Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
I never said it was. Yes you did Rights are for everyone------equally. Except gays right? No special rights for any minority or majority. Except heteros, right? Lots of special rights exclusive to heteros correct?

But you also are missing the point--------------the majority does rule at the polling place, in congress, and in local state and city legislatures. 51% or more voting one way decides what laws all of us will live by. This is a new thing you understand that correct? The Constitution used to bind our laws such that a simple majority could not take our liberties way you got that right?

A majority ratified the constitution, a majority approved the signing of the declaration of independence, a majority found OJ innocent. Most murder trials require a unanimous vote, not a simple majority. There is a marked difference between unanimous, super majority requirements, and simple majority requirements.

Majority rules------------why is that so hard for you to grasp?

In blue. Tyranny of the Majority is not what liberty is about, nimrod.

you are mixing two different things. rights and voting majorities. Rights are for everyone regardless of their minority or majority status. Rights are conferred on citizens by a majority vote of the citizens.
Wrong again. My rights are inherit. YOU DON'T OWN ME. This tyrannical majority, led by authoritarians like you, is restricting our inherit rights.

I think you mean 'inherent'. Our founding documents defined the inherent rights of citizens of this country. Those founding documents were executed after a majority voted for them. Those documents "define" what the founders believed to be "inherent" rights.

This is not complicated, you are either dense or just trying to argue for the sake of argument.
Romney didn't have any good ideas. That was his fatal flaw.

Thats what the media told you and you are sticking with it---------------------------------:banghead:

I don't see you listing any good ideas Romney had.

lower the corporate tax rate
peace through strength
equality in all things
fiscal dicipline
sound financial management
repeal obamacare
sane foreign policy
create jobs by growing the economy

Ok, there are 7. What were obama's good ideas?
Romney is a great man who has led an admirable life filled with accomplishments. We'd be lucky to get him! He's exactly the opposite of the dilettante in the White House now....

Just because his skin is white instead of black doesn't mean he and Obama are "exactly the opposite", racist.

It has nothing to do with skin color----------you are the racist.
Romney didn't have any good ideas. That was his fatal flaw.

Thats what the media told you and you are sticking with it---------------------------------:banghead:

I don't see you listing any good ideas Romney had.

lower the corporate tax rate
peace through strength
equality in all things
fiscal dicipline
sound financial management
repeal obamacare
sane foreign policy
create jobs by growing the economy

Ok, there are 7. What were obama's good ideas?

Those are 7 platitudes that any politician can blurt out.
I never said it was. Yes you did Rights are for everyone------equally. Except gays right? No special rights for any minority or majority. Except heteros, right? Lots of special rights exclusive to heteros correct?

But you also are missing the point--------------the majority does rule at the polling place, in congress, and in local state and city legislatures. 51% or more voting one way decides what laws all of us will live by. This is a new thing you understand that correct? The Constitution used to bind our laws such that a simple majority could not take our liberties way you got that right?

A majority ratified the constitution, a majority approved the signing of the declaration of independence, a majority found OJ innocent. Most murder trials require a unanimous vote, not a simple majority. There is a marked difference between unanimous, super majority requirements, and simple majority requirements.

Majority rules------------why is that so hard for you to grasp?

In blue. Tyranny of the Majority is not what liberty is about, nimrod.

you are mixing two different things. rights and voting majorities. Rights are for everyone regardless of their minority or majority status. Rights are conferred on citizens by a majority vote of the citizens.
Wrong again. My rights are inherit. YOU DON'T OWN ME. This tyrannical majority, led by authoritarians like you, is restricting our inherit rights.

I think you mean 'inherent'. Our founding documents defined the inherent rights of citizens of this country. Those founding documents were executed after a majority voted for them. Those documents "define" what the founders believed to be "inherent" rights.

This is not complicated, you are either dense or just trying to argue for the sake of argument.
Thx for correcting my spelling error.

You are 100% wrong about the founders defining our inherent rights. But I'm not surprised. Most people don't understand the Constitution.

