Wow, the Left really turning on Obama


I didn't vote for McCain and I won't vote for Bush neither of which changes the fact Obama is a joke and has been from the start

I could list a whole bunch of things that I think Obama isn't a good president on.

I thought continuing the war in Afghanistan was a mistake.
I thought getting involved in Libya's civil war was a fuckup.
I think he didn't put enough emphasis on jobs and he was too quick to agree with the GOP on extending the tax giveaways.

Unlike, you, though, I don't base that on crazy hate like you do.

The sad thing about McCain was he was the last chance the GOP had for sanity. But Democrats instead of saying, "Yeah, we could almost stand Republicans if they were more like John McCain", something they had been saying since the 1990's, figured they had you guys over a barrel and took advantage.

There was no difference between Obama and McCain, none.
Why would any Republican give a shit whether ANY Dem likes them or not?
I have nothing in common with Obama, not one thing.

He hates the United States as founded which is why he wanted to "fundamentally" change it.

We stopped him.....and again...Joe?

ALL you care about is how well YOU are doing, your words not mine.

I didn't vote for McCain and I won't vote for Bush neither of which changes the fact Obama is a joke and has been from the start

I could list a whole bunch of things that I think Obama isn't a good president on.

I thought continuing the war in Afghanistan was a mistake.
I thought getting involved in Libya's civil war was a fuckup.
I think he didn't put enough emphasis on jobs and he was too quick to agree with the GOP on extending the tax giveaways.

Unlike, you, though, I don't base that on crazy hate like you do.

The sad thing about McCain was he was the last chance the GOP had for sanity. But Democrats instead of saying, "Yeah, we could almost stand Republicans if they were more like John McCain", something they had been saying since the 1990's, figured they had you guys over a barrel and took advantage.

There was no difference between Obama and McCain, none.
Why would any Republican give a shit whether ANY Dem likes them or not?
I have nothing in common with Obama, not one thing.

He hates the United States as founded which is why he wanted to "fundamentally" change it.

We stopped him.....and again...Joe?

ALL you care about is how well YOU are doing, your words not mine.

He [Obama] hates the United States as founded which is why he wanted to "fundamentally" change it.


Your hyperbolic drivel is hilarious!

I didn't vote for McCain and I won't vote for Bush neither of which changes the fact Obama is a joke and has been from the start

I could list a whole bunch of things that I think Obama isn't a good president on.

I thought continuing the war in Afghanistan was a mistake.
I thought getting involved in Libya's civil war was a fuckup.
I think he didn't put enough emphasis on jobs and he was too quick to agree with the GOP on extending the tax giveaways.

Unlike, you, though, I don't base that on crazy hate like you do.

The sad thing about McCain was he was the last chance the GOP had for sanity. But Democrats instead of saying, "Yeah, we could almost stand Republicans if they were more like John McCain", something they had been saying since the 1990's, figured they had you guys over a barrel and took advantage.

There was no difference between Obama and McCain, none.
Why would any Republican give a shit whether ANY Dem likes them or not?
I have nothing in common with Obama, not one thing.

He hates the United States as founded which is why he wanted to "fundamentally" change it.

We stopped him.....and again...Joe?

ALL you care about is how well YOU are doing, your words not mine.

He [Obama] hates the United States as founded which is why he wanted to "fundamentally" change it.


Your hyperbolic drivel is hilarious!

New crayons kid?

There was no difference between Obama and McCain, none.
Why would any Republican give a shit whether ANY Dem likes them or not?

Wow? Seriously? You think there was no difference between Obama and McCain?

I would think that if you only want to be president of less than HALF the country, that's kind of a problem.

I have nothing in common with Obama, not one thing.
He hates the United States as founded which is why he wanted to "fundamentally" change it.
We stopped him.....and again...Joe?

ALL you care about is how well YOU are doing, your words not mine.

