WOWSA! Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 Bought Up Host of WhiteNationalist Website Domains


Silver Member
Dec 14, 2017
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

Proving what we have been saying all along, the alt right is a fiction. A creation of the progressive left as a means for fundraising. They number very few, and this shows that assertion to be true. They are a joke, antifa, the hero's of the left are far more a domestic terrorist group than the alt right ever was.
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

Proving what we have been saying all along, the alt right is a fiction. A creation of the progressive left as a means for fundraising. They number very few, and this shows that assertion to be true. They are a joke, antifa, the hero's of the left are far more a domestic terrorist group than the alt right ever was.
Odd that they named themselves years ago...This sounds like like tea baggers trying to disavow them naming themselves. :71:
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

Proving what we have been saying all along, the alt right is a fiction. A creation of the progressive left as a means for fundraising. They number very few, and this shows that assertion to be true. They are a joke, antifa, the hero's of the left are far more a domestic terrorist group than the alt right ever was.

LWNJ's truly are useful idiots. They fall for everything and anything.
Yes, Filthy Don ran a racist campaign. ALT-RIGHT WeakWhyte Supremacists cheered with joy and still do so at Filthy Don's Rah Rah Parties. This message board is full of them.

How the hell is Cohen responsible for a company that buys alleged "white-nationalist" domains? Where was the left when Al Gore sold his media holdings to Al Jazeera?
How the hell is Cohen responsible for a company that buys alleged "white-nationalist" domains? Where was the left when Al Gore sold his media holdings to Al Jazeera?

Read the story. These are the people the Filthy Don and Cohen choose to work and surround themselves with all the time.

FauxNoose is a shill for the ALT-RIGHT WeakWhyte Supremacy agenda. As well as Breitbart, StormFront and 4Chan. God will not be kind to these racists. :113:
Putin's main support, in addition to the super-rich Oligarchs, are Russian Nationalists. These are racist, anti-democratic elements in Russia and in Europe where they promote Right-Wing Politics and Pan-Slavism. These Russian Nationalists are natural allies with European and American Right Wing groups. So, not surprising that there is a connection between Russian interference and the Alt-Right in America. They all support Trump also, even if just as a useful idiot.


And there you go! :113:
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

So what?

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

Proving what we have been saying all along, the alt right is a fiction. A creation of the progressive left as a means for fundraising. They number very few, and this shows that assertion to be true. They are a joke, antifa, the hero's of the left are far more a domestic terrorist group than the alt right ever was.

Have Dem's defected to the alt right? Every time I turn around Dem's are attacking women and minorities Trump nominates. :eusa_think:
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

I'd venture a "wild guess" that Cohen is constantly shitting in his
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

So what?


Of Course! That's a WeakWhyte excuse for being...well WeakWhyte racists who hate a diverse America. :113: You made the list!
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

I'd venture a "wild guess" that Cohen is constantly shitting in his

Well, you can see why these WeakWhyte Party Liars are in such a hurry to kill the Mueller Investigation! :113:
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

So what?


Of Course! That's a WeakWhyte excuse for being...well WeakWhyte racists who hate a diverse America. :113: You made the list!

Don't care. Somebody buying up domain names ranks as low on my list as anything else you've posted.

If your chosen position in life is to turn people against Trump, you sure suck at it.
Cohen is just a cornucopia of Filthy Don's shiny financial schemes.

At this point that Sleepy Eyed Son of Bitch has three choices in life:

1) Go to jail and be harassed by patriotic inmates for 20+ years.

2) Flip and tell – get out of jail – and become a taste-tester for Russian radioactive potions.

3) Flip and tell – get out of jail – and go into hiding, keeping all those amazing stories to himself.

He's in existential hell and what people are going to do to him is fvckin' disgusting. :113:
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:

So what?


Of Course! That's a WeakWhyte excuse for being...well WeakWhyte racists who hate a diverse America. :113: You made the list!

Don't care. Somebody buying up domain names ranks as low on my list as anything else you've posted.

If your chosen position in life is to turn people against Trump, you sure suck at it.

Your WeakWhyte Supremacy nature is in your DNA molecules...that is for sure. :113:
Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names

Company that paid Trump lawyer $500,000 also bought up a host of white nationalist website names
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday May 09, 2018 · 1:48 PM EDT

It sure is curious that the Russia-tied company that handed over $500,000 to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for as-of-yet-unclear services had a side gig promoting white nationalism, for some reason.

As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017

None of the sites were apparently ever used. They may have been purchased as a "squatting" effort, waiting for another buyer to come along, or they may have been purchased for a larger effort that never came to pass.

Columbus Nova is currently scrubbing all past mentions of their Russian affiliation, which is also Really Damn Curious. Until the end of 2017 they were listed as one of the companies of the Renova Group, Viktor Vekselberg's conglomerate; they're now insisting to reporters that such ties are untrue. No matter—federal investigators have almost certainly sorted all of that out many months ago.

But the purchase of numerous domains targeting the American white nationalist movement is a fascinating little tidbit. How odd it is that a single company would both be paying a large sum of cash to Donald Trump's right-hand man and would have an apparent keen interest in the far-far-right of American politics. Mighty curious indeed, that.

What did I tell you about this Republican Evangelistic Racist Group that supports Filthy Don's evil ways. :113:
Is this the same company that dealt with Hillary and John podesta

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