Wow. A huge leap over the line


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I had a great deal of respect for Alan. But I don't think you'll hear anything like this from anyone else.
Colmes has nothing of value or substance to offer so he is going to just be a loser, cheap shot artist. Santorum may have choosen to have his children touch or hold the deceased child. I dont' think that is so uncommon. He may have been trying to make a point about Santorum but instead, made a point about himself and what a despicable scoffer he really is. LOSER.
I see some of the usual suspects here on the left have taken this opportunity to demonstrate the true depth of their characters...
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he's an ass. he apologized. Done and over.

TRENDING: Fox commentator apologizes for ‘hurtful’ remark on death of Santorum’s son – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Fox News contributor Alan Colmes apologized Monday night for making "hurtful" comments about the events following the 1996 death of Rick Santorum's infant son.

Earlier in the day, Colmes claimed Santorum took the baby home, after living for only two hours, and "played with it for a couple of hours so his other children would know that the child was real."

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His apology to the Santorum family followed a barrage of criticism on Twitter for much of the day.

"Just spoke to @ricksantorum. He and Karen graciously accepted my apology for a hurtful comment," Colmes wrote.

"To some who don't recognize the dignity of all human life, who see it as a blob of tissue that should be discarded and disposed of, this is somehow weird. Recognizing the humanity of your son is somehow weird, somehow odd, and should be subject to ridicule," Santorum said.

After the event Monday, Karen Santorum chided Colmes for making the comments, saying her son's death should be a private issue, not a campaign issue.

"I think it was very inappropriate of him to do that. I'm sad that he did that," she told CNN. "I pray he will never lose a child. He cannot begin to know the pain and the depth of the loss."
I see some of the usual suspects on the left have taken this opportunity to demonstrate the true depth of their characters...

Actually, I was considering Santorum as the "Not Romney" I'm going to vote for in the primaries....

But honestly, playing with a dead baby is just kind of creepy. So is the story that his daughter is terminally ill, but he's spending all his time on the campaign trail.

Still, better than Romney, I guess.

I guess that's been the problem all along. There is no love for Romney, but no real concensus on who would be better. Santorum might win tonight, and that would make him the "Not Romney de Jour".

Romney will win because his opponents were all more flawed or weaker, and Obama will clean his clock in November.
Romney will win because his opponents were all more flawed or weaker, and Obama will clean his clock in November.

Yeah, yeah, you have been dutifully reading your DNC scripted remarks over and over for months now. I think you've covered it. Collect your pay at the door.
I don't believe in getting some fired because I don't like what they said.

Especially a partisan political ideologue. What in the world do you expect? These people are PAID to say absurd and incendiary things.



Again, Colmes is the "unlikeable liberal".

Think about it, they paired him against Hannity. So you got nice white bread looking Hannity...


Up against this guy...


Ahhh, stop that thing before it gets to the children

It's pure propaganda. Then again, Ted Turner did the same thing on Crossfire when he cast Pat Buchanan, ugly, nasty conservative with Nazi tendencies, against somewhat likable liberals.
Romney will win because his opponents were all more flawed or weaker, and Obama will clean his clock in November.

Yeah, yeah, you have been dutifully reading your DNC scripted remarks over and over for months now. I think you've covered it. Collect your pay at the door.

Reality hurts, man.

The said thing is, it shouldn't be this way. If the GOP had run Mike Huckabee or JOhn Thune or Mitch Daniels, they'd be cleaning Obama's clock right now.

Instead, they decided to run the guy 70% of Republicans really didn't want.
Romney will win because his opponents were all more flawed or weaker, and Obama will clean his clock in November.

Yeah, yeah, you have been dutifully reading your DNC scripted remarks over and over for months now. I think you've covered it. Collect your pay at the door.

Reality hurts, man.

The said thing is, it shouldn't be this way. If the GOP had run Mike Huckabee or JOhn Thune or Mitch Daniels, they'd be cleaning Obama's clock right now.

Instead, they decided to run the guy 70% of Republicans really didn't want.

Going for that bonus paycheck?

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