Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Just to humor some of your dumb asses. :D

Money Morning

Here is the link again. Look at that. I went to page 15, and lo and behold!!!! :itsok: Goodness that was difficult. Lol!

Here is your original allegation;

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online
From link in post #298.

Get ready to be blindsided by a barrage of new taxes. $1 trillion worth...

They'll be coming courtesy of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

And they won't just be affecting those who make over $250,000. The bulk of these taxes will be passed on directly to the middle class.

That's because while a majority of these "stealth taxes" were designed to be taxes on businesses, they're actually transferred directly to ordinary citizens.

MORE: How much extra will you have to pay? To see how Obamacare taxes will directly affect your paycheck, go here.
They include the investment income surtax, a Medicare payroll tax, even a "tanning tax" on those who utilize indoor tanning services.

"Many of those [hidden] taxes, especially those on hospitals, insurers and medical device manufacturers, will ultimately be passed on through higher health costs," said Michael Tanner an expert on the healthcare law.

In fact, analysts estimate Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year.

Hey Chris...WHO is the Money Morning 'staff'? and where do they get their 'information'?

It's a money investment advice site.

About Us

From your article:

Editor's Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is offering readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey's new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available.

Do you know who Betsy "death panel" McCaughey is Chris?? She is the woman who was paid by big tobacco to use false information and fear mongering to destroy health care reform in 1993.

She is the woman who turned 'advanced directives', where people voluntarily meet with their doctor to decide what THEY want done and NOT done on THEIR behalf at the end of their life, into DEATH panels.

Congratulations Chris...

I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.
Not to mention, it is still unconstitutional for the government to force people to buy a product, and the way they did it was shady, done in order to bypass OUR rights and force us to buy healthcare.

I'm sure Obama must be the health insurance companies' best friend.
Just to humor some of your dumb asses. :D

Money Morning

Here is the link again. Look at that. I went to page 15, and lo and behold!!!! :itsok: Goodness that was difficult. Lol!

Here is your original allegation;

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

So all you have is your own personal anecdotal impressions and an article that is 3 years out of date?
I think what we are going to see is a nationwide increase in temporary and part-time jobs, while employers do away with full-time employees who are "too expensive." Of course it's hard to say whether the rise in temporary and part-time jobs is simply because of the bad economy or if it is because of Obamacare, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if employers would choose to hire on more temporary and part-time workers because of it.

Major Newspapers link Obamacare to Increase in Part-time and Temp Jobs Networks Ignore Media Research Center
Here is the link again. Look at that. I went to page 15, and lo and behold!!!! :itsok: Goodness that was difficult. Lol!

Here is your original allegation;

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

So all you have is your own personal anecdotal impressions and an article that is 3 years out of date?

Do you think I'm lying? Well, I'm not. We have had a huge increase in temporary and part-time jobs and a loss of full-time jobs here in Massachusetts. I expect it to happen in your state soon as well.
Hey Chris...WHO is the Money Morning 'staff'? and where do they get their 'information'?

It's a money investment advice site.

About Us

From your article:

Editor's Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is offering readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey's new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available.

Do you know who Betsy "death panel" McCaughey is Chris?? She is the woman who was paid by big tobacco to use false information and fear mongering to destroy health care reform in 1993.

She is the woman who turned 'advanced directives', where people voluntarily meet with their doctor to decide what THEY want done and NOT done on THEIR behalf at the end of their life, into DEATH panels.

Congratulations Chris...

I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

Money Morning

Your right wing hit piece continuously uses terms like: "According to most experts"...ALL unnamed...


One expert, Dr. Betsy McCaughey

Today in Conservative Obamacare Self-Delusion

One of the things I tried to explain in my print story about the Obamacare wars is the degree to which Republicans have whipped themselves into a frenzy over the law through a process of self-deception. The conservative-media world is both completely obsessed with Obamacare and creating a news cocoon in which the most important news about the law — the lower-than-expected premiums and sharply falling health-care inflation — doesn’t exist at all, and the fate of the law can instead be tracked through a procession of exaggerated or completely imaginary events all showing its rapid collapse. Conservative news sites churn out new Obamacare collapse stories every single day, creating the impression of the law’s continued and unmistakable destruction.

