Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?
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You would think by 2019 this fight would be over.

Douglas' Office Defends Creationist on Panel: Christianity Not a 'Fringe View'

Kezele, a biology instructor at Arizona Christian University, says that scientific evidence supports his beliefs that the planet is just 6,000 years old and that teenage dinosaurs were on board Noah's Ark. His ideas are rejected by an overwhelming majority of mainstream researchers.
Willis O'Brien did a far better job with rubber dinosaurs in The Lost World, which was released earlier that year. Fifty Million Years Ago suckered itself ramora-like to the success of the earlier film, kind of like Battle Beyond The Stars ripping off Star Wars, which of course ripped off other things.

It's interesting that you would choose a film that gets most of its science wrong to criticize others getting the science wrong.
Kezele is a quack. He has no degree in biology and no research experience in biology. Which, of course, is exactly what this christian university was looking for.
Evolution=democrats/liberals devolving from Kennedy like types to the sky screaming useless bags of meat they are today.
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

Almost every chemist, biologist, physicist, MD, electrical and mechanical engineer I know is a Republican.
Almost every idiot I know is a Liberal.
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

That’s because the theory was knew then.
When creating a thread questioning the intelligence of others, it's probably a good idea to check the grammar in your title to avoid looking like an idiot.

Its far too late for Deany.
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

It wasn't computer technology you anti science dumb fuck.


How old is the Universe?

How old is our Galaxy?

How old is our Solar system?

How old is our Sun?

How old is our planet?

How old is the Human race?

Now you are most likely wondering why am I asking such simple questions like this, well the reality is the Human race as it is is just a spec in time eye.

Our understanding and knowledge of how humanity came into creation is just theories and true the Univers is far older than our pathetic existence but we do not know the whole story either and I keep my mind wide open to all ideas...
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

Every time R-Derp can't come up with something to attack Trump with...his default post is another string about how stupid Republicans are! How many is this now? About your 200th variation of the same theme?

It's ironic how one of the board's least intelligent posters spends so much time accusing OTHERS of being ignorant!
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

Almost every chemist, biologist, physicist, MD, electrical and mechanical engineer I know is a Republican.
Almost every idiot I know is a Liberal.

Your confusing straight with Republican.

Because the truth is, the majority of Republicans think college is bad for America. Of course fewer scientists will be Republican. It only stands to reason.


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

And wow! I bet they knew that there are two sexes: male and female; and that women have babies and men don't.
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

Every time R-Derp can't come up with something to attack Trump with...his default post is another string about how stupid Republicans are! How many is this now? About your 200th variation of the same theme?

It's ironic how one of the board's least intelligent posters spends so much time accusing OTHERS of being ignorant!

So you believe magical creation should be taught along side real science?

Because that's what the argument is.

Should they expand it further?



Tea leaves?
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

And wow! I bet they knew that there are two sexes: male and female; and that women have babies and men don't.

Double wow! Everything you imagine you know in a single sentence. Amazing!
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

And wow! I bet they knew that there are two sexes: male and female; and that women have babies and men don't.

Double wow! Everything you imagine you know in a single sentence. Amazing!

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

Deanturd knows less about what anyone else knows about anything, yet he's always here to troll the forum with complete ignorance and delusional bullshit.


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