Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

"Obama is center right"
Too funny.
Why is it funny?

We're still fighting wars the right started.
He's continuing (and in some cases expanding), the policies of his right wing predecessor.
Christ, he kept the right wing administrations' Sec of Defense!
He didn't investigate any war crimes committed by the former right wing administration.
Even his biggest piece of left wing legislation (ACA), left out the one thing (public option) that would've made it a liberal bill.​

If he was a liberal President, we wouldn't be bombing over a 100 country's around the world.

Who's increased the debt more in their time in office, Joe...Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama?

As a percentage? Reagan- hands down. He increased military spending, gave huge tax giveaways to the rich, and by the time his terms were over, he had increased the National Debt 200%.

Obama, on the other hand, got a debt of 11 Trillion, most of the problems baked into the pie like Bush's tax giveaways and wars and the recession, and we are at about 17 trillion now. SO, yeah, bad. But not nearly as bad as Reagan.
And if you knew your history of US economics,'d know that JFK proposed lowering the top rates for income tax from 91% to 65%. Keep in mind when you see THOSE numbers however that there were far more tax loopholes then...then there are now!

YOu mean that the wealthy couldn't just blow their wads on Dressage Horsies and boats, they actually had to reinvest their money into the economy? Those "Loopholes'?
"Obama is center right"
Too funny.
Why is it funny?

We're still fighting wars the right started.
He's continuing (and in some cases expanding), the policies of his right wing predecessor.
Christ, he kept the right wing administrations' Sec of Defense!
He didn't investigate any war crimes committed by the former right wing administration.
Even his biggest piece of left wing legislation (ACA), left out the one thing (public option) that would've made it a liberal bill.​

If he was a liberal President, we wouldn't be bombing over a 100 country's around the world.

Of course, "Center Right".
"Obama is center right"
Too funny.
Why is it funny?

We're still fighting wars the right started.
He's continuing (and in some cases expanding), the policies of his right wing predecessor.
Christ, he kept the right wing administrations' Sec of Defense!
He didn't investigate any war crimes committed by the former right wing administration.
Even his biggest piece of left wing legislation (ACA), left out the one thing (public option) that would've made it a liberal bill.​

If he was a liberal President, we wouldn't be bombing over a 100 country's around the world.

Of course, "Center Right".

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

This may be the most ignorant post EVER...

You just equated the tea party with:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization for ethnic minorities in the united States.

OK pea brain, then lets properly label the tea party...

The tea party (teabaggers), an organization for ethnic WHITE majority in the united States

Damn they were going to give me trophy points for the "most ignorant post EVER" but then they read yours. I think I could still have been ahead but you just had to call me a pea brain, not fair.

Look, no one is saying that the TP isn't comprised of mostly white people. No one is saying they are not angry about what is going on in the country, the left wing sounds pretty damn angry to. White people started the TP yes so logically it is a party of mostly the majority population. The DIFFERENCE is that no one is excluding blacks except themselves. As pointed out, do you see a lot of white faces in the NAACP? The black Caucus do you see ANY white faces? No you don't and no you don't care. But a group of white people fed up with the government wasting our money and THAT you have a problem with. THAT is why you get the trophy points.
Poor Joe, your heroes keep letting you down.

At least Obama has thus far kept his dick in his own pants

Didn't vote for Obama in 2008, and I only voted for him in 2012 because you dipshits decided to whore your party out to the Mormon Cult for an afternoon.

I'll probably vote for Bruce Rauner in November because Quinn has been such a knob.

If the GOP doesn't nominated a complete lunatic or a Bush in 2016, I might even give them a serious look.
Too bad the TP'ers in Congress aren't willing to "Abide by the Constitution of the United States".

Then again they aren't willing to "Believe in the People" either.

As far as avoiding the "Pitfalls of Politics" goes they have managed to stumble into every single one that they have encountered to date up to and including trying to shut down the government and violate the Constitution by failing to uphold the credit worthiness on this nation.

So failing to abide by your stated principles is what makes you extremists in my opinion.

One more point, your fallacious claim that "Everyone is welcomed to join" goes, why is it that single women, gays, blacks and hispanics are conspicuous by their absence? Instead we see lots of angry old white people wearing funny costumes and carrying guns.

Words are meaningless unless you are willing to live by them. The TP'ers scream and shout a lot but their actions give them away.

More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

This may be the most ignorant post EVER...

You just equated the tea party with:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization for ethnic minorities in the united States.

OK pea brain, then lets properly label the tea party...

The tea party (teabaggers), an organization for ethnic WHITE majority in the united States

The 'most ignorant post EVER' trophy is only awarded once per year.

Keep your hopes up. You are a definite contender.


Yeah, calling me a pea brain dashed my chances.
Poor Joe, your heroes keep letting you down.

At least Obama has thus far kept his dick in his own pants

Didn't vote for Obama in 2008, and I only voted for him in 2012 because you dipshits decided to whore your party out to the Mormon Cult for an afternoon.

I'll probably vote for Bruce Rauner in November because Quinn has been such a knob.

If the GOP doesn't nominated a complete lunatic or a Bush in 2016, I might even give them a serious look.

