Would You Want To Know The Date Of Your Death?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
A friend of mine died last night. Pancreatic cancer. He will be sorely missed.

As I sat with my friend while he went through the dying process this past year, death has been on my mind quite a bit lately. The more I think about it, the more I realize how much I enjoy being alive.

As my friend lived far past the expectations the doctors had given him, a child asked me one day how much longer I would have to be on this deathwatch. I made an exasperated joke about how I could not possibly know the answer to that question, there not being a countdown timer on our foreheads.

But what if there could be a countdown timer? What if you could know the day and time of your death?

Would you want to know?

Would your answer change if right after you agreed you found out you had only six days left to live? Would you rather not know in that case?

There would certainly be advantages to knowing the time you would die. You could run up a big credit card debt (Jerry Lewis reference). But I suppose in such a world, the credit card company would know before you do when you were going to die.

You would know when to erase your porn collection from your computer, and do other tidying up efforts.

All those amends you keep putting off would be completed.

Your bucket list would have a drop dead date.

And so forth.

But I think there would also be a terrible disadvantage. Knowing your death date would create tremendous anxiety, even if it were years off.

"I only have forty-two years left!"

It sure would give an appreciation for life, though, wouldn't it?

Anyway. Your thoughts?
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I have thought of this from kind of a different angle.

My grandma lived to be 98, one of her sisters 102, and another sister is reported to have lived to 109!

I just take the case of my grandma, and I ponder...what would I do if I knew I was going to live to be 98 years old?? That would mean I have 38 more years to live! And Grandma was perfectly active and self-sufficient up until the day she died!

I could go back to college, get a law degree, become a lawyer. Or go to vet school and become a veterinarian. I could adopt some children!

As it is, I worry about whether I should get any more puppies, because I don't want to outlive my pets! : (

So, I guess if you are going to live a good, long, healthy life, it would be good to know in advance. Otherwise...I don't think I'd want to know.
......and I will say a :eusa_pray: for his family........

No, I don't really want to know the date and time.........although for many people this is a reality isn't it? I mean don't we all pretty much know when we are passing? Now, the advanced warning might not be 42 years or such, maybe just months, weeks, days, hours or such............dunno, but it seems to me that if people knew the exact date and time of their passing, they wouldn't be as apt to be busy living. But that's just my thoughts.
I wouldn't want to know, I think the best part of life is not knowing.

But what if you did know, and say you were going to be murdered or something? Would you be able to prevent yourself from being killed?
I don't know.... may be yes.... then I would do all the things I never thought of doing ....

Yes , would want to know the date of my death.
A friend of mine died last night.
Sorry for your loss.

I live like each day is my last and move like my ass is on fire to experience life, my son and the things I love. Knowing the day would just cause sadness because I would leave me boy, therefore I am prepared to die each day I awake.

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