Would you support cutting welfare to illegal aliens to fund The Wall?

Why are we gifting welfare to illegals when we have a $20 trillion dollar debt?
You really need to learn what is going on in your country. Only citizens can get welfare and must have a working member in the family unless they are 65 or older or disabled.

Factually incorrect. The children may be eligible for SNAP. Additionally, documented immigrants use far more welfare per household than U.S. citizens.
Yes, IF the children were born here and are US citizens.

Notice how none of them are complaining about all of the Russian woman who have come here to have their kids so that they are US citizens. Could it be because they are white? It's just those dreaded brown Latinos who are the problem.
The Chinese are doing it in droves, as well. I wonder why?
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?
You mean welfare benefits to their kids who were born here and are US citizens? Because illegals aren't entitled to benefits.

Read the editorial, become informed, then report back to make an ass of yourself.
Thanks in advance.
“A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households is received on behalf of their US-born children,” Camarota said. “This is especially true of households headed by illegal immigrants.”
And since when is public education included in "welfare?"

Illegal alien = welfare dependent, criminal anchor baby
You didn’t realize that without illegals we’d have no anchor babies?
What else can I teach you?
What can I say? According to the Constitution, they are not criminals. If you WANT them to be, you need an Amendment. Maybe you can advocate for that along with the immigration reform that the Congress will be working on any day now....

You people can’t really be that stupid...can you?
  1. 1.
    a person who has committed a crime.
    "these men are dangerous criminals"
    synonyms: lawbreaker, offender, villain, delinquent, felon, convict, malefactor, wrongdoer, culprit, miscreant; More
  1. 1.
    relating to crime.
    "they are charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage"
    synonyms: unlawful, illegal, illicit, lawless, felonious, delinquent, fraudulent, actionable, culpable; More
What Is Illegal Entry?
U.S. immigration law actually uses the term "improper entry," which has a broad meaning. It’s more than just slipping across the U.S. border at an unguarded point. Improper entry can include:
  • entering or attempting to enter the United States at any time or place other than one designated by U.S. immigration officers (in other words, away from a border inspection point or other port of entry)
  • eluding examination or inspection by U.S. immigration officers (people have tried everything from digging tunnels to hiding in the trunk of a friend’s car), or
  • attempting to enter or obtain entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or willful concealment of a material fact (which might include, for example, lying on a visa application or buying a false green card or other entry document).
(See Title 8, Section 1325 of the U.S. Code (U.S.C.), or Section 275 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.) for the exact statutory language - www.uscis.gov/laws/immigration-and-nationality-act.)

Criminal Penalties for Improper Entry
For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal or civil penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. This is considered a misdemeanor under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).

For a subsequent offense, or a reentry (or attempted reentry) after exclusion or deportation, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, 1326, I.N.A. Section 275, 276.) This is considered a low-level felony under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).

Criminal Penalties for Unlawful Reentry
In case the above penalties aren't enough to deter illegal U.S. entrants, a separate section of the law adds felony penalties for reentry (or attempted reentry) in cases where the person had been convicted of certain types of crimes and thus removed (deported) from the U.S., as follows:

(1) People removed for a conviction of three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated felony), shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.

(2) People removed for a conviction of an aggravated felony shall be fined, imprisoned for up to 20 years, or both.

(3) People who were excluded or removed from the United States for security reasons shall be fined, and imprisoned for up to ten years, which sentence shall not run concurrently with any other sentence.

(4) Nonviolent offenders who were removed from the United States before their prison sentence was up shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.

What’s more, someone deported before a prison sentence was complete may be incarcerated for the remainder of the sentence of imprisonment, without any reduction for parole or supervised release.

(See 8 U.S.C. Section 1326, I.N.A. Section 276(b).)

Civil Penalties
Entry (or attempted entry) at a place other than one designated by immigration officers can carry civil penalties instead of or on top of criminal penalties. The amount is at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or twice that amount if the illegal entrant has been previously fined a civil penalty for the same violation. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)

Immigration Consequences of an Improper Entry
A person who comes to the United States without permission of the immigration authorities is inadmissible. To learn more about inadmissibility, see Who Can't Get Into The United States?

In practice, that usually means that if the person became theoretically eligible for a green card or other immigration status, he or she would be ineligible to apply for it through the process known as "adjustment of status" within the United States. By leaving the U.S. and applying from overseas, the inadmissibility problem could be solved – unless the person had already stayed in the U.S. for six months or more without a right to be there. In that case, he or she would run into a separate ground of inadmissibility, based on "unlawful presence" in the United States. (For more on how that affects your possibilities of obtaining a green card, see Legal Options for an Undocumented Immigrant to Stay in the U.S.)

If a person was removed from the U.S. (deported) on the basis of a conviction for an aggravated felony (other than illegal entry or reentry), then the improper entry itself is considered to be an aggravated felony. (See 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(43)(O).) Having one of more aggravated felonies on one’s record is a huge problem, because aggravated felonies bar a person from virtually all immigration benefits, and are a grounds of deportability (under 8 U.S.C. 1227, I.N.A. Section 237).
Why are we gifting welfare to illegals when we have a $20 trillion dollar debt?
You really need to learn what is going on in your country. Only citizens can get welfare and must have a working member in the family unless they are 65 or older or disabled.

