Wow, They Really ARE Desperate

Nothing wrong with hate.. you dems just have to stop lynching Minorities in 2020View attachment 309346View attachment 309347View attachment 309348

the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.
Obviously that was done for show because you are lynching lol

dude - you don't make much sense at all.
3A3D570C-4987-45EF-9913-98A26497E804.jpeg 58E52B25-BEE4-4EC5-8431-AF44E7065CC6.jpeg 46169E5A-0F06-44BD-864F-3CAD3E908B5C.jpeg It doesn’t have to make sense to you.. your lynching minorities. This it’s just 3 of many more I can post... STOP YOUR HATE.. thank you libtard
all the hatred.
Nothing wrong with hate.. you dems just have to stop lynching Minorities in 2020View attachment 309346View attachment 309347View attachment 309348

the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.
Obviously that was done for show because you are lynching lol

dude - you don't make much sense at all.
View attachment 309482 View attachment 309483 View attachment 309484 It doesn’t have to make sense to you.. your lynching minorities. This it’s just 3 of many more I can post... STOP YOUR HATE.. thank you libtard

i see them thar pics - that you posted twice now - which has no source credited, btw -

soooooooooooo where is the lynching? one even appears photoshopped.

you don't even know what that word means do you?
He didn't put the VP in charge of actually stopping the virus itself, but somebody does have to oversee the agencies that are. It's also a Presidents job to calm the public after the MSM put everybody in a panic. WTF did you want him to do, get on camera and scream "EVERYBODY TAKE COVER AND RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!"

We are a country of 325 million people, and there are only 60 known cases of the coronavirus in the US, and no deaths. In comparison, we lost over 14,000 Americans to the flu this season and another 250,000 hospitalized so far.
No Don't want him to yell and scream although he does that very well just not bash and fire real Americans because he doesn't like their message Only an ah would do that and we have one in our WH now

In most cases, Trump only bashes people that attacked him first, or otherwise did something to him. It's reactionary, and something you or I would do if somebody verbally assaults anyone of us. If somebody is lying about me, attacking me, that's what I do. I respond in like kind.

You are correct that nobody has ever done that before, and that's why they've become accustomed to doing it. If you let somebody slap you in the head and don't respond, they slap you in the head repeatedly. Then more people realize they can get away with it and start slapping you in the head as well.
Like the 2 generals that walked?? Trump slapped them in the head too Damn shame when that moron thinks his shit don't stink

I like the way Trump deals with the bullies in the Media. He has almost all of his pressers on WH lawn, or with another world leader sat next to him in a joint appearance. Takes all of the cameras off of the bullies, and he can control the situation effectively

& his drunken press secretary hasn't had a single daily briefing since she took the gig that sarah honey boo boo left behind.

The "daily press briefing" was a pointless exercise, and Ms. Sanders was already phasing them out. Particularly as Trump has press conferences all of the time on the WH lawn. Little point in the press secretary having briefings, when the reporters can get it straight from the horse's mouth.
Nothing wrong with hate.. you dems just have to stop lynching Minorities in 2020View attachment 309346View attachment 309347View attachment 309348

the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.

Actually, one of the 4 "nays" was a D, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan- a devout Anti-Trumpster.

nooooooooooooo................... he's an independent, who was a (R).

why must you lie? just be proud of your basket dwelling!

Amash is an EX Republican. Now, nominally an "independent", he's actually a devotee of the left consumed with Trump hate.
Nothing wrong with hate.. you dems just have to stop lynching Minorities in 2020View attachment 309346View attachment 309347View attachment 309348

the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.
Obviously that was done for show because you are lynching lol

dude - you don't make much sense at all.
View attachment 309482 View attachment 309483 View attachment 309484 It doesn’t have to make sense to you.. your lynching minorities. This it’s just 3 of many more I can post... STOP YOUR HATE.. thank you libtard

i see them thar pics - that you posted twice now - which has no source credited, btw -

soooooooooooo where is the lynching? one even appears photoshopped.

you don't even know what that word means do you?
Deep derangement lol the fire is where DEMOCRATS are trying to stop a 5’4 jewish guy from “talking” so they tried to lynch him.
Candace Owens was kicked out of a restaurant yes a black woman by democrats as she was outside somebody took a Bullhorn to her ear and screamed in it, then they proceeded to block them from moving cornering them in, Throwing objects and liquid on them.. because of the cameras they weren’t able to complete their lynching.. is this 1950?