I didn't vote for McCain and I won't vote for Bush neither of which changes the fact Obama is a joke and has been from the start
More left wing prattle, nothing of substance, just hate and attack. You don't know who attends TP rallies so how can you comment on who does. You are just spewing left wing talking points and it is quite impressive how all on the left spew the same points.

Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

All you have is deflection because you cannot support the fact that the TP is an extremist right wing organization made up virtually exclusively of aging white people who don't even live up to their stated principles when it comes to actions.

Where did I deflect? What is a hoot is look at the democrat party, look at their leaders. Reid, he is older then dirty. Pelosi, rich arrogant grandmother Hillary, crooked as they come and again, old and white. And all of them sound angry, as do you.

You just deflected again!

But I am not surprised that a partisan sycophant such as yourself cannot comprehend your own myopic partisanship.

You have effectively conceded that my point is valid about the TP and that you have no substantive rebuttal. Have a nice day.

I never made the statement that the TP isn't composed of mostly whites, never said it. But you and your ilk are inferring that because they are mostly white that means they obviously are excluding blacks. THAT is BS. Blacks exclude themselves and I don't blame them. The treatment a black person who leaves the DNC receives is disgraceful and unfortunately the virtual chains placed on them by the DNC are really hard to break.

As a white man can I join the NAACP? I would guess that answer is yes, but could be wrong. But lets say it is yes, my not joining doesn't mean that makes the NAACP racist. And if you want to say my not joining makes me racist then what would you be saying about blacks and the TP? I seriously doubt I could join the black caucus do you think they racist?

I didn't vote for McCain and I won't vote for Bush neither of which changes the fact Obama is a joke and has been from the start

I could list a whole bunch of things that I think Obama isn't a good president on.

I thought continuing the war in Afghanistan was a mistake.
I thought getting involved in Libya's civil war was a fuckup.
I think he didn't put enough emphasis on jobs and he was too quick to agree with the GOP on extending the tax giveaways.

Unlike, you, though, I don't base that on crazy hate like you do.

The sad thing about McCain was he was the last chance the GOP had for sanity. But Democrats instead of saying, "Yeah, we could almost stand Republicans if they were more like John McCain", something they had been saying since the 1990's, figured they had you guys over a barrel and took advantage.
Prove me wrong!

Post images of TP meetings around the nation showing the diversity. How many inner city TP meetings were held in the last month, quarter, year, ever?

That you were unable to refute a single thing that I posted and instead you went into a full blown ad hom attack mode tells me that you can't handle the truth about the TP and that it does not even attempt to live up to it's stated principles in reality.

In essence you are just as full of it as the rest of your fellow TP'ers. Have a nice day.

The point is and always has been is that your accusation that the Tea Party discriminates against blacks is just pure BS. There is nothing in their platform does that. There is nothing in the rhetoric of those who we can call leaders. It is an imagination made up by the liberal left. Mostly the reason that there are not more blacks is because blacks, for some reason that I don't understand, side with the party of slavery. So how would the Tea Party attract blacks? Since the beginning the left has lied about the TP. Every black that sides with the TP is labeled by the democrats as being a sell out or worse.

Why isn't there whites in the NAACP? A group that was formed by WHITE REPUBLICANS to help the black man. Why did the black House Caucus prohibit a BLACK Republican from membership. For that matter why is there even a all black caucus? Could a white man join either of those groups? I seriously doubt it. Can a black man join a TP, yes, without a doubt.

All you have is deflection because you cannot support the fact that the TP is an extremist right wing organization made up virtually exclusively of aging white people who don't even live up to their stated principles when it comes to actions.

Where did I deflect? What is a hoot is look at the democrat party, look at their leaders. Reid, he is older then dirty. Pelosi, rich arrogant grandmother Hillary, crooked as they come and again, old and white. And all of them sound angry, as do you.

You just deflected again!

But I am not surprised that a partisan sycophant such as yourself cannot comprehend your own myopic partisanship.

You have effectively conceded that my point is valid about the TP and that you have no substantive rebuttal. Have a nice day.

I never made the statement that the TP isn't composed of mostly whites, never said it. But you and your ilk are inferring that because they are mostly white that means they obviously are excluding blacks. THAT is BS. Blacks exclude themselves and I don't blame them. The treatment a black person who leaves the DNC receives is disgraceful and unfortunately the virtual chains placed on them by the DNC are really hard to break.

As a white man can I join the NAACP? I would guess that answer is yes, but could be wrong. But lets say it is yes, my not joining doesn't mean that makes the NAACP racist. And if you want to say my not joining makes me racist then what would you be saying about blacks and the TP? I seriously doubt I could join the black caucus do you think they racist?

Your latest strawman deflection is treated with the contempt it deserves. Have a nice day.
anyone who hasn't wised up to Obama and the democrats and the total failures they are is blind as a bat.
anyone who hasn't wised up to Obama and the democrats and the total failures they are is blind as a bat.

But to be fair I have to give credit where it is due. Obama didn't "fail" without a great deal of "help" from the right doing it's utmost to make sure that he did. Their strenuous efforts from the very outset of his presidency to make him a "failure" deserve to be recognized. The right put a lot of hard work into achieving this outcome and they should be given the credit that comes with reaching their stated goal of failure.
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.


Yes, they are all turning to support Hillary. There has been so much buzz about her.


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