Wow! This Guy Gets It!!!

“Germany was our age-old and natural ally, Love of Germany was synonymous with love for Iran. The sound of German officers' footsteps was heard on the shores of the Nile. Swastika flags were flying from the outskirts of Moscow to the peaks of the Caucasus Mts. Iranian patriots eagerly awaited the arrival of their old allies. My friend and I would spin tales about the grandeur of the superior race. We considered Germany the chosen representative of this race in Europe and Iran its representative in Asia. The right to life and role was ours. Others had no choice but submission and slavery. We discarded the old maps and remade Iran into a country larger than what it was in Achaemenian times.” E.-Reza Shah -March 20, 1939 ". In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip.

' The Iranian crisis of 1941: The actors, Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union" MIRON Rezun, p. 29​

So before WWII Hitler was admired for his Germany-first Nationalism and anti-foreigner (as he considered the Jews) views. Republican Charles Lindbergh was an admirer too.
So before WWII Hitler was admired for his Germany-first Nationalism and anti-foreigner (as he considered the Jews) views. Republican Charles Lindbergh was an admirer too. you, the Irans, Arabs, Democrats and Lindbergh were/are copacetic with killilng Jews.

Get to the point.....WHY???????????????


. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
I could just as easily make up stuff and claim that is the world you Republicans would like to reprise. I guess I'm just not as dishonest as you are.

What did I "make up"?????

If you can't defend that simply remain the same scummy low-life that you've always been.

Now....why can't you answer about you and the Democrats working to vaporize Israel???? you, the Irans, Arabs, Democrats and Lindbergh were/are copacetic with killilng Jews.
Have you stopped beating your children yet?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
You'll have to ask Trump that, he took the multinational deal off the table to let Iran enrich uranium without restricts.
I need you to keep reminding folks of how fearful you Democrat serfs are of questioning your masters:

I bet you can't answer this question:

It isn't enogh that no Democrat voter, and specifically those of the Jewish persuasion, can answer this most signigicant question:​

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?​

More significant, what will Iran do with said nuclear arms, vis a vis Israel?​

It's the cornerstone of Democrat foreign policy.
The bot, the bitch, oh, the bot is back
Dumb as a rock, as a matter of fact

In answer to the bot...

Iran has no nuclear weapons.
IF they did it would be idiotic to use them against Israel or any other nation
AS it would ensure the destruction of Iran

It is smart, and I know I give far too much credit, to presume the leaders of any nation are as smart as yourself and act rationally in their own interests.

To do otherwise is just dumb.
Or, as a bot, just what you've been told to think
What did I "make up"?????
You made up the connection between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Democrats. The connection should have been between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Catholics, since as you noted:
a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk.​
Have you stopped beating your children yet?

You'll have to ask Trump that, he took the multinational deal off the table to let Iran enrich uranium without restricts.

You will not be allowed to dodge the question.

You voted for the party whose only foreign policy aim is to nuclear arm Iran.....and Iran's stated aim is to destroy Israel.

Now answer: why do you wish to vaporize the Jews?????

Don't be lying scum your whole life.......take a day off.
You'll have to ask Trump that, he took the multinational deal off the table to let Iran enrich uranium without restricts.
Oh, really? :icon_rolleyes:
Or did he kill the horrific Obama deal with Iran in order to keep Iran from gaining the nuclear weapons
everyone knows the Mullahs wanted to drop onto Israel, the Saudis, the U.S. etc.?

A global holocaust to bring about a bizarre messianic prediction of the end of the world and the reappearance of the fifth Imam. Has anyone asked Obama about his understanding of what he wanted to help accomplish?
A global caliphate?
That's why people say Obama was the best US president Iran has ever had.
You made up the connection between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Democrats. The connection should have been between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Catholics, since as you noted:
a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk.​

"You made up the connection between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Democrats."

Made up????

Iran changed its name from Persia to Iran to seek favor with Hitler.

DEMOCRAT Jimmy Carter installed the current Iranian administration.

