WOWZER! Biden’s Lead in Arizona Cut to 12,828 After Latest Ballot Dump Favors President Trump

Weird how elections work when the law is obeyed and observers are allowed and votes aren’t stolen in the wee hours of the morning while America sleeps.

Weird how elections work when the law is obeyed and observers are allowed and votes aren’t stolen in the wee hours of the morning while America sleeps.

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Actually...I think what you mean is when Trump is winning...the law is being obeyed.

The dems know they're caught, so the last move is to quickly manufacture and dump batches that are marked for Trump. They know it won't be enough to top their efforts for Biden, and can then claim a cheating balance and fairness for all.
The dems know they're caught, so the last move is to quickly manufacture and dump batches that are marked for Trump. They know it won't be enough to top their efforts for Biden, and can then claim a cheating balance and fairness for all.

Two left turns with a full somersault--
Damn....did you hurt yourself coming up with that?
The dems know they're caught, so the last move is to quickly manufacture and dump batches that are marked for Trump. They know it won't be enough to top their efforts for Biden, and can then claim a cheating balance and fairness for all.

Two left turns with a full somersault--
Damn....did you hurt yourself coming up with that?
It is what I'd do if I were a soulless, duplicitous filth party, so it was easy to see what the left did here.
They cheated...
No proof. You cannot do audits. That would be fucking up the integrity of the election process.


Am I doing it right?

Arizona has extremely tight recount laws. It's going to be tough to get down to around a 2000 vote deficit to trigger automatic recount. However, there could be a forced recount if enough evidence of fraud comes out.

An Arizona Superior Court judge has denied a request by President Trump's reelection team to seal evidence in a lawsuit alleging poll workers in Maricopa County "incorrectly rejected" Election Day votes.

Judge Daniel Kiley agreed with election officials' assertion that the public “has a right to know how flimsy [the] Plaintiffs’ evidence actually is.”
I do not understand how in the world folks who rightfully called out SJWs for crying like spoiled children when Hillary lost, will now debase themselves by doing the same thing? It displays an overall weakness in our culture that in successive elections (granted very close ones), the loosing side refuses to accept the legitimacy of the results. It was disgraceful and unpatriotic when liberals did it and it is the same thing now.
If you remember how ridiculous and pathetic liberals looked in 2016, you‘d think y’all would try to avoid that type of thing. And if it is really just about winning (or is that whining?) then stop claiming to care about this country anymore than the radical left does.
By its nature democracy is disappointing, do try to accept that.

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