Wounded Warriers---a great charity

We owe a lot to all our veterans and Wounded Warrior Project IS a good charity. As a remark to one poster who brought up part of the donations going to administrative costs, etc. - that goes for ANY charity. Same thing goes for firefighters and police benefit fund raising, and United Way, and others. Wounded Warriors should not be singled out for that.

The government DOES owe our troops the things they were promised when they enlisted. And on top of that - instead of taking the attitude that "they enlisted - they aren't entitled to anything," ask whether you'd like to see the draft reinstated.

Hell, on one hand I'd LOVE to see the draft reinstated, but on the other hand too many of our young people today wouldn't be worth the time of day, let alone drafting them. They'd be more problematic than they would be any good.

It's those who volunteer (aka enlist) to serve their country who should be held up to be admired, honored and aided ... and more than that ... THANKED for their service and dedication. It just pisses the hell out of me that they aren't appreciated instead of being spit on.

I often wonder when - not if - but when America comes under attack again, who's going to screaming the loudest, "WHERE'S OUR MILITARY!!!" Answer: The ones who spit on them now. I've already witnessed this on 9/11. I wanted to slap the shit out of the girl who said it, because I knew her to be anti-military.

I've got to get off this post before I really go into a major rant.
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The wounded warrior foundation advocates keeping guns out of the hands of these soldiers.
WTF? We entrusted these people with guns and equipment to fight a war but now they want to deny then the right to defend themselves?
This is one foundation that I will not support until they support the rights of these soldiers according to the constitution.

I used to be a wholehearted supporter of the Wounded Warriors Project. But then I found out that the organization is a fervent supporter of GUN CONTROL in this country. That really made me wonder what sort of people operate the WWP.

The reason why our own government hasn't been taking care of our own veterans and their many needs (you leftist zombies need to get your facts straight about how our vets are being kicked to the curb by the Obama administration) is that the politicians are too busy spending money on their own pork projects and funding despotic regimes in the middle east.

The way our veterans are being treated by the U.S. government is ABOMINABLE. Organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project would not be necessary if the U.S. government were doing their jobs and taking care of our veterans, regardless of how old they are or what war or conflicts they served in.

ALL of the Washington politicians, regardless of political party, share the blame for the mistreatment of our physically and mentally wounded veterans, and this lack of accountability to our vets has been going on FOREVER.
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the wounded warriers fund is doing great things for our wounded soldiers when they come home missing arms and legs, mentally damaged, or otherwise in need of help.

We should all support this worthwhile group.

Now, my question. Why isn't the government doing what this charity is doing? Of all the people that the government should help, these should be at the top of the list. Why must a private charity take care of these kids?

Why can we afford to give planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt but not afford to give these wounded heroes everything they need?

This has been bothering me for some time. I would like to know how the rest of you feel about it.

Great Charity but if we had a Great Government there would be no need for this particular charity. It is doing what our government should be doing for our vets.
I don;t want to hear that there is no money, These vets should be the highest priority for any money in the budget. If we have enough money for foreign aid, than we have enough money for these vets.
the wounded warriers fund is doing great things for our wounded soldiers when they come home missing arms and legs, mentally damaged, or otherwise in need of help.

We should all support this worthwhile group.

Now, my question. Why isn't the government doing what this charity is doing? Of all the people that the government should help, these should be at the top of the list. Why must a private charity take care of these kids?

Why can we afford to give planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt but not afford to give these wounded heroes everything they need?

This has been bothering me for some time. I would like to know how the rest of you feel about it.

my thoughts? thats what Americans do, contary to what democrats say, we give because we want too, the goverment should not be involved with charity cases, private charitys run better then any government program.

The problem with your statement is - there are NOT 'charity cases'!!! They are difficulties coming directly from service to this country and should be given all the care and consideration this nation can provide.

If we would eliminate 50% of our foreign aid, we could do tremendous things for these disabled vets and their families.

I don't think it's the "leftist zombies" who give any care and concern to our military. To the contrary, back in the 60s it was the "leftist" or future leftists who were burning the flag, revolting, protesting, burning their draft cards and tucking their tails under their legs and fleeing to Canada to avoid the draft. Then, of course, there's Hanoi Jane and the coward John Kerry and others who were at it. It's still those people today who have little to no use for our military forces.

