Wow: Daughter of two moms boldly speaks out AGAINST gay marriage

And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.
She's an adult now...why isn't she tracking down "daddy" and asking him why he was such a coward and abandoner?
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I'm sure she's a nice young lady, but her complaints about gay marriage stem from her father not being part of her life, but her two moms did nothing to prevent him from having a relationship with his daughter.

How do you know that?

Because of what "Gay Mom" told her daughter about her father when she was 4?
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.

A visiting daddy isn't one that lives with you. She might still have been unhappy.

Life is rarely that binary. The more father she had, the better

Maybe. Or maybe the strife would have poisoned her environment.

We have no reliable information on the specifics of this event.
It's even worse if you're a boy as you're seen as trash within such a relationship. A daughter is taught to hate men and generally gets a piss poor upbringing.

:lol: And exactly reality do you base that wisdom on?

Watch some videos about single mother upbringings. I can only imagine what two moms would result as.
An excellent upbringing....especially when the child is loved and nurtured as opposed to being abandoned like what this father did.
And let's not forget her other major psychological issue, she's jealous of her children because they are growing up with the daddy she never had.

So if she thinks it's better to have a mother and father than two mothers, then we can conclude she's jealous of her kids.

A standard you apply to your own life, anything you don't agree with means you are jealous of the people who have it, right Paint? You wouldn't be hypocritical on this, would you? Say it ain't so, Joe...
She thinks it's better because she wanted a daddy. Had she had three parents in her life this wouldn't be an issue now would it? She's not defending mom and dad as best, she's screaming out like a child But I Want Daddy and daddy was nowhere to be found, obviously.
She's an adult now...why isn't she tracking down "daddy" and asking him why he was such a coward and abandoner?

How do you know that? Because of what his ex-wife told their daughter about him?

You really think that she is objective about her ex-husband?
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I'm sure she's a nice young lady, but her complaints about gay marriage stem from her father not being part of her life, but her two moms did nothing to prevent him from having a relationship with his daughter.

How do you know that?

Because of what "Gay Mom" told her daughter about her father when she was 4?
This girl is now a grown up....considering her anti-gay marriage agenda, you'd think she'd throw "my lesbian mom kept my dad from having a relationship with me" if it were true...or even if she thought it might be true.
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!
CHILDREN? As in plural? Where's another one?
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I'm sure she's a nice young lady, but her complaints about gay marriage stem from her father not being part of her life, but her two moms did nothing to prevent him from having a relationship with his daughter.

How do you know that?

Because of what "Gay Mom" told her daughter about her father when she was 4?
This girl is now a grown up....considering her anti-gay marriage agenda, you'd think she'd throw "my lesbian mom kept my dad from having a relationship with me" if it were true...or even if she thought it might be true.

Well, if you are comfortable speculating about what is going on in this woman's head, I could easily guess that perhaps she is afraid to put herself at risk emotionally like that.

She might very well hope that he will see this and contact her and tell her that he loved her, ect. ect. ect.

But she might fear that someone will contact her and let her know that he did indeed not care about her and joked about skating out on that "lesbian bitch and stupid baby".

Or any number of other possibilities.
Was watching a show about a young lady who was raised by two lesbians and conceived by a sperm donor who was searching for her donor. You could see her longing for her father.

No different than children who are adopted by male/female couples and raised in loving homes, who long for their biological parents. Or children who are raised by a step-parent and long for their absent biological parent. Humans have an inherent drawing toward our biological family members which has nothing to do with the adequacy of parenting otherwise. There is evidence to suggest that we have a hidden ability to identify people biologically related to us on an unconscious level, and that the imperative to connect with our biological relatives is so powerful that it can lead to dysfunctional sexual responses to unknowingly meeting long lost siblings and parents.
I don't think that the problem is in kid, i think same-sex couples just can't give their kids "something" which traditional couples can.
And now, when CHILDREN say that same-sex marriages are not as good as we thought before... i think we should think about it's necessity!
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I'm sure she's a nice young lady, but her complaints about gay marriage stem from her father not being part of her life, but her two moms did nothing to prevent him from having a relationship with his daughter.

How do you know that?

Because of what "Gay Mom" told her daughter about her father when she was 4?
This girl is now a grown up....considering her anti-gay marriage agenda, you'd think she'd throw "my lesbian mom kept my dad from having a relationship with me" if it were true...or even if she thought it might be true.

Well, if you are comfortable speculating about what is going on in this woman's head, I could easily guess that perhaps she is afraid to put herself at risk emotionally like that.

She might very well hope that he will see this and contact her and tell her that he loved her, ect. ect. ect.

But she might fear that someone will contact her and let her know that he did indeed not care about her and joked about skating out on that "lesbian bitch and stupid baby".

Or any number of other possibilities. say she may be afraid to "put herself at risk emotionally like that'...but she's gonna turn around and PUBLICALLY bite the hands of her mom, her step-mom and all the gays she has known growing up...