What the founders did is provide a certain list of explicit restrictions on federal government then waved their hands in a wide arc restricting our federal government from everything else not already listed.
No one draws 2016 speculation like Mitt. Lots of articles sprouting up over Mitt's interview with Hugh Hewitt tonight. Hugh kept asking Mitt if there is any chance Romney would try running in 2016

The former Massachusetts governor told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that he did not think he is well positioned to take on the expected Democratic front-runner, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and referenced this famous scene from 1994’s Dumb and Dumber when pressed.

“Well, you know, let’s say all the guys that were running all came together and said, ‘Hey, we’ve decided we can’t do it, you must do it,'” Romney said. “That’s the one of the million we’re thinking about.”
“I just want to confirm you’re telling me that we’ve got a chance there,” Hewitt asked. “The Dumb and Dumber, one of a million,” Romney replied.

Romney Says Chance He Runs In 2016 Is 8216 One Of A Million 8217 - TIME

Romney on 2016 Run 8216 Circumstances Can Change 8217 Mediaite
Romney I m Not Running In 2016 But Circumstances Can Change
Last edited:
No one draws 2016 speculation like Mitt.

I pray everyday for Mitt to run

into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Romney is another W...a moderate progressive who is even more likely than W to do the bidding of the MSM and D Party...so do not be surprised if the MSM and D Party are covertly pushing for Mitt to run again...along with the sizeable progressive/statist wing of the R Party
Hillary or Mitt...a win-win for Progressives...and a complete disaster for America.
I never said it was. Yes you did Rights are for everyone------equally. Except gays right? No special rights for any minority or majority. Except heteros, right? Lots of special rights exclusive to heteros correct?

But you also are missing the point--------------the majority does rule at the polling place, in congress, and in local state and city legislatures. 51% or more voting one way decides what laws all of us will live by. This is a new thing you understand that correct? The Constitution used to bind our laws such that a simple majority could not take our liberties way you got that right?

A majority ratified the constitution, a majority approved the signing of the declaration of independence, a majority found OJ innocent. Most murder trials require a unanimous vote, not a simple majority. There is a marked difference between unanimous, super majority requirements, and simple majority requirements.

Majority rules------------why is that so hard for you to grasp?

In blue. Tyranny of the Majority is not what liberty is about, nimrod.

you are mixing two different things. rights and voting majorities. Rights are for everyone regardless of their minority or majority status. Rights are conferred on citizens by a majority vote of the citizens.
Wrong again. My rights are inherit. YOU DON'T OWN ME. This tyrannical majority, led by authoritarians like you, is restricting our inherit rights.

I think you mean 'inherent'. Our founding documents defined the inherent rights of citizens of this country. Those founding documents were executed after a majority voted for them. Those documents "define" what the founders believed to be "inherent" rights.

This is not complicated, you are either dense or just trying to argue for the sake of argument.
Thx for correcting my spelling error.

You are 100% wrong about the founders defining our inherent rights. But I'm not surprised. Most people don't understand the Constitution.

What the founders did is provide a certain list of explicit restrictions on federal government then waved their hands in a wide arc restricting our federal government from everything else not already listed.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Then the amendments clarified those basic principles. The 1st and 2nd amendments are very specific.

But you are correct that the purpose was to limit the power of the federal government. Now, you seem to be supporting allowing the federal govt to mandate how we think and believe on issues such as homosexuality. You seem to support govt mandated societal acceptance of a lifestyle that a majority find offensive and aberant.

Note: pursuing happiness does not guarantee that you will find it. Only the pursuit is guaranteed.
No one draws 2016 speculation like Mitt.

I pray everyday for Mitt to run

into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Romney is another W...a moderate progressive who is even more likely than W to do the bidding of the MSM and D Party...so do not be surprised if the MSM and D Party are covertly pushing for Mitt to run again...along with the sizeable progressive/statist wing of the R Party

Hillary or Mitt...a win-win for Progressives...and a complete disaster for America.

That kind of thinking will ensure that we have a president hillary---------is that what you really want?
No one draws 2016 speculation like Mitt.

