Wow, the Left really turning on Obama

What I find amazing is that the very same people who are so "outraged" by the trillion and a half dollars of debt that Reagan added are perfectly fine with the 6 trillion in debt that Obama has added. Not only are you fine with it...YOU'VE BEEN ASKING FOR MORE!!!

Are you THAT dishonest or THAT fucking obtuse?

SO, Obama is responsible for:

1) Bush-Era Tax Cuts
2) War in Iraq and Afghanistan
3) TARP, Fannie, and Freddie
4) Economic Downturn


I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!

I'm curious, Bfgrn...will Barack Obama be "responsible" for the debt that we are going to incur because of the Affordable Care Act after he leaves office? Or does he get a pass on that as well?

This goes back to the same question...what IS Barry responsible for? According to you Progressives...everything bad is the fault of the guy before he took office...everything good you give him credit for.
I think this belongs here.....

LIB COLUMNIST: Ebola Becoming “Political Nightmare” for Democrats

Gateway Pundit ^

Remember when Obama said… “Chances of Ebola Outbreak in U.S. Extremely Low.”(VIDEO-AT-LINK)Today the second confirmed Ebola case was announced in Dallas, Texas. Dr. David Lakey, Texas Department of State Health Services Commissioner, said officials are still unsure how this happened. New Yorker columnist John Cassidy: Ebola Becoming Election Nightmare for Democrats New Yorker columnist John Cassidy wrote an article last week on how the politics of Ebola could spell electoral doom for the Democrats should more cases arise in the U.S. “Welcome to the great Ebola scare of 2014, which pits an increasingly jumpy American public against the technocrats of...
I suppose Bush is responsible for Barry's inept leadership when it comes to fighting ISIS? The "reset" with Russia?

I suppose Bush is responsible for the Fast & Furious scandal? The Benghazi debacle? The IRS abuses? The wiretaps on American journalists? The total lack of transparency of the Obama White House?

Who KNEW that the man you liberals derided for all those years as the "village idiot" was actually a political MASTERMIND who somehow manages to control the US government from his ranch in Crawford, Texas!
I'm not a fan of deficit financing, Joe and neither was Reagan. He always maintained that the thing he was most sorry about was the amount of debt he incurred. When you look at the amounts involved however it's striking how little debt Reagan DID incur for what he accomplished. Then compare THAT to all the debt that Barry has incurred for what he hasn't accomplished. Barack Obama manages to rack up huge amounts of debt while he accomplishes very little. You have to have a real KNACK for that!

Debt was not part of our problem or even our national lexicon, UNTIL Reagan...

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy? Was it New Deal Democrats? No....they PAYED for what they spent. It all started with the 'welfare queen' mentality of Ronny Reagan who switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy.


Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

What I find amusing is that Progressives like yourself, Bfgrn present a graph like the above one to "illustrate" how much Reagan increased spending working hand in hand with Tip O'Neil and a Democratically controlled House but you stop the graph at 2005? That's nine years ago! So why not show what that same graph would look like if you carried it over to 2014?


Oh probably can't DO that because that graph wouldn't even fit on the page since Barry took over!
What I find amazing is that the very same people who are so "outraged" by the trillion and a half dollars of debt that Reagan added are perfectly fine with the 6 trillion in debt that Obama has added. Not only are you fine with it...YOU'VE BEEN ASKING FOR MORE!!!

Are you THAT dishonest or THAT fucking obtuse?

SO, Obama is responsible for:

1) Bush-Era Tax Cuts
2) War in Iraq and Afghanistan
3) TARP, Fannie, and Freddie
4) Economic Downturn


I had a flat tire yesterday...fuckin' Obama!!!

I'm curious, Bfgrn...will Barack Obama be "responsible" for the debt that we are going to incur because of the Affordable Care Act after he leaves office? Or does he get a pass on that as well?

This goes back to the same question...what IS Barry responsible for? According to you Progressives...everything bad is the fault of the guy before he took office...everything good you give him credit for.

Responsible for the debt that will be incurred by the Affordable Care act?

Obama and Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for 2 years. What did they do?

Obama and Democrats put us on The Extended-Baseline Scenario trajectory. If Congress does nothing the Extended-Baseline Scenario is already in place.

IF the Bush tax cuts don't expire and the ACA is not fully implemented or repealed the The Alternative Fiscal Scenario is the trajectory Teapublicans will take us if they gain enough power.

the CBO lays it out perfectly clear...CRYSTAL.

Federal Debt Held by the Public Under CBO’s Long-Term Budget Scenarios
(Percentage of gross domestic product)

The chart shows 2 scenarios. For all practical purposes, you can call the Extended-Baseline Scenario the Democrat scenario and the Alternative Fiscal Scenario the Teapublican scenario.

The Extended-Baseline Scenario adheres closely to current law. Under this scenario, the expiration of the tax cuts enacted since 2001 and most recently extended in 2010, the growing reach of the alternative minimum tax, the tax provisions of the recent health care legislation, and the way in which the tax system interacts with economic growth would result in steadily higher revenues relative to GDP.

