WOW: Suprise Obama Eligibility Case Hits The Supreme Court Nov 23.(Kerchner Vs Obama)

i dont see why they dont run out in front of the presidential motorcade with a squirt gun yelling 'go back to kenya'.

at least the family of the deceased might have some standing. they just dont have the heart.

disclaimer: USAR, dont try this at home.
Kagan will have to recuse herself because she did all of Obama homework for him at law school


she should have helped you with your homework. then maybe you'd have developed a few critical thinking skills? :redface:

Well apparently the SCOTUS has indeed been evading the eligibility issue and now will have to take it up due to Kagan. Cong Jose Serrano,Bronx - during a House Appropriations Committee hearing on the subject of funding the Judiciary Branch asked Justice Thomas if citizens of Puerto Rico could become president. Justice Thomas refused to answer the question because of the swirling controversy and shadow of the Obama eligibility question. Justice Thomas said we are "Evading" that question. Under different circumstances, Thomas would have likely gave Serrano an opinion on the subject.

See here:
Now this is encouraging news to hear isn't it? This is starting to get interesting as the republicans come off a historic win and it has now been confirmed that Obama's supreme court pic Kagan was a cornerstone in squashing some of the other eligibility cases that has been against him as her role as solicitor general. Does this mean she would have to recuse herself since she was involved before? I would think that the 2 would be asked to recuse themselves, if they didn't do so voluntarily. Recall, as of 10/4/10, Kagan had already recused herself from 25 of the (then) 51 cases the court had accepted up till then due to a conflict of interest type situation. IF they were recused, that would leave a strong balance of "conservative" leaning justices of 4, the "swing" vote with Kennedy who said he wasn't leaving the bench til Barry was out of office and then 2 "lib" justices.

Interesting link to read:
A Place to Ask Questions to Get the Right Answers

No. 10-446
Title: Charles Kerchner, Jr., et al., Petitioners
Barack H. Obama, President of the United States, et al.
Docketed: October 4, 2010
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Case Nos.: (09-4209)
Decision Date: July 2, 2010

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sep 30 2010 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 3, 2010)
Nov 3 2010 Waiver of right of respondents Barack H. Obama, President of the United States, et al. to respond filed.
Nov 3 2010 Motion for leave to file amicus brief filed by Western Center for Journalism.
Nov 8 2010 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of November 23, 2010

something to keep an eye on. But if this is true look who will be in line as President.

LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.
More craziness from the Crazy Old Uncle In the USMB Attic, Retired Army Nut?


The psychotic knows that a petition for cert is meaningless....

but he's spamming along anyway. probably gets paid per post.
reports on August 4, 2010, that: :

“the same Elena Kagan nominated by the commander in chief to be the next justice on the U.S. Supreme Court has actually been playing a role for some time in the dispute over whether Obama is legally qualified to be in the White House.

Here’s the connection. Kagan served as solicitor general of the United States from March 2009 until May of this year. In that role, she legally represented the U.S. government in numerous cases coming before the Supreme Court. A simple search of the high court’s own website reveals Kagan’s name coming up at least nine times on dockets involving Obama eligibility issues.

The fact Kagan handled these cases and is now Obama’s first choice for the high court is raising some eyebrows. “She was the solicitor general for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural-born citizenship,”

Before It's News

To say that she would have a major conflict of interest in any case regarding Barry's eligibility is a serious understatement.

It would be difficult for most clear thinking people to understand how Sotomayor could possible stay on such a case either...since her being there is a direct result of being nominated by the Obama himself.

Try again. Go to your link. Follow the link there to the original World Net Daily story (or click HERE) and you will see WND has removed the story and retracted it, because the original writer just did a search of Obama and Kagan and got a list. NONE of the cases have anything to do with Obama's eligibility.
More craziness from the Crazy Old Uncle In the USMB Attic, Retired Army Nut?