Andy ngo was almost beat him to death by Democrats for doing his journalistic duty. Lynching was almost completed.
No Don't want him to yell and scream although he does that very well just not bash and fire real Americans because he doesn't like their message Only an ah would do that and we have one in our WH now

In most cases, Trump only bashes people that attacked him first, or otherwise did something to him. It's reactionary, and something you or I would do if somebody verbally assaults anyone of us. If somebody is lying about me, attacking me, that's what I do. I respond in like kind.

You are correct that nobody has ever done that before, and that's why they've become accustomed to doing it. If you let somebody slap you in the head and don't respond, they slap you in the head repeatedly. Then more people realize they can get away with it and start slapping you in the head as well.
Like the 2 generals that walked?? Trump slapped them in the head too Damn shame when that moron thinks his shit don't stink

I like the way Trump deals with the bullies in the Media. He has almost all of his pressers on WH lawn, or with another world leader sat next to him in a joint appearance. Takes all of the cameras off of the bullies, and he can control the situation effectively

& his drunken press secretary hasn't had a single daily briefing since she took the gig that sarah honey boo boo left behind.

The "daily press briefing" was a pointless exercise, and Ms. Sanders was already phasing them out. Particularly as Trump has press conferences all of the time on the WH lawn. Little point in the press secretary having briefings, when the reporters can get it straight from the horse's mouth.

sure - sure. a scheduled presser that might ask real tough questions with the press sec having no place to go is why they have ceased. donny takes a couple questions 'on his way' to go golfing is not a presser. he lies when he does those as well & doesn't allow follow ups. why is that drunk even getting paid?
all the hatred.
Nothing wrong with hate.. you dems just have to stop lynching Minorities in 2020View attachment 309346View attachment 309347View attachment 309348

the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.

Actually, one of the 4 "nays" was a D, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan- a devout Anti-Trumpster.

nooooooooooooo................... he's an independent, who was a (R).

why must you lie? just be proud of your basket dwelling!

Amash is an EX Republican. Now, nominally an "independent", he's actually a devotee of the left consumed with Trump hate.

you said he was a (D).

that makes you a liar.

liar liar pants are on fire.
the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.
Obviously that was done for show because you are lynching lol

dude - you don't make much sense at all.
View attachment 309482 View attachment 309483 View attachment 309484 It doesn’t have to make sense to you.. your lynching minorities. This it’s just 3 of many more I can post... STOP YOUR HATE.. thank you libtard

i see them thar pics - that you posted twice now - which has no source credited, btw -

soooooooooooo where is the lynching? one even appears photoshopped.

you don't even know what that word means do you?
Deep derangement lol the fire is where DEMOCRATS are trying to stop a 5’4 jewish guy from “talking” so they tried to lynch him.
Candace Owens was kicked out of a restaurant yes a black woman by democrats as she was outside somebody took a Bullhorn to her ear and screamed in it, then they proceeded to block them from moving cornering them in, Throwing objects on liquid on them.. because of the cameras they weren’t able to complete their lynching.. is this 1950?

Andy ngo was almost beat him to death by Democrats for doing his journalistic duty. Lynching was almost completed.

cool straw man story bro.
all the hatred.
Nothing wrong with hate.. you dems just have to stop lynching Minorities in 2020View attachment 309346View attachment 309347View attachment 309348

the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.

Actually, one of the 4 "nays" was a D, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan- a devout Anti-Trumpster.

nooooooooooooo................... he's an independent, who was a (R).

why must you lie? just be proud of your basket dwelling!

Amash is an EX Republican. Now, nominally an "independent", he's actually a devotee of the left consumed with Trump hate.
Amash is def a democrat
Obviously that was done for show because you are lynching lol

dude - you don't make much sense at all.
View attachment 309482 View attachment 309483 View attachment 309484 It doesn’t have to make sense to you.. your lynching minorities. This it’s just 3 of many more I can post... STOP YOUR HATE.. thank you libtard

i see them thar pics - that you posted twice now - which has no source credited, btw -

soooooooooooo where is the lynching? one even appears photoshopped.

you don't even know what that word means do you?
Deep derangement lol the fire is where DEMOCRATS are trying to stop a 5’4 jewish guy from “talking” so they tried to lynch him.
Candace Owens was kicked out of a restaurant yes a black woman by democrats as she was outside somebody took a Bullhorn to her ear and screamed in it, then they proceeded to block them from moving cornering them in, Throwing objects on liquid on them.. because of the cameras they weren’t able to complete their lynching.. is this 1950?

Andy ngo was almost beat him to death by Democrats for doing his journalistic duty. Lynching was almost completed.

cool straw man story bro.
96ABB63E-A0BB-4DF2-B73C-C7DE33095CA3.jpeg 603A98C6-8A83-473C-86C9-70D0AB31B324.jpeg 00955EF1-B8C5-4989-98E1-00FC444B991A.jpeg Huh? Just stop your lynching.. didn’t you sign the bill?? What happen?
There are ways of showing strength JFK is a fine example Trump is a lowlife bullying guttersnipe Can you see the difference?

