Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

Yet you can not see into their head, you do not know what they think.

It is not "simply her opinion", its a fact. Her Mother's homosexual lifestyle denied her, her father.

No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.

Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
Yet you can not see into their head, you do not know what they think.

It is not "simply her opinion", its a fact. Her Mother's homosexual lifestyle denied her, her father.

No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.

Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
"Yet, as a little girl, I so desperately wanted a daddy. It is a strange and confusing thing to walk around with this deep-down unquenchable ache for a father, for a man, in a community that says that men are unnecessary. There were times I felt so angry with my dad for not being there for me, and then times I felt angry with myself for even wanting a father to begin with. There are parts of me that still grieve over that loss today."

Well Sweetcheeks, daddy abandoned you, and that had nothing to do with your two mommies, who tried to pick up the slack. Here's a real daddy issue for ya:

With four children you don't seem to have any problems spreading your legs for a man however.
your a sick asshole
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

BTW....its not a daddy issue she has. That's just you way of expressing your hatred. She is actually talking about doing what is best for the children.

But I expect the hate in this thread will escalate even more. I wonder if she's had death threats yet?
So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

What science? Children probably do better in a middle class family than a poor family, but you don't support social programs to bring families out of poverty.
So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

What science? Children probably do better in a middle class family than a poor family, but you don't support social programs to bring families out of poverty.
Social programs don't bring families out of poverty. But nice try.....

Don't mind Me. I'm here to document the hatred....
No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.

Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.

Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
"Yet, as a little girl, I so desperately wanted a daddy. It is a strange and confusing thing to walk around with this deep-down unquenchable ache for a father, for a man, in a community that says that men are unnecessary. There were times I felt so angry with my dad for not being there for me, and then times I felt angry with myself for even wanting a father to begin with. There are parts of me that still grieve over that loss today."

Well Sweetcheeks, daddy abandoned you, and that had nothing to do with your two mommies, who tried to pick up the slack. Here's a real daddy issue for ya:

With four children you don't seem to have any problems spreading your legs for a man however.
your a sick asshole
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Interesting....but if that were the case, you'd think the girl would bring that up in her essay against gay marriage. However, she did not. She said her father abandoned her. She's an adult now...why isn't she tracking him down to confront him about his abandonment, rather than whining about gay marriage?
Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
your a sick asshole
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Interesting....but if that were the case, you'd think the girl would bring that up in her essay against gay marriage. However, she did not. She said her father abandoned her. She's an adult now...why isn't she tracking him down to confront him about his abandonment, rather than whining about gay marriage?

Because that won't give her the adoration of dozens of bigots...and it's not click bait.
So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

BTW....its not a daddy issue she has. That's just you way of expressing your hatred. She is actually talking about doing what is best for the children.

But I expect the hate in this thread will escalate even more. I wonder if she's had death threats yet?
The science doesn't prove anything yet, so far it's hit and miss, and if the majority of kids were raised by bears here that's what you'd be defending as "best". When having gay parents means not taking constant crap for it these kids won't be any more bother by that than divorced parents, step-parents, single-parents, or any other form of households to be raised in. And her article screams daddy issues, it's all about daddy, that two mommies wasn't one mom and one dad, but daddy rolled on her. Had he been around she wouldn't have even bothered to write this piece of tripe up. You don't even have to read between the lines, she yells it from the mountain tops, I missed daddy, boohoo.

As for a world of crap falling down on her, she deserves it. Maybe it will wake her up to the real issue in her life, daddy left me.
No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.

Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
No, her father abandoning her denied her a father.

Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
"Yet, as a little girl, I so desperately wanted a daddy. It is a strange and confusing thing to walk around with this deep-down unquenchable ache for a father, for a man, in a community that says that men are unnecessary. There were times I felt so angry with my dad for not being there for me, and then times I felt angry with myself for even wanting a father to begin with. There are parts of me that still grieve over that loss today."

Well Sweetcheeks, daddy abandoned you, and that had nothing to do with your two mommies, who tried to pick up the slack. Here's a real daddy issue for ya:

With four children you don't seem to have any problems spreading your legs for a man however.
your a sick asshole
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Give it a rest. Any father that doesn't fight to see his kids I can't be bothered with, and this guy didn't even have to do that, he just walked.
Good for her for standing up for what's right. The cultural marxists are getting their way with a free hand in America. Destruction of the nuclear family...
She's standing up when she should have been sitting down, on a therapist's couch. She's a headcase full of daddy issues that she blames on gay people.
I see the cultural marxists are here defending the sickness known as homosexuality.
Good for her for standing up for what's right. The cultural marxists are getting their way with a free hand in America. Destruction of the nuclear family...

