Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Where did life come from?
Huh? As in....what location? What planet, or star system? Youre using somewhat childish terms. Could you be more articulate in your question?
Nice try to dodge the question, as moronic as it was.
Not a dodge. Your question seems to ask from what location life arose. Being courteous, I pointed out that this is probably not what you mean to ask. So i am giving you an opportunity to clarify yourself.
I didn't propose anything. I said you evolutionist are mistaking adaptation for evolution,
That's a proposition right there.

So,given that you have insight that seems to elude the global scientitic community, I think it's fair to ask you to explain,then,how animals adapt. Happy thoughts? Genetic changes?

If you don't feel like making such a simple effort, just say so.
Actually it isn't in the fossil record.
Of course it is. What a stupid thing to say.
Nor is it in the Geology. Nor is it observable.
Also total horseshit. On both counts.
Mountains are a geological record of two tectonic plates colliding. Did you know that?

The ground doesn’t form bones on its own. They come from once living creatures. Did you know that?
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution? Life didn't MAGICALLY crawl out of a swamp, and man didn't evolve from apes... sorry.

Why don't you start by explaining how life started... (I'll have to admit that's a setup, because NO ONE knows where life came from.)
Man above from primitive man. I’ve never heard anybody say man evolved from apes except the ignorant who don’t understand evolution.
Willis O'Brien did a far better job with rubber dinosaurs in The Lost World, which was released earlier that year. Fifty Million Years Ago suckered itself ramora-like to the success of the earlier film, kind of like Battle Beyond The Stars ripping off Star Wars, which of course ripped off other things.

It's interesting that you would choose a film that gets most of its science wrong to criticize others getting the science wrong.

Battle Beyond the Stars ripped off Star Wars and The Magnificent Seven at the same time.
Well, this guy is clearly unable or unwilling to share his insight. Maybe another evolution denier can answer:

How do animals adapt?
Ummm... no... sorry... life didn't "arose."
Of course it did. Once, there was no life. Then, there was life. Are you proposing that what connects the two is magic?
Here ya go skippy... we'll just put this one to bed before you make an even bigger buffoon out of yourself...

How Did Life Start On Earth?

Scientists do not know how life began on Earth, but they do know that the early Earth’s atmosphere was very different from the atmosphere now.

How Did Life Start On Earth? | Las Cumbres Observatory
That’s why scientists use the Scientific method to study things they don’t know.
It wasn’t that long ago they discovered penicillin. So were they stupid for not knowing what penicillin was before they discovered it?
Where did life come from?
Huh? As in....what location? What planet, or star system? Youre using somewhat childish terms. Could you be more articulate in your question?
Nice try to dodge the question, as moronic as it was.
Not a dodge. Your question seems to ask from what location life arose. Being courteous, I pointed out that this is probably not what you mean to ask. So i am giving you an opportunity to clarify yourself.
Well, now you're dancing around like a one legged man in an ass kickin' contest obfuscating.

You think I'm talking about MARS here? I'm talking about EARTH, and it makes ZERO difference where on earth, so long as it's EARTH. Obviously you skipped right past the post I made where it points out that scientists have NO IDEA how life started on earth.

So that really begs the question, if scientists don't even know how life started on earth, then how the hell do they know it evolved?
Well, this guy is clearly unable or unwilling to share his insight. Maybe another evolution denier can answer:

How do animals adapt?
Their answer will be that they don’t. You know what’s really funny is when you ask about animals that have drifted away genetically but are still able to reproduce. Even though the farther they drift away the more genetic errors are introduced into the offspring. Like the offspring of a lion and a tiger or a zebra and a horse or a horse and a donkey.
Their answer will be because they’re the same “kind”. That’s the word the deniers have to describe animals that have gone down different evolutionary paths. That they’re actually the same “kind” and they were created similar because they’re the same “kind”.
Their answer will be that they don’t.
Maybe, but this 007 character says they do. But he also says it's not evolution.

So, i am curious as to how he thinks animals adapt. This simple question has, apparently, thrown him into a tailspin.
Well, this guy is clearly unable or unwilling to share his insight. Maybe another evolution denier can answer:

How do animals adapt?
How many times does it take for something to sink into your skull?