The psychotic knows that a petition for cert is meaningless....

but he's spamming along anyway. probably gets paid per post.

yeah, he gets paid alright. He gets paid from the socialist government programs his type screams about.

He's one of those Tea Party types...old, disabled, white, and angry at the world.
Now this is encouraging news to hear isn't it? This is starting to get interesting as the republicans come off a historic win and it has now been confirmed that Obama's supreme court pic Kagan was a cornerstone in squashing some of the other eligibility cases that has been against him as her role as solicitor general. Does this mean she would have to recuse herself since she was involved before? I would think that the 2 would be asked to recuse themselves, if they didn't do so voluntarily. Recall, as of 10/4/10, Kagan had already recused herself from 25 of the (then) 51 cases the court had accepted up till then due to a conflict of interest type situation. IF they were recused, that would leave a strong balance of "conservative" leaning justices of 4, the "swing" vote with Kennedy who said he wasn't leaving the bench til Barry was out of office and then 2 "lib" justices.

Interesting link to read:
A Place to Ask Questions to Get the Right Answers

No. 10-446
Title: Charles Kerchner, Jr., et al., Petitioners
Barack H. Obama, President of the United States, et al.
Docketed: October 4, 2010
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Case Nos.: (09-4209)
Decision Date: July 2, 2010

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sep 30 2010 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 3, 2010)
Nov 3 2010 Waiver of right of respondents Barack H. Obama, President of the United States, et al. to respond filed.
Nov 3 2010 Motion for leave to file amicus brief filed by Western Center for Journalism.
Nov 8 2010 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of November 23, 2010

something to keep an eye on. But if this is true look who will be in line as President.

LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.
That's not true. Who certified Obama in Hawaii and vetted him in a formal matter?
Oh, I'm betting that the fact that none of the Kagan cases had anything to do with Obama's eligibility will be ignored.
something to keep an eye on. But if this is true look who will be in line as President.

LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.
That's not true. Who certified Obama in Hawaii and vetted him in a formal matter?

Didn't you hear?

Harvard Law School librarians made a stunning discovery in a long-sealed chamber in the basement of Langdell Hall Monday night, when they indicated they had found what they believed to be a copy of President Barack Obama's original certificate of live birth. Individuals who believe the president's extra-American birth invalidates his presidency rapidly seized on the document as further proof for their claims, flocking to courts to seek injunctions on a number of executive orders and bills recently signed into law, including the vaunted health care reform act. HLS archivists said that the birth certificate was "no doubt" the original copy submitted by the sitting President upon his enrollment in the law school in 1988.

Although copies of the President's birth certificate have long been posted online and certified by government officials in his home state, many doubt its provenance, claiming that the online document is merely a "certificattion of live birth" rather than a "birth certificate". Others claim to have seen birth certificates placing Obama's birth in Mombasa, Kenya (Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen), or other foreign locations, such as Indonesia, where Obama lived as a child. The President's political opponents occasionally mock him as a "citizen of the British Empire," a reference to Kenya's status in 1961, the year of his birth.

These so-called "birthers" were stunned but unfazed when the Harvard Law School copy of the birth certificate pointed them not to Kenya, Indonesia, or some other site of speculation, but the Pacific Ocean island chain of Hawaii. "I knew it," wrote blogger ObamaIzaF8ke2273. "Obama was born outside the United States. We just didn't know exactly where. Until now."

The Hawaiian Islands, which lack pro sports teams, are literally off the radar screen for many Americans. In the wake of the tsunami warnings issued for the islands after the devastating earthquake in Chile in February, even CNN anchor Rick Sanchez could not locate the islands on a map, instead pointing to the Galapagos, an Ecuadorian possession several hundred nautical miles to the southeast. The fact the Hawaii appears to float in a box next to the lower 48 American states on maps has made the location of the archipelago all the more inscrutable for the U.S.' geographically-challenged populace.

