Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

BTW....its not a daddy issue she has. That's just you way of expressing your hatred. She is actually talking about doing what is best for the children.

But I expect the hate in this thread will escalate even more. I wonder if she's had death threats yet?
The science doesn't prove anything yet, so far it's hit and miss, and if the majority of kids were raised by bears here that's what you'd be defending as "best". When having gay parents means not taking constant crap for it these kids won't be any more bother by that than divorced parents, step-parents, single-parents, or any other form of households to be raised in. And her article screams daddy issues, it's all about daddy, that two mommies wasn't one mom and one dad, but daddy rolled on her. Had he been around she wouldn't have even bothered to write this piece of tripe up. You don't even have to read between the lines, she yells it from the mountain tops, I missed daddy, boohoo.

As for a world of crap falling down on her, she deserves it. Maybe it will wake her up to the real issue in her life, daddy left me.

The argument as to what is the 'best' situation for kids to be raised is not a valid argument against same sex marriage.

One need not prove to be the best in order to be satisfactory.

Course not. Why would an argument that destroys your position be valid?

Besides, what does it matter if children get robbed of the best as long as a selfish agenda succeeds
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?
The REAL issues seem to be, in order of importance:

1. Child abandonment by bio dad
2. Mom living a hetero lie but being unable to do it for long
3. Adult Daughter unable to take adult step to find father and confront him over his abandonment
She seems like a nice kid. I have no idea whether her two moms tried to get a male influence in her life. The only two lesbians I knew who raised kids had a gay male friend who lived with them.
You have to wonder if this essay was a way to reach out to get daddy's approval.

You also have wonder if your intolerance towards her is a response to the guilt you have.
My intolerance towards her? I'm not trying to keep her from marrying. I'm not trying to suppress her rights in any way. You seem to think that we are all supposed to fall all over ourselves in agreement with her.

And what guilt would that be? Guilt about not eating enough green vegetables? Guilt about not going out and doing my run last night? Guilt about forgetting to go to the store to get more dog biscuits so the dogs didn't get their treats last nite?
You didn't give your dogs treats last night?!!! Now that's low. (-: this woman truly a messed up adult due to being raised by two lesbians?
You have to wonder if this essay was a way to reach out to get daddy's approval.

You also have wonder if your intolerance towards her is a response to the guilt you have.
My intolerance towards her? I'm not trying to keep her from marrying. I'm not trying to suppress her rights in any way. You seem to think that we are all supposed to fall all over ourselves in agreement with her.

And what guilt would that be? Guilt about not eating enough green vegetables? Guilt about not going out and doing my run last night? Guilt about forgetting to go to the store to get more dog biscuits so the dogs didn't get their treats last nite?
You didn't give your dogs treats last night?!!! Now that's low. (-:
I know! I know! I have such guilt over that.
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?

heterosexual marriage is consistent with human biology and history. gay marriage is an aberation of both biology and human history.

Monogamy is an aberration by that reasoning.

monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.
monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.

Of course, if society decided that taxing you into oblivion were best for society as a whole, you would squeal like a stuck pig. this woman truly a messed up adult due to being raised by two lesbians?

If her worst problem is that she missed her dad, than no.

But it is still so sad.

Hell, I put effort into maintaining my daughter's friendships. I feel sad that I can't arrange a play date with an old pre school friend.

A parent is gone?

My wife and I have discussed how one of the worst things we can imagine is to have to explain to our daughter if something happened to the other parent.

This women choose to have that conversation...
heterosexual marriage is consistent with human biology and history. gay marriage is an aberation of both biology and human history.

Wrong, and wrong. Socialized bisexual promiscuity, such as practiced by the Spartans, is more consistent with human biology and history.
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?

heterosexual marriage is consistent with human biology and history. gay marriage is an aberation of both biology and human history.

Monogamy is an aberration by that reasoning.

monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.

Societal is not biological. You're defeating your own argument.

Society has also decided that puberty is too young for girls to start having babies. That goes against the biology you keep relying on for your argument.

Same sex marriage is consistent with 'societal' concerns because it adds another group within the membership of a societal in the institution of marriage which is a positive societal institution.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

BTW....its not a daddy issue she has. That's just you way of expressing your hatred. She is actually talking about doing what is best for the children.

But I expect the hate in this thread will escalate even more. I wonder if she's had death threats yet?
The science doesn't prove anything yet, so far it's hit and miss, and if the majority of kids were raised by bears here that's what you'd be defending as "best". When having gay parents means not taking constant crap for it these kids won't be any more bother by that than divorced parents, step-parents, single-parents, or any other form of households to be raised in. And her article screams daddy issues, it's all about daddy, that two mommies wasn't one mom and one dad, but daddy rolled on her. Had he been around she wouldn't have even bothered to write this piece of tripe up. You don't even have to read between the lines, she yells it from the mountain tops, I missed daddy, boohoo.

As for a world of crap falling down on her, she deserves it. Maybe it will wake her up to the real issue in her life, daddy left me.

The argument as to what is the 'best' situation for kids to be raised is not a valid argument against same sex marriage.

One need not prove to be the best in order to be satisfactory.

Course not. Why would an argument that destroys your position be valid?

Besides, what does it matter if children get robbed of the best as long as a selfish agenda succeeds
How's your fight against legalized divorce for married couples with children going?
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?

heterosexual marriage is consistent with human biology and history. gay marriage is an aberation of both biology and human history.

Monogamy is an aberration by that reasoning.

monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.
Actually that's a new standard. For thousands of years, the number of wives one man had was based on their social, land, etc. Poor men with no land or property might not get married at all. And women were property to be used for alliances, etc. with a dowry to be passed on to the new owner. this woman truly a messed up adult due to being raised by two lesbians?

If her worst problem is that she missed her dad, than no.

But it is still so sad.

Hell, I put effort into maintaining my daughter's friendships. I feel sad that I can't arrange a play date with an old pre school friend.

A parent is gone?

My wife and I have discussed how one of the worst things we can imagine is to have to explain to our daughter if something happened to the other parent.

This women choose to have that conversation...
How's your fight against legalized divorce for married couples with children going. Sounds like that would be a much more prevalent tragedy to do something about.
monogamy is a societal creation, as is marriage. Societies for thousands of years have decided that a marriage of one man and one woman was best for society as a whole. The fact that many have cheated on their spouses does not change that.

Of course, if society decided that taxing you into oblivion were best for society as a whole, you would squeal like a stuck pig.

thats pretty much what they are trying to do.:biggrin:
Because the HETERO father walked out of her life, it makes totally sense to blame it on gay marriage.
The hetro man walked away when he found out he married a bull dyke agree that closeted gays shouldn't be pretending to be straight, marry and have children. It ends up as a tragedy at the finish.

I guess that he too was so tramatized he abandoned his own daughter forever. Darn....he would have made such a good parent otherwise.

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