I DID NOT SAY ANIMALS ADAPT. I SAID, that YOU people are MISTAKING adaptation for evolution. I don't give a rats ass about either, but I can find countless new references pertaining to your evolution theory where now you people are calling it ADAPTATION. THAT is my point. Let it sink in.
Where did life come from?
Huh? As in....what location? What planet, or star system? Youre using somewhat childish terms. Could you be more articulate in your question?
Nice try to dodge the question, as moronic as it was.
Not a dodge. Your question seems to ask from what location life arose. Being courteous, I pointed out that this is probably not what you mean to ask. So i am giving you an opportunity to clarify yourself.
Well, now you're dancing around like a one legged man in an ass kickin' contest obfuscating.

You think I'm talking about MARS here? I'm talking about EARTH, and it makes ZERO difference where on earth, so long as it's EARTH. Obviously you skipped right past the post I made where it points out that scientists have NO IDEA how life started on earth.

So that really begs the question, if scientists don't even know how life started on earth, then how the hell do they know it evolved?
You don’t need to know how to make a car to drive it. You don’t need to know how to create a lightbulb to turn it on.
You can feel rain without knowing where it comes from. I’m sure there’s people on earth who believe that rain comes from the gods crying or pissing or some other such nonsense.
Where did life come from?
Huh? As in....what location? What planet, or star system? Youre using somewhat childish terms. Could you be more articulate in your question?
Nice try to dodge the question, as moronic as it was.
Not a dodge. Your question seems to ask from what location life arose. Being courteous, I pointed out that this is probably not what you mean to ask. So i am giving you an opportunity to clarify yourself.
Well, now you're dancing around like a one legged man in an ass kickin' contest obfuscating.

You think I'm talking about MARS here? I'm talking about EARTH, and it makes ZERO difference where on earth, so long as it's EARTH. Obviously you skipped right past the post I made where it points out that scientists have NO IDEA how life started on earth.

So that really begs the question, if scientists don't even know how life started on earth, then how the hell do they know it evolved?
You don’t need to know how to make a car to drive it. You don’t need to know how to create a lightbulb to turn it on.
You can feel rain without knowing where it comes from. I’m sure there’s people on earth who believe that rain comes from the gods crying or pissing or some other such nonsense.
Pfft... :lol:
I already answered that: abiogenesis.

Once there was no life on earth. Then, there was. What connects the two is abiogenesis.

Just as once there was no star where our Sun resides, and then there was. What connects those two states of affairs is star formation.

This isn't complicated stuff.
Well, this guy is clearly unable or unwilling to share his insight. Maybe another evolution denier can answer:

How do animals adapt?
How many times does it take for something to sink into your skull?

I DID NOT SAY ANIMALS ADAPT. I SAID, that YOU people are MISTAKING adaptation for evolution. I don't give a rats ass about either, but I can find countless new references pertaining to your evolution theory where now you people are calling it ADAPTATION. THAT is my point. Let it sink in.

Biology . change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

Natural selection sometimes called adaptation.
Well this is playing out as expected. The evolution denier breathlessly poses his big "stumpers!!", which are easily and succinctly answered by anyone with a modest education level, with a minimum of effort.

And then he ignores all question posed to him.

Rinse, repeat.
Sure you did. You said scientists mistake adaptation for evolution. If adaptation does not occur, then your comment makes no sense. I think you need to get your story straight.
Sorry, you can't have it both ways. As you acknowledge, I SAID, scientists mistake adaptation for evolution, and you are, because that's what they're calling it. It is THEM doing it, not me. I am not calling evolution, adaptation, the evolutionists are now. They've changed their story, much like the GLOBAL WARMING crowd now likes to call that, CLIMATE CHANGE. Can't prove something, you leftists just change the name to something that sounds familiar but is less innocuous.

But lets get back to where did life come from. If anyone needs to explain something, it's you, because you appear to know, so, let's see the proof, where did life come from?
Well, this guy is clearly unable or unwilling to share his insight. Maybe another evolution denier can answer:

How do animals adapt?
How many times does it take for something to sink into your skull?

I DID NOT SAY ANIMALS ADAPT. I SAID, that YOU people are MISTAKING adaptation for evolution. I don't give a rats ass about either, but I can find countless new references pertaining to your evolution theory where now you people are calling it ADAPTATION. THAT is my point. Let it sink in.

Biology . change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

Natural selection sometimes called adaptation.
Which all will share the same DNA, as in even though adaptation occurs, a species will still be the same species. New species are not magically appearing out of thin air with new different DNA.

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