Well, yeah, guy, because if I'm not doing well, then we are probably in trouble. I'm the point on the needle that is in the red. If someone like me - college educated, veteran, professional in his feild - is struggling, than you can imagine everything else is in a pretty sad state.

Which, of course, it was when Bush crashed it into the wall.

So, yeah, you stopped Obama from trying to fix the economy, but it's gotten a bit better despite you.

Not sure why you are proud of that.

There was no difference between Obama and McCain, none.
Why would any Republican give a shit whether ANY Dem likes them or not?

Wow? Seriously? You think there was no difference between Obama and McCain?

I would think that if you only want to be president of less than HALF the country, that's kind of a problem.

I have nothing in common with Obama, not one thing.
He hates the United States as founded which is why he wanted to "fundamentally" change it.
We stopped him.....and again...Joe?

ALL you care about is how well YOU are doing, your words not mine.

Well, yeah, guy, because if I'm not doing well, then we are probably in trouble. I'm the point on the needle that is in the red. If someone like me - college educated, veteran, professional in his feild - is struggling, than you can imagine everything else is in a pretty sad state.

Which, of course, it was when Bush crashed it into the wall.

So, yeah, you stopped Obama from trying to fix the economy, but it's gotten a bit better despite you.

Not sure why you are proud of that.

I see the far left still thinks they had a choice between Clinton and Obama.

McCain would have gone to Congress for authorization, Obama just carries out true illegal wars..

Who's increased the debt more in their time in office, Joe...Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama?

As a percentage? Reagan- hands down. He increased military spending, gave huge tax giveaways to the rich, and by the time his terms were over, he had increased the National Debt 200%.

Obama, on the other hand, got a debt of 11 Trillion, most of the problems baked into the pie like Bush's tax giveaways and wars and the recession, and we are at about 17 trillion now. SO, yeah, bad. But not nearly as bad as Reagan.

So let me see if I follow your logic here, Joe...Reagan increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion in eight years while Barry has increased the national debt by 6.1 trillion in only six years...but Reagan increased the debt more than Obama?

Do you have any idea how stupid you look making THAT argument?
A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde


Your theory of hyper-partisanship on both sides of the aisle just got destroyed.

Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they would be Republicans.
Will Rogers

It was only "destroyed" in the minds of people like you, whose partisan ideology paralyzes them into thinking that any exception to the rule "destroys" the rule.

Life is a little more complicated than partisan ideologues see it. Both sides.

Left wing partisan ideologues are no better than right wing partisan ideologues. I know how much you want to disagree with that.


Yea, I definitely disagree with that. And the fact that you can't see it makes you look foolish and just as partisan as you like to criticize.

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

What planet have you been on? Not earth.
Uh............many on the Left or Liberals were not aligned with Obama to begin with. Didn't agree with many of his policies. Further, simply because the Democrats have decided that Biden or Clinton is the one does not mean that the rest of us are willing to agree with that.
I didn't like Obama because of the promises he broke in his first year, and his attitude to things. The last Presidental election was a win for Obama because there were no Democrats or Republicans capable of challenging him effectively. Romney didn't cut it, as he didn't convince people that it was worth trading the 'devil they know' for him.

The next election will be interesting as it will be the old guard partisan Democrats like Clinton vs Democrats without the political baggage like Elizabeth Warren, though not sure who the Republicans will run yet.

Who's increased the debt more in their time in office, Joe...Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama?

As a percentage? Reagan- hands down. He increased military spending, gave huge tax giveaways to the rich, and by the time his terms were over, he had increased the National Debt 200%.

Obama, on the other hand, got a debt of 11 Trillion, most of the problems baked into the pie like Bush's tax giveaways and wars and the recession, and we are at about 17 trillion now. SO, yeah, bad. But not nearly as bad as Reagan.

So let me see if I follow your logic here, Joe...Reagan increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion in eight years while Barry has increased the national debt by 6.1 trillion in only six years...but Reagan increased the debt more than Obama?

