Wow....some hope for the left!

You know, this is a good point. The power company expects to cut off a hundred thousand people during Thanksgiving, I read on the Bloomberg headlines, because of high winds likely to set fire to the state again. Black gangs are plundering like Vikings in all major cities in California now, including last night, homeless are taking over San Francisco, they are Covid-mandating them to death again, the only thing not going wrong is they haven't got an earthquake right now (I better shut up! It's like Igor saying, "At least it isn't raining." Kaboom!)

I love this statement! : By having a plan with deliverables we have goals to work toward.

He Thinks like an engineer.....
I am thinking there is a lot of anger building up in the white community. Up and up but no one protects us, no one stops the crime, it just gets worse and worse and worse. And we let it.
Well what's going to happen is that you are going to get a massive separation of skills, money and viable living patterns leaving some areas as desolate as the middle of a jungle with no jobs, no stores and no law enforcement. Gangs will rove towards the more well established neighborhoods looking for food, shelter and what not only to be confronted by hard firepower. The established communities will have no choice but to defend themselves with lethal force I'm afraid. It's coming and at this point it probably cannot be stopped.
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Even commie Gavin Newsom was on the news last night vomiting his displeasure for the cameras over the criminal activity in SF. His indignation is way too little, way too late.
Newsome will inherit the crop that he has planted..... Pelosi lives behind a 12 foot wall....there's a good reason for that.

Well what's going to happen is that you are going to get a massive separation of skills, money and viable living patterns leaving some areas as desolate as the middle of a jungle with no jobs, no stores and no law enforcement. Gangs will rove towards the more well established neighborhoods looking for food, shelter and what not only to be comforted by hard firepower. The established communities will have no choice but to defend themselves with lethal force I'm afraid. It's coming and at this point it probably cannot be stopped.
I wonder. I wonder if whites are not so brainwashed about being law-abiding that we'll just let the marauders freely rob and kill in community after community. The only difference between this and the Viking raids is that they took young people slaves then, and sold them. I guess when they start kidnapping white children and young girls to pimp out then it will be exactly the same.

And remember ---- it's always the WHITES that end up in court, like Rittenhouse and this other one going on now. They maraude, and when we try to fight back, they try and imprison us. We need to find a way OUT of this.

Trump would help.
I wonder. I wonder if whites are not so brainwashed about being law-abiding that we'll just let the marauders freely rob and kill in community after community. The only difference between this and the Viking raids is that they took young people slaves then, and sold them. I guess when they start kidnapping white children and young girls to pimp out then it will be exactly the same.

And remember ---- it's always the WHITES that end up in court, like Rittenhouse and this other one going on now. They maraude, and when we try to fight back, they try and imprison us. We need to find a way OUT of this.

Trump would help.
Oh yes...there will be a massive slaughter of white pacifists....they will not survive.

Gated communities nothing ---------

What we need are walled cities.

It was a standard for many centuries, after all.
Newsome will inherit the crop that he has planted..... Pelosi lives behind a 12 foot wall....there's a good reason for that.

You're preaching to the choir, buddy. I left that shithole after 45 years, eight years ago. I went back for a vacation to NW CA in Oct. Naturally, it is still a beautiful coast, but that is as far as it goes. The government makes that state SUCK.
Gated communities nothing ---------

What we need are walled cities.

It was a standard for many centuries, after all.
The communities that do survive will be stand alone fortresses of sorts. Within you will find skills and learning and a general agreement of common decency amongst the members. The attacks on a place like that will be relentless as gangs of unskilled, starving predators will have no choice but to come for the food and the shelter. The defenders will have to become somewhat militaristic I am afraid to say. This is absolutely coming for California and maybe parts of Oregon and Washington state also. The retail exodus is so severe right now that we are only a few months away from food riots in certain areas. Once that begins the slaughter will be swift and massive and far beyond the ability of any police force even to make a dent. It's not going to be pretty at all.
The communities that do survive will be stand alone fortresses of sorts. Within you will find skills and learning and a general agreement of common decency amongst the members. The attacks on a place like that will be relentless as gangs of unskilled, starving predators will have no choice but to come for the food and the shelter. The defenders will have to become somewhat militaristic I am afraid to say. This is absolutely coming for California and maybe parts of Oregon and Washington state also. The retail exodus is so severe right now that we are only a few months away from food riots in certain areas. Once that begins the slaughter will be swift and massive and far beyond the ability of any police force even to make a dent. It's not going to be pretty at all.
I must disagree about walling cities. The area needs to be countrywide. Build the border wall and enforce existing laws within this country.
I must disagree about walling cities. The area needs to be countrywide. Build the border wall and enforce existing laws within this country.
Sure in the end it will be the only successful plan but I predict you will see a proliferation of lawlessness and subsequent chaos first resulting in scattered communities that must defend themselves with Lethal force. I sure hope I am wrong.
From the experience of having lived a few years in a California Gated Community:

Within the gates reside a cross-section of humanity. There is a standard ration of thieves and plunderers. The only difference is they are generally a little better dressed.
LMAO people come on, Dems DO NOT deviate from the agenda no matter how much damage is done. Ignore these clowns faking it for the cameras CA will be run into the ground before they change course.
From the experience of having lived a few years in a California Gated Community:

Within the gates reside a cross-section of humanity. There is a standard ration of thieves and plunderers. The only difference is they are generally a little better dressed.
The communities that do survive will be stand alone fortresses of sorts. Within you will find skills and learning and a general agreement of common decency amongst the members. The attacks on a place like that will be relentless as gangs of unskilled, starving predators will have no choice but to come for the food and the shelter. The defenders will have to become somewhat militaristic I am afraid to say. This is absolutely coming for California and maybe parts of Oregon and Washington state also. The retail exodus is so severe right now that we are only a few months away from food riots in certain areas. Once that begins the slaughter will be swift and massive and far beyond the ability of any police force even to make a dent. It's not going to be pretty at all.
To avoid that the government would simply give away food, I think.

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