President Trump isn't a "bully" by any sense of the word, ed. He's instead someone who the bullies want to pick on, but he fights back, defeating their plans.

If a kid is being bullied at school, what does a responsible tell the kid? He tells him to walk right up to the bully and punch him right up side his head, and that will resolve the issue. The bullies- in this case the Leftard Media- might not like it, but it resolves the issue.
He's bullied 3 wives ,raped one of them and cheated on all 3 What more must you know about that POS?

Actually, the real facts are that President Trump gets along tremendously with both of his fantastic exes as well as his current Old Lady.
And there is no proof that Trump cheated on the current Mrs. Trump at all, only the word of a felonious lawyer, Mike Avenatti , to "prove" it.

Wrong. There is also the signed NDA that Stormy Daniels had and released. Sorry, but he did cheat on his current wife with a porn star.

So what does the NDA prove? Not a damn thing does it?
And all those 25 or so women accusing trump of molestation are lying ,paid off liars?? Such a spotless reputation trump has ?lol
President Trump isn't a "bully" by any sense of the word, ed. He's instead someone who the bullies want to pick on, but he fights back, defeating their plans.

If a kid is being bullied at school, what does a responsible tell the kid? He tells him to walk right up to the bully and punch him right up side his head, and that will resolve the issue. The bullies- in this case the Leftard Media- might not like it, but it resolves the issue.
He's bullied 3 wives ,raped one of them and cheated on all 3 What more must you know about that POS?

Actually, the real facts are that President Trump gets along tremendously with both of his fantastic exes as well as his current Old Lady.
And there is no proof that Trump cheated on the current Mrs. Trump at all, only the word of a felonious lawyer, Mike Avenatti , to "prove" it.

Wrong. There is also the signed NDA that Stormy Daniels had and released. Sorry, but he did cheat on his current wife with a porn star.

So what does the NDA prove? Not a damn thing does it?
And all those 25 or so women accusing trump of molestation are lying ,paid off liars?? Such a spotless reputation trump has ?lol
Any evidence?
Nothing wrong with hate.. you dems just have to stop lynching Minorities in 2020View attachment 309346View attachment 309347View attachment 309348

the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.

Actually, one of the 4 "nays" was a D, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan- a devout Anti-Trumpster.

nooooooooooooo................... he's an independent, who was a (R).

why must you lie? just be proud of your basket dwelling!

Amash is an EX Republican. Now, nominally an "independent", he's actually a devotee of the left consumed with Trump hate.
Amash is def a democrat

cause he voted a few times against trump?

lol............ you little gooststepping partisan hack you...............

is joe walsh one too? he was a die hard tea partier birther, but now MUST be a (D) cause he finally had enough of the carnival barker.
He's bullied 3 wives ,raped one of them and cheated on all 3 What more must you know about that POS?

Actually, the real facts are that President Trump gets along tremendously with both of his fantastic exes as well as his current Old Lady.
And there is no proof that Trump cheated on the current Mrs. Trump at all, only the word of a felonious lawyer, Mike Avenatti , to "prove" it.

Wrong. There is also the signed NDA that Stormy Daniels had and released. Sorry, but he did cheat on his current wife with a porn star.

So what does the NDA prove? Not a damn thing does it?
And all those 25 or so women accusing trump of molestation are lying ,paid off liars?? Such a spotless reputation trump has ?lol
Any evidence?
Should have cut off his dick bag it and use that for evidence
the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.

Actually, one of the 4 "nays" was a D, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan- a devout Anti-Trumpster.

nooooooooooooo................... he's an independent, who was a (R).

why must you lie? just be proud of your basket dwelling!

Amash is an EX Republican. Now, nominally an "independent", he's actually a devotee of the left consumed with Trump hate.
Amash is def a democrat

cause he voted a few times against trump?

lol............ you little gooststepping partisan hack you...............

is joe walsh one too? he was a die hard tea partier birther, but now MUST be a (D) cause he finally had enough of the carnival barker.
I’m just the messenger
the emmit till anti lynching law passed the house with 4 votes against.

they weren't (D)s, bro.

Actually, one of the 4 "nays" was a D, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan- a devout Anti-Trumpster.

nooooooooooooo................... he's an independent, who was a (R).

why must you lie? just be proud of your basket dwelling!

