Would You Support War With Iran?

Would You Support War With Iran?

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I guess many of you find a radical Islamist with a nuclear bomb non threatening. We are often fighting the wrong enemy. I wish if we do have to open up another conflict that we go after the head of the snake for a change.
What a stupid question. Under what circumstances?

It's not a stupid question. You calling it a stupid question, is stupid. Just vote and then discuss why you voted that way. Or don't, whatever. Who cares? :)

It's a moronic question. If it's an existential choice of me or them, I'd support war with the Sisters of Charity. If there was any way to avert war, I'd do it.

Do you support war with Canada?
No to all "pre-emtive" wars, no matter what the excuse.

It's always best to take a "defensive" position, and wait for thousands of Americans to die.

That way, the "international community" won't criticiize the USA as much when we do decide to take care of business and kick some ass. :cuckoo:

Yes, much better to invade and decimate a country for what they might do. :rolleyes:
What a stupid question. Under what circumstances?

It's not a stupid question. You calling it a stupid question, is stupid. Just vote and then discuss why you voted that way. Or don't, whatever. Who cares? :)

It's a moronic question. If it's an existential choice of me or them, I'd support war with the Sisters of Charity. If there was any way to avert war, I'd do it.

Do you support war with Canada?

It's not a moronic question. You saying it's a moronic question, is moronic. And my answer to your moronic question is No. Notice how i gave you a definitive & concise answer? See, that's how it works. Try again.
It's not a stupid question. You calling it a stupid question, is stupid. Just vote and then discuss why you voted that way. Or don't, whatever. Who cares? :)

It's a moronic question. If it's an existential choice of me or them, I'd support war with the Sisters of Charity. If there was any way to avert war, I'd do it.

Do you support war with Canada?

It's not a moronic question. You saying it's a moronic question, is moronic. And my answer to your moronic question is No. Notice how i gave you a definitive & concise answer? See, that's how it works. Try again.

You framed it, not me. Only a complete idiot would frame it without qualification. I mean "do you favor war with Iran" is idiotic, without qualification. War ought to be a last resort, only if there is a strong existential case for it.

You're myopic thought process of deciding this would be an interesting thread show how simplistic your pea brain works.
It's a moronic question. If it's an existential choice of me or them, I'd support war with the Sisters of Charity. If there was any way to avert war, I'd do it.

Do you support war with Canada?

It's not a moronic question. You saying it's a moronic question, is moronic. And my answer to your moronic question is No. Notice how i gave you a definitive & concise answer? See, that's how it works. Try again.

You framed it, not me. Only a complete idiot would frame it without qualification. I mean "do you favor war with Iran" is idiotic, without qualification. War ought to be a last resort, only if there is a strong existential case for it.

You're myopic thought process of deciding this would be an interesting thread show how simplistic your pea brain works.

No, you're idiotic for saying it's idiotic. You gettin any of this yet? lol! So do you support War with Iran or not? You're not very good at giving honest straight answers. So try again.
Looks like the People don't support War with Iran. Will it happen anyway? I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Let's be clear, if the choice is War or Iran having nuclear weapons, then let me be the first to answer honestly and say YES, I would support a war with Iran. And before you you idiots go into rabid dog mode and attack me, the answer is YES... I did serve my Country.
Then think about this...

...any country smart enough to build a nuclear bomb,
is also smart enough to know,
that if they use that bomb,
their country will glow in the dark.

For the armchair generals, any excuse is a good excuse.


An Iran with Nuclear Weapons is the only excuse I would need to convince me to support a War against Iran. I stand by my solitary choice of "YES", and my previous explanation.
Gee, a canned result on a discussion board based on a total hypothetical.
What a shock.

So do you support War with Iran or not? Sounds like you do. Am i mistaken?

I posted already.
If people had stood up to Hitler at Munich we wouldn't have had to fight WW2.

Oh no, not the Hitler/Nazi comparison again. How many countries has Iran bombed and invaded in recent memory? How many has the U.S. bombed and invaded in recent memory? Our own track-record of aggression & violence is far worse than Iran's. Some could say the Hitler/Nazi comparison would be more accurately applied to us.
So do you support War with Iran or not? Sounds like you do. Am i mistaken?

I posted already.
If people had stood up to Hitler at Munich we wouldn't have had to fight WW2.

Oh no, not the Hitler/Nazi comparison again. How many countries has Iran bombed and invaded in recent memory? How many has the U.S. bombed and invaded in recent memory? Our own track-record of aggression & violence is far worse than Iran's. Some could say the Hitler/Nazi comparison would be more accurately applied to us.
How many countries had Hitler bombed or invaded by Munich?
Iran has fomented terrorism around the globe.
There you go blaming the US again. No wonder I always gt confused between narco-libtards and garden variety libtards.
I posted already.
If people had stood up to Hitler at Munich we wouldn't have had to fight WW2.

