Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

It must be quite an eye opener for you lockstep gopers to see that in the real world, people disagree. We aren't so stupid out here that we need talking points and backup every minute.

Yet another hardcore partisan ideologue who doesn't know my politics but thinks they do.

Binary, black & white, either/or, on and on and on.

How simple your world must be.

I know what you say you are but actions speak louder than words.

Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.


So you can't come up with anything that is extreme on the left, how about the right then?

Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

Yea, I definitely disagree with that. And the fact that you can't see it makes you look foolish and just as partisan as you like to criticize.

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post
Yet another hardcore partisan ideologue who doesn't know my politics but thinks they do.

Binary, black & white, either/or, on and on and on.

How simple your world must be.

I know what you say you are but actions speak louder than words.

Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.


So you can't come up with anything that is extreme on the left, how about the right then?

Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

So this is your point, then?

A standard partisan cut-and-paste slam on the Tea Party?

I suspected I was wasting my time, again, and I was right, again.

I know what you say you are but actions speak louder than words.

Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.


So you can't come up with anything that is extreme on the left, how about the right then?

Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

So this is your point, then?

A standard partisan cut-and-paste slam on the Tea Party?

I suspected I was wasting my time, again, and I was right, again.


Is your name Freewill? Or is this thread all about YOU?
Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.


So you can't come up with anything that is extreme on the left, how about the right then?

Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

So this is your point, then?

A standard partisan cut-and-paste slam on the Tea Party?

I suspected I was wasting my time, again, and I was right, again.


Is your name Freewill? Or is this thread all about YOU?

You made it that way.

AND you quoted me in your post.

So you haven't gotten to your point yet?

Great, let's have it.

I think Mac's experience here is like Bill Murphy in "Groundhog Day". He wakes up and gets into a discussion with someone here......and every fucking time.....gets into a back-and-forth before he says that he knew he was going to be wasting his time by trying to talk to a partisan ideologue.....and throws his hands up in disgust.'s the same partisan ideologue that he engaged just a day or two ago.

Groundhog Day for Earmuffs!
So you can't come up with anything that is extreme on the left, how about the right then?

Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

So this is your point, then?

A standard partisan cut-and-paste slam on the Tea Party?

I suspected I was wasting my time, again, and I was right, again.


Is your name Freewill? Or is this thread all about YOU?

You made it that way.

AND you quoted me in your post.

So you haven't gotten to your point yet?

Great, let's have it.


Who are the influential left wing partisan ideologues in Washington?
Yet another hardcore partisan ideologue who doesn't know my politics but thinks they do.

Binary, black & white, either/or, on and on and on.

How simple your world must be.

I know what you say you are but actions speak louder than words.

Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.


So you can't come up with anything that is extreme on the left, how about the right then?

Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

As suspected, you find nothing extreme and resort to popularity contests for your argument. I never said that the democrat left wing propaganda wasn't effective, just that it is pure BS.
I think Mac's experience here is like Bill Murphy in "Groundhog Day". He wakes up and gets into a discussion with someone here......and every fucking time.....gets into a back-and-forth before he says that he knew he was going to be wasting his time by trying to talk to a partisan ideologue.....and throws his hands up in disgust.'s the same partisan ideologue that he engaged just a day or two ago.

Groundhog Day for Earmuffs!

Too true that is how many of the discussion end.

But maybe if those in opposition offered something other then the same old ideologue BS.

For example look at post 61, how does anyone have an intelligent discussion with someone when they post rabid BS?
Last edited:
Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

So this is your point, then?

A standard partisan cut-and-paste slam on the Tea Party?

I suspected I was wasting my time, again, and I was right, again.


Is your name Freewill? Or is this thread all about YOU?

You made it that way.

AND you quoted me in your post.

So you haven't gotten to your point yet?

Great, let's have it.


Who are the influential left wing partisan ideologues in Washington?

Whow, Reid, Pelosi and Obama, that was easy.
Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.
How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

So this is your point, then?

A standard partisan cut-and-paste slam on the Tea Party?

I suspected I was wasting my time, again, and I was right, again.


Is your name Freewill? Or is this thread all about YOU?

You made it that way.

AND you quoted me in your post.

So you haven't gotten to your point yet?

Great, let's have it.


Who are the influential left wing partisan ideologues in Washington?

Whow, Reid, Pelosi and Obama, that was easy.

I asked Mac.
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.

It must be quite an eye opener for you lockstep gopers to see that in the real world, people disagree. We aren't so stupid out here that we need talking points and backup every minute.

Yet another hardcore partisan ideologue who doesn't know my politics but thinks they do.

Binary, black & white, either/or, on and on and on.

How simple your world must be.

I know what you say you are but actions speak louder than words.

Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.

Nahh, to those who have the ability to look past your bullshit and figure things out.
I think Mac's experience here is like Bill Murphy in "Groundhog Day". He wakes up and gets into a discussion with someone here......and every fucking time.....gets into a back-and-forth before he says that he knew he was going to be wasting his time by trying to talk to a partisan ideologue.....and throws his hands up in disgust.'s the same partisan ideologue that he engaged just a day or two ago.

Groundhog Day for Earmuffs!

Too true that is how many of the discussion end.

But maybe if those in opposition offered something other then the same old ideologue BS.

For example look at post 61, how does anyone have an intelligent discussion with someone when they post rabid BS?