Was the Vietnam war wrong? Damned right it was. But soldiers did their duty. They don't give orders, they take orders. Does the government owe them something for following orders? Damned right it does.
Other than what a tool you are, nope, no thoughts. Oh.....except the thought that we should be grateful that the present administration is doing more for these heroes than the last one did. Especially the part about ending the fucking wars.


now I remember why I had you on ignore, and will put you back on ignore. You are a partisan idiot and an arrogant fool.

I said nothing about politics in the OP. This question applies no matter who is president. The government should be taking care of these wounded kids, and it is not.

The tool is you--------welcome back to the ignore list.

Oh! Were you accusing "W" of giving support to the "Muslim Brotherhood"? I must have misunderstood your intended point.

Fuck off tool. Ignoring people is what pussies do.
the wounded warriers fund is doing great things for our wounded soldiers when they come home missing arms and legs, mentally damaged, or otherwise in need of help.

We should all support this worthwhile group.

Now, my question. Why isn't the government doing what this charity is doing? Of all the people that the government should help, these should be at the top of the list. Why must a private charity take care of these kids?

Why can we afford to give planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt but not afford to give these wounded heroes everything they need?

This has been bothering me for some time. I would like to know how the rest of you feel about it.

my thoughts? thats what Americans do, contary to what democrats say, we give because we want too, the goverment should not be involved with charity cases, private charitys run better then any government program.

yes, they do. but its the government that sent these kids to those hell holes to get blown up. the govt should take care of all their needs as long as they live.
the wounded warriers fund is doing great things for our wounded soldiers when they come home missing arms and legs, mentally damaged, or otherwise in need of help.

We should all support this worthwhile group.

Now, my question. Why isn't the government doing what this charity is doing? Of all the people that the government should help, these should be at the top of the list. Why must a private charity take care of these kids?

Why can we afford to give planes and tanks to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt but not afford to give these wounded heroes everything they need?

This has been bothering me for some time. I would like to know how the rest of you feel about it.

Great Charity but if we had a Great Government there would be no need for this particular charity. It is doing what our government should be doing for our vets.
I don;t want to hear that there is no money, These vets should be the highest priority for any money in the budget. If we have enough money for foreign aid, than we have enough money for these vets.

my point exactly, thank you
The wounded warrior foundation advocates keeping guns out of the hands of these soldiers.
WTF? We entrusted these people with guns and equipment to fight a war but now they want to deny then the right to defend themselves?
This is one foundation that I will not support until they support the rights of these soldiers according to the constitution.

I was not aware of that, got a cite?
Here's the only thing that bothers me about the charity - from Wikipedia

According to Charity Navigator, WWP allocates 55 percent of its revenue to program expenses and 44.8 percent to fundraising and administrative expenses. [3] From Charity Navigator Rating - Wounded Warrior Project

I would like to see a lot more go directly to the families.

However, as another poster pointed out, these are things the government through the VA should be doing. However, our present administration is doing everything it can to take away from veteran's programs to push the socialist programs of Obama.

Is that high for that kind of charity? sounds high, but I really don't know
The wounded warrior foundation advocates keeping guns out of the hands of these soldiers.
WTF? We entrusted these people with guns and equipment to fight a war but now they want to deny then the right to defend themselves?
This is one foundation that I will not support until they support the rights of these soldiers according to the constitution.

I was not aware of that, got a cite?

from the article

they have reversed their position now

Wounded Warrior Project faces fallout after snubbing ?Gun Talk? - National gun rights | Examiner.com
The wounded warrior foundation advocates keeping guns out of the hands of these soldiers.
WTF? We entrusted these people with guns and equipment to fight a war but now they want to deny then the right to defend themselves?
This is one foundation that I will not support until they support the rights of these soldiers according to the constitution.

I was not aware of that, got a cite?

from the article

they have reversed their position now

Wounded Warrior Project faces fallout after snubbing ?Gun Talk? - National gun rights | Examiner.com

thanks, looks like they saw the light and changed their position. I could not imagine any of their national spokespeople being in favor of gun control.

