Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

BTW....its not a daddy issue she has. That's just you way of expressing your hatred. She is actually talking about doing what is best for the children.

But I expect the hate in this thread will escalate even more. I wonder if she's had death threats yet?
The science doesn't prove anything yet, so far it's hit and miss, and if the majority of kids were raised by bears here that's what you'd be defending as "best". When having gay parents means not taking constant crap for it these kids won't be any more bother by that than divorced parents, step-parents, single-parents, or any other form of households to be raised in. And her article screams daddy issues, it's all about daddy, that two mommies wasn't one mom and one dad, but daddy rolled on her. Had he been around she wouldn't have even bothered to write this piece of tripe up. You don't even have to read between the lines, she yells it from the mountain tops, I missed daddy, boohoo.

As for a world of crap falling down on her, she deserves it. Maybe it will wake her up to the real issue in her life, daddy left me.

The argument as to what is the 'best' situation for kids to be raised is not a valid argument against same sex marriage.

One need not prove to be the best in order to be satisfactory.
If we did what was best for children we wouldn't let people like our little Race Warrior here raise them but that's not what we do, and they wouldn't want us to, but you can't let children be raised by gay people, they might turn out weird. Raised to fight a Race War, to call Race a religion, well hell as long as they had a mom and a dad that's just dandy.
Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
your a sick asshole
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.
Yet you can not see into their head, you do not know what they think.

It is not "simply her opinion", its a fact. Her Mother's homosexual lifestyle denied her, her father.

No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.
Yes, that is true, her homosexual father abandoned her, which makes me wonder why a homosexual would have children if they are going to abandon them.
“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”

This is a pathetic statement by Gabriel. The right of the parent is more important than the welfare of the kids
People want to speak about the specifics of individuals, ignoring the issue of how children that live in a family that is a homosexual lifestyle, by nature denies children a mother and father.
Right now in many states children are being adopted into a homosexual lifestyle, children are not given a choice, further children are not even old or experienced enough in life to make that decision. They should not be put in a situation that is not natural, not what they would wish for.
Yet so many ignore the plight of children, the Rights of Children and make this about some arcane argument that has zero relevance. It does not matter if homosexuals are nice people. That does not give them the right to deny a child of a Father and a Mother.

Just because someone is nice, and can, does not make it right, from the child's perspective.
You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.

I do, I know a woman who broke up with her husband and is now living with another friend of mine, they are both women. They are both working hard to keep the father involved in the kids lives for the sake of the kids
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.
Yeah, that's a great excuse for not seeing your kid. Do you get paid to write this apologist bullshit?
Yet you can not see into their head, you do not know what they think.

It is not "simply her opinion", its a fact. Her Mother's homosexual lifestyle denied her, her father.

No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.
Yes, that is true, her homosexual father abandoned her, which makes me wonder why a homosexual would have children if they are going to abandon them.

Ditto straight parents who abandon their kids. I'm not justifying it, but no one really grasps what they are getting into with having kids until they have them
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.
Actually, it's the daughter (who's now grown up btw) who said her father abandoned her. You'd think she'd try to find him or find out the truth, eh?
Yet you can not see into their head, you do not know what they think.

It is not "simply her opinion", its a fact. Her Mother's homosexual lifestyle denied her, her father.

No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.
Yes, that is true, her homosexual father abandoned her, which makes me wonder why a homosexual would have children if they are going to abandon them.
Her homosexual father?
You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.

I do, I know a woman who broke up with her husband and is now living with another friend of mine, they are both women. They are both working hard to keep the father involved in the kids lives for the sake of the kids

That is an exceptional woman.

That type of behavior is not what I have seen in women. They tend to be bitter, and to rewrite history.
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And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
Yet you can not see into their head, you do not know what they think.

It is not "simply her opinion", its a fact. Her Mother's homosexual lifestyle denied her, her father.

No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.
Yes, that is true, her homosexual father abandoned her, which makes me wonder why a homosexual would have children if they are going to abandon them.
Her homosexual father?
I read it that way the first time as well. He versus she.
It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.
Yeah, that's a great excuse for not seeing your kid. Do you get paid to write this apologist bullshit?

I dismiss the views of mothers, lawyers and ex-spouses.

To me, these people have zero credibility when talking about their children, clients or ex-s, respectively.

My mother, if she was still alive could talk to you for hours about what a wonderful person I am. Would you believe her?:biggrin:
You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.

I do, I know a woman who broke up with her husband and is now living with another friend of mine, they are both women. They are both working hard to keep the father involved in the kids lives for the sake of the kids

That is an exceptional woman.

That type of behavior is not what I have seen in women. They tend to be bitter, and to rewrite history.

I'm not arguing what's typical either, I'm just answering your question. They are people I am very close to, I know a lot about it and what they've been through. I've known them both for years. I didn't know the wife was gay until this all happened. I did know my other friend was gay, she was open about it. Now they both are
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.
Yeah, that's a great excuse for not seeing your kid. Do you get paid to write this apologist bullshit?

I dismiss the views of mothers, lawyers and ex-spouses.

To me, these people have zero credibility when talking about their children, clients or ex-s, respectively.

My mother, if she was still alive could talk to you for hours about what a wonderful person I am. Would you believe her?:biggrin:
Nope. She raised a woman-hating goon.
It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.

And you know that because the "Gay mommy", who promised to love and honor her husband, told her child that daddy "just walked"?

You ever know any women that broke up with a man?

They tend to be bitter.
Actually, it's the daughter (who's now grown up btw) who said her father abandoned her. You'd think she'd try to find him or find out the truth, eh?

And the girl was 3 or 4 during the time period in question. Her mother told her that.

I agree, she should try to find him. ALthough it's a little late. He wasn't part of the family when she was growing up. She doesn't need him now the way she did then.
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.

A visiting daddy isn't one that lives with you. She might still have been unhappy.

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