Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Well this is playing out as expected. The evolution denier breathlessly poses his big "stumpers!!", which are easily and succinctly answered by anyone with a modest education level, with a minimum of effort.

And then he ignores all question posed to him.

Rinse, repeat.
You're the one dancing around ignoring things, skippy. Got any more fun dances you can do? Maybe pretend you know how big the universe is?

Maybe you could pretend you're God.
I SAID, scientists mistake adaptation for evolution
Which means you are saying adaptation occurs.

So, ignoring the rest of your word salad:

How do animals adapt?

But lets get back to where did life come from.
Third time: abiogenesis.

Don't ask me another question until you get some manners and answer my first and only question to you thus far:

How do animals adapt?
Little thought experiment:

Say you're out on a putting green one sunny day and tap your ball 2 inches due west. Then you pick the ball up and return it to its original position. Then you drill a cup hole 2 inches due west and insert a cup. Have you just increased the ball's "potential energy"?
And obviously so, amiright. Yet here's that ball and cup!
Potential energy

In physics, the potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position in a force field or that a system has due to the configuration of its parts.
There are many types of potential energy, but the most common are:
  • Gravitational potential energy that depends on the vertical position and the mass of an object.

How dare you think for yourself! You must be nuts like me :102:
Question for...well, everybody.

What does it matter? If a discovery is made tomorrow that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt everything you believe today, and proves it to the satisfaction of even those who disagree with you...

What does it matter? How will your life be improved?
Question for...well, everybody.

What does it matter? If a discovery is made tomorrow that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt everything you believe today, and proves it to the satisfaction of even those who disagree with you...

What does it matter? How will your life be improved?
I just disbelieve. Nothing there for me :dunno:
ToE and evolutionary thinking wants to believe in dark energy and dark matter that comprises a boundless and centerless universe. However, this is not what we see with our most powerful telescopes.
Yes it is. It is precisely what we see.

Liberals claim expansion of space

Don't lie. No one can see dark matter. It's evolutionist's invisible Satan. They claim it is expanding the universe faster than ever.

However, we do see that spacetime curves as it goes further out so our universe is starting to collapse. Einstein could not deny the expansion of space because of Hubble and Lemaitre redshifts, but still didn't buy expansion forever.
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History says otherwise, and Democrats are tearing down Confederate statues to erase their history of slavery.

They are still Confederates, who've now adopted Communism, and seek to replace the old slavery of black-to-white with the slavery of all to the State.
Why would Republicans want to keep monuments to the enemy?

Are you sure you've thought this through?

It is all American history and should be clearly remembered so the Democrats can't do it again.
Lame. Republicans don’t care about history. They care about money and power.

Is that why all Democrats ever promise their dependents is more money and power for them if they just keep voting for them?
We know that blue states have to support red states because they’re just not educated and they need help. Do a little research and you can find that out on your own.

Do a little research yourself asshat and tell me where the "red" and "blue" states are? Then tell me how people become more and less "educated" when their state shifts from one color to the next? What do you think, they move people around from state to state, idiot?


You'll find very few states in there that were consistently always one color, and the few that were are most likely states mainly agricultural and very low in population where people work hard on farms to feed themselves because there is no welfare office two blocks down the street. Further, as you are so famously always saying, not that many people live there so you probably have more people needing "help" in one city block of Blue State New York City than you do ALL of the state of, say, Oklahoma, chump.
Don't lie. No one can see dark matter.
I didn't say we can. I said we can observe its gravitational effects on its surroundings.

JBond, if you are going to participate in these science discussions, please do better.
You already bring a lot of poor logic and outright falsehoods to the table. The least you could do is pay attention and not misrepresent others.

They claim it is expanding the universe faster than ever.
No. That's what scientists say about dark energy.

However, we do see that spacetime curves as it goes further out so our universe is starting to collapse.
No,it isn't, and i have no idea where you are getting this nonsense.

Besides "faith-based" belief in invisible dark matter
Embarrassing lie. The only "belief" is in the very real, observable effects of dark matter. If you uave another explanation for the obaervations, let's hear it. You ,of course, do not, and you dont understand any of this anyway. So, when you reject any of it, really,nobody gives a shit. You have less than no credibility in these topics, as you clearly know less than nothing about them.

