Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.
Yeah, that's a great excuse for not seeing your kid. Do you get paid to write this apologist bullshit?

I dismiss the views of mothers, lawyers and ex-spouses.

To me, these people have zero credibility when talking about their children, clients or ex-s, respectively.

My mother, if she was still alive could talk to you for hours about what a wonderful person I am. Would you believe her?:biggrin:
Nope. She raised a woman-hating goon.

OMG, that's so funny.

You completely validated my point. Yes. When people are to invested emotionally, they cannot be trusted to be objective or even honest.

"woman hating goon"?

Pointing out that divorce women tend to be bitter and that they often use their custody to punish their ex's is not hating women.

It's simply discussing some of the pain that often occurs with divorces and break ups.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.

it is pretty obvious that he just walked or at the very minimum was not involved in her upbringing

regardless of what her mom(s) said she feels that it is important

to have both a male and female role model in the family

based on her personal experiences
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I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!

Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!

Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.

once you throw traditional marriage out the window

all hell breaks loose

unfortunately the "all hell that breaks loose"

is on the innocent bystanders the children
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!

Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.

once you throw traditional marriage out the window

all hell breaks loose

unfortunately the "all hell that breaks loose"

is on the innocent bystanders the children

Unfortunately yes.

I can remember when people thought Divorce was a good thing, breaking up unhappy homes.

But more and more as we see the results of this change in families, we see that that it is bad for the children, and for society.
It's funny how most of you aren't realizing that this woman is about as bad an example to use against same sex marriage as you could find.

She's turned out very well by all appearances.
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!

Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.

once you throw traditional marriage out the window

all hell breaks loose

unfortunately the "all hell that breaks loose"

is on the innocent bystanders the children

So how did this woman turn out so badly?

In fact, since she happens now to take the RWnut position against same sex marriage, one could argue from the RWnut perspective that she got a good upbringing. lol

And btw, isn't one of the RWnut arguments that same sex couples are going to raise gay children? What happened to that idiocy?
She wanted her father, but he was not there... I don't see how that means she spoke out against gay parents. What if I had 2 Dad's but my real mom died before I got to know her, does that mean I don't accept my current parents because I would have liked to known my birth mother?
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!

Actually all broken and blended families are coming up short in outcomes for the children.

Little neighbor girl who plays with my daughter, is having some family drama, her step dad cheated on her mom, her father just got out of jail and is hanging around, all very painful for her.

Poor girl has a lot stacked against her already.

once you throw traditional marriage out the window

all hell breaks loose

unfortunately the "all hell that breaks loose"

is on the innocent bystanders the children

So how did this woman turn out so badly?

In fact, since she happens now to take the RWnut position against same sex marriage, one could argue from the RWnut perspective that she got a good upbringing. lol

And btw, isn't one of the RWnut arguments that same sex couples are going to raise gay children? What happened to that idiocy?

It be nice if you could be that logical about the economy, unemployment and foreign policy. Sad to see people takes sides based on their political affiliation when even they know their position makes no sense.
Offspring, regardless of age, and most certainly more often when they are adults, continually talk about how their parents could have done a better they heterosexual, homosexual, widowed, whatever.

A child with two "moms" is no worse off than a child with one mom.

Give it a rest. You want to say you are against gay marriage for it compromises your religious beliefs...say it as is your right.

But don't say others have to follow suit.
You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.

I do, I know a woman who broke up with her husband and is now living with another friend of mine, they are both women. They are both working hard to keep the father involved in the kids lives for the sake of the kids

That is an exceptional woman.

That type of behavior is not what I have seen in women. They tend to be bitter, and to rewrite history.
Fascinating. So women are bitter. I wonder why you would perceive that to be the norm.
You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.

I do, I know a woman who broke up with her husband and is now living with another friend of mine, they are both women. They are both working hard to keep the father involved in the kids lives for the sake of the kids

That is an exceptional woman.

That type of behavior is not what I have seen in women. They tend to be bitter, and to rewrite history.
Fascinating. So women are bitter. I wonder why you would perceive that to be the norm.
Well, those that have to deal with us men, have a reason to be. Any questions?
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I'm sure she's a nice young lady, but her complaints about gay marriage stem from her father not being part of her life, but her two moms did nothing to prevent him from having a relationship with his daughter.
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.

So in other words, no, you don't apply that to yourself, just people you don't like. That's fair, no bias in that
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.

A visiting daddy isn't one that lives with you. She might still have been unhappy.

Life is rarely that binary. The more father she had, the better
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.

A visiting daddy isn't one that lives with you. She might still have been unhappy.

Life is rarely that binary. The more father she had, the better
Having been a child of a bitter divorce and an selfish uncaring father, I can count on one hand how many times I saw him and how little influence a father had on my life. I look back on what I have accomplished over the past 55+ years, and I have absolutely no regrets.

Seems a father figure wasn't necessary after all.
Life is rarely that binary. The more father she had, the better
Having been a child of a bitter divorce and an selfish uncaring father, I can count on one hand how many times I saw him and how little influence a father had on my life. I look back on what I have accomplished over the past 55+ years, and I have absolutely no regrets.

Seems a father figure wasn't necessary after all.

My background was similar. My father was also a selfish, uncaring father. He lived with me until I was 5, then was always traveling, then parents split at 13. If your father was abusive, that's a different category. But other than that more is better than none. Both positive and negative

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