Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Actually it isn't in the fossil record.
Of course it is. What a stupid thing to say.
Nor is it in the Geology. Nor is it observable.
Also total horseshit. On both counts.
The fossil record and geological records are called records because they’re right there in the ground. We have to do is discover them, of course. For people to deny what is something observable that you can just go out and find on your own is a determined ignorance level we haven’t seen since George Bush lied to us about why we need to go into Iraq.
I thought after the right was so misled and lied to by Bush they would be a little more suspicious of a ConMan. But Trump saw that he could say anything and they would believe it. And he’s proving his particular theory.
Actually it isn't in the fossil record.
Of course it is. What a stupid thing to say.
Nor is it in the Geology. Nor is it observable.
Also total horseshit. On both counts.
Mountains are a geological record of two tectonic plates colliding. Did you know that?

The ground doesn’t form bones on its own. They come from once living creatures. Did you know that?
Yes, of course.
Actually it isn't in the fossil record.
Of course it is. What a stupid thing to say.
Nor is it in the Geology. Nor is it observable.
Also total horseshit. On both counts.
Mountains are a geological record of two tectonic plates colliding. Did you know that?

The ground doesn’t form bones on its own. They come from once living creatures. Did you know that?
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution? Life didn't MAGICALLY crawl out of a swamp, and man didn't evolve from apes... sorry.

Why don't you start by explaining how life started... (I'll have to admit that's a setup, because NO ONE knows where life came from.)
Why don't you start by explaining how life started...
Why? That's not what the theory of evolution does. Try to focus.

Life arose from physical systems that follow all the same deterministic physical laws as any other system. First, there was no life. Then, there was life. What connects the two is abiogenesis.
Why don't you start by explaining how life started...
Why? That's not what the theory of evolution does. Try to focus.

Life arose from physical systems that follow all the same deterministic physical laws as any other system. First, there was no life. Then, there was life. What connects the two is abiogenesis.
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
It appears you need to learn something new today. I would suggest you look up the definition of the word ADAPTATION for starters... ok, skippy?
No, I think you can tell us how animals adapt. In your alternative explanation, that is. So, how do animals adapt?

How does a apecies that once had brown fur migrate north over 1000s of years and develop white fur?

How does a species with eyes spend a million years underground and develop nonfunctional eyes?
Why don't you start by explaining how life started...
Why? That's not what the theory of evolution does. Try to focus.

Life arose from physical systems that follow all the same deterministic physical laws as any other system. First, there was no life. Then, there was life. What connects the two is abiogenesis.
Ummm... no... sorry... life didn't "arose." Our planet was a ball of molten rock with no atmosphere for billions of years, lifeless. There's not a person alive that can explain HOW life got here, no one. So you PRETENDING you know is rather comical.
Why don't you start by explaining how life started...
Why? That's not what the theory of evolution does. Try to focus.

Life arose from physical systems that follow all the same deterministic physical laws as any other system. First, there was no life. Then, there was life. What connects the two is abiogenesis.
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
It appears you need to learn something new today. I would suggest you look up the definition of the word ADAPTATION for starters... ok, skippy?
No, I think you can tell us how animals adapt. In your alternative explanation, that is. So, how do animals adapt?
No, I think you can tell us why you think evolution and adaptation are the same.
Why don't you start by explaining how life started...
Why? That's not what the theory of evolution does. Try to focus.

Life arose from physical systems that follow all the same deterministic physical laws as any other system. First, there was no life. Then, there was life. What connects the two is abiogenesis.
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
It appears you need to learn something new today. I would suggest you look up the definition of the word ADAPTATION for starters... ok, skippy?
No, I think you can tell us how animals adapt. In your alternative explanation, that is. So, how do animals adapt?
No, I think you can tell us why you think evolution and adaptation are the same.
Hmm,no, you're not going to slither out of this one. How do you suppose animals adapt? You say animals adapt. How?

Give one example. Explain how it happened.
Why don't you start by explaining how life started...
Why? That's not what the theory of evolution does. Try to focus.

Life arose from physical systems that follow all the same deterministic physical laws as any other system. First, there was no life. Then, there was life. What connects the two is abiogenesis.
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
Did you know that you evolution theory believers have mistaken adaptation for evolution?
Haha...what is this nonsense?

And how do you suppose animals "adapt"? Happy thoughts?
It appears you need to learn something new today. I would suggest you look up the definition of the word ADAPTATION for starters... ok, skippy?
No, I think you can tell us how animals adapt. In your alternative explanation, that is. So, how do animals adapt?
No, I think you can tell us why you think evolution and adaptation are the same.
Hmm,no, you're not going to slither out of this one. How do you suppose animals adapt? You say animals adapt. How?

Give one example. Explain how it happened.
No, you're the evolution man here. You tell me why many of you theory believers are now calling evolution, adaptation.
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

Do you knowledge that most scientist disagree With you?
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Ummm... no... sorry... life didn't "arose."
Of course it did. Once, there was no life. Then, there was life. Are you proposing that what connects the two is magic?
Here ya go skippy... we'll just put this one to bed before you make an even bigger buffoon out of yourself...

How Did Life Start On Earth?

Scientists do not know how life began on Earth, but they do know that the early Earth’s atmosphere was very different from the atmosphere now.

How Did Life Start On Earth? | Las Cumbres Observatory
No, you're the evolution man here. You tell me why many of you theory believers are now calling evolution, adaptation.
No, you propose an alternative explanation. So explain it. How do animals adapt? Anyone with any basic knowledge of evolution can answer this using the accepted theory. That's an academic exercise.

But you have a fresh alternative. So, let's hear it. How do animals adapt?
No, you're the evolution man here. You tell me why many of you theory believers are now calling evolution, adaptation.
No, you propose an alternative explanation. So explain it. How do animals adapt? Anyone with any basic knowledge of evolution can answer this using the acceoted theory. Thats an academic exercise.

But you have a fresh alternative. So, let's hear it. How do animals adapt?
I didn't propose anything. I said you evolutionist are mistaking adaptation for evolution, and that's exactly what you're doing, because many evolution theory believers are starting to call evolution, adaptation.

You can't focus worth fuck, and so far all you've contributed to this conversation is bull shit.

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