Wrong - It wasn't BLM, it was a white racist just like YOU

Stop trying to hide behind white people you fucking clown. I have no problem with sane white people, as my 8 years on this site demonstrates. I hate racist white people like you who I identify as pink to avoid the confusion.

Pinkies only exist to embarrass the fuck out of white people .. who also reject your ignorance.

Yes, I think blacks are as capable as whites and don't need lower bars or more handouts. You keep mentioning how racist that is. It's really made me reflect on my life. I still don't think blacks are inferior, but you keep telling me they are and you're black. Maybe I need to open my mind more.

On further reflection, I don't think blacks are inferior, I think you are. You are an inferior human being. You're bigoted, ignorant and full of hate. The world would be better off if you put a gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger. And no one would be better than the black community who you spend your life trying to pull down with you. Hmm, that's what I thought before ...

More ignorance.

I've never once said that blacks being as capable as you are is racist. Not once. But then again, that's not what you believe. I've read your posts. Like all racist cowards, you run the word 'racist' that describes you best.

Put a gun in my mouth :0) Wrong again Bozo .. that's what motherfuckers like you do .. in astronomical numbers. :0) Gun to the head .. kill yourselves. .. and after Trump loses, I expect there will be fewer pinkies around talking stupid shit.

Hit me back after the election .. let's see if you're still alive. :0)

I keep saying blacks are as capable as whites and don't need the bar lowered and you keep calling me a racist for it. Clearly that is you saying blacks do need a lower bar. Not exactly College boy, were you? You were a there's a quarter in the glove compartment for you boy.

Or maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

" .. maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

EASY .. you keep saying that, but you have a record right here on this board that clearly demonstrates that you don't believe that.

"All of us who want BLM murdering scum put to death want him put to death too." ..

Question: who has BLM murdered? That should be an easy question for someone who made the statement that you did. You've suggested much worse about black people.

You make no correlation to the race of the shooter to the crime .. as you obviously would had the suspect been black. You're not intrested in any organization the suspect may be involved with, as you obviously would had the suspect been black.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not at all suggesting that you should believe that black people are as capable as you are. I'm not at all suggesting that you should feel anyway about BLM then you do. What I am suggesting is, like most right-wingers, you only pretend consciousness. It isn't in you brother..

What is in you is fear. Fear of an evolving society.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about us .. but as you and your political brethren continue to squawk about BLM, changes in police departments throughout the country are already being put in place as a direct result of BLM .. which ain't (eb) all black people. Lots of white people in that movement .. pink people not required.

That's the name of this song .. Pink people not required. :0)

The evolution of this nation is already well under way .. and no guns were required either.

So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn

:0) The mirror is not my problem.

The reason I keep dumping you in the Trump bin is because you exist on his side of the fence. I find nothing in your comments that demonstrates any real difference between you and a Trumpette. That being said, I apologize .. won't do it again .. and it kind of opens up a different conversation about why is it that I don't see the difference?

BLM is a Johnson issue? Are Johnson supporters also anti-black?
Yes, I think blacks are as capable as whites and don't need lower bars or more handouts. You keep mentioning how racist that is. It's really made me reflect on my life. I still don't think blacks are inferior, but you keep telling me they are and you're black. Maybe I need to open my mind more.

On further reflection, I don't think blacks are inferior, I think you are. You are an inferior human being. You're bigoted, ignorant and full of hate. The world would be better off if you put a gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger. And no one would be better than the black community who you spend your life trying to pull down with you. Hmm, that's what I thought before ...

More ignorance.

I've never once said that blacks being as capable as you are is racist. Not once. But then again, that's not what you believe. I've read your posts. Like all racist cowards, you run the word 'racist' that describes you best.

Put a gun in my mouth :0) Wrong again Bozo .. that's what motherfuckers like you do .. in astronomical numbers. :0) Gun to the head .. kill yourselves. .. and after Trump loses, I expect there will be fewer pinkies around talking stupid shit.

Hit me back after the election .. let's see if you're still alive. :0)

I keep saying blacks are as capable as whites and don't need the bar lowered and you keep calling me a racist for it. Clearly that is you saying blacks do need a lower bar. Not exactly College boy, were you? You were a there's a quarter in the glove compartment for you boy.

Or maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

" .. maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

EASY .. you keep saying that, but you have a record right here on this board that clearly demonstrates that you don't believe that.

"All of us who want BLM murdering scum put to death want him put to death too." ..

