Would you vote for a woman with a TERRORIST husband who burned 80 americans alive?

What makes you think all women who get abortions are poor?

By the way...so I take it you believe saying republicans love child molesters is also as stupid as stupid gets? Yes?
What are you smoking... I did not say or even imply that all women who get abortions are poor. If you are really a women, you would know that "reproductive health care" is much more than abortions. And MANY but not all of those women are unable to afford those services without help.

And why the hell would you think that I believe that Republicans love child molesters. I would not lower myself to the same juvenile school yard taunts as you.

In addition, I see that you intend to completely ignore my point that many who call abortion rights advocates "baby killers" are not really pro-life at all but just pro fetus. Now see if you can get back on....and stay on topic.
Probably because I wasn't talking to you and barged in with a dumbass reply.


You weren't talking to me. If you think not, then you don't understand how this board works. You replied directly to my post after you made a dumbass reply.
What makes you think all women who get abortions are poor?

By the way...so I take it you believe saying republicans love child molesters is also as stupid as stupid gets? Yes?
What are you smoking... I did not say or even imply that all women who get abortions are poor. If you are really a women, you would know that "reproductive health care" is much more than abortions. And MANY but not all of those women are unable to afford those services without help.

And why the hell would you think that I believe that Republicans love child molesters. I would not lower myself to the same juvenile school yard taunts as you.

In addition, I see that you intend to completely ignore my point that many who call abortion rights advocates "baby killers" are not really pro-life at all but just pro fetus. Now see if you can get back on....and stay on topic.
Probably because I wasn't talking to you and barged in with a dumbass reply.


You weren't talking to me.? If you think not, then you don't understand how this board works. You replied directly to my post after you made a dumbass reply.
No... You quoted my response to RDean.

Why would I engage you in conversation... ConHog?
I dunnno Because you might learn something?
From you? Doubtful .
.but NOBODY can explain how the outcome makes Bill Clinton a terrorist or show how he was directly responsible for decisions that were made on the ground.

HAHAHA. So now clinton is not "directly responsible" since he gave the orders but did not actually drive a tank into the church??
I speak of the Waco Church burned down by Bill Clinton in 1993 in full knowledge that over 80 people were inside. He's a mass-murdering psychopath and Hillary supports him! I wish trump would bring this up but i doubt he will since the controlled media will not let anyone mention the waco atrocity.
A good many of these 19 Million people will -that's who

While campaigning in Iowa, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton pulled no punches and accused Republicans of turning their backs on 19 million Americans with a scheduled vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

At the Davenport Town Hall Clinton said, “This week, Republicans are going to vote again to repeal the Affordable Care Act. And this time, it looks like it might get to the President’s desk. They’re willing to turn their backs on 19 million Americans, to turn our healthcare system back to the insurance companies so if you have a pre-existing condition it will be hard for you to afford care. If you’re a woman, you’ll be charged more, because that’s what used to happen. Prescription drugs — hey, watch out. They’ll go as far and fast and high as the drug companies can take them. Because they have no plan, the Republicans just want to undo what Democrats have fought for decades and what President Obama got accomplished.Hillary Clinton Rips Republicans For Their Planned Vote To Repeal Obamacare
It was your hero Koresh who ordered the fires set and refused to allow the children to escape even though federal agents begged him to do so. Some of the children died from bullet wounds

That is the pedophile you are defending

The only people I am defending, you petulant immature child, are the innocent women and children who were unnecessarily murdered in the poorly planned, poorly executed storming of the Branch Davidian compound, an operation that the administrations own experts declared should never have happened.

Your idol David Koresh set the fires and refused to let his people leave
Another example of how much bill clinton hates kids. In 1996 his UN ambassador madeline albright went on national TV and admitted that so far the bombing and sanctions they were doing in iraq had killed 500,000 children!!!!! Bill Clinton later made her secretary of state.
D you mean bill clinton.? He is certainly a murderer and a sex criminal. Prolly a pedophile.
No one accuses Clinton of that except you liar variety nut jobs. Koresh, on the other hand, has been confirmed and accepted to have been if not a pedophile, a molester, and rapist of underage girls.

Waco proves bill clinton is a mass murderer and everyone knows he's a a rapist.. There is no evidence koresh did anything illegal. He was an evangelical and a gun owner - the two people libs hate most of all.
D you mean bill clinton.? He is certainly a murderer and a sex criminal. Prolly a pedophile.
No one accuses Clinton of that except you liar variety nut jobs. Koresh, on the other hand, has been confirmed and accepted to have been if not a pedophile, a molester, and rapist of underage girls.

Waco proves bill clinton is a mass murderer and everyone knows he's a a rapist.. There is no evidence koresh did anything illegal. He was an evangelical and a gun owner - the two people libs hate most of all.
Like I said, nobody talks that trash except liar nut jobs like you. There is plenty of evidence Koresh was a child molester and facing arrest. He was not an evangelical, he was a weirdo cult leader promoting his own invented fake religion and proved to have had illegally altered firearms. He used children, including his own and the ones he was molesting as human shields and is fully responsible for their deaths.
Like I said, nobody talks that trash except liar nut jobs like you. There is plenty of evidence Koresh was a child molester and facing arrest. He was not an evangelical, he was a weirdo cult leader promoting his own invented fake religion and proved to have had illegally altered firearms. He used children, including his own and the ones he was molesting as human shields and is fully responsible for their deaths.

Fully responsilbe???? HAHAHA. So Clinton and reno get NO blame at all even though they sent the tanks in to flatten the church??? Get help please.
Like I said, nobody talks that trash except liar nut jobs like you. There is plenty of evidence Koresh was a child molester and facing arrest. He was not an evangelical, he was a weirdo cult leader promoting his own invented fake religion and proved to have had illegally altered firearms. He used children, including his own and the ones he was molesting as human shields and is fully responsible for their deaths.

Fully responsilbe???? HAHAHA. So Clinton and reno get NO blame at all even though they sent the tanks in to flatten the church??? Get help please.
Nope, the asshole that used his flock as human shields and the followers that torched the place get all the blame.
Worse than having a terrorist husband!! Much, much worse!! Be afraid America....be very afraid!!

Kevin Swanson: Hillary Clinton Will Lead 'Tremendous Majorities of American Kids' To Homosexuality Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 12/29/2015 12:14 pm

Far-right Colorado pastor Kevin Swanson got some negative publicity last month when he managed to get three Republican presidential candidates to speak at an event he organized, where he spent most of his speaking time warning that America must repent for such sins as birth control, liking Harry Potter too much and failing to execute gay people. On his “Generations Radio” program yesterday, Swanson said that although he was “severely mocked” for his remarks at the conference, it is true that America must repent or God will punish the nation through the election of Hillary Clinton, who will in turn lead “tremendous majorities of American kids” down “the track towards homosexuality” and other sexual sins. Swanson got on the subject while discussing a recent case in Massachusetts in which a judge found that a Catholic school violated a state nondiscrimination law when it pulled a job offer from its food services director after he listed his husband as an emergency contact. Swanson warned that this was all part of the “preparation for the Greek form of education, which, as you know, involves whatever’s going on in gymnasia, very, very ugly stuff” and that the nation is “going in the direction of Harry Potter’s mentor and Hiccup’s mentor in ‘How to Train Your Dragon,’” whom he says are gay. - See more at: Kevin Swanson: Hillary Clinton Will Lead 'Tremendous Majorities of American Kids' To Homosexuality
would vote her before any of the jackasse

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