SO, tea partiers responding to a poll...which is tea partiers describing THEMSELVES is rabid BS?
There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Let's take a look. Tea partiers have been elected to Congress. How 'less intrusive BIG brother government' are they?



And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform
1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Wow, those all sound nice, but they are kind of contradictory. For instance, you can't eliminate both taxes and deficit spending, much less pay down the debt. Get it?

I mean, every few years, you guys sell the "Supply Side" snake oil, and it fails.

That's what I love about you Progressives, Joe! Someone says eliminate excessive taxes and you immediately jump to the conclusion that they want to get rid of ALL taxes! Supply Side economics worked for John Kennedy. They worked for Ronald Reagan. They don't work for YOU because you're a classic tax and spend liberal who thinks there is only so much wealth in the world and if one person has it then they must have taken it from someone else.
This is really abandoning! Horrible. Nobody on the left appreciates the president any longer. No sir.

In Defense of Obama Rolling Stone

I'm curious, Laugher...why do you think it is that Democrats running for office across the nation are running FROM Barack Obama? Do you REALLY not grasp the concept that for much of the US six years of Barack Obama's policies have been an absolute disaster? Those Democrats obviously do...
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.

It must be quite an eye opener for you lockstep gopers to see that in the real world, people disagree. We aren't so stupid out here that we need talking points and backup every minute.

Yet another hardcore partisan ideologue who doesn't know my politics but thinks they do.

Binary, black & white, either/or, on and on and on.

How simple your world must be.

I know what you say you are but actions speak louder than words.

Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.

Nahh, to those who have the ability to look past your bullshit and figure things out.

Well, I can be sure of one thing.

When you see me post on one of the many topics I disagree with on with conservatives, you'll somehow manage to pretend you didn't notice it.

Because that's how people like you roll.

I mean I could only shake my head in awe at Obama's recent statement that the problem now is that Americans don't know how great they have it because the main stream media isn't reporting that story!

If he really believes that nonsense then we have a President who is seriously delusional.
1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Wow, those all sound nice, but they are kind of contradictory. For instance, you can't eliminate both taxes and deficit spending, much less pay down the debt. Get it?

I mean, every few years, you guys sell the "Supply Side" snake oil, and it fails.

That's what I love about you Progressives, Joe! Someone says eliminate excessive taxes and you immediately jump to the conclusion that they want to get rid of ALL taxes! Supply Side economics worked for John Kennedy. They worked for Ronald Reagan. They don't work for YOU because you're a classic tax and spend liberal who thinks there is only so much wealth in the world and if one person has it then they must have taken it from someone else.

We have already eliminated excessive taxes...and it has led to DEBT...

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
Yet another hardcore partisan ideologue who doesn't know my politics but thinks they do.

Binary, black & white, either/or, on and on and on.

How simple your world must be.

I know what you say you are but actions speak louder than words.

Only to the incurious, intellectually lazy mind.


So you can't come up with anything that is extreme on the left, how about the right then?

Good grief. Since I'm just DYING to know what your point is, I'll give you the most direct answer I can.

And since the word "extreme" has been over-used and diluted by people like you (much like "socialist" and "racist"), I'll have to go with my own definition.

Extremists on the left: None.

Extremists on the right: None.

Hardcore partisan ideologues like you, both sides: Oh, maybe 20% total of the electorate.

Now, my definition of "none": So few that their numbers are irrelevant.

There. I answered your questions directly and completely, although I can't get you people to extend the same courtesy to me.

Now, are you going to mercifully get to the point, or am I going to find myself in yet another endless game of 20 Questions with a hardcore left winger?

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

How nice...what a bunch of empty propaganda. The tea party is a cancerous cell that was spawned by 24/7 propaganda from faux news and the right wing echo chamber. These are extremely stupid people who have no innate human intelligence. They are unable to negotiate a moderate compromise because of their extreme dogma.

Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

The full results of the CBS News/New York Times poll on the tea party movement are well worth reading. I've broken out some of the Tea Party numbers to contrast them with the numbers from the general population. The starting point: 18 percent of Americans consider themselves "supporters" of the movement, and a smaller number of them are participants.

Here's a guide to the rest of the poll.

- Among all Americans, the Democratic Party has a net negative, 42/50 favorable rating. Among tea partiers the split is 6/92 -- only six percent have a favorable view.

- Among all Americans, the Republican Party is viewed a little less favorably than the Democrats -- 38/53. Among tea partiers, it has a 54/43 favorable rating.

- Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

- One explanation for that: Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

- Tea partiers are not nearly as socially conservative as the GOP. Only 40 percent believe there should be "no legal recognition of gay couple's relationships," while 41 percent support civil unions. Only 42 percent favor a decrease in legal immigration-- about in line with most Americans. Only 40 percent support the Roe v. Wade decision, but try getting 40 percent of Republican politicians to say that.

Oh -- tea partiers really, really don't like President Obama. Among all Americans he has a 50-percent approval rating; among tea partiers, it's 7 percent. Among all Americans, 57 percent say Obama "shares the values most Americans try to live by" and 58 percent say he "understands the needs and problems" of people like them. Among tea partiers, the numbers are 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively. Twenty-five percent of tea partiers say Obama's policies "favor blacks over whites," an opinion shared by only 11 percent of the country at large (89 percent of tea partiers are white).

Washington Post

I so love irony.......and YOU aren't the least bit "rabid".

I am still searching intelligent liberal life forms.

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