Factually incorrect. The children may be eligible for SNAP. Additionally, documented immigrants use far more welfare per household than U.S. citizens.
Yes, IF the children were born here and are US citizens.

Notice how none of them are complaining about all of the Russian woman who have come here to have their kids so that they are US citizens. Could it be because they are white? It's just those dreaded brown Latinos who are the problem.

Guessing we don't have 11-15 million Russian women here illegally.
Why are we gifting welfare to illegals when we have a $20 trillion dollar debt?
You really need to learn what is going on in your country. Only citizens can get welfare and must have a working member in the family unless they are 65 or older or disabled.

Factually incorrect. The children may be eligible for SNAP. Additionally, documented immigrants use far more welfare per household than U.S. citizens.
Yes, IF the children were born here and are US citizens.

Notice how none of them are complaining about all of the Russian woman who have come here to have their kids so that they are US citizens. Could it be because they are white? It's just those dreaded brown Latinos who are the problem.

First off Russian women are hot. More importantly, you're comparing the common cold to AIDS. Let me know when Russians cross the Rio Grande.
Latina women...


Russian women...

You really need to learn what is going on in your country. Only citizens can get welfare and must have a working member in the family unless they are 65 or older or disabled.

Factually incorrect. The children may be eligible for SNAP. Additionally, documented immigrants use far more welfare per household than U.S. citizens.
Yes, IF the children were born here and are US citizens.

Notice how none of them are complaining about all of the Russian woman who have come here to have their kids so that they are US citizens. Could it be because they are white? It's just those dreaded brown Latinos who are the problem.

First off Russian women are hot. More importantly, you're comparing the common cold to AIDS. Let me know when Russians cross the Rio Grande.
Latina women...


Russian women...


Yikes, are they here illegally? You can send back the last two, regardless.
I’ve got an even better idea... cut Sividl Services to EVERYONE to pay for the wall. This puts our loser class in a position to need to do those “jobs no Americans will do” (which the now non-existent illegals have been doing) or starve to death.
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

Illegals don't qualify for benefits.

They may not qualify, but they get benefits anyway...go figure.

if they can, you can - so go out and collect SSI OR MEDICARE.
Federal rules generally bar illegal aliens from participation in state and local public benefit programs, unless the benefit is for the treatment of an emergency medical condition, is short-term, non-cash, in-kind emergency disaster relief or immunization.

They do have income and other taxes withdrawn but they cannot make us of those benefits until they get full citizenship.
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

Illegals don't qualify for benefits.

They may not qualify, but they get benefits anyway...go figure.

if they can, you can - so go out and collect SSI OR MEDICARE.

If they can, you can? WTF does that even mean?
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

Illegals don't qualify for benefits.

Stop telling stories

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants
Your link supports what I said:
The purported intent of federal policy is to prevent federal tax dollars from being used to fund health care for unauthorized immigrants except in extreme circumstances
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

Illegals don't qualify for benefits.

They may not qualify, but they get benefits anyway...go figure.

if they can, you can - so go out and collect SSI OR MEDICARE.

If they can, you can? WTF does that even mean?

apparently it means youre a f'n idiot.
As expected...lots of excuse making, avoidance techniques and deflection....and not a single Lefty to support the idea of better protecting REAL Americans both fiscally and physically.
My bet is, many Lefties here are barely legals from Mexico themselves...their motivation is obvious.
So weird.
As expected...lots of excuse making, avoidance techniques and deflection....and not a single Lefty to support the idea of better protecting REAL Americans both fiscally and physically.
My bet is, many Lefties here are barely legals from Mexico themselves...their motivation is obvious.
So weird.
Illegals don't qualify for benefits.
Why are we gifting welfare to illegals when we have a $20 trillion dollar debt?
You really need to learn what is going on in your country. Only citizens can get welfare and must have a working member in the family unless they are 65 or older or disabled.

Factually incorrect. The children may be eligible for SNAP. Additionally, documented immigrants use far more welfare per household than U.S. citizens.
Yes, IF the children were born here and are US citizens.

Notice how none of them are complaining about all of the Russian woman who have come here to have their kids so that they are US citizens. Could it be because they are white? It's just those dreaded brown Latinos who are the problem.

Guessing we don't have 11-15 million Russian women here illegally.

Give it time. They said they were here so that their babies could obtain a US passport and have US citizenship. Miami is being overrun with them. Who supports them while they're here having that kid? They can't work being that pregnant. This might also be Russia's way to infiltrate this country ever so slowly. Remember what Khrushchev said, “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." Looks like it's working in many different ways.

You also don't have millions of Russians in the fields in all kinds of weather picking crops for pennies a day that the citizens here wouldn't do for even $15.00 an hour. Think they would go out in the boiling heat and pick fruits and vegetables for 8 to 12 hours almost non stop? Have you ever see the videos of those men who harvest the watermelons? Those things weigh a lot and they carry them from the field to the trucks that are moving slowly up the rows so that they can be loaded into those bins you see in the grocery store. That is back breaking work. Also, many of the women pick the vegetables that grow close to the ground which means that they have to be bent over all day long.

When was the last time you saw a Latino standing on the corner with a sign begging for money? I see white people on every corner of this town daily, some with their children and animals, but not once have I ever seen a Latino doing it.

So keep up your useless argument.

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