A perfect example comes via a National Review report from the House Republican meeting today. Influential Republican Jim Jordan waxes enthusiastic about the agreed-to plan to threaten to default on the national debt in order to force President Obama to destroy his own health-care plan:

“All the momentum is in our direction. Warren Buffett said yesterday, ‘Scrap the bill.’ The AFL-CIO said last week, ‘Repeal the bill if you’re not going to fix it.’ Everyone knows this thing isn’t ready. Everyone knows,” said Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, a former Republican Study Committee chairman, referring to the health-care law.

Wait. Warren Buffett said scrap the bill? Really? That sounds like news I should have heard.

It turns out a right-wing site called Money Morning quoted Buffett saying the following:

Buffett insists that without changes to Obamacare average citizens will suffer.

"'What we have now is untenable over time,' said Buffett, an early supporter of President Obama. 'That kind of a cost compared to the rest of the world is really like a tapeworm eating, you know, at our economic body

The quote was picked up by Jeffrey H. Anderson of the Weekly Standard — “You know things are bad for President Obama when even Warren Buffett has soured on Obamacare and says that ‘we need something else’” — and ricocheted around the conservative-news world, implanting itself in Jordan’s mind as yet the latest evidence that even supporters of Obamacare recognize it is doomed to failure.

In fact, the Buffett quote came from comments he made in 2010, when the health-care law was being cobbled together in Congress. His denunciation of “what we have right now” refers to the pre-Obamacare status quo. Buffett said in that interview he would prefer a better health-care bill than the one that was before Congress, but also preferred the one before Congress to doing nothing and would vote for it: “If it was a choice today between plan A, which is what we've got, or plan B, what is in front of — the Senate bill, I would vote for the Senate bill,” Buffett said. “But I would much rather see a plan C that really attacks costs.”

It's a money investment advice site.

About Us

From your article:

Editor's Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is offering readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey's new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available.

Do you know who Betsy "death panel" McCaughey is Chris?? She is the woman who was paid by big tobacco to use false information and fear mongering to destroy health care reform in 1993.

She is the woman who turned 'advanced directives', where people voluntarily meet with their doctor to decide what THEY want done and NOT done on THEIR behalf at the end of their life, into DEATH panels.

Congratulations Chris...

I don't care about that. The site I supplied is not written by her. It is a valid website about how to best invest your money. Therefore, they certainly KNOW about taxes and how to find them.

So, you don't care if you are reading propaganda or wonder you are unable to discern helping people from throwing them in the river to sink or swim.

What is propaganda in the link I provided? Please post the propaganda.

Money Morning

Your right wing hit piece continuously uses terms like: "According to most experts"...ALL unnamed...


One expert, Dr. Betsy McCaughey

Today in Conservative Obamacare Self-Delusion

One of the things I tried to explain in my print story about the Obamacare wars is the degree to which Republicans have whipped themselves into a frenzy over the law through a process of self-deception. The conservative-media world is both completely obsessed with Obamacare and creating a news cocoon in which the most important news about the law — the lower-than-expected premiums and sharply falling health-care inflation — doesn’t exist at all, and the fate of the law can instead be tracked through a procession of exaggerated or completely imaginary events all showing its rapid collapse. Conservative news sites churn out new Obamacare collapse stories every single day, creating the impression of the law’s continued and unmistakable destruction.

A perfect example comes via a National Review report from the House Republican meeting today. Influential Republican Jim Jordan waxes enthusiastic about the agreed-to plan to threaten to default on the national debt in order to force President Obama to destroy his own health-care plan:

“All the momentum is in our direction. Warren Buffett said yesterday, ‘Scrap the bill.’ The AFL-CIO said last week, ‘Repeal the bill if you’re not going to fix it.’ Everyone knows this thing isn’t ready. Everyone knows,” said Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, a former Republican Study Committee chairman, referring to the health-care law.

Wait. Warren Buffett said scrap the bill? Really? That sounds like news I should have heard.

It turns out a right-wing site called Money Morning quoted Buffett saying the following:

Buffett insists that without changes to Obamacare average citizens will suffer.

"'What we have now is untenable over time,' said Buffett, an early supporter of President Obama. 'That kind of a cost compared to the rest of the world is really like a tapeworm eating, you know, at our economic body

The quote was picked up by Jeffrey H. Anderson of the Weekly Standard — “You know things are bad for President Obama when even Warren Buffett has soured on Obamacare and says that ‘we need something else’” — and ricocheted around the conservative-news world, implanting itself in Jordan’s mind as yet the latest evidence that even supporters of Obamacare recognize it is doomed to failure.