The islands' long and complex history also makes their current political status confusing for many Americans, who are not aware of their place in the international system. A National Geographic survey released in 2008 indicated that there was a shocking correlation between those who could not attest to the system of government in Hawaii and those who believed that the government of Alaska conducted an independent foreign policy.

"The evidence is now clear," wrote a commenter on the influential conservative website Wednesday. "Obama is no American. He's the subject of the Hawaiian king."

" + artTitle.replace("-","") + " - " + "The Harvard Law Record" + " - " + "News" + "
LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.
That's not true. Who certified Obama in Hawaii and vetted him in a formal matter?

Didn't you hear?

Harvard Law School librarians made a stunning discovery in a long-sealed chamber in the basement of Langdell Hall Monday night, when they indicated they had found what they believed to be a copy of President Barack Obama's original certificate of live birth.

Individuals who believe the president's extra-American birth invalidates his presidency rapidly seized on the document as further proof for their claims, flocking to courts to seek injunctions on a number of executive orders and bills recently signed into law, including the vaunted health care reform act. HLS archivists said that the birth certificate was "no doubt" the original copy submitted by the sitting President upon his enrollment in the law school in 1988.

Although copies of the President's birth certificate have long been posted online and certified by government officials in his home state, many doubt its provenance, claiming that the online document is merely a "certificattion of live birth" rather than a "birth certificate". Others claim to have seen birth certificates placing Obama's birth in Mombasa, Kenya (Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen), or other foreign locations, such as Indonesia, where Obama lived as a child. The President's political opponents occasionally mock him as a "citizen of the British Empire," a reference to Kenya's status in 1961, the year of his birth.

These so-called "birthers" were stunned but unfazed when the Harvard Law School copy of the birth certificate pointed them not to Kenya, Indonesia, or some other site of speculation, but the Pacific Ocean island chain of Hawaii. "I knew it," wrote blogger ObamaIzaF8ke2273. "Obama was born outside the United States. We just didn't know exactly where. Until now."

The Hawaiian Islands, which lack pro sports teams, are literally off the radar screen for many Americans. In the wake of the tsunami warnings issued for the islands after the devastating earthquake in Chile in February, even CNN anchor Rick Sanchez could not locate the islands on a map, instead pointing to the Galapagos, an Ecuadorian possession several hundred nautical miles to the southeast. The fact the Hawaii appears to float in a box next to the lower 48 American states on maps has made the location of the archipelago all the more inscrutable for the U.S.' geographically-challenged populace.

The islands' long and complex history also makes their current political status confusing for many Americans, who are not aware of their place in the international system. A National Geographic survey released in 2008 indicated that there was a shocking correlation between those who could not attest to the system of government in Hawaii and those who believed that the government of Alaska conducted an independent foreign policy.

"The evidence is now clear," wrote a commenter on the influential conservative website Wednesday. "Obama is no American. He's the subject of the Hawaiian king."

" + artTitle.replace("-","") + " - " + "The Harvard Law Record" + " - " + "News" + "

The following article was originally published in the Harvard Law Record's 2010 April Fool's Day edition and was intended as satire. Many of the comments from birthers that follow, however, are very real.

"Obama is no American. He's the subject of the Hawaiian king."

Kagan will have to recuse herself because she did all of Obama homework for him at law school


she should have helped you with your homework. then maybe you'd have developed a few critical thinking skills? :redface:

Well apparently the SCOTUS has indeed been evading the eligibility issue and now will have to take it up due to Kagan. Cong Jose Serrano,Bronx - during a House Appropriations Committee hearing on the subject of funding the Judiciary Branch asked Justice Thomas if citizens of Puerto Rico could become president. Justice Thomas refused to answer the question because of the swirling controversy and shadow of the Obama eligibility question. Justice Thomas said we are "Evading" that question. Under different circumstances, Thomas would have likely gave Serrano an opinion on the subject.