Oh no, not the Hitler/Nazi comparison again. How many countries has Iran bombed and invaded in recent memory? How many has the U.S. bombed and invaded in recent memory? Our own track-record of aggression & violence is far worse than Iran's. Some could say the Hitler/Nazi comparison would be more accurately applied to us.
How many countries had Hitler bombed or invaded by Munich?
Iran has fomented terrorism around the globe.
There you go blaming the US again. No wonder I always gt confused between narco-libtards and garden variety libtards.

Germany had a long history of aggression & War before the rise of the Nazis. And i'm not blaming the U.S. for anything. But you're promoting more War based on fallacies. We have been far more aggressive and War-like than Iran in recent memory. How many countries have we bombed and invaded in the last 70yrs. Now compare that to Iran.
How many countries had Hitler bombed or invaded by Munich?
Iran has fomented terrorism around the globe.
There you go blaming the US again. No wonder I always gt confused between narco-libtards and garden variety libtards.

I don't think he's "blaming" anyone by stating the facts.

Has the US invaded and bombed a good number of countries in the last 50 years, or not?

Has Iran?

Did the US not run a war by proxy against Iran using Saddam Hussein as their go-between, or not?

Did Iraq use chemical weapons that were provided by an American chemical company (Dow) against Iran, or not?

The facts show that, under certain leadership, the US is certainly more of a threat to other nations than Iran is.

Though I RARELY agree with him, in this case he is stating the facts of the matter.

Looks like, on this issue at least, Paulitician is definitely the Libertarian he claims to be.
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Oh no, not the Hitler/Nazi comparison again. How many countries has Iran bombed and invaded in recent memory? How many has the U.S. bombed and invaded in recent memory? Our own track-record of aggression & violence is far worse than Iran's. Some could say the Hitler/Nazi comparison would be more accurately applied to us.
How many countries had Hitler bombed or invaded by Munich?
Iran has fomented terrorism around the globe.
There you go blaming the US again. No wonder I always gt confused between narco-libtards and garden variety libtards.

Germany had a long history of aggression & War before the rise of the Nazis. And i'm not blaming the U.S. for anything. But you're promoting more War based on fallacies. We have been far more aggressive and War-like than Iran in recent memory. How many countries have we bombed and invaded in the last 70yrs. Now compare that to Iran.

No, they did not. After WW1 Germany was defeated. It had a new constitution and democratic government. It was deeply in debt from reparations, and suffering from a depressed economy. They were not in much position to wage war. Their prior history is irrelevant.
Yes, you blame the US for being "aggressive" like that is bad in and of itself.
Iran is very aggressive, seeking regional hegemony. They are already the largest country in the middle east, since we knocked out Iraq. Arab countries are afraid of Iran as well. A nuclear Iran is a destabilizing factor in the region. One that needs to be avoided.
How many countries have we bombed and invaded? Not enough.
How many countries had Hitler bombed or invaded by Munich?
Iran has fomented terrorism around the globe.
There you go blaming the US again. No wonder I always gt confused between narco-libtards and garden variety libtards.

I don't think he's "blaming" anyone by stating the facts.

Has the US invaded and bombed a good number of countries in the last 50 years, or not?

Has Iran?

Did the US not run a war by proxy against Iran using Saddam Hussein as their go-between, or not?

Did Iraq use chemical weapons that were provided by an American chemical company (Dow) against Iran, or not?

The facts show that, under certain leadership, the US is certainly more of a threat to other nations than Iran is.

Though I RARELY agree with him, in this case he is stating the facts of the matter.

Looks like, on this issue at least, Paulitician is definitely the Libertarian he claims to be.

I dont know what this fascination with score keeping is.
We did not invade as many countries as the Soviet Union. But if we did, does that make us worse than the Soviets? This was the claim back in the 1980s, btw. The Soviets were bad only because we liked to invade places.
Now I see this same stupid ass argument crop up among the brain dead, Muslims hate us because of blow back. If it weren't for US policy there would be peace and freedom all over the world.
The opposite is the case.
How many countries had Hitler bombed or invaded by Munich?
Iran has fomented terrorism around the globe.
There you go blaming the US again. No wonder I always gt confused between narco-libtards and garden variety libtards.

Germany had a long history of aggression & War before the rise of the Nazis. And i'm not blaming the U.S. for anything. But you're promoting more War based on fallacies. We have been far more aggressive and War-like than Iran in recent memory. How many countries have we bombed and invaded in the last 70yrs. Now compare that to Iran.

No, they did not. After WW1 Germany was defeated. It had a new constitution and democratic government. It was deeply in debt from reparations, and suffering from a depressed economy. They were not in much position to wage war. Their prior history is irrelevant.
Yes, you blame the US for being "aggressive" like that is bad in and of itself.
Iran is very aggressive, seeking regional hegemony. They are already the largest country in the middle east, since we knocked out Iraq. Arab countries are afraid of Iran as well. A nuclear Iran is a destabilizing factor in the region. One that needs to be avoided.
How many countries have we bombed and invaded? Not enough.

Germany lost badly in WWI, and then they started WWII. They had a long and recent history of aggression leading up to the Nazis. Iran has no such history. In fact, our own recent history is much more comparable to Germany's back then.

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