. Khomeini and his allies in Iran actually reached out to the Americans, to whom he promised a) to hold the country together, calming the unrest, b) to keep the communists out, and c) to keep the oil flowing. That’s all Carter had to hear! Carter then intercedes with the Iranian military on behalf of Khomeini and in opposition to Bakhtiar, and that the US would not support any coup in favor of the Shah. In 1991, Bakhtiar was assassinated.

a. Carter believed that Khomeini would support democracy, contrary to all that he had written while in exile. In over 110 interviews he gave in Paris in the three months prior to re-entering Iran, he never mentioned the rule of the ‘juriscouncil,’ the clerical guardianship, i.e., the regime in control currently. He promised that he would retire to a life of study, and “…leave all powers to the people.”

b. The first constitution that was written was democratic! Khomeini flew to Iran in February, ’79. Within weeks he began to marginalize democracy forces. Soon a new constitution was written with the rule of the guardians at its center. November 4, of ’79 was the attack on the US embassy and taking of the hostages for 444 days.

Dr. Abbas Milani is he Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah,” is based on ten years studying the archives of the United States and of Britain. The following is from his recent lecture on that subject.

"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108
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You made up the connection between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Democrats. The connection should have been between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Catholics, since as you noted:
a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk.​

" The connection should have been between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Catholics, since as you noted:
a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk."

Let's check:
. There were thousands of Muslims who directly joined and aided the Nazi war efforts, forming at least three Waffen SS Divions. “These SS Jihadists assisted the Ustashi Croats in their slaughter of 800,000 Serbs and Jews.”

a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk. The guards in prison camp had a contest to see who could slit more throats in one night: the winner slit 1,350. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem organized these squads.

"In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian.

The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis. At the time Germany was in the grip of racial fever and cultivated good relations with nations of "Aryan" blood. "
Iran Chamber Society: When "Persia" became "Iran"

Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
World Class Marketing and Consumer Insights | Prodege
" The connection should have been between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Catholics, since as you noted:
a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk."

Let's check:
. There were thousands of Muslims who directly joined and aided the Nazi war efforts, forming at least three Waffen SS Divions. “These SS Jihadists assisted the Ustashi Croats in their slaughter of 800,000 Serbs and Jews.”

a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk. The guards in prison camp had a contest to see who could slit more throats in one night: the winner slit 1,350. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem organized these squads.
View attachment 621027

"In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian.

The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis. At the time Germany was in the grip of racial fever and cultivated good relations with nations of "Aryan" blood. "
Iran Chamber Society: When "Persia" became "Iran"

Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
World Class Marketing and Consumer Insights | Prodege
Why are "some" people so stupid and unaware that they think they can deny world history?
How horrible it must be to go though life with blinders on. It must necessarily result in hilariously
idiotic misconceptions and foolish prejudices.
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Oh, really? :icon_rolleyes:
Or did he kill the horrific Obama deal with Iran in order to keep Iran from gaining the nuclear weapons
everyone knows the Mullahs wanted to drop onto Israel, the Saudis, the U.S. etc.?

A global holocaust to bring about a bizarre messianic prediction of the end of the world and the reappearance of the fifth Imam. Has anyone asked Obama about his understanding of what he wanted to help accomplish?
A global caliphate?
That's why people say Obama was the best US president Iran has ever had.
There are a number of countries that would disagree with your assessment of the deal. The UK and France to name two.
" The connection should have been between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Catholics, since as you noted:
a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk."

Let's check:
. There were thousands of Muslims who directly joined and aided the Nazi war efforts, forming at least three Waffen SS Divions. “These SS Jihadists assisted the Ustashi Croats in their slaughter of 800,000 Serbs and Jews.”

a. In Yugoslavia, Muslims and the Catholic Church formed the Ustashe, the most brutal of all Nazi forces: the German Croatian fuehrer, Dr. Ante Pavelic had a basket of 40 pounds of eyes on his desk. The guards in prison camp had a contest to see who could slit more throats in one night: the winner slit 1,350. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem organized these squads.
View attachment 621027

"In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian.

The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis. At the time Germany was in the grip of racial fever and cultivated good relations with nations of "Aryan" blood. "
Iran Chamber Society: When "Persia" became "Iran"

Advocating the common Aryan ancestry of 'the two Nations.' In 1936 then, the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7.500 books carefully selected "to convince lranian readers...of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the "Aryan culture" of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161). In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip (Rezun. 1982, p. 29).
World Class Marketing and Consumer Insights | Prodege
Thanks for confirming that you made up the connection between Muslim supporters of Hitler and Democrats. If you bothered to read your pasted snippets you'd see not mention of Democrats.

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