You're an idiot. Whose nuclear family got destroyed, and why? How?
That's an opinion. The mother destroyed the nuclear family she probably got caught up in feminist garbage and decided to "free" herself and in the process destroyed a normal life for her daughter. Nuclear is Husband,Wife and Kids. PERIOD. Anything else is cultural marxism and degeneracy. I already see your next step What about the old people who get married or ones who can't have kids. Well the old folks usually get married AFTER a spouse dies and kids are grown,married couple who can't have kids should adopt then. No excuse for not having a family.
So, this little bitch has daddy issues, so do millions of others, including the ones who were raped by them. And her daddy abandoned her. Let's mush on.
Going to knee-cap her? How about just beat her up...??

The hatred is amazing....I expect that as I read more and more comments in this thread, that hatred will become obscene.
Well I've got the fix for her daddy issues, a good hard spanking to knock some common sense into her head full of mush. She's always wanted a daddy and the reason she didn't have one is not because of mommy's partner, it's because dear old daddy didn't give a fuck about her. That's what she should have written about, and did, she's just too stupid to know it.
So, when did you start hating science? The science proves that children who are raised in a natural family as opposed to a gay family are more stable and do better.

BTW....its not a daddy issue she has. That's just you way of expressing your hatred. She is actually talking about doing what is best for the children.

But I expect the hate in this thread will escalate even more. I wonder if she's had death threats yet?
The science doesn't prove anything yet, so far it's hit and miss, and if the majority of kids were raised by bears here that's what you'd be defending as "best". When having gay parents means not taking constant crap for it these kids won't be any more bother by that than divorced parents, step-parents, single-parents, or any other form of households to be raised in. And her article screams daddy issues, it's all about daddy, that two mommies wasn't one mom and one dad, but daddy rolled on her. Had he been around she wouldn't have even bothered to write this piece of tripe up. You don't even have to read between the lines, she yells it from the mountain tops, I missed daddy, boohoo.

As for a world of crap falling down on her, she deserves it. Maybe it will wake her up to the real issue in her life, daddy left me.

The argument as to what is the 'best' situation for kids to be raised is not a valid argument against same sex marriage.

One need not prove to be the best in order to be satisfactory.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”

This is what you get when you have a sample of one

"Look! we found a woman raised by gays who says her life is ruined. That PROVES gays should not be parents"

Yet if you point to the millions of children from bad heterosexual marriages you get a blank stare
Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...

I think you accidentally responded to the wrong post. For you post has nothing to do with anything I said.

Somewhere out
Her mother divorcing her father removed her father from the household.

The girl was was 3 or 4 at the time, has little information on why he stopped coming around, or was driven away, as is common in such cases.

I agree this woman's issue is with divorce, not gay marriage.
Yes, because we all know all divorced men never see their children again...
your a sick asshole
No, unlike her, I'm honest. Her "logic", gays shouldn't get married because daddy left me.

It's funny how you claim to be honest in the same post where you completely misrepresent my post.

Anyway, as I was saying, the divorce her mother wanted is what removed the father from the house.

We have no way of knowing why he was not in her life.

From my observations, divorced women often take steps to make it hard for the father to be in their kids lives.
Yeah, we got it, it's all her gay mommy's fault, not the fact that daddy abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?

If the "gay mommy" used her custody to make it difficult/impossible for her father to be part of her life, than yes, it would be "gay mommy's" fault.

NOte my use of the word "often" and then consider how that relates to your strawman, "...abandoned her. Divorced men always do that right?"

Even today courts are terrible when it comes to protecting the fathers rights, and thirty years ago, they were even worse.
Interesting....but if that were the case, you'd think the girl would bring that up in her essay against gay marriage. However, she did not. She said her father abandoned her. She's an adult now...why isn't she tracking him down to confront him about his abandonment, rather than whining about gay marriage?

She was 4. She only knows what her mother told her.
now she is shunned by the leftists --LOL-typical-
Actually, I feel sorry for her.............being abandoned by her father, her HETERO father, like that.

yeah it is sad

happens all too many times

that is one of the reasons we see such tragedies as Trayvon Martin

plus that is the Main point that she makes

that children NEED the influence of both a male and female growing up

i agree with her

you too apparently

so we see eye to eye on this

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