So, you make her sound more and more like a whiney little bitch who blames everyone but her absent father for him being absent.
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I'm sure she's a nice young lady, but her complaints about gay marriage stem from her father not being part of her life, but her two moms did nothing to prevent him from having a relationship with his daughter.

How do you know that?

Because of what "Gay Mom" told her daughter about her father when she was 4?
This girl is now a grown up....considering her anti-gay marriage agenda, you'd think she'd throw "my lesbian mom kept my dad from having a relationship with me" if it were true...or even if she thought it might be true.

Well, if you are comfortable speculating about what is going on in this woman's head, I could easily guess that perhaps she is afraid to put herself at risk emotionally like that.

She might very well hope that he will see this and contact her and tell her that he loved her, ect. ect. ect.

But she might fear that someone will contact her and let her know that he did indeed not care about her and joked about skating out on that "lesbian bitch and stupid baby".

Or any number of other possibilities.
She SAYS the reason she opposes gay marriage is she didn't have different sex parents. The reason I know that is I READ THE STORY.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?

heterosexual marriage is consistent with human biology and history. gay marriage is an aberation of both biology and human history.
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?

heterosexual marriage is consistent with human biology and history. gay marriage is an aberation of both biology and human history.

Monogamy is an aberration by that reasoning.
Daughter of Two Moms Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

As she grew up with her loving mom and stepmom, Barwick writes, her family taught her “how to be brave,” have “empathy,” “how to listen,” and “how to stand up for myself, even if that means I stand alone.” And for a while — into her 20s — that meant being an advocate for gay marriage. But now she’s had a change of heart.

“Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not,” she writes. “A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”

But while her argument is heartfelt, note some gay-parenting supporters, it’s also full of holes.

“There’s nothing wrong with her sharing her experience — it’s an important conversation, and one that we have, and should have, all the time,” Gabriel Blau, executive director of the Family Equality Council, tells Yahoo Parenting. “But denying a huge swath of American citizens our civil rights is not an answer.”
I'm sure she's a nice young lady, but her complaints about gay marriage stem from her father not being part of her life, but her two moms did nothing to prevent him from having a relationship with his daughter.

How do you know that?

Because of what "Gay Mom" told her daughter about her father when she was 4?
This girl is now a grown up....considering her anti-gay marriage agenda, you'd think she'd throw "my lesbian mom kept my dad from having a relationship with me" if it were true...or even if she thought it might be true.

Well, if you are comfortable speculating about what is going on in this woman's head, I could easily guess that perhaps she is afraid to put herself at risk emotionally like that.

She might very well hope that he will see this and contact her and tell her that he loved her, ect. ect. ect.

But she might fear that someone will contact her and let her know that he did indeed not care about her and joked about skating out on that "lesbian bitch and stupid baby".

Or any number of other possibilities. say she may be afraid to "put herself at risk emotionally like that'...but she's gonna turn around and PUBLICALLY bite the hands of her mom, her step-mom and all the gays she has known growing up...

So, you make her sound more and more like a whiney little bitch who blames everyone but her absent father for him being absent.

Sure. A hope/fear like that could have been with her her whole life, could be incredibly important to her.

"Whining"? That just means you aren't sympathetic to her complaint. Using that word in no way invalidates her issues.

And it is the mother who broke up their family. The mother who decided that she was gay, after marring a man and having sex with him for years and then demanded a divorce. After she had a child.

I wonder if she got child support?
She's getting nailed all over the web. I hope she planned for that, the little dumbass.

You seem to be getting pleasure over this young lady being hurt by publicity. Why the anger and hatred towards her for simply sharing her narrative with the public?

What is it about hearing the truth of this woman's pain that has you so angry?

I've found in my few years alive that the truth only angers people when it hurts a closely held lie. So why lie is threatened in your life? Whatever it is just let it go.
How much validation would posters here give to an adult who complained about divorce and remarriage to another man....and bio dad walking away?

Somehow, I doubt many of the same people high-fiving this woman, would be as quick to condemn heterosexual marriage under your scenario. Funny how that works, eh?
The REAL issues seem to be, in order of importance:

1. Child abandonment by bio dad
2. Mom living a hetero lie but being unable to do it for long
3. Adult Daughter unable to take adult step to find father and confront him over his abandonment
You have to wonder if this essay was a way to reach out to get daddy's approval.

You also have wonder if your intolerance towards her is a response to the guilt you have.
My intolerance towards her? I'm not trying to keep her from marrying. I'm not trying to suppress her rights in any way. You seem to think that we are all supposed to fall all over ourselves in agreement with her.

And what guilt would that be? Guilt about not eating enough green vegetables? Guilt about not going out and doing my run last night? Guilt about forgetting to go to the store to get more dog biscuits so the dogs didn't get their treats last nite?

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