Question: who has BLM murdered? That should be an easy question for someone who made the statement that you did. You've suggested much worse about black people.

You make no correlation to the race of the shooter to the crime .. as you obviously would had the suspect been black. You're not intrested in any organization the suspect may be involved with, as you obviously would had the suspect been black.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not at all suggesting that you should believe that black people are as capable as you are. I'm not at all suggesting that you should feel anyway about BLM then you do. What I am suggesting is, like most right-wingers, you only pretend consciousness. It isn't in you brother..

What is in you is fear. Fear of an evolving society.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about us .. but as you and your political brethren continue to squawk about BLM, changes in police departments throughout the country are already being put in place as a direct result of BLM .. which ain't (eb) all black people. Lots of white people in that movement .. pink people not required.

That's the name of this song .. Pink people not required. :0)

The evolution of this nation is already well under way .. and no guns were required either.

So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn

:0) The mirror is not my problem.

The reason I keep dumping you in the Trump bin is because you exist on his side of the fence. I find nothing in your comments that demonstrates any real difference between you and a Trumpette. That being said, I apologize .. won't do it again .. and it kind of opens up a different conversation about why is it that I don't see the difference?

BLM is a Johnson issue? Are Johnson supporters also anti-black?

OK, so what have I ever said that is anti-black? And don't give me any crap that criticizing you is criticizing all blacks or even any blacks except you. I have zero respect for you or your manhood, you are a lying, empty shill who just makes excuses for being a failure in life. I am referring to you and only you. So go to it, where have I criticized blacks?

Contrary to the racist judgement of uneducated whites / Trump supporters, there is your suspect in the ambush murders of two Iowa police officers.

Just another white racist just like the many who post on this board who hate black people, just like those who accused BLM of the murders.

That is the face of Donald Trump and his legions of racist morons.

Black Lives Matter Doesn’t Kill Cops

Check your history. Black Lives Matter does not cause people to hate police. On the contrary, a long history of violence against minorities has created distrust and resentment toward law enforcement officers. Black Lives Matter began only in 2013. But radicalized police violence traces back long before Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. James Baldwin wrote about it in 1966: “the police treat the Negro like a dog.” Living Colour sang about it in 1990: “Police man license to kill.” Los Angeles burned over it in 1992. This problem isn’t new, it’s a lot older than Baldwin, and hushing it up won’t make it go away.


"Dr. King attested to racism’s violence long before the Civil Rights Movement protests. Protest movements simply call our attention to violence that is already present. The United States is the world’s most violent industrialized nation, after all. Our national roots lie in a quest for freedom on the part of white men who also massacred and enslaved others. That violence continues to course through the national bloodstream. Black Lives Matter is a nonviolent response to a violent society. Misguided people may twist its critique into an excuse for violence, yes. But even more, racist people are looking for reasons to call the movement violent ― just like racists blamed Dr. King for their own violence long, long ago. Don’t let ‘em fool you."
Black Lives Matter Doesn't Kill Cops | Huffington Post
So why after the past year of all the lead poisoning and cops shooting blacks are black people going to stay home this year of all years? I don't want to hear the Democrats let black people down do they understand what a trump presidency will mean? Because as far as I'm concerned not voting is the same as voting for Trump. One other thing. Do black people see what the green party and Libertarians are doing? They ran to people who have no chance of winning but who will get millions of votes and have more political power and influence over the next four years. Why don't blacks run a candidate next four years for president? Even if he or she will never win if every black in America votes for that person every four years that person will gain political power and influence and the other two powers Hardee's will try and win those votes over. As of right now the Republicans have accomplished their goal they have discouraged black people from showing up.
Stop trying to hide behind white people you fucking clown. I have no problem with sane white people, as my 8 years on this site demonstrates. I hate racist white people like you who I identify as pink to avoid the confusion.

Pinkies only exist to embarrass the fuck out of white people .. who also reject your ignorance.

Yes, I think blacks are as capable as whites and don't need lower bars or more handouts. You keep mentioning how racist that is. It's really made me reflect on my life. I still don't think blacks are inferior, but you keep telling me they are and you're black. Maybe I need to open my mind more.

On further reflection, I don't think blacks are inferior, I think you are. You are an inferior human being. You're bigoted, ignorant and full of hate. The world would be better off if you put a gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger. And no one would be better than the black community who you spend your life trying to pull down with you. Hmm, that's what I thought before ...

More ignorance.

