Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

Is there anyone here who wants to make the argument that there ISN'T a ton of waste in our government? Why then is there so much resistance to something that is just common sense like asking for that waste to be eliminated?

TONS of waste? Government has more public scrutiny than private entities.

You folks deal in dogma and propaganda...

Examples of TONS...


So your point is that the Republicans are doing great at controlling pork.

You mean the Republicans who created our debt?

Does that silly deflection really work for you?

If you want to brag about earmarks being down it is the Repubs controlling escaping that "fact"
Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

This may be the most ignorant post EVER...

You just equated the tea party with:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization for ethnic minorities in the united States.

OK pea brain, then lets properly label the tea party...

The tea party (teabaggers), an organization for ethnic WHITE majority in the united States

The 'most ignorant post EVER' trophy is only awarded once per year.

Keep your hopes up. You are a definite contender.


Don't let any facts dent your dogma...

Eighteen percent of Americans identify as Tea Party supporters. The vast majority of them -- 89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.
Is there anyone here who wants to make the argument that there ISN'T a ton of waste in our government? Why then is there so much resistance to something that is just common sense like asking for that waste to be eliminated?

TONS of waste? Government has more public scrutiny than private entities.

You folks deal in dogma and propaganda...

Examples of TONS...


So your point is that the Republicans are doing great at controlling pork.

You mean the Republicans who created our debt?

Does that silly deflection really work for you?

If you want to brag about earmarks being down it is the Repubs controlling escaping that "fact"


Funny how libs cry theres tons of waste in Defense budget but when their guy gets in why waste is narrowly defined as earmarks.......and of course green waste mustnt be mentioned either cause eventually its gonna save the planet...........
More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

This may be the most ignorant post EVER...

You just equated the tea party with:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization for ethnic minorities in the united States.

OK pea brain, then lets properly label the tea party...

The tea party (teabaggers), an organization for ethnic WHITE majority in the united States

The 'most ignorant post EVER' trophy is only awarded once per year.

Keep your hopes up. You are a definite contender.


Don't let any facts dent your dogma...

Eighteen percent of Americans identify as Tea Party supporters. The vast majority of them -- 89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.

You have no idea what my dogma might be. Which sort of displays your ignorance.

Carry on.

Is there anyone here who wants to make the argument that there ISN'T a ton of waste in our government? Why then is there so much resistance to something that is just common sense like asking for that waste to be eliminated?

TONS of waste? Government has more public scrutiny than private entities.

You folks deal in dogma and propaganda...

Examples of TONS...


So your point is that the Republicans are doing great at controlling pork.

You mean the Republicans who created our debt?

Does that silly deflection really work for you?

If you want to brag about earmarks being down it is the Repubs controlling escaping that "fact"



Repubs have had it since 2010 kid.............are you really such a dishonest prick?
Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

This may be the most ignorant post EVER...

You just equated the tea party with:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization for ethnic minorities in the united States.

OK pea brain, then lets properly label the tea party...

The tea party (teabaggers), an organization for ethnic WHITE majority in the united States

The 'most ignorant post EVER' trophy is only awarded once per year.

Keep your hopes up. You are a definite contender.


Don't let any facts dent your dogma...

Eighteen percent of Americans identify as Tea Party supporters. The vast majority of them -- 89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.

You have no idea what my dogma might be. Which sort of displays your ignorance.

Carry on.


LOL!!! I give you credit for admitting what(ever) you believe IS dogma...

TONS of waste? Government has more public scrutiny than private entities.

You folks deal in dogma and propaganda...

Examples of TONS...


So your point is that the Republicans are doing great at controlling pork.

You mean the Republicans who created our debt?

Does that silly deflection really work for you?

If you want to brag about earmarks being down it is the Repubs controlling escaping that "fact"



Repubs have had it since 2010 kid.............are you really such a dishonest prick?

"son", "kid"? Who did you vote for in '68?
The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

This may be the most ignorant post EVER...

You just equated the tea party with:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization for ethnic minorities in the united States.

OK pea brain, then lets properly label the tea party...

The tea party (teabaggers), an organization for ethnic WHITE majority in the united States

The 'most ignorant post EVER' trophy is only awarded once per year.

Keep your hopes up. You are a definite contender.


Don't let any facts dent your dogma...

Eighteen percent of Americans identify as Tea Party supporters. The vast majority of them -- 89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.

You have no idea what my dogma might be. Which sort of displays your ignorance.

Carry on.


LOL!!! I give you credit for admitting what(ever) you believe IS dogma...


I see you found a dictionary. That is a necessary first step.

Can you find the word 'projection'?

That would be step two in the program.

So your point is that the Republicans are doing great at controlling pork.

You mean the Republicans who created our debt?

Does that silly deflection really work for you?

If you want to brag about earmarks being down it is the Repubs controlling escaping that "fact"



Repubs have had it since 2010 kid.............are you really such a dishonest prick?

"son", "kid"? Who did you vote for in '68?

Deflection again?

You won't fare well with me son,I will never allow you to deflect.
TONS of waste? Government has more public scrutiny than private entities.

You folks deal in dogma and propaganda...

Examples of TONS...


So your point is that the Republicans are doing great at controlling pork.

You mean the Republicans who created our debt?

Does that silly deflection really work for you?

If you want to brag about earmarks being down it is the Repubs controlling escaping that "fact"



Repubs have had it since 2010 kid.............are you really such a dishonest prick?

OH, I forgot!

Tea Party Caucus Takes $1 Billion In Earmarks
Tea Party Caucus Takes 1 Billion In Earmarks -
So your point is that the Republicans are doing great at controlling pork.

You mean the Republicans who created our debt?

Does that silly deflection really work for you?

If you want to brag about earmarks being down it is the Repubs controlling escaping that "fact"



Repubs have had it since 2010 kid.............are you really such a dishonest prick?

OH, I forgot!

Tea Party Caucus Takes $1 Billion In Earmarks
Tea Party Caucus Takes 1 Billion In Earmarks -

LOL, I know you regret posting your pie chart now .

The sting will go away soon.
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.


You say "Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President." Couldn't get more subjective than that if you tried.
The gop's clear, unified vision for the country was to make Obama a failure and a one term president even if the country was destroyed in the process. The republicans failed there, not for lack of trying. Obama will go down in history as the second democrat to rescue the country and it's economy after republicans screwed things up. FDR was the first.

C'mon now show some integrity.

Integrity? That has never been a conservative trait.

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative

C'mon now show some integrity.

Integrity? That has never been a conservative trait.

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative

Your capitulation on the actual discussion is noted.
Is there anyone here who wants to make the argument that there ISN'T a ton of waste in our government? Why then is there so much resistance to something that is just common sense like asking for that waste to be eliminated?

Because you guys never really identify the "waste". Usually, when you guys talk about cutting spending, it usually means snatching food out of the mouths of children and not keeping our promises to the elderly.

And when we have a collective brain fart and let you guys steal a Presidential Election, spending never goes down. Your boy Reagan tripled the National Debt. Your boy Bush-43 took 200 Billion Surpluses and turned them into trillion dollar deficits.

For those interested, there is a twelve step program for overcoming being a liboholic.

Once you get past step two, admitting that the act of visualizing and regarding an idea as an objective reality is an imaginary phantasmagoric utopia, you will feel better. The only remaining difficult part is step eight. That is the one where everyone has to admit that Dan Quayle was the smartest VP since Harry Truman.

It is a rough road to travel, but libs can do it if they try.


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