Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are “Down on America”

Aren't republicans down on america? Unemployment falls and republicans complain. The front runner, trump, likes to decry America and tell us that china is "killing" us. Reality disagrees, but that doesn't seem to matter to republicans.
vote Democrat you want more of this hateful stuff being spewed all over you.
VOTE them out of our lives come 2016. we can't take another FOUR years of them, let alone eight. I just heard Hillary say she want's to Continue what that thug Obama has already stated. SERIOUSLY, are you better off under this nasty progressive party? Look at the facts and they aren't pretty for any of us.

Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are “Down on America”

Jim Hoft Oct 11th, 2015 1:59 pm

Barack Obama sat for twenty years in a pew listening to this hate-filled nut.

This weekend Obama trashed Republicans for being “down on America.”
The man has absolutely no self-awareness.

Doug Powers responded:

That’s right — the old acquaintance of Bill Ayers whose pastor of 20 years was famously recorded saying “God damn America” who later became a presidential candidate campaigning on a promise to fundamentally transformthis unfair and unjust country while making his wife proud of the country for the first time in her adult life thinks the GOP has been running down the country.

all of it here and comments
Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are "Down on America" - The Gateway Pundit

calm yourself Stephanie------here is my take on Obama's SPIRITURAL ADVISOR
and Obama's approval thereof. Obama is an MAN FOR OBAMA----and it was
probably politically advantageous for him AT THAT TIME----to be in that
"church" of the Nazi pig. (see? I knew that you are eager for my sublime
opinion) Lots of successful political guys put ethics on the shelf

calm yourself and give your take on it to someone who wants to hear about it. K

I am no a messageboard-------are you the spokes (thing) for the entire board.
I addressed you to make sure that it was obvious that my response is to your

ok , I read what you said and it's not bad. I apologize for shutting you down, but I didn't like being told to: clam down. my bad:beer:
vote Democrat you want more of this hateful stuff being spewed all over you.
VOTE them out of our lives come 2016. we can't take another FOUR years of them, let alone eight. I just heard Hillary say she want's to Continue what that thug Obama has already stated. SERIOUSLY, are you better off under this nasty progressive party? Look at the facts and they aren't pretty for any of us.

Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are “Down on America”

Jim Hoft Oct 11th, 2015 1:59 pm

Barack Obama sat for twenty years in a pew listening to this hate-filled nut.

This weekend Obama trashed Republicans for being “down on America.”
The man has absolutely no self-awareness.

Doug Powers responded:

That’s right — the old acquaintance of Bill Ayers whose pastor of 20 years was famously recorded saying “God damn America” who later became a presidential candidate campaigning on a promise to fundamentally transformthis unfair and unjust country while making his wife proud of the country for the first time in her adult life thinks the GOP has been running down the country.

all of it here and comments
Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are "Down on America" - The Gateway Pundit

calm yourself Stephanie------here is my take on Obama's SPIRITURAL ADVISOR
and Obama's approval thereof. Obama is an MAN FOR OBAMA----and it was
probably politically advantageous for him AT THAT TIME----to be in that
"church" of the Nazi pig. (see? I knew that you are eager for my sublime
opinion) Lots of successful political guys put ethics on the shelf

calm yourself and give your take on it to someone who wants to hear about it. K

I am no a messageboard-------are you the spokes (thing) for the entire board.
I addressed you to make sure that it was obvious that my response is to your

ok , I read what you said and it's not bad. I apologize for shutting you down, but I didn't like being told to: clam down. my bad:beer:

that's ok -----sweetie
Republicans say it's Democrats who hate America, but everything Republicans do is an attempt to bring down the country. They can't even name a single GOP policy that's good for America. Not one.

Because every GPO policy is lied about, spun or down right twisted in meaning by the left.
It's hard to fight for freedom and Independence when the left keep wanting to give out free stuff at the expense of our younger generations paying dearly for it.
Republicans refuse to fund modernization of US Infrastructure because our local Representatives are inept.
Republicans insist on funding modernization of potential Commie Infrastructure because all foreign politicians are responsible.

Yep, Pubs just LOVE America!
President 'Bonobo' had 100% control of the House and Senate! He promised "shovel ready jobs". He fucking LIED!
He didn't lift one fucking finger at that time to fill in ONE fucking pothole.......anywhere.
And you have the nerve to mention the Reps?
Shame on you.
Republicans refuse to fund modernization of US Infrastructure because our local Representatives are inept.
Republicans insist on funding modernization of potential Commie Infrastructure because all foreign politicians are responsible.