The Alternative Fiscal Scenario
The budget outlook is much bleaker under the alternative fiscal scenario, which incorporates several changes to current law that are widely expected to occur or that would modify some provisions of law that might be difficult to sustain for a long period. Most important are the assumptions about revenues: that the tax cuts enacted since 2001 and extended most recently in 2010 will be extended; that the reach of the alternative minimum tax will be restrained to stay close to its historical extent; and that over the longer run, tax law will evolve further so that revenues remain near their historical average of 18 percent of GDP. This scenario also incorporates assumptions that Medicare’s payment rates for physicians will remain at current levels (rather than declining by about a third, as under current law) and that some policies enacted in the March 2010 health care legislation to restrain growth in federal health care spending will not continue in effect after 2021.

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)
I suppose Bush is responsible for Barry's inept leadership when it comes to fighting ISIS? The "reset" with Russia?

I suppose Bush is responsible for the Fast & Furious scandal? The Benghazi debacle? The IRS abuses? The wiretaps on American journalists? The total lack of transparency of the Obama White House?

Who KNEW that the man you liberals derided for all those years as the "village idiot" was actually a political MASTERMIND who somehow manages to control the US government from his ranch in Crawford, Texas!

Who is 'Barry"? Do you mean the President of the United States?

Did Obama remove the government in Iraq that kept terrorists OUT of that country? Saddam was no angel, but he had no use for al Qaeda or terrorist cells in his country.

So what should Obama have done? If he had armed the Syrian rebels, and those weapon ended up in the hands of ISIS, WHAT would you be whining about today old man?

Is Obama responsible for a bunch of phony scandals, debacles and abuses trumped up by 24/7 faux news propaganda?
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.


Who did have the managerial skills or the temperament to be President? Bush Dubya? Clinton? Reagan? They all served 2 terms too.

Maybe if the political system wasn't sold to the highest bidder, you might actually get a say.

Mac is a voter. That's all the say he needs my friend. Perhaps if we voted with our heads, maybe we could elect someone with managerial prowess. Perhaps if we didn't vote for 'our team' all the time, perhaps this political system wouldn't be sold to anyone, but an intelligent electorate. Aside from the presidents you mentioned, Obama has done more to tear this country apart than did any of them. So, let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?
I suppose Bush is responsible for Barry's inept leadership when it comes to fighting ISIS? The "reset" with Russia?

I suppose Bush is responsible for the Fast & Furious scandal? The Benghazi debacle? The IRS abuses? The wiretaps on American journalists? The total lack of transparency of the Obama White House?

Who KNEW that the man you liberals derided for all those years as the "village idiot" was actually a political MASTERMIND who somehow manages to control the US government from his ranch in Crawford, Texas!

Who is 'Barry"? Do you mean the President of the United States?

Did Obama remove the government in Iraq that kept terrorists OUT of that country? Saddam was no angel, but he had no use for al Qaeda or terrorist cells in his country.

So what should Obama have done? If he had armed the Syrian rebels, and those weapon ended up in the hands of ISIS, WHAT would you be whining about today old man?

Is Obama responsible for a bunch of phony scandals, debacles and abuses trumped up by 24/7 faux news propaganda?

Q: Who is 'Barry"? Do you mean the President of the United States?

A: Who else would he be referring to?

Q: Did Obama remove the government in Iraq that kept terrorists OUT of that country?

A: No Bush did. Obama invited a far greater threat into that country by refusing to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement; he had a chance to stem the tide.

Statement: Saddam was no angel, but he had no use for al Qaeda or terrorist cells in his country.

Response: Saddam committed genocide. I grant you he would have seen them as a benefit, not a liability.

Q: So what should Obama have done?

A: His job.

Q: If he had armed the Syrian rebels, and those weapon(s) ended up in the hands of ISIS, WHAT would you be whining about today old man?

A: He has already armed Syrian rebels, and yes, our weapons are in the hands of ISIS. Anything else you wish to know? What you call 'whining' is a legitimate concern.

Q: Is Obama responsible for a bunch of phony scandals, debacles and abuses trumped up by 24/7 faux news propaganda?

A: Yes he is. His administration has played a direct role in just about all of them. Now there are revelations that Valerie Jarrett was involved in the IRS scandal. So, who are we to blame? Republicans? The only reason 'faux news' reports it is because the excuses for news you watch on CNN or MSNBC don't even touch the issue.
Last edited:

Holy crap, even MORE surprising than Alter's piece is this one by Michael Tomasky discussing how Democrat candidates can distance themselves from Obama:

How Red-State Democrats Can Throw Obama Under the Bus - The Daily Beast

Tomasky is about as hardcore left wing as it gets, at least from a national "journalistic" perspective.



Please be fair. He was discussing a particular race and the potential reply to a particular question. It was not a discussion on how democrats in general can distance themselves from Obama.

