know that he would NEVER go that far as the fibs aren't that big but they're just continuous lately and we've known each other since high school.
If he honestly loved you he wouldn't lie to you. You're emotionally dependent, not in love.
About when it started — see your OP

I never said when it started in my OP though or the severity of it. It can be continuous but white lies. He's only actually told me a couple of whoppers other than that they're miniscule but lies nonetheless.
If he honestly loved you he wouldn't lie to you. You're emotionally dependent, not in love.

You're wrong on the part where we do love each other as he's shown it in other ways, but you're first sentence is correct but he isn't doing it malicously or anything.
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