I pray everyday for Mitt to run

into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Romney is another W...a moderate progressive who is even more likely than W to do the bidding of the MSM and D Party...so do not be surprised if the MSM and D Party are covertly pushing for Mitt to run again...along with the sizeable progressive/statist wing of the R Party

Hillary or Mitt...a win-win for Progressives...and a complete disaster for America.

That kind of thinking will ensure that we have a president hillary---------is that what you really want?

I want people to stop compromising their principles.

Looks like neither one of us are going to get what they want, champ.
No one draws 2016 speculation like Mitt.

I pray everyday for Mitt to run

into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Romney is another W...a moderate progressive who is even more likely than W to do the bidding of the MSM and D Party...so do not be surprised if the MSM and D Party are covertly pushing for Mitt to run again...along with the sizeable progressive/statist wing of the R Party

Hillary or Mitt...a win-win for Progressives...and a complete disaster for America.

That kind of thinking will ensure that we have a president hillary---------is that what you really want?

I want people to stop compromising their principles.

Looks like neither one of us are going to get what they want, champ.

Life is a series of compromises. No one ever gets exactly what they want. Choosing the lesser of two evils is a smart compromise.--------- champ!
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.
Romney would be taking a pay cut to be president.
Base pay is unimportant, it's the perks that are sought after.

Romney was never in it for the money or perks. He has all the money he and his family will ever need.

Why is it so hard to believe someone would run for president because he wants to help the country?

Bwaa Ha Ha Ha! Romney was the biggest douchebag in a field chock full of douchebags. I think he wanted to fullfill the White Horse Prophecy (Google it).
Romney didn't have any good ideas. That was his fatal flaw.

Thats what the media told you and you are sticking with it---------------------------------:banghead:

I don't see you listing any good ideas Romney had.

lower the corporate tax rate
peace through strength
equality in all things
fiscal dicipline
sound financial management
repeal obamacare
sane foreign policy
create jobs by growing the economy

Ok, there are 7. What were obama's good ideas?

Fair and flat taxes
Get rid of corporate and individual welfare which distorts the incentive system
Reign in the regulatory "4th branch" of government so that it is not writing laws instead of Congress
No one draws 2016 speculation like Mitt.

I pray everyday for Mitt to run

into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Romney is another W...a moderate progressive who is even more likely than W to do the bidding of the MSM and D Party...so do not be surprised if the MSM and D Party are covertly pushing for Mitt to run again...along with the sizeable progressive/statist wing of the R Party

Hillary or Mitt...a win-win for Progressives...and a complete disaster for America.

That kind of thinking will ensure that we have a president hillary---------is that what you really want?

I want people to stop compromising their principles.

Looks like neither one of us are going to get what they want, champ.

Life is a series of compromises. No one ever gets exactly what they want. Choosing the lesser of two evils is a smart compromise.--------- champ!

As long as the polarized left & right refuse to compromise, I see absolutely no need to.
Romney didn't have any good ideas. That was his fatal flaw.

Thats what the media told you and you are sticking with it---------------------------------:banghead:

I don't see you listing any good ideas Romney had.

lower the corporate tax rate
peace through strength
equality in all things
fiscal dicipline
sound financial management
repeal obamacare
sane foreign policy
create jobs by growing the economy

Ok, there are 7. What were obama's good ideas?

Fair and flat taxes
Get rid of corporate and individual welfare which distorts the incentive system
Reign in the regulatory "4th branch" of government so that it is not writing laws instead of Congress

you aren't claiming that obozo did those things are you?
Romney didn't have any good ideas. That was his fatal flaw.

Thats what the media told you and you are sticking with it---------------------------------:banghead:

I don't see you listing any good ideas Romney had.

lower the corporate tax rate
peace through strength
equality in all things
fiscal dicipline
sound financial management
repeal obamacare
sane foreign policy
create jobs by growing the economy

Ok, there are 7. What were obama's good ideas?

Fair and flat taxes
Get rid of corporate and individual welfare which distorts the incentive system
Reign in the regulatory "4th branch" of government so that it is not writing laws instead of Congress

you aren't claiming that obozo did those things are you?

Of course not - I'm adding to your list.

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