I've never once said that blacks being as capable as you are is racist. Not once. But then again, that's not what you believe. I've read your posts. Like all racist cowards, you run the word 'racist' that describes you best.

Put a gun in my mouth :0) Wrong again Bozo .. that's what motherfuckers like you do .. in astronomical numbers. :0) Gun to the head .. kill yourselves. .. and after Trump loses, I expect there will be fewer pinkies around talking stupid shit.

Hit me back after the election .. let's see if you're still alive. :0)

I keep saying blacks are as capable as whites and don't need the bar lowered and you keep calling me a racist for it. Clearly that is you saying blacks do need a lower bar. Not exactly College boy, were you? You were a there's a quarter in the glove compartment for you boy.

Or maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

" .. maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

EASY .. you keep saying that, but you have a record right here on this board that clearly demonstrates that you don't believe that.

"All of us who want BLM murdering scum put to death want him put to death too." ..

Question: who has BLM murdered? That should be an easy question for someone who made the statement that you did. You've suggested much worse about black people.

You make no correlation to the race of the shooter to the crime .. as you obviously would had the suspect been black. You're not intrested in any organization the suspect may be involved with, as you obviously would had the suspect been black.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not at all suggesting that you should believe that black people are as capable as you are. I'm not at all suggesting that you should feel anyway about BLM then you do. What I am suggesting is, like most right-wingers, you only pretend consciousness. It isn't in you brother..

What is in you is fear. Fear of an evolving society.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about us .. but as you and your political brethren continue to squawk about BLM, changes in police departments throughout the country are already being put in place as a direct result of BLM .. which ain't (eb) all black people. Lots of white people in that movement .. pink people not required.

That's the name of this song .. Pink people not required. :0)

The evolution of this nation is already well under way .. and no guns were required either.

So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn
Lol, they have no logic.
Yes, I think blacks are as capable as whites and don't need lower bars or more handouts. You keep mentioning how racist that is. It's really made me reflect on my life. I still don't think blacks are inferior, but you keep telling me they are and you're black. Maybe I need to open my mind more.

On further reflection, I don't think blacks are inferior, I think you are. You are an inferior human being. You're bigoted, ignorant and full of hate. The world would be better off if you put a gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger. And no one would be better than the black community who you spend your life trying to pull down with you. Hmm, that's what I thought before ...

More ignorance.

I've never once said that blacks being as capable as you are is racist. Not once. But then again, that's not what you believe. I've read your posts. Like all racist cowards, you run the word 'racist' that describes you best.

Put a gun in my mouth :0) Wrong again Bozo .. that's what motherfuckers like you do .. in astronomical numbers. :0) Gun to the head .. kill yourselves. .. and after Trump loses, I expect there will be fewer pinkies around talking stupid shit.

Hit me back after the election .. let's see if you're still alive. :0)

I keep saying blacks are as capable as whites and don't need the bar lowered and you keep calling me a racist for it. Clearly that is you saying blacks do need a lower bar. Not exactly College boy, were you? You were a there's a quarter in the glove compartment for you boy.

Or maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

" .. maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

EASY .. you keep saying that, but you have a record right here on this board that clearly demonstrates that you don't believe that.

"All of us who want BLM murdering scum put to death want him put to death too." ..

Question: who has BLM murdered? That should be an easy question for someone who made the statement that you did. You've suggested much worse about black people.

You make no correlation to the race of the shooter to the crime .. as you obviously would had the suspect been black. You're not intrested in any organization the suspect may be involved with, as you obviously would had the suspect been black.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not at all suggesting that you should believe that black people are as capable as you are. I'm not at all suggesting that you should feel anyway about BLM then you do. What I am suggesting is, like most right-wingers, you only pretend consciousness. It isn't in you brother..

What is in you is fear. Fear of an evolving society.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about us .. but as you and your political brethren continue to squawk about BLM, changes in police departments throughout the country are already being put in place as a direct result of BLM .. which ain't (eb) all black people. Lots of white people in that movement .. pink people not required.

That's the name of this song .. Pink people not required. :0)

The evolution of this nation is already well under way .. and no guns were required either.

So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn
Lol, they have no logic.

RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ...
I use to think blacks were as capable, until I found out that view point is racist.

They simply cannot make it without "special accommodations." Like lowering test score standards in order to fill quotas and hiring them based on the color of their skin even if they are less qualified.

That, I swear to God, is what they demand. Of course, even when they get all of that, still not enough.