See here:

How the fuck does that video support your retarded argument again?:cuckoo:
something to keep an eye on. But if this is true look who will be in line as President.

LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.
That's not true. Who certified Obama in Hawaii and vetted him in a formal matter?

Who certified you and vetted you in a formal manner? How do we know you're not really Kenyan?
Now this is encouraging news to hear isn't it? This is starting to get interesting as the republicans come off a historic win and it has now been confirmed that Obama's supreme court pic Kagan was a cornerstone in squashing some of the other eligibility cases that has been against him as her role as solicitor general. Does this mean she would have to recuse herself since she was involved before? I would think that the 2 would be asked to recuse themselves, if they didn't do so voluntarily. Recall, as of 10/4/10, Kagan had already recused herself from 25 of the (then) 51 cases the court had accepted up till then due to a conflict of interest type situation. IF they were recused, that would leave a strong balance of "conservative" leaning justices of 4, the "swing" vote with Kennedy who said he wasn't leaving the bench til Barry was out of office and then 2 "lib" justices.

Interesting link to read:
A Place to Ask Questions to Get the Right Answers

No. 10-446
Title: Charles Kerchner, Jr., et al., Petitioners
Barack H. Obama, President of the United States, et al.
Docketed: October 4, 2010
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Case Nos.: (09-4209)
Decision Date: July 2, 2010

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sep 30 2010 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 3, 2010)
Nov 3 2010 Waiver of right of respondents Barack H. Obama, President of the United States, et al. to respond filed.
Nov 3 2010 Motion for leave to file amicus brief filed by Western Center for Journalism.
Nov 8 2010 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of November 23, 2010

something to keep an eye on. But if this is true look who will be in line as President.

LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.

Not true at all. This is a federal matter and subject to those requirements. There certainly would be serious issues if the president were not a citizen.

I am surprised that the court is even hearing this case but the fact is that it will be a quick and easy 9 - 0 for the president's citizenship. The proof has been given and if you are not willing to see it for what it is you are simply being a hack. I will refrain from the phrase 'partisan hack' because this is not partisan. This is simply nuts. There is no place for this type of crap and completely ignoring the facts that are presented. Why are we wasting our valuable time (and credibility for that matter) addressing such inane bullshit as this where there are SERIOUS issues that need to be dealt with. I cannot stand Obama but I feel the need to address the issues of spending, foreign policy and regulation rather than the vaporous bullshit of birthplace. We do NOT have the time to waste on such drivel.
something to keep an eye on. But if this is true look who will be in line as President.

LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.

Not true at all. This is a federal matter and subject to those requirements. There certainly would be serious issues if the president were not a citizen.

I am surprised that the court is even hearing this case but the fact is that it will be a quick and easy 9 - 0 for the president's citizenship. The proof has been given and if you are not willing to see it for what it is you are simply being a hack. I will refrain from the phrase 'partisan hack' because this is not partisan. This is simply nuts. There is no place for this type of crap and completely ignoring the facts that are presented. Why are we wasting our valuable time (and credibility for that matter) addressing such inane bullshit as this where there are SERIOUS issues that need to be dealt with. I cannot stand Obama but I feel the need to address the issues of spending, foreign policy and regulation rather than the vaporous bullshit of birthplace. We do NOT have the time to waste on such drivel.

Um, the Court is NOT hearing this case.

Once again USArmyRetardo has his facts wrong. The Court was asked to hear the case. It has not decided to do so. Nor has it decided to hear any other similar case dismissed on identical grounds from any Circuit, they have all been denied. Every single blessed one of them. And all for the same reason this one will be.

In other words, he's full of shit. Again.
LOL! There would be no change in president. Hawaii can decide whatever qualification Obama must have. They can say he has to be a Kenyan, and you know what? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it.
That's not true. Who certified Obama in Hawaii and vetted him in a formal matter?

Who certified you and vetted you in a formal manner? How do we know you're not really Kenyan?


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