Yep, Pubs just LOVE America!
President 'Bonobo' had 100% control of the House and Senate! He promised "shovel ready jobs". He fucking LIED!
He didn't lift one fucking finger at that time to fill in ONE fucking pothole.......anywhere.
And you have the nerve to mention the Reps?
Shame on you.

You're missing the point...Both parties are scum.
Republicans say it's Democrats who hate America, but everything Republicans do is an attempt to bring down the country. They can't even name a single GOP policy that's good for America. Not one.
That finger points both ways.
Democrats' social policies are nothing but a slow Cloward-Piven type death.
Aren't republicans down on america? Unemployment falls and republicans complain. The front runner, trump, likes to decry America and tell us that china is "killing" us. Reality disagrees, but that doesn't seem to matter to republicans.
******** likes to decry America and tell us that china is "killing" us. ********
When you compare their 7.5% growth rate to our 3.9%, yea.....
I've never seen a President as nasty and ugly as this one. And I've been voting since Carter. the man believes he should speak on every little thing whether we give a crap to hear from him or not. just a horrible human being in my book. the division he's created the whole time he's been office, the awful things he's said about our Civilian Police officers that is now getting them hunted down and either injured or killed. and using our Tax dollars to travel to raise money for this party more that any President that I can remember doing.
and then him and that wife of his has hosed us down for their extravagant spending and had to pay for the mother-in-law on top of it all. We'll be shocked when the whole bill is totaled up. but they didn't care about their spending in this economy that they wailed was the: worst recession since the great the Great Depression. they never canceled their 19 day vacations in Hawaii. though many of us had to cancel our because of him and his party.
sickening and I can't wait until he's gone. and I beg you the people NOT ANOTHER progressive/democrat IN 2016 or ever would be good too
"Nasty" AND "ugly" Ding! Ding! Ding!......drink up folks!
vote Democrat you want more of this hateful stuff being spewed all over you.
VOTE them out of our lives come 2016. we can't take another FOUR years of them, let alone eight. I just heard Hillary say she want's to Continue what that thug Obama has already stated. SERIOUSLY, are you better off under this nasty progressive party? Look at the facts and they aren't pretty for any of us.

Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are “Down on America”

Jim Hoft Oct 11th, 2015 1:59 pm

Barack Obama sat for twenty years in a pew listening to this hate-filled nut.

This weekend Obama trashed Republicans for being “down on America.”
The man has absolutely no self-awareness.

Doug Powers responded:

That’s right — the old acquaintance of Bill Ayers whose pastor of 20 years was famously recorded saying “God damn America” who later became a presidential candidate campaigning on a promise to fundamentally transformthis unfair and unjust country while making his wife proud of the country for the first time in her adult life thinks the GOP has been running down the country.

all of it here and comments
Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are "Down on America" - The Gateway Pundit

First you call the guy a liar, and the minute he puts it straight, now he's a divider? You fucks are downing the economy and guess what Blanche, you are in a wheel chair and you can't walk!!
vote Democrat you want more of this hateful stuff being spewed all over you.
VOTE them out of our lives come 2016. we can't take another FOUR years of them, let alone eight. I just heard Hillary say she want's to Continue what that thug Obama has already stated. SERIOUSLY, are you better off under this nasty progressive party? Look at the facts and they aren't pretty for any of us.

Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are “Down on America”

Jim Hoft Oct 11th, 2015 1:59 pm

Barack Obama sat for twenty years in a pew listening to this hate-filled nut.

This weekend Obama trashed Republicans for being “down on America.”
The man has absolutely no self-awareness.

Doug Powers responded:

That’s right — the old acquaintance of Bill Ayers whose pastor of 20 years was famously recorded saying “God damn America” who later became a presidential candidate campaigning on a promise to fundamentally transformthis unfair and unjust country while making his wife proud of the country for the first time in her adult life thinks the GOP has been running down the country.

all of it here and comments
Wow! Obama Tells Supporters Republicans are "Down on America" - The Gateway Pundit

It is Republicans after all- that are telling us what a horrible place America is now- and only they can make it less horrible.

It is Trump who says America needs him to 'restore American Greatness'- so clearly he doesn't think America is great anymore.
he should have worried more about iran or ISIS
Republicans made Iraq Iran's "friend". And when they disbanded the Iraqi military, they gave Isis a command structure. God these right wingers are stupid. Don't they follow the news? Why not?

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