WOW, What A President He Would Make!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
March 07, 2015, 02:13 pm
Ted Cruz: Menendez probe politically motivated

By Jonathan Easley


Greg Nash
Des Moines, Iowa -- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) suggested Saturday that the Justice Department’s criminal corruption charges against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) are political retribution against the New Jersey Democrat for opposing the White House’s negotiations with Iran.

Cruz made the allegations to a throng of reporters jammed into the corner of a tent outside the Iowa Ag Summit in Des Moines without even having been asked about the Menendez criminal charges.

“The announcement this week by the Justice Department that they were bringing charges against Bob Menendez — I will point out that the timing seems awfully coincidental that … in the very week that Bob Menendez showed incredible courage to speak out and call out President Obama for the damage that his policy is doing to our national security … the Justice Department announces they’re moving forward with the criminal prosecution,” Cruz said.

“It raises the suggestion to other Democrats that if you dare part from the Obama White House, that criminal prosecutions will be used potentially as a political weapon against you as well,” he added.

Yo, we need more people like him in Government! What Democrat would stand up for a Republican in trouble with the Law? NONE! Ted Cruz is an outstanding American, who would make a top 5 best President ever, if not no.1!
Cruz Menendez probe politically motivated TheHill


Of course, Menendez IS a Democrat so perhaps a criminal investigation has merit.
amazing that you can read this as defending Menendez and not attacking, baselessly, the president
Wow! Ted Cruz accusing something of being politically motivated! :lmao:
Oh, so you didn't recognize the Chicago politics? When Menendez escorted Netanyahu to the podium last Tuesday, I said, "Uh oh Mister. You just committed political suicide." Guess what? Late Friday evening, (as is usual) Obamination told Heinrich Holder to lower the boom on Menendez. Everybody from here to China knew it was coming.
Yes, this is more sleaze from the Obama administration. The Justice Department leaked to the press that they were bringing charges against Menendez, which is a slimy thing to do to anyone. If you're bringing charges, hold a formal press conference and lay out your case.

I was pleased to see a few moderate Democrats condemn the Justice Department leak and express the view that the timing does seem suspicious.

The Obama White House is making the Nixon White House look great by comparison.
Now here's a team for 2016.... make liberal heads EXPLODE!!!!

If that is all you require of a president your standards need some serious reexamination. Here's an idea, why don't you people find someone who can make your supposedly good ideas make sense to a skeptical public without alienating most of them with the constant scapegoating you love so much?
Wow! Ted Cruz accusing something of being politically motivated! :lmao:
Oh, so you didn't recognize the Chicago politics? When Menendez escorted Netanyahu to the podium last Tuesday, I said, "Uh oh Mister. You just committed political suicide." Guess what? Late Friday evening, (as is usual) Obamination told Heinrich Holder to lower the boom on Menendez. Everybody from here to China knew it was coming.

The way Obama has used the espionage act more then any other president before him. And Obama has definitely punished whistle blowers like no one before him. What Cruz says makes sense. But the libs don't care a lemming has left the line and they all must attack.

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