Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.
OS078 9945392
I mean I could only shake my head in awe at Obama's recent statement that the problem now is that Americans don't know how great they have it because the main stream media isn't reporting that story!

Americans do have it better if we were to take Romney at his word from May 2012.

"I can't possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate at the end of one year, but I can tell you in a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% or perhaps a little lower," Romney said.

Read more:

It is a 'great' thing for Americans that Romney did not get to put his policies in place because the unemployment rate recently hit 5.9%. That is two years ahead of Romney's schedule. Its a big deal but do you hear the main stream media reporting news such as this. I heard it on MSNBC of course. But no where else.

And America has the most recovered economy of all the advanced nation sicne the devestating Bush recession of 2007 and 2008. Europe has not recovered as well as the US and now investors are deeply concerned that Germany is falling into recession.

And five years of Republican obstruction makes Obama's accomplishments even more impressive.

Romney says in 2012 that Republican policies would move the unemployment rate below 6% by 2016. But the reality is the unemployment rate is under 6% already in 2014. Just think how low it could be without the right-winger impediments to an even faster and better recovery for middle class wage earners.

It is a shame that the news media does not focus on that enough and as they should. Only negative news and negative slants on the news is what sells advertising.

Germany didn't incur trillion dollar deficits or do non-stop quantitative easing to kick start their economy like we did. They choose to do the intelligent thing and passed austerity measures. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are.

If the GOP hadn't opposed Obama policy initiatives like Cap & Trade it's almost certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. If Republican Governors hadn't put conservative policies in place to create the bulk of new jobs it's equally certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. Just think how low the unemployment rate could be if ALL the States had put those same conservative policies into place!

Are you suggesting that Germany has an economy that American conservatives would adopt?

Do you find it easier to make baseless proclamations about the future than to undertake a measured study of the past......and an honest evaluation of the present? Yes.......I think you do. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are? Can you possibly substantiate that?

Is it really so hard for you to grasp that someone who DIDN'T incur the massive amounts of debt that we've done trying to stimulate our economy through both stimulus and quantitative easing is in better shape for the future than we are? Germany's deficit as a % of GDP is running at a surplus while our own is running at about an 8% negative. My point was that Germany has it's spending under control and we don't.

Germany declined to participate in the illegal invasion of Iraq. Germany didn't pass unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy either. Germany doesn't spend recklessly on defense. Germany is investing heavily in alternative energy.
The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

Gee whiz! It's all so confusing! Those poor, ignorant ******* can't figure out which party has their best interests in mind. If only they could see past the lying media they'd be right there leading the charge for Mitt Romney or Rick Perry.
The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

All you have is deflection because you cannot support the fact that the TP is an extremist right wing organization made up virtually exclusively of aging white people who don't even live up to their stated principles when it comes to actions.
Yes, we are seeing day after day that Obama is a great campaigner, great at fundraising, but a lousy leader at a critical time.

The predictable result of a culture that more and more values style over substance.

And what will change in 2016? Absolutely nothing, which is why Hilary will never win the election.

Hilary may win but nothing will change. You're saying that the hil is such an outsider that she would never have a chance. That's hilarious. She's part of the ruling establishment.
Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

All you have is deflection because you cannot support the fact that the TP is an extremist right wing organization made up virtually exclusively of aging white people who don't even live up to their stated principles when it comes to actions.

Opinions aren't facts.
Yes, we are seeing day after day that Obama is a great campaigner, great at fundraising, but a lousy leader at a critical time.

The predictable result of a culture that more and more values style over substance.

And what will change in 2016? Absolutely nothing, which is why Hilary will never win the election.

Hilary may win but nothing will change. You're saying that the hil is such an outsider that she would never have a chance. That's hilarious. She's part of the ruling establishment.

No, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying Hilary won't win because she doesn't have the style to get the media interested, or to get those who don't much interested. ie, she's not good looking.

Doesn't matter who is outside or not, Obama, Bush, Clinton, they were all outsiders.
Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

All you have is deflection because you cannot support the fact that the TP is an extremist right wing organization made up virtually exclusively of aging white people who don't even live up to their stated principles when it comes to actions.

Opinions aren't facts.