Do you have any idea how stupid you look making THAT argument?

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde


Your theory of hyper-partisanship on both sides of the aisle just got destroyed.

Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they would be Republicans.
Will Rogers

It was only "destroyed" in the minds of people like you, whose partisan ideology paralyzes them into thinking that any exception to the rule "destroys" the rule.

Life is a little more complicated than partisan ideologues see it. Both sides.

Left wing partisan ideologues are no better than right wing partisan ideologues. I know how much you want to disagree with that.


Yea, I definitely disagree with that. And the fact that you can't see it makes you look foolish and just as partisan as you like to criticize.

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

What planet have you been on? Not earth.

Earth, much longer than you.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948

Who's increased the debt more in their time in office, Joe...Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama?

As a percentage? Reagan- hands down. He increased military spending, gave huge tax giveaways to the rich, and by the time his terms were over, he had increased the National Debt 200%.

Obama, on the other hand, got a debt of 11 Trillion, most of the problems baked into the pie like Bush's tax giveaways and wars and the recession, and we are at about 17 trillion now. SO, yeah, bad. But not nearly as bad as Reagan.

So let me see if I follow your logic here, Joe...Reagan increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion in eight years while Barry has increased the national debt by 6.1 trillion in only six years...but Reagan increased the debt more than Obama?

Do you have any idea how stupid you look making THAT argument?

What part of "As a Percentage" was not clear to you, Cleetus? Did they not teach simple math at Talking Snake U.?

Who's increased the debt more in their time in office, Joe...Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama?

As a percentage? Reagan- hands down. He increased military spending, gave huge tax giveaways to the rich, and by the time his terms were over, he had increased the National Debt 200%.

Obama, on the other hand, got a debt of 11 Trillion, most of the problems baked into the pie like Bush's tax giveaways and wars and the recession, and we are at about 17 trillion now. SO, yeah, bad. But not nearly as bad as Reagan.

So let me see if I follow your logic here, Joe...Reagan increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion in eight years while Barry has increased the national debt by 6.1 trillion in only six years...but Reagan increased the debt more than Obama?

Do you have any idea how stupid you look making THAT argument?

What part of "As a Percentage" was not clear to you, Cleetus? Did they not teach simple math at Talking Snake U.?

Do you liberals REALLY think that anyone's fooled by the whole "percentage of increase from the previous President" statistic, Joe? It's fun with numbers and all but total bullshit and you know it!

Reagan increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion in 8 years.

Obama has already increased the national debt by 6.1 trillion and he's got two more years to go! By the time Barack Obama leaves the Presidency of the United States he will have accumulated far more debt than any US President EVER!

Who's increased the debt more in their time in office, Joe...Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama?

As a percentage? Reagan- hands down. He increased military spending, gave huge tax giveaways to the rich, and by the time his terms were over, he had increased the National Debt 200%.

Obama, on the other hand, got a debt of 11 Trillion, most of the problems baked into the pie like Bush's tax giveaways and wars and the recession, and we are at about 17 trillion now. SO, yeah, bad. But not nearly as bad as Reagan.

So let me see if I follow your logic here, Joe...Reagan increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion in eight years while Barry has increased the national debt by 6.1 trillion in only six years...but Reagan increased the debt more than Obama?

Do you have any idea how stupid you look making THAT argument?


Dude, why would you cite a chart that stopped almost two years ago?

And the reason that Obama hasn't gotten more debt ceiling increases isn't because HE didn't want's because the GOP wouldn't give them to him! That second chart is all but worthless.

Do you liberals REALLY think that anyone's fooled by the whole "percentage of increase from the previous President" statistic, Joe? It's fun with numbers and all but total bullshit and you know it!

Reagan increased the national debt by 1.86 trillion in 8 years.

Obama has already increased the national debt by 6.1 trillion and he's got two more years to go! By the time Barack Obama leaves the Presidency of the United States he will have accumulated far more debt than any US President EVER!