But thats not really the point of the thread, the point is that our govt sends these kids out to get blown apart and then dumps on them while wasting OUR money on stupid foreign aid, vacations, congressional perks, and bailing out failing companies.
"But thats not really the point of the thread, the point is that our govt sends these kids out to get blown apart and then dumps on them while wasting OUR money on stupid foreign aid, vacations, congressional perks, and bailing out failing companies."


but just wanted to answer your question
"But thats not really the point of the thread, the point is that our govt sends these kids out to get blown apart and then dumps on them while wasting OUR money on stupid foreign aid, vacations, congressional perks, and bailing out failing companies."


but just wanted to answer your question

However, as another poster pointed out, these are things the government through the VA should be doing. However, our present administration is doing everything it can to take away from veteran's programs to push the socialist programs of Obama.

Nope.......Veterans their programs and volunteering to help them are high on my list....This is what the current administration is doing and has done..."the Obama administration next week will propose spending $63.5 billion for veterans services in fiscal 2014, asking for a 4 percent increase over current spending.

The money is targeted at eliminating the backlog of veterans claims for benefits and increasing mental health services, including treatment for military sexual trauma. The budget proposal, which will not be officially unveiled until next week, also will make permanent two tax credits to encourage employers to hire veterans.

Since 2009, the overall budget, including mandated programs and discretionary spending, has risen from about $100 billion in 2009 to $140 billion this year, an increase of about 40 percent. The VA's discretionary spending this year is roughly $61 billion."
Veterans Budget Gets $63 Billion Boost From Obama White House

It takes individuals like you and me to assist in these efforts as well through giving of time, money or in other ways.

true and great, but my point remains valid. The government should be doing everything these kids need, but its not.

It is not only the government's responsibility, but everyone who has benefited from those who preserve our way of life. No one entity can a "one stop shop" for our veterans.
Nope.......Veterans their programs and volunteering to help them are high on my list....This is what the current administration is doing and has done..."the Obama administration next week will propose spending $63.5 billion for veterans services in fiscal 2014, asking for a 4 percent increase over current spending.

The money is targeted at eliminating the backlog of veterans claims for benefits and increasing mental health services, including treatment for military sexual trauma. The budget proposal, which will not be officially unveiled until next week, also will make permanent two tax credits to encourage employers to hire veterans.

Since 2009, the overall budget, including mandated programs and discretionary spending, has risen from about $100 billion in 2009 to $140 billion this year, an increase of about 40 percent. The VA's discretionary spending this year is roughly $61 billion."
Veterans Budget Gets $63 Billion Boost From Obama White House

It takes individuals like you and me to assist in these efforts as well through giving of time, money or in other ways.

true and great, but my point remains valid. The government should be doing everything these kids need, but its not.

It is not only the government's responsibility, but everyone who has benefited from those who preserve our way of life. No one entity can a "one stop shop" for our veterans.

Yes, we should all support them, but the VA should be paying their entire medical bills and taking care of basic needs for themselves and their families. What they get from charities should be extra.
true and great, but my point remains valid. The government should be doing everything these kids need, but its not.

It is not only the government's responsibility, but everyone who has benefited from those who preserve our way of life. No one entity can a "one stop shop" for our veterans.

Yes, we should all support them, but the VA should be paying their entire medical bills and taking care of basic needs for themselves and their families. What they get from charities should be extra.

Medical bills? What is not covered?
It is not only the government's responsibility, but everyone who has benefited from those who preserve our way of life. No one entity can a "one stop shop" for our veterans.

Yes, we should all support them, but the VA should be paying their entire medical bills and taking care of basic needs for themselves and their families. What they get from charities should be extra.

Medical bills? What is not covered?

If everything was being covered why are they depending on charities like wounded warriers? if everything is being paid, why are charities needed?

most of these kids are not able to work to support their families, is the VA paying their living expenses?
Other than what a tool you are, nope, no thoughts. Oh.....except the thought that we should be grateful that the present administration is doing more for these heroes than the last one did. Especially the part about ending the fucking wars.


you're the fucking tool, why dont you go douche your vag. Let me guess, it's all about govt spending....who knew a left wing commie/facist like you would use that as the only measuring stick. Atleast the last adminstration, didnt call them baby killers and terrorists

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