The TP'ers in Congress tried to shut down the government and ruin the full faith and credit of the US government in violation of their Oath to uphold the Constitution are irrefutable facts.
Yes, we are seeing day after day that Obama is a great campaigner, great at fundraising, but a lousy leader at a critical time.

The predictable result of a culture that more and more values style over substance.

And what will change in 2016? Absolutely nothing, which is why Hilary will never win the election.

Hilary may win but nothing will change. You're saying that the hil is such an outsider that she would never have a chance. That's hilarious. She's part of the ruling establishment.

No, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying Hilary won't win because she doesn't have the style to get the media interested, or to get those who don't much interested. ie, she's not good looking.

Doesn't matter who is outside or not, Obama, Bush, Clinton, they were all outsiders.

I'm saying Hilary won't win because she doesn't have the style to get the media interested, or to get those who don't much interested. ie, she's not good looking.

So does that mean if the GOP were to nominate Sarah Palin she would beat Hilary simply because she is "better looking"?
Yea, I definitely disagree with that. And the fact that you can't see it makes you look foolish and just as partisan as you like to criticize.

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence
those 10 goals are exactly what the libercommies despise, most especially #5
#11 should be "personal responsibility"..., THAT is something totally alien to them. :up:
Yes, we are seeing day after day that Obama is a great campaigner, great at fundraising, but a lousy leader at a critical time.

The predictable result of a culture that more and more values style over substance.

And what will change in 2016? Absolutely nothing, which is why Hilary will never win the election.

Hilary may win but nothing will change. You're saying that the hil is such an outsider that she would never have a chance. That's hilarious. She's part of the ruling establishment.

No, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying Hilary won't win because she doesn't have the style to get the media interested, or to get those who don't much interested. ie, she's not good looking.

Doesn't matter who is outside or not, Obama, Bush, Clinton, they were all outsiders.

I'm saying Hilary won't win because she doesn't have the style to get the media interested, or to get those who don't much interested. ie, she's not good looking.

So does that mean if the GOP were to nominate Sarah Palin she would beat Hilary simply because she is "better looking"?
Mostly rating on boobage elasticity...
Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence
those 10 goals are exactly what the libercommies despise, most especially #5
#11 should be "personal responsibility"..., THAT is something totally alien to them. :up:

It was started by a republican't so I see why you protect them...
Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

All you have is deflection because you cannot support the fact that the TP is an extremist right wing organization made up virtually exclusively of aging white people who don't even live up to their stated principles when it comes to actions.

Where did I deflect? What is a hoot is look at the democrat party, look at their leaders. Reid, he is older then dirty. Pelosi, rich arrogant grandmother Hillary, crooked as they come and again, old and white. And all of them sound angry, as do you.
OS078 9945392
I mean I could only shake my head in awe at Obama's recent statement that the problem now is that Americans don't know how great they have it because the main stream media isn't reporting that story!

Americans do have it better if we were to take Romney at his word from May 2012.

"I can't possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate at the end of one year, but I can tell you in a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% or perhaps a little lower," Romney said.

Read more:

It is a 'great' thing for Americans that Romney did not get to put his policies in place because the unemployment rate recently hit 5.9%. That is two years ahead of Romney's schedule. Its a big deal but do you hear the main stream media reporting news such as this. I heard it on MSNBC of course. But no where else.

And America has the most recovered economy of all the advanced nation sicne the devestating Bush recession of 2007 and 2008. Europe has not recovered as well as the US and now investors are deeply concerned that Germany is falling into recession.

And five years of Republican obstruction makes Obama's accomplishments even more impressive.

Romney says in 2012 that Republican policies would move the unemployment rate below 6% by 2016. But the reality is the unemployment rate is under 6% already in 2014. Just think how low it could be without the right-winger impediments to an even faster and better recovery for middle class wage earners.

It is a shame that the news media does not focus on that enough and as they should. Only negative news and negative slants on the news is what sells advertising.

Germany didn't incur trillion dollar deficits or do non-stop quantitative easing to kick start their economy like we did. They choose to do the intelligent thing and passed austerity measures. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are.

If the GOP hadn't opposed Obama policy initiatives like Cap & Trade it's almost certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. If Republican Governors hadn't put conservative policies in place to create the bulk of new jobs it's equally certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. Just think how low the unemployment rate could be if ALL the States had put those same conservative policies into place!