I'm often a bit disappointed that some people here....who profess to be politically to grasp that politicians are motivated by polling during elections. Grimes' supports the president's major policy initiatives. She knows that Kentuckians support Obamacare when it is called something else.

Grimes shouldn't have allowed the polls regarding Obama prevent her from answering the question. She came off as weak and I think it will hurt her in the end.

Now......I will invite you to pay close attention to Tomasky's columns in the coming weeks....and years. Let's see if he abandons Obama or not.
I suppose Bush is responsible for Barry's inept leadership when it comes to fighting ISIS?

If Bush hadn't overthrown Saddam and replaced him with the stooge Maliki, ISIS never would have happened.

The "reset" with Russia?

You mean when he "looked into Putin's Eyes" and saw he was a good guy?

I suppose Bush is responsible for the Fast & Furious scandal?

You mean when he started it as Operation Wide Receiver?

The Benghazi debacle? The IRS abuses? The wiretaps on American journalists? The total lack of transparency of the Obama White House?

Well, right. Can't blame Bush for NON-Scandals. Should point out that Bush was all for massive wiretapping. But that was just for the "evil-doers".

Who KNEW that the man you liberals derided for all those years as the "village idiot" was actually a political MASTERMIND who somehow manages to control the US government from his ranch in Crawford, Texas!

Bush wasn't the problem. It was the people pulling his strings. Always was.
Wow, I'm not easily surprised by anything in politics any more, but it was an eye-opener to see Jonathan Alter going after Obama today:

Exposed The White House s Professor-in-Chief - The Daily Beast

Obviously it's now becoming stylish to pound on Obama now that he can't run for anything, and then line up for Hillary. But holy crap, Obama still has two years in office, gang.

Obama had/has neither the managerial skills nor the temperament to be President, but we put him in there twice. Part of the blame for that has to go to the GOP, which has completely and utterly failed to provide the country with a clear, unified, positive vision for this country.

And here we are. A pox on both houses.

It must be quite an eye opener for you lockstep gopers to see that in the real world, people disagree. We aren't so stupid out here that we need talking points and backup every minute.

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Yea, I definitely disagree with that. And the fact that you can't see it makes you look foolish and just as partisan as you like to criticize.

Partisan for which side?

Looking forward to this.


There are extremes on both sides, but the extremism on the right is MUCH broader and much less fact based. Most liberals are pragmatists. Conservatives are driven by ideology, dogma and FEAR.

The absurdity of this statement can only be illustrated by asking you a question. When was the last time an incumbent democrat lost a primary? When did a major political arm, such as the Tea Party, form out of the Democrat party, and no we won't count the KKK or the dixicecrats I'll cut you a break.

Speaking for fear, the democrats want us to fear our veteran, ladies with Tea bags in their hats, the thermometer, and a host of other ideological points.

The tea party just took the far right extreme, to a new extreme, very much like the evangelical right. Pragmatism has no extreme.

Blah blah blah, more ideological crap. What is extreme about the Tea Party? When are they going to start jailing liberals? How more extreme can a person get then to equate marriage between a man and a woman to sodomy?

I provide you the follow which I think pretty much sums up the Tea Party platform. Which of the following do you find extreme? Which do you find excludes anyone? Which one of these do you honestly believe we don't need?

Tea Party Movement Platform
Preamble: The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence
The words of some of the TP platform sound good. But the TPs application thereof has sucked royally. And then there's the TP involvement in social issues, none of which are related to fiscal responsibility. And then there are the ugly racists, bigots and homophobes to be found throughout the TP who have permanently damaged the Koch Bros/ Rick Santelli / Foxnews astroturfed "movement".

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This quote is what Democrats are now feeling regarding Obama.

"Nothing turns to hate so bitter as what once was love."

-Laurell K. Hamilton


It'll be interesting to see the post-mortems on this presidency once the dust has settled. I have no doubt that Obama knew that hopes and dreams and expectations could not be met fully. Or, who knows, maybe he thought it was possible that Democrats could take over Congress, too, and that would have made a big difference. It'll be a fascinating story one day, the first true Cult of Personality presidency.

This quote is what Democrats are now feeling regarding Obama.

"Nothing turns to hate so bitter as what once was love."

-Laurell K. Hamilton

Wow... Runs with Scissors thinks if he repeats something clever someone else said, people will think he's clever.

Pretty cool, huh!

Vow to ruin a man's legacy....then carry out a non-stop campaign of character assassination aimed at less than engaged citizens.....then poll those same citizens.......and the man gets low approval ratings.

It's magic.
This quote is what Democrats are now feeling regarding Obama.

"Nothing turns to hate so bitter as what once was love."

-Laurell K. Hamilton


It'll be interesting to see the post-mortems on this presidency once the dust has settled. I have no doubt that Obama knew that hopes and dreams and expectations could not be met fully. Or, who knows, maybe he thought it was possible that Democrats could take over Congress, too, and that would have made a big difference. It'll be a fascinating story one day, the first true Cult of Personality presidency.


And......the wise one sinks back into the idiot pool.

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