Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

And Democrats running in Red State elections aren't cowardly or lazy...they're realistic! They know that this President's policies are not working and being associated with him in any way unless you're running in a dyed in the wool liberal enclave is a sure recipe for a political ass kicking!
OS078 9945392
I mean I could only shake my head in awe at Obama's recent statement that the problem now is that Americans don't know how great they have it because the main stream media isn't reporting that story!

Americans do have it better if we were to take Romney at his word from May 2012.

"I can't possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate at the end of one year, but I can tell you in a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% or perhaps a little lower," Romney said.

Read more:

It is a 'great' thing for Americans that Romney did not get to put his policies in place because the unemployment rate recently hit 5.9%. That is two years ahead of Romney's schedule. Its a big deal but do you hear the main stream media reporting news such as this. I heard it on MSNBC of course. But no where else.

And America has the most recovered economy of all the advanced nation sicne the devestating Bush recession of 2007 and 2008. Europe has not recovered as well as the US and now investors are deeply concerned that Germany is falling into recession.

And five years of Republican obstruction makes Obama's accomplishments even more impressive.

Romney says in 2012 that Republican policies would move the unemployment rate below 6% by 2016. But the reality is the unemployment rate is under 6% already in 2014. Just think how low it could be without the right-winger impediments to an even faster and better recovery for middle class wage earners.

It is a shame that the news media does not focus on that enough and as they should. Only negative news and negative slants on the news is what sells advertising.
OS078 9945392
I mean I could only shake my head in awe at Obama's recent statement that the problem now is that Americans don't know how great they have it because the main stream media isn't reporting that story!

Americans do have it better if we were to take Romney at his word from May 2012.

"I can't possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate at the end of one year, but I can tell you in a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% or perhaps a little lower," Romney said.

Read more:

It is a 'great' thing for Americans that Romney did not get to put his policies in place because the unemployment rate recently hit 5.9%. That is two years ahead of Romney's schedule. Its a big deal but do you hear the main stream media reporting news such as this. I heard it on MSNBC of course. But no where else.

And America has the most recovered economy of all the advanced nation sicne the devestating Bush recession of 2007 and 2008. Europe has not recovered as well as the US and now investors are deeply concerned that Germany is falling into recession.

And five years of Republican obstruction makes Obama's accomplishments even more impressive.

Romney says in 2012 that Republican policies would move the unemployment rate below 6% by 2016. But the reality is the unemployment rate is under 6% already in 2014. Just think how low it could be without the right-winger impediments to an even faster and better recovery for middle class wage earners.

It is a shame that the news media does not focus on that enough and as they should. Only negative news and negative slants on the news is what sells advertising.

Germany didn't incur trillion dollar deficits or do non-stop quantitative easing to kick start their economy like we did. They choose to do the intelligent thing and passed austerity measures. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are.

If the GOP hadn't opposed Obama policy initiatives like Cap & Trade it's almost certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. If Republican Governors hadn't put conservative policies in place to create the bulk of new jobs it's equally certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. Just think how low the unemployment rate could be if ALL the States had put those same conservative policies into place!
And I can only laugh out loud at the new Progressive narrative about the Media being part of the problem because they are so negative!
What surprised me is that it was Alter, whose affection for Obama was so profound, and that he did it in such an intense period of division.

The Left had this guy on a pedestal that was even higher than Reagan's, if that's possible.

I believe the pedestal Obama occupied for so long was erected by the arrogant criminality and thuggish stupidity of his predecessor.

Obama's only real strength is his skill as a bullshit artist. But there are situations in which bullshit just won't work -- and the Middle East crisis is a prime example.
This is really abandoning! Horrible. Nobody on the left appreciates the president any longer. No sir.

In Defense of Obama Rolling Stone

I'm curious, Laugher...why do you think it is that Democrats running for office across the nation are running FROM Barack Obama? Do you REALLY not grasp the concept that for much of the US six years of Barack Obama's policies have been an absolute disaster? Those Democrats obviously do...

Six years of well funded misinformation coming from the right + a barely interested general populace who associates the overall bullshit going on in DC with the person in the WH + the general cowardly, lazy nature of Democrats running in red state elections.

So you're saying that the "overall bullshit" going on in DC doesn't have anything to do with Barack Obama? Isn't he the President? If it doesn't have anything to do with him...WHY THE FUCK IS HE THERE!!!

That isn't what I said. Try harder. You can do it.
OS078 9945392
I mean I could only shake my head in awe at Obama's recent statement that the problem now is that Americans don't know how great they have it because the main stream media isn't reporting that story!

Americans do have it better if we were to take Romney at his word from May 2012.

"I can't possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate at the end of one year, but I can tell you in a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% or perhaps a little lower," Romney said.

Read more:

It is a 'great' thing for Americans that Romney did not get to put his policies in place because the unemployment rate recently hit 5.9%. That is two years ahead of Romney's schedule. Its a big deal but do you hear the main stream media reporting news such as this. I heard it on MSNBC of course. But no where else.

And America has the most recovered economy of all the advanced nation sicne the devestating Bush recession of 2007 and 2008. Europe has not recovered as well as the US and now investors are deeply concerned that Germany is falling into recession.

And five years of Republican obstruction makes Obama's accomplishments even more impressive.

Romney says in 2012 that Republican policies would move the unemployment rate below 6% by 2016. But the reality is the unemployment rate is under 6% already in 2014. Just think how low it could be without the right-winger impediments to an even faster and better recovery for middle class wage earners.

It is a shame that the news media does not focus on that enough and as they should. Only negative news and negative slants on the news is what sells advertising.

Germany didn't incur trillion dollar deficits or do non-stop quantitative easing to kick start their economy like we did. They choose to do the intelligent thing and passed austerity measures. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are.