Are you suggesting that Germany has an economy that American conservatives would adopt?

Do you find it easier to make baseless proclamations about the future than to undertake a measured study of the past......and an honest evaluation of the present? Yes.......I think you do. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are? Can you possibly substantiate that?

Is it really so hard for you to grasp that someone who DIDN'T incur the massive amounts of debt that we've done trying to stimulate our economy through both stimulus and quantitative easing is in better shape for the future than we are? Germany's deficit as a % of GDP is running at a surplus while our own is running at about an 8% negative. My point was that Germany has it's spending under control and we don't.

Germany declined to participate in the illegal invasion of Iraq. Germany didn't pass unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy either. Germany doesn't spend recklessly on defense. Germany is investing heavily in alternative energy.

No one passed unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy because wealth isn't taxed.
OS078 9945392 Americans do have it better if we were to take Romney at his word from May 2012.

"I can't possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate at the end of one year, but I can tell you in a period of four years by virtue of the policies we put in place we'll get the unemployment rate down to 6% or perhaps a little lower," Romney said.

Read more:

It is a 'great' thing for Americans that Romney did not get to put his policies in place because the unemployment rate recently hit 5.9%. That is two years ahead of Romney's schedule. Its a big deal but do you hear the main stream media reporting news such as this. I heard it on MSNBC of course. But no where else.

And America has the most recovered economy of all the advanced nation sicne the devestating Bush recession of 2007 and 2008. Europe has not recovered as well as the US and now investors are deeply concerned that Germany is falling into recession.

And five years of Republican obstruction makes Obama's accomplishments even more impressive.

Romney says in 2012 that Republican policies would move the unemployment rate below 6% by 2016. But the reality is the unemployment rate is under 6% already in 2014. Just think how low it could be without the right-winger impediments to an even faster and better recovery for middle class wage earners.

It is a shame that the news media does not focus on that enough and as they should. Only negative news and negative slants on the news is what sells advertising.

Germany didn't incur trillion dollar deficits or do non-stop quantitative easing to kick start their economy like we did. They choose to do the intelligent thing and passed austerity measures. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are.

If the GOP hadn't opposed Obama policy initiatives like Cap & Trade it's almost certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. If Republican Governors hadn't put conservative policies in place to create the bulk of new jobs it's equally certain that the unemployment rate would be higher than it is. Just think how low the unemployment rate could be if ALL the States had put those same conservative policies into place!

Are you suggesting that Germany has an economy that American conservatives would adopt?

Do you find it easier to make baseless proclamations about the future than to undertake a measured study of the past......and an honest evaluation of the present? Yes.......I think you do. Germany is in far better shape for the future than we are? Can you possibly substantiate that?

Is it really so hard for you to grasp that someone who DIDN'T incur the massive amounts of debt that we've done trying to stimulate our economy through both stimulus and quantitative easing is in better shape for the future than we are? Germany's deficit as a % of GDP is running at a surplus while our own is running at about an 8% negative. My point was that Germany has it's spending under control and we don't.

Germany declined to participate in the illegal invasion of Iraq. Germany didn't pass unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy either. Germany doesn't spend recklessly on defense. Germany is investing heavily in alternative energy.

No one passed unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy because wealth isn't taxed.

you're messing up their narrative.
So does that mean if the GOP were to nominate Sarah Palin she would beat Hilary simply because she is "better looking"?


You need more than just looks. But you need looks and style.

Fact is Palin isn't going to get nominated, she doesn't do what the establishment want her to do.
Clinton is probably also in a similar situation.
Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

Gee whiz! It's all so confusing! Those poor, ignorant ******* can't figure out which party has their best interests in mind. If only they could see past the lying media they'd be right there leading the charge for Mitt Romney or Rick Perry.

Once again we are subjected to left wing projection. I didn't call anyone ignorant other then myself. I didn't say why they vote democrat wasn't justified I said I didn't understand why they would think so. I, ME, I don't understand how a black man can belong to the party that actually did "put them all in chains." Maybe they don't become Republicans but democrats, not until the democrats apologized. As for their best interests, again it is ME that does not understand. How can the black man look at what has happened to him in the last 6 years and be happy? It is not understandable, to me.

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