Amash is an EX Republican. Now, nominally an "independent", he's actually a devotee of the left consumed with Trump hate.
Amash is def a democrat

cause he voted a few times against trump?

lol............ you little gooststepping partisan hack you...............

is joe walsh one too? he was a die hard tea partier birther, but now MUST be a (D) cause he finally had enough of the carnival barker.

Joe Walsh is being glorified by the Left nowadays, so the short answer is "yes". The Liberal wing of the GOP are basically just a wing of the D's, guys like Walsh, Weld and Romney. Did you here that NEITHER of Trump's opponents for the Republican nomination are willing to pledge their support to the party's choice if they lose? Pathetic, really doesn't make them loyal Republicans at all. All of the D contestants are pledged to the eventual winner of that nomination.
First, no one in the Trump Administration is fingered in the indictment. Second, "indictment" only means that Mueller ACCUSED these Russian nationals, nothing was proven. Further, Mueller has not even interviewed the accused, not even served them, even though President Putin has offered to make the defendants available.

putin wanted us to go over there, knowing full well that ain't happening. & there is hard core evidence via cyber 'fingerprints' ...

' the only thing evidence they had was the so-called "Russian" honeypot who met with Don Jr., Manafort, etc. at Trump Tower for 20 minutes. She may have been of Russian ethnicity, who knows, but she was working for the Deep State not Uncle Pooty.'

now read slowly.... she is straight from the russian government

Russia Investigation
Published July 26, 2018
Russian lawyer in Trump Tower meeting tied to top Kremlin officials
Russian lawyer in Trump Tower meeting tied to top Kremlin officials

& well, looky here...

Russian lawyer who attended Trump Tower meeting charged in separate probe
By Morgan Chalfant - 01/08/19 10:59 AM EST

A Russian lawyer who attended a 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Trump campaign officials has been charged with attempting to stop a federal investigation into money laundering.

In the 19-page filing unsealed Tuesday, federal prosecutors accuse Natalia Veselnitskaya of obstructing justice by intentionally trying to stop a Justice Department civil fraud probe that involved a Russian businessman and his investment firm who she was representing.

While the case does not appear to have direct ties to the Trump Tower meeting, the allegations laid out in the indictment nevertheless paint a portrait of an individual with close ties to the Russian government.

Prosecutors said the U.S. government had asked the Russian government to assist with the investigation, but it refused, sending back a response letter that purported to exonerate the Russian officials and the investment company's personnel.
Russian lawyer who attended Trump Tower meeting charged in separate probe

so wtf do they have to do with the roooskie bitch? silly ray ray.... should i pull up the tuber of sarah palin thinking she was talking to the french prez?

c'mon, dude.

The point that flew over your head was that Jr didn't do anything that Schiff Face didn't try to do.

oooOOooo i seeeeeee...... you're equating adam shiff,- who regarded the 'intel' discussed in that phone call, who plainly mentioned 'working with the FBI' - which would have been the proper protocol ---- to traitor tot, going to trump tower ...' to get dirt on hillary' as being the same?


They were both doing the exact same thing, and that was trying to get information against a political opponent from a foreign source. Schiff Face is a born liar. He lied throughout the entire impeachment scam. You have no idea what Schiff Face would do with any information he got.
He's bullied 3 wives ,raped one of them and cheated on all 3 What more must you know about that POS?

Actually, the real facts are that President Trump gets along tremendously with both of his fantastic exes as well as his current Old Lady.
And there is no proof that Trump cheated on the current Mrs. Trump at all, only the word of a felonious lawyer, Mike Avenatti , to "prove" it.

Wrong. There is also the signed NDA that Stormy Daniels had and released. Sorry, but he did cheat on his current wife with a porn star.

So what does the NDA prove? Not a damn thing does it?

Well, it proves that Mr. Trump didn't want any distractions from bullshit, while he was getting out his message during the last days of the campaign in 2016.
Guess showing his taxes were a distraction too? You know as well as I that hiding things from the public make him look like the perverted crook he is ... As he hid all those under subpoena from testifying ,,,,

Can you tell us how Trump showing his returns have anything to do with his job as President, or how it would benefit him? Trump knows that the Democrats are only looking for new ways to bash him. If somebody broke into your house while you were sleeping, would you tell them where you keep your baseball bat so they can beat you with it?

During the debates, Trump made Hillary an offer. He said he would release his tax returns if Hilary released the transcripts of her speech to Wall Street. Hillary didn't accept the offer. Trump didn't get to where he's at in life by doing stupid things. It's like my avatar. I probably would have changed it a year or so ago, but I know it drives some liberals bonkers, so I keep it for that reason.
Your slimebag Trump wants republicans to vote for weakest Dem candidate in So Car so it would be easier to beat him How consistent of that yellow belly lying molesting pos in your WH Ray

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