If the GOP hadn't opposed Obama policy initiatives like Cap & Trade it's almost certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. If Republican Governors hadn't put conservative policies in place to create the bulk of new jobs it's equally certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. Just think how low the unemployment rate could be if ALL the States had put those same conservative policies into place!

Are you suggesting that Germany has an economy that American conservatives would adopt?

Do you find it easier to make baseless proclamations about the future than to undertake a measured study of the past......and an honest evaluation of the present? Yes.......I think you do. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are? Can you possibly substantiate that?
What surprised me is that it was Alter, whose affection for Obama was so profound, and that he did it in such an intense period of division.

The Left had this guy on a pedestal that was even higher than Reagan's, if that's possible.

I believe the pedestal Obama occupied for so long was erected by the arrogant criminality and thuggish stupidity of his predecessor.

Obama's only real strength is his skill as a bullshit artist. But there are situations in which bullshit just won't work -- and the Middle East crisis is a prime example.

All politicians are bullshit artists. Speaking unvarnished truth makes electoral victory impossible. The most honest president we've had in the last 40 years is widely consider by nutters as the worst we've ever had.

The second most honest has never been given a moment of support by those same people. Honesty isn't a highly valued attribute for a politician.

Please name the recent American POTUS who had the right approach to the Middle East. Thanks.
Holy crap my ass. I can find a dozen cases of Jonathan Alter being highly critical of Obama over the past 6 years. The idea that Altar was in the bag for Obama is ridiculous.

There is no downside for Alter to criticize Obama now that he is safely reelected the second time. Now he can start his campaign to make Hillary look good.
Holy crap my ass. I can find a dozen cases of Jonathan Alter being highly critical of Obama over the past 6 years. The idea that Altar was in the bag for Obama is ridiculous.

There is no downside for Alter to criticize Obama now that he is safely reelected the second time. Now he can start his campaign to make Hillary look good.

It's fascinating to watch how shameless these people are. They know that the public has a short memory, so they know they can get away with this after transparently fawning over Obama for so many years. Obama hates the press, and you can't blame him.

Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.

I dissagree that the GOP has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

They have clearly communicated their message, and swing voters plus the diversity vote was so turned off by it, they re-elected Obama.
"The diversity vote"? Oh, you mean the "entitlement vote"...right?
Wow...if you think all non white males are the "entitlement vote"....I'm wasting my breath.

You're not on Social Security or Medicare?

Social Security was named FICA when it was enacted into law and everyone that gets a wage or a salary is required to pay the premiums. The I in FICA stands for INSURANCE, and Medicare is HEALTH INSURANCE. Since when is collecting the benefits of an insurance policy that has had the premiums paid an entitlement?
Altar criticized Obama with regularity before the 2012 election. Altar never fawned over Obama.

What do you call this?

Published on Mar 13, 2014

Jonathan Alter, senior editor at Newsweek, discusses his new book, The Promise: President Obama, Year One.

He provides a fast-paced inside account of the breakneck speed with which Barack Obama began making critical decisions and assuming the burdens of office amid the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. With dozens of exclusive details about everything from the selection of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state to the president's personal secrets for running a good meeting, Alter paints a portrait of a highly disciplined and self-aware president and his team.
OS078 9945392
I mean I could only shake my head in awe at Obama's recent statement that the problem now is that Americans don't know how great they have it because the main stream media isn't reporting that story!

Americans do have it better if we were to take Romney at his word from May 2012.

"I can't possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate at the end of one year, but I can tell you in a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% or perhaps a little lower," Romney said.

Read more:

It is a 'great' thing for Americans that Romney did not get to put his policies in place because the unemployment rate recently hit 5.9%. That is two years ahead of Romney's schedule. Its a big deal but do you hear the main stream media reporting news such as this. I heard it on MSNBC of course. But no where else.

And America has the most recovered economy of all the advanced nation sicne the devestating Bush recession of 2007 and 2008. Europe has not recovered as well as the US and now investors are deeply concerned that Germany is falling into recession.

And five years of Republican obstruction makes Obama's accomplishments even more impressive.

Romney says in 2012 that Republican policies would move the unemployment rate below 6% by 2016. But the reality is the unemployment rate is under 6% already in 2014. Just think how low it could be without the right-winger impediments to an even faster and better recovery for middle class wage earners.

It is a shame that the news media does not focus on that enough and as they should. Only negative news and negative slants on the news is what sells advertising.

Germany didn't incur trillion dollar deficits or do non-stop quantitative easing to kick start their economy like we did. They choose to do the intelligent thing and passed austerity measures. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are.

If the GOP hadn't opposed Obama policy initiatives like Cap & Trade it's almost certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. If Republican Governors hadn't put conservative policies in place to create the bulk of new jobs it's equally certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. Just think how low the unemployment rate could be if ALL the States had put those same conservative policies into place!

Are you suggesting that Germany has an economy that American conservatives would adopt?

Do you find it easier to make baseless proclamations about the future than to undertake a measured study of the past......and an honest evaluation of the present? Yes.......I think you do. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are? Can you possibly substantiate that?

Is it really so hard for you to grasp that someone who DIDN'T incur the massive amounts of debt that we've done trying to stimulate our economy through both stimulus and quantitative easing is in better shape for the future than we are? Germany's deficit as a % of GDP is running at a surplus while our own is running at about an 8% negative. My point was that Germany has it's spending under control and we don't.
Yes, we are seeing day after day that Obama is a great campaigner, great at fundraising, but a lousy leader at a critical time.

Talk is cheap and gullible people fall for it when someone they admire is the source..
Like with all no attention to anything they closely what they DO and you'll see what motivates them...

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