In fact, the Buffett quote came from comments he made in 2010, when the health-care law was being cobbled together in Congress. His denunciation of “what we have right now” refers to the pre-Obamacare status quo. Buffett said in that interview he would prefer a better health-care bill than the one that was before Congress, but also preferred the one before Congress to doing nothing and would vote for it: “If it was a choice today between plan A, which is what we've got, or plan B, what is in front of — the Senate bill, I would vote for the Senate bill,” Buffett said. “But I would much rather see a plan C that really attacks costs.”


I already posted another link which lists all the new taxes related to Obamacare, so yes, the article is right on.

How on earth do you think this monstrosity is going to pay for itself? TAXES. Duh.
Here is your original allegation;

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

So all you have is your own personal anecdotal impressions and an article that is 3 years out of date?

Do you think I'm lying? Well, I'm not. We have had a huge increase in temporary and part-time jobs and a loss of full-time jobs here in Massachusetts. I expect it to happen in your state soon as well.

You might not be lying because you believe all the partisan rhetoric that you are gullible enough to swallow without question.

You are trying to make a link between the economy and the ACA. However nonpartisan economists will tell you that we are still suffering from the 2nd great depression. It will probably last until 2020. The ACA is actually alleviating a lot of the suffering that would otherwise be incurred by people working temp jobs and unable to afford healthcare.

So far you haven't provided anything credible that substantiates your allegation. The current economic conditions are not optimal for job growth but the cause is far greater than just Obamacare. The situation would probably be much better had the Republicans opted to do what was best for the American people rather than follow their partisan agenda of making Obama a "failure".
Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

So all you have is your own personal anecdotal impressions and an article that is 3 years out of date?

Do you think I'm lying? Well, I'm not. We have had a huge increase in temporary and part-time jobs and a loss of full-time jobs here in Massachusetts. I expect it to happen in your state soon as well.

You might not be lying because you believe all the partisan rhetoric that you are gullible enough to swallow without question.

You are trying to make a link between the economy and the ACA. However nonpartisan economists will tell you that we are still suffering from the 2nd great depression. It will probably last until 2020. The ACA is actually alleviating a lot of the suffering that would otherwise be incurred by people working temp jobs and unable to afford healthcare.

So far you haven't provided anything credible that substantiates your allegation. The current economic conditions are not optimal for job growth but the cause is far greater than just Obamacare. The situation would probably be much better had the Republicans opted to do what was best for the American people rather than follow their partisan agenda of making Obama a "failure".

I am basing my statements on my observations on what is happening around me, in my state, regardless of your assumptions.

I think it is completely naive to think that Obamacare is NOT going to have unintended consequences on jobs. It most certainly is!!!
Here is an excerpt from the link. I fail to see where there is any propaganda. All of this is true.

Many of the Obamacare taxes are already in effect, others will hit January 1. But they are already infuriating millions of Americans.

While even Obamacare detractors applaud the requirement that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions and put a stop to lifetime caps on benefits, they say these laudable benefits don't compensate for the bills high cost - especially in new taxes.

According to most experts, Obamacare will create a total of twenty new taxes or tax hikes on the American people.

In fact, the Obama administration has already given the IRS an extra $500 million to enforce the rules and regulations of Obamacare.

The new taxes don't bode well for millions of middle-class Americans. Incomes for the rich have soared this decade but middle class workers have seen their wages stagnate and even drop since the 2008 Great Recession.

Many fear Obamacare with its high insurance costs and new taxes, could provide the middle class a fatal blow.
Just to humor some of your dumb asses. :D

Money Morning

Here is the link again. Look at that. I went to page 15, and lo and behold!!!! :itsok: Goodness that was difficult. Lol!

Here is your original allegation;

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

National Review

The National Review based in New York City and founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., considered one of the godfathers of American conservatism, is one of the oldest and most influential conservative magazines in the United States. It regularly publishes the work of some of the nation's leading conservatives. National Review Online provides some of the articles from the print publication online as well as original material. In the early 1990s they had, with the Heritage Foundation, a joint venture called 'Town Hall'. This BBS became a forum on Compuserve in 1994 and in June 1995 the web site '' went live. became a project of the Heritage Foundation until it was purchased in 2006 by Salem Communications Corporation. The current director of the National Review is Jeff Sandefer, President of the Texas-based energy investment firm Sandefer Capital.

