Would you support this law?

Demonstrate for us the difference.
Then tell us how this difference changes the fact Entitlements are a PRIME example of laws that should have expiration dates and/or subject to regular review/renewal.
SS retirement is an entitlement because you contribute to it and everyone is eligible. It should NEVER have an expiration date. The same for civilian retirement programs for government employees, and the military, as well as veteran's programs.

You are thinking of reviewing discretionary spending, which is not automatic. Examples include transportation, education, housing, and social service programs, as well as science and environmental organizations.
SS retirement is an entitlement because you contribute to it and everyone is eligible.
SS, an entitlement, refers to itself as mandatory spending program:

"Although benefit payments for SSA’s programs are considered mandatory spending and thus are not controlled by
appropriations acts,..."
"SSA serves millions of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries each month. The benefits these programs pay are part of the Federal Government's mandatory spending because authorizing legislation (Social Security Act) requires us to pay them."

And thus, your failure to demonstrate the between entitlement and mandatory spending.
Perhaps, is it YOU that has not a clue.

To not review, expire, and renew unappropriated mandatory spending is sheer insanity.
SS, an entitlement, refers to itself as mandatory spending program:

"Although benefit payments for SSA’s programs are considered mandatory spending and thus are not controlled by appropriations acts,..."
"SSA serves millions of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries each month. The benefits these programs pay are part of the Federal Government's mandatory spending because authorizing legislation (Social Security Act) requires us to pay them."

And thus, your failure to demonstrate the between entitlement and mandatory spending.
Perhaps, is it YOU that has not a clue.

To not review, expire, and renew unappropriated mandatory spending is sheer insanity.
I am sorry you have an obvious reading comprehension problem. These programs are not funded by appropriations, meaning they should NOT be reviewed.

I posted the difference in mandatory and discretionary spending which you simply ignored or did not comprehend.

Here it is again for possible penetration:

You are thinking of reviewing discretionary spending, which is not automatic. Examples include transportation, education, housing, and social service programs, as well as science and environmental organizations.
I am sorry ypu have an obvious reading comprehension problem. These programs are not funded by appropriations,...
Social Security, an entitlement program, is mandatory spending, for which there are no appropriations.
The money is spent because the law says it must be spent.

To not review, expire, and then force the active renewal of unappropriated mandatory spending is sheer insanity.
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Every program in the Fed Govt has to be looked at freshly at least once every four years to determine if it is still needed
Are you talking about Biden's own proposal back in the 1990s?
Cause you know he actually suggested stopping SS until the U.S. debt was repaid. Said it right on the Senate floor - twice.
What... yuo want to say that again?
What the heck does "It as the 70s mean?
You mean when he said it? Twice?
No... it was 1995.

Biden said what I posted back in 1975.

I am sorry you have an obvious reading comprehension problem. These programs are not funded by appropriations, meaning they should NOT be reviewed.

I posted the difference in mandatory and discretionary spending which you simply ignored or did not comprehend.

Here it is again for possible penetration:

You are thinking of reviewing discretionary spending, which is not automatic. Examples include transportation, education, housing, and social service programs, as well as science and environmental organizations.
So how are we going to fix their insolvency problem if we can't be reviewed?
IF that makes you happy, sure.

So, are you going to comment on the idea or just make it all about me...again?
It is not realistic, and that is why there is no support for it beyond 4 Senators.
I believe that there does need to be some changes to SS.
Namely, if you have $X dollars in net worth that you very much don't need it - then you don't get it. Which means SS will become what it should have been in the first place - a social program, not a savings system. People look at SS as their money so no matter your net worth.. I should get it.
That needs to change.
I am 100% against any age changes. Period. Nada. Horrible idea.
People are living longer, but they are not living younger.
It does indeed

LOL......Biden supports the same thing and it isn't an issue......please explain why.....

Biden supported busing segregation....it's no longer an issue?
LOL......Biden supports the same thing and it isn't an issue......please explain why.....

Biden supported busing segregation....it's no longer an issue?
Problem for you is that he DOESN'T "support the same thing".

Maybe 50 years ago he supported something similar...but that was...FIFTY years ago.

Problem for you is that he DOESN'T "support the same thing".

Maybe 50 years ago he supported something similar...but that was...FIFTY years ago.

Back pedaling, I see.

Any idea how many politicians say things that are politically expedient at the time and then flip flop for votes later? Bottom line is they said it and it doesn't go away.
Obama and same sex marriage for one.
Back pedaling, I see.

Any idea how many politicians say things that are politically expedient at the time and then flip flop for votes later? Bottom line is they said it and it doesn't go away.
Obama and same sex marriage for one.
That was then. This is now.

This is what matters

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