And when you claim scientists who taught us everything we know about gravity are "ignoring gravity", you make yourself a laughingstock.
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People new(sic) more about dark matter as well:
aether (Ancient Greek: αἰθήρ, aither[1]), also spelled æther or ether and also called quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere.[2] The concept of aether was used in several theories to explain several natural phenomena, such as the traveling of light and gravity. In the late 19th century, physicists postulated that aether permeated all throughout space, providing a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum, but evidence for the presence of such a medium was not found in the Michelson–Morley experiment, and this result has been interpreted as meaning that no such luminiferous aether exists.[3]
The Michelson–Morley experiment was shit so produced a nothing result which Einstein was happy to accept. Many were fooled into repeating much the same shit experiment including themselves multiple times. Inspired by someone (long since forgotten) who actually knew what he was doing, M-M tried one more time with a much bigger apparatus (though at insufficient elevation) and achieved a small positive result which they immediately blew off as insignificant and proclaimed the results the same as ever.
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

You cannot divide by zero is a simple analogy to explain that one cannot have a boundless, edgeless and centerless universe.
You do not need infite spacetime in order to have a boundless universe, just as the surface of a sphere is finite yet boundless.

The point is you were wrong about spacetime being forever.
You misread my comments. I only mentioned that electromagnetic waves can propagate forever. If the spacetime in which they propagate does not last forever, that is not their fault.

Explain the giant skeletal remains that have been found in all areas of the globe if "evolution" is real.....
Why should I explain your nonsense? You explain it.

Because the theory of evolution is total bullshit......
It’s 2019 and some people can be that stupid? It’s mind-boggling.

But yet here you are....spewing stupidity and angst in tremendous volumes day after if you have no life at all.

National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

So, how do animals adapt?
I didn't say we can. I said we can observe its gravitational effects on its surroundings.

JBond, if you are going to participate in these science discussions, please do better.
You already bring a lot of poor logic and outright falsehoods to the table. The least you could do is pay attention and not misrepresent others.

No, you need to do better. You are assuming it is a large mass of dark matter that is producing the effects. Dark matter is one of these hypotheses. There could be some other cause which we do not understand yet -- This Gigantic Ring of Galaxies Could Bring Einstein's Gravity Into Question. BTW I still think Einstein never really gave up his cosmological constant. He said it was the biggest blunder of his life after investigation and admitting to Hubble and Lemaitre's redshifts. It would explain the spacetime expansion and also explain a big collapse or the universe is not eternal.

No. That's what scientists say about dark energy.

Heh. You didn't watch the video. It gets to dark energy.

No,it isn't, and i have no idea where you are getting this nonsense.

From Einstein. He never did give up on his lamda or cosmological constant -- Einstein's Lost Theory Describes a Universe Without a Big Bang - The Crux, but why bother you're not going to read and understand it anyway.

Embarrassing lie. The only "belief" is in the very real, observable effects of dark matter. If you uave another explanation for the obaervations, let's hear it. You ,of course, do not, and you dont understand any of this anyway. So, when you reject any of it, really,nobody gives a shit. You have less than no credibility in these topics, as you clearly know less than nothing about them.

And when you claim scientists who taught us everything we know about gravity are "ignoring gravity", you make yourself a laughingstock.

Again, you believe hypotheses of dark matter is true. There could be other explanations of the cosmos.

Finally, you ask a question but without hearing the answer you continue to be the stupid, ignorant blowhard that is your nature haha. I am one step ahead of you as usual and have already provided the answer above.

Let's just say that you will end up knowing what billions of years mean through experience as you will see what happens without gaining any real and true understanding of the universe and continue to believe in your false science. Your final destination has already been determined..
Interesting links there, James. Thanks. So much time and energy wasted on that stupid lambda fudge factor.
I'll answer for Dean...

How old is the Universe?
It's anyone's guess... We simply do not know.

How old is our Galaxy?
It's anyone's guess... We simply do not know.

How old is our Solar system?
It's anyone's guess... We simply do not know.

How old is our Sun?
It's anyone's guess... We simply do not know.

How old is our planet?
It's anyone's guess... We simply do not know.

How old is the Human race?
It's anyone's guess... We simply do not know.

Now you are most likely wondering why am I asking such simple questions like this, well the reality is the Human race as it is is just a spec in time eye.
Yup... Humanity as a whole is a tiny spec in the grand scheme of the universe...

Our understanding and knowledge of how humanity came into creation is just theories
Correct... and more specifically, religious theories, since they aren't falsifiable...

and true the Univers is far older than our pathetic existence
I'd say we don't even know that much...

but we do not know the whole story either and I keep my mind wide open to all ideas...
Correct. We simply do not know the answers, and science can't be involved since these theories are not falsifiable... The best we can do is religiously believe in particular theories.
We know approximately how old the universe is

And it isn’t 6,000 years old.
No, we don't... It's a guess, like any other guess. There is no way of knowing how old it is; we weren't there to observe its creation (IF it was even created)...

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