Editorials featured in the National Review are reliably right wing, corporate and industry friendly with frequent use of excessive rhetoric. Editorials also source and reference industry lobbies such as Center for Consumer Freedom.

Beacon Hill Institute

The Beacon Hill Institute (BHI) is the research arm of the Department of Economics at Suffolk University in Boston. It was founded in 1991 by businessman and Republican politician Ray Shamie. BHI describes itself as being "grounded in the principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets.

Here is the link again. Look at that. I went to page 15, and lo and behold!!!! :itsok: Goodness that was difficult. Lol!

Here is your original allegation;

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

National Review

The National Review based in New York City and founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., considered one of the godfathers of American conservatism, is one of the oldest and most influential conservative magazines in the United States. It regularly publishes the work of some of the nation's leading conservatives. National Review Online provides some of the articles from the print publication online as well as original material. In the early 1990s they had, with the Heritage Foundation, a joint venture called 'Town Hall'. This BBS became a forum on Compuserve in 1994 and in June 1995 the web site '' went live. became a project of the Heritage Foundation until it was purchased in 2006 by Salem Communications Corporation. The current director of the National Review is Jeff Sandefer, President of the Texas-based energy investment firm Sandefer Capital.

Editorials featured in the National Review are reliably right wing, corporate and industry friendly with frequent use of excessive rhetoric. Editorials also source and reference industry lobbies such as Center for Consumer Freedom.

Beacon Hill Institute

The Beacon Hill Institute (BHI) is the research arm of the Department of Economics at Suffolk University in Boston. It was founded in 1991 by businessman and Republican politician Ray Shamie. BHI describes itself as being "grounded in the principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets.


And how does this negate anything that is stated within the article? Please elaborate on what parts of my links you disagree with.

Just because you do not like the source, does not mean it is wrong. Lol.
Here is the link again. Look at that. I went to page 15, and lo and behold!!!! :itsok: Goodness that was difficult. Lol!

Here is your original allegation;

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

National Review

The National Review based in New York City and founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., considered one of the godfathers of American conservatism, is one of the oldest and most influential conservative magazines in the United States. It regularly publishes the work of some of the nation's leading conservatives. National Review Online provides some of the articles from the print publication online as well as original material. In the early 1990s they had, with the Heritage Foundation, a joint venture called 'Town Hall'. This BBS became a forum on Compuserve in 1994 and in June 1995 the web site '' went live. became a project of the Heritage Foundation until it was purchased in 2006 by Salem Communications Corporation. The current director of the National Review is Jeff Sandefer, President of the Texas-based energy investment firm Sandefer Capital.

Editorials featured in the National Review are reliably right wing, corporate and industry friendly with frequent use of excessive rhetoric. Editorials also source and reference industry lobbies such as Center for Consumer Freedom.

Beacon Hill Institute

The Beacon Hill Institute (BHI) is the research arm of the Department of Economics at Suffolk University in Boston. It was founded in 1991 by businessman and Republican politician Ray Shamie. BHI describes itself as being "grounded in the principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets.


Are you even reading the relevant material in the articles, or are you simply trying to discredit the sources? I'm going to ask you again to post which parts of the article you think are not true and why.
Here is the link again. Look at that. I went to page 15, and lo and behold!!!! :itsok: Goodness that was difficult. Lol!

Here is your original allegation;

Let's not forget the sneaky way the democrats forced us to buy a product from health insurance companies. This has already been in effect in Massachusetts for several years now, and has had terrible effects on jobs! MANY jobs are now only "temporary" jobs and a lot of people have to go through employment services to get a job. Also, a lot of jobs that used to be full time have now been cut back to part-time, and this is all due to the expense of providing mandatory health insurance, unless of course you are a favorite and get an Obama waiver. Good Lord! *rolls eyes*

Your link doesn't say a single word about healthcare in Massachussetts. In fact it is little more than a partisan hack piece with the purpose of flogging a book that preaches to the TP crowd.

But thanks for establishing that you are gullible enough to swallow extreme right partisan rhetoric. That was yet another hit to your credibility.