You realize by saying they are capable, is you being racist in their eyes, right?

I'm a little confused about what you are asking me because you seem to be asking me if I realize what I said in the post you were responding to.

Yes, that is my question to RacistAsShit, how is thinking blacks are as capable as whites "racist?"

He's not the sharpest knife in the tool shed. He also keeps calling me a Trump supporter. Apparently whites in his mind are all Trump supporters even when we say we're voting for Gary Johnson and bash Trump and Trump supporters ...
Oh I was confused too. You see, "normal people" every other race it seems, are offended when they are patronized or used for votes.

Not blacks. No no no.

They want to be patronized cause it seems they are admitting they are incapable. So, if me or you call them capable, then we are denying the truth. The truth is they are not capable.

What else are we to conclude when they continually call for the lowering of standards so they can be accepted into colleges etc?

Well, liberals of all colors are self victimizing and are gladly patronized for votes from Democrats. In fact while it's a very small percentage currently, there seem to be more vocal blacks than of any other group saying they are sick of being taken for granted by Democrats.

Look at liberals like Bodecea who victimizes herself for being gay, female and for her imaginary military experience at every opportunity. The president of NOW said she'd blow Clinton herself as she stabbed liberal activist Kathleen Wiley in the back. Self victimization is a fundamental part of being a liberal, they do it gladly and with alacrity at every chance

The Circle Jerk Logic of Right-wingers.

It makes no fucking sense at all .. and it speaks to an even bigger problem for your side then black people .. the growing divide between educated whites and the uneducated.

ONLY the uneducated would believe that bullshit you just posted.

To validate what I said, all you have to do is read the board

You can't validate what you've said in that post with anything ever said on this board. That's just your biased opinion about somebody you don't even know.

We are cyber people on this board and the only thing that really matters is what we post on this board. The only weapon you have here is your intelligence .. or not.

Simply a battle of perspectives.
350,000 WHITE Union soldiers died freeing the slaves....black racists like this fool don't like admitting that.
More ignorance.

I've never once said that blacks being as capable as you are is racist. Not once. But then again, that's not what you believe. I've read your posts. Like all racist cowards, you run the word 'racist' that describes you best.

Put a gun in my mouth :0) Wrong again Bozo .. that's what motherfuckers like you do .. in astronomical numbers. :0) Gun to the head .. kill yourselves. .. and after Trump loses, I expect there will be fewer pinkies around talking stupid shit.

Hit me back after the election .. let's see if you're still alive. :0)

I keep saying blacks are as capable as whites and don't need the bar lowered and you keep calling me a racist for it. Clearly that is you saying blacks do need a lower bar. Not exactly College boy, were you? You were a there's a quarter in the glove compartment for you boy.

Or maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

" .. maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

EASY .. you keep saying that, but you have a record right here on this board that clearly demonstrates that you don't believe that.

"All of us who want BLM murdering scum put to death want him put to death too." ..

Question: who has BLM murdered? That should be an easy question for someone who made the statement that you did. You've suggested much worse about black people.

You make no correlation to the race of the shooter to the crime .. as you obviously would had the suspect been black. You're not intrested in any organization the suspect may be involved with, as you obviously would had the suspect been black.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not at all suggesting that you should believe that black people are as capable as you are. I'm not at all suggesting that you should feel anyway about BLM then you do. What I am suggesting is, like most right-wingers, you only pretend consciousness. It isn't in you brother..

What is in you is fear. Fear of an evolving society.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about us .. but as you and your political brethren continue to squawk about BLM, changes in police departments throughout the country are already being put in place as a direct result of BLM .. which ain't (eb) all black people. Lots of white people in that movement .. pink people not required.

That's the name of this song .. Pink people not required. :0)

The evolution of this nation is already well under way .. and no guns were required either.

So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn
Lol, they have no logic.

RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ...

"RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ."

Have you any idea how dumb that was? How transparent you revealed yourself to be?

I don't think you do.

I'm going to do you a favor .. and leave you alone. :0)

I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

Contrary to the racist judgement of uneducated whites / Trump supporters, there is your suspect in the ambush murders of two Iowa police officers.

Just another white racist just like the many who post on this board who hate black people, just like those who accused BLM of the murders.

That is the face of Donald Trump and his legions of racist morons.

