Wow! Just Wow about meat!

Now here's an article about meat eating that you can get you teeth into.


If someone has no sensitivities to any of those toxins, cool!

I have a very painful condition that worsens if I eat a lot of oxalic acid, so I must avoid the "healthiest" of all vegetables -- beets, spinach, chard and other greens, as well as nuts and grains and legumes.

Since adopting diet heavy in animal protein and fats, my cholesterol is normal! I can eat a few vegetables and fruits and the only thing I feel deprived of is the pain of the condition that's exacerbated by oxalates.

PS -- If you tend towards those very painful kidney stones, they are very likely calcium oxalate stones and you might be advised by your doctor to avoid oxalates.


If someone has no sensitivities to any of those toxins, cool!

I have a very painful condition that worsens if I eat a lot of oxalic acid, so I must avoid the "healthiest" of all vegetables -- beets, spinach, chard and other greens, as well as nuts and grains and legumes.

Since adopting diet heavy in animal protein and fats, my cholesterol is normal! I can eat a few vegetables and fruits and the only thing I feel deprived of is the pain of the condition that's exacerbated by oxalates.

PS -- If you tend towards those very painful kidney stones, they are very likely calcium oxalate stones and you might be advised by your doctor to avoid oxalates.

I don’t have any sensitivities to vegetables, but I gave up eating them about a year ago and went carnivore. I do eat white rice and white bread on occasion. I did go grain free for about a decade and can attest to its benefits. Never felt better.

What I find interesting is we’ve been told for decades to eat our vegetables. That they are good for us. Yet now we see more and more studies proving veggies are harmful. It is yet another example of how conventional wisdom is often wrong.

If someone has no sensitivities to any of those toxins, cool!

I have a very painful condition that worsens if I eat a lot of oxalic acid, so I must avoid the "healthiest" of all vegetables -- beets, spinach, chard and other greens, as well as nuts and grains and legumes.

Since adopting diet heavy in animal protein and fats, my cholesterol is normal! I can eat a few vegetables and fruits and the only thing I feel deprived of is the pain of the condition that's exacerbated by oxalates.

PS -- If you tend towards those very painful kidney stones, they are very likely calcium oxalate stones and you might be advised by your doctor to avoid oxalates.

I don't do it deliberately, but I find that I don't eat many vegetables, but I do like lightly steamed buttered broccoli.

Sorry for the late edit.
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If God did not want you to eat meat……he wouldn’t have made it taste so good
That's so old..

Last time I heard it I fell off my dinosaur

Btw, this is another anti-"vegan" thread where vegans aren't allowed to correct you and will be accused of "pushing their beliefs down your throat.". I may get into this thread this evening when I have time
2 points. Well, I just thought of one more so make that 3. :D

  1. Any new "study" that promotes meat eating that people latch on to and make blog posts like this one, is almost always funded by the very industry that profits from these "studies." The meat industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and they know full well that many people are looking into going plantbased, or at least cutting down on their meat consumption. Obviously these industries don't want to lose money, so it is common knowledge among people who are aware of these things that they fight back with "new studies" to try to convince people that eating meat is not only not bad, it's actually healthy for you! And that is precisely what is going on. Also it needs to be stated that because more people are aware of industry-funded research, they've gotten better at hiding those conflicts of interest when funding these "studies." Because of that, many people fall for it...which leads me to my second point.

  2. People love hearing what their itching ears want to hear. Butter is healthy now? Oh boy, yay! This new study says that meat is actually good for me? Well by golly, I'm going to eat even more meat now and feel good about it!

  3. Flesh eating has a demonic origin. According to the Book of Enoch and a few other ancient texts, flesh eating began when the giants (Nephilim) had such a huge appetite that they began eating pretty much everything that moved, starting with animals. Although the bible doesn't go into detail about the Nephilim, the Book of Enoch does, and all that evil violence was the reason for the flood. Btw, I just decided I think I'm going to do a short reel on this.
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Any new "study" that promotes meat eating that people latch on to and make blog posts like this one, is almost always funded by the very industry that profits from these "studies." The meat industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and they know full well that many people are looking into going plantbased, or at least cutting down on their meat consumption. Obviously these industries don't want to lose money, so it is common knowledge among people who are aware of these things that they fight back with "new studies" to try to convince people that eating meat is not only not bad, it's actually healthy for you!
"Look at this new study I found that explains why the Democrat Party's policies are better for America!"

"Who's it funded by?". Well, the DNC. What's your point? :auiqs.jpg:
Look up the phrase “oxalates and inflammation.”

So, if you eat too much/many of some vegetables it can be a problem. The vegis them selves are not the problem, it is the overuse of them.
Just like everything else.
So, if you eat too much/many of some vegetables it can be a problem. The vegis them selves are not the problem, it is the overuse of them.
Just like everything else.
It’s best to be informed before posting.

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