I'm not sure what you mean by "Fooled".

The real damage done by your boy Reagan was that he found that borrowing was easier than either cutting programs or raising taxes. Before Reagan, we only went into debt when there was a real emergency, like a World War.

Obviously, there are two ways to bring down the deficit- raise taxes or cut the snot out of programs. Both will have serious economic consequences. Borrowing is the path of least resistance, and we can thank Ronnie for making that okay.
I'm not a fan of deficit financing, Joe and neither was Reagan. He always maintained that the thing he was most sorry about was the amount of debt he incurred. When you look at the amounts involved however it's striking how little debt Reagan DID incur for what he accomplished. Then compare THAT to all the debt that Barry has incurred for what he hasn't accomplished. Barack Obama manages to rack up huge amounts of debt while he accomplishes very little. You have to have a real KNACK for that!
I'm not a fan of deficit financing, Joe and neither was Reagan. He always maintained that the thing he was most sorry about was the amount of debt he incurred. When you look at the amounts involved however it's striking how little debt Reagan DID incur for what he accomplished. Then compare THAT to all the debt that Barry has incurred for what he hasn't accomplished. Barack Obama manages to rack up huge amounts of debt while he accomplishes very little. You have to have a real KNACK for that!

He tripled the national debt!

And clearly, he wasn't sorry that he did that. He was too busy buying $600.00 toliet seats and $200.00 hammers and giving tax breaks to rich people who proceeded to move jobs out of the country.

But your right, Ray-gun did accomplish a lot. He completely demolished the middle class and let the Japanese ear our lunch. Whattaguy!

Then there should be a long list of Obama spending that was approved by Congress...

Let's SEE it...

SO, Obama is responsible for:

1) Bush-Era Tax Cuts
2) War in Iraq and Afghanistan
3) TARP, Fannie, and Freddie
4) Economic Downturn


I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!
I'm not a fan of deficit financing, Joe and neither was Reagan. He always maintained that the thing he was most sorry about was the amount of debt he incurred. When you look at the amounts involved however it's striking how little debt Reagan DID incur for what he accomplished. Then compare THAT to all the debt that Barry has incurred for what he hasn't accomplished. Barack Obama manages to rack up huge amounts of debt while he accomplishes very little. You have to have a real KNACK for that!

Debt was not part of our problem or even our national lexicon, UNTIL Reagan...

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy? Was it New Deal Democrats? No....they PAYED for what they spent. It all started with the 'welfare queen' mentality of Ronny Reagan who switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy.


Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

And where was all this angst and concern about debt from conservatives when Bush and Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress for almost a decade??? When Bush was starting a 3 trillion dollar war of ideology in Iraq, there was not a fucking PEEP from you right wingers, just cheers and 'bring 'em on'... And where was this less government mantra? You right wingers LOVED BIG government and government intervention into people lives... the Patriot Act, trashing habeas corpus, the Geneva Conventions and the US War Crimes Act.

And what was the concern in the Bush administration about debt and deficits? NONE...Bush's solution was to eliminate the voices of concern.

Paul O'Neill was fired from his job as George Bush's Treasury Secretary for disagreeing too many times with the president's policy on tax cuts.

The president had promised to cut taxes, and he did. Within six months of taking office, he pushed a trillion dollars worth of tax cuts through Congress.

But O'Neill thought it should have been the end. After 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, the budget deficit was growing. So at a meeting with the vice president after the mid-term elections in 2002, O'Neill argued against a second round of tax cuts.

"Cheney, at this moment, showed his hand. He said to O'Neill: 'You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due.' … O'Neill was speechless."

"It was not just about not wanting the tax cut. It was about how to use the nation's resources to improve the condition of our society," says O'Neill. "And I thought the weight of working on Social Security and fundamental tax reform was a lot more important than a tax reduction."

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