Are you kidding me? You don't know about the healthcare plan in Massachusetts? Jeesh!!! That's pretty sad. Anywhere, here is a link.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance. The law was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 to make it consistent with the federalAffordable Care Act. Major revisions related to health care industry price controls were passed in August 2012, and the employer mandate was repealed in 2013.[1]

Not contesting that health care reform began in MA. I am asking you to prove your BS allegation about the impact it supposedly had on jobs.

Your link was an epic failure so you are just going to have to start from scratch to find something remotely credible.

Good luck!

Well, I live here in Massachusetts. We have very FEW jobs, and the ones that we do have are mostly part-time and/or temporary jobs. We who live here can see how it has affected the job market. Also, hourly based rate wages are pretty stagnant as well.

New Study Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18 000 Jobs National Review Online

National Review

The National Review based in New York City and founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., considered one of the godfathers of American conservatism, is one of the oldest and most influential conservative magazines in the United States. It regularly publishes the work of some of the nation's leading conservatives. National Review Online provides some of the articles from the print publication online as well as original material. In the early 1990s they had, with the Heritage Foundation, a joint venture called 'Town Hall'. This BBS became a forum on Compuserve in 1994 and in June 1995 the web site '' went live. became a project of the Heritage Foundation until it was purchased in 2006 by Salem Communications Corporation. The current director of the National Review is Jeff Sandefer, President of the Texas-based energy investment firm Sandefer Capital.

Editorials featured in the National Review are reliably right wing, corporate and industry friendly with frequent use of excessive rhetoric. Editorials also source and reference industry lobbies such as Center for Consumer Freedom.

Beacon Hill Institute

The Beacon Hill Institute (BHI) is the research arm of the Department of Economics at Suffolk University in Boston. It was founded in 1991 by businessman and Republican politician Ray Shamie. BHI describes itself as being "grounded in the principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets.


What is it exactly that you disagree with in this portion of the article I posted.

Many of the Obamacare taxes are already in effect, others will hit January 1. But they are already infuriating millions of Americans.

While even Obamacare detractors applaud the requirement that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions and put a stop to lifetime caps on benefits, they say these laudable benefits don't compensate for the bills high cost - especially in new taxes.

According to most experts, Obamacare will create a total of twenty new taxes or tax hikes on the American people.

In fact, the Obama administration has already given the IRS an extra $500 million to enforce the rules and regulations of Obamacare.

The new taxes don't bode well for millions of middle-class Americans. Incomes for the rich have soared this decade but middle class workers have seen their wages stagnate and even drop since the 2008 Great Recession.

Many fear Obamacare with its high insurance costs and new taxes, could provide the middle class a fatal blow.
So . . . I guess basically what all of you liberals are claiming is that nothing is going to change, no new taxes, no hikes in taxes, no hikes in premiums and no effects on the job market due to Obamacare. Everything is going to remain EXACTLY the same and everyone is going to have health insurance cheap!!! YAY!!! Lol. :lol:
Rate Shock Massachusetts Edition 60 Of Small Biz To See Premiums Rise Up To 97 - Forbes

This is a very good and comprehensive article. I'm sure some people are going to complain about it though, without even reading the relevant data.

Rate Shock Massachusetts Edition: 60% Of Small Biz To See Premiums Rise, Up To 97%
Josh Archambault , Contributor

More right wing industry funded propaganda... Pioneer Institute

  • Joshua Archambault, Director of Health Care Policy and Program Manager, Middle Cities Initiative

The Pioneer Institute (PI) is a right-wing pressure group that describes itself as a "think tank" that is "committed to individual freedom and responsibility, limited and accountable government, and the application of free market principles to state and local policy".[1] It houses and runs the Center for School Reform,[2] the Shamie Center for Better Government,[3] and the Center for Economic Opportunity.[4] It is known for having a staff that has served in various positions in the recent Republican Massachusetts governors' administrations (Weld, Cellucci, Swift,[5] and Romney).[6]

The Pioneer Institute is a member of the State Policy Network (SPN).

SPN is a web of right-wing “think tanks” in every state across the country. It is an $83 million right-wing empire as of the 2011 funding documents from SPN itself and each of its state "think tank" members. Although SPN's member organizations claim to be nonpartisan and independent, the Center for Media and Democracy's in-depth investigation, "EXPOSED: The State Policy Network -- The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government," reveals that SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the right-wing, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.[7]

Other known funders of the Pioneer Institute include:


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