Black Lives Matter Doesn’t Kill Cops

Check your history. Black Lives Matter does not cause people to hate police. On the contrary, a long history of violence against minorities has created distrust and resentment toward law enforcement officers. Black Lives Matter began only in 2013. But radicalized police violence traces back long before Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. James Baldwin wrote about it in 1966: “the police treat the Negro like a dog.” Living Colour sang about it in 1990: “Police man license to kill.” Los Angeles burned over it in 1992. This problem isn’t new, it’s a lot older than Baldwin, and hushing it up won’t make it go away.


"Dr. King attested to racism’s violence long before the Civil Rights Movement protests. Protest movements simply call our attention to violence that is already present. The United States is the world’s most violent industrialized nation, after all. Our national roots lie in a quest for freedom on the part of white men who also massacred and enslaved others. That violence continues to course through the national bloodstream. Black Lives Matter is a nonviolent response to a violent society. Misguided people may twist its critique into an excuse for violence, yes. But even more, racist people are looking for reasons to call the movement violent ― just like racists blamed Dr. King for their own violence long, long ago. Don’t let ‘em fool you."
Black Lives Matter Doesn't Kill Cops | Huffington Post

So are you gonna make excuses for him like you do for black killers?
I keep saying blacks are as capable as whites and don't need the bar lowered and you keep calling me a racist for it. Clearly that is you saying blacks do need a lower bar. Not exactly College boy, were you? You were a there's a quarter in the glove compartment for you boy.

Or maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

" .. maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

EASY .. you keep saying that, but you have a record right here on this board that clearly demonstrates that you don't believe that.

"All of us who want BLM murdering scum put to death want him put to death too." ..

Question: who has BLM murdered? That should be an easy question for someone who made the statement that you did. You've suggested much worse about black people.

You make no correlation to the race of the shooter to the crime .. as you obviously would had the suspect been black. You're not intrested in any organization the suspect may be involved with, as you obviously would had the suspect been black.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not at all suggesting that you should believe that black people are as capable as you are. I'm not at all suggesting that you should feel anyway about BLM then you do. What I am suggesting is, like most right-wingers, you only pretend consciousness. It isn't in you brother..

What is in you is fear. Fear of an evolving society.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about us .. but as you and your political brethren continue to squawk about BLM, changes in police departments throughout the country are already being put in place as a direct result of BLM .. which ain't (eb) all black people. Lots of white people in that movement .. pink people not required.

That's the name of this song .. Pink people not required. :0)

The evolution of this nation is already well under way .. and no guns were required either.

So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn
Lol, they have no logic.

RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ...

"RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ."

Have you any idea how dumb that was? How transparent you revealed yourself to be?

I don't think you do.

I'm going to do you a favor .. and leave you alone. :0)

I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

It's funny how you don't even grasp when you are being mocked.

So when I asked you to tell me anything racist I've ever said, you folded tent and ran away. Figures. All you've come up with in the past is I criticized you and you're black. Which is stupid. I have zero respect for you for sure, but that I don't like one race pimp has nothing to do with what I think of blacks in general. Very few blacks have no manhood and flaunt it so extravagantly like you do
350,000 WHITE Union soldiers died freeing the slaves....black racists like this fool don't like admitting that.

More ignorance.

What does that have to do with ANYTHING?

My issue isn't the Union, soldiers, or white people.

Is there anyone here with a brain?
" .. maybe you can explain how my black capability = white capability view is "racist?"

EASY .. you keep saying that, but you have a record right here on this board that clearly demonstrates that you don't believe that.

"All of us who want BLM murdering scum put to death want him put to death too." ..

Question: who has BLM murdered? That should be an easy question for someone who made the statement that you did. You've suggested much worse about black people.

You make no correlation to the race of the shooter to the crime .. as you obviously would had the suspect been black. You're not intrested in any organization the suspect may be involved with, as you obviously would had the suspect been black.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not at all suggesting that you should believe that black people are as capable as you are. I'm not at all suggesting that you should feel anyway about BLM then you do. What I am suggesting is, like most right-wingers, you only pretend consciousness. It isn't in you brother..

What is in you is fear. Fear of an evolving society.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe about us .. but as you and your political brethren continue to squawk about BLM, changes in police departments throughout the country are already being put in place as a direct result of BLM .. which ain't (eb) all black people. Lots of white people in that movement .. pink people not required.

That's the name of this song .. Pink people not required. :0)

The evolution of this nation is already well under way .. and no guns were required either.

So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn
Lol, they have no logic.

RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ...

"RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ."

Have you any idea how dumb that was? How transparent you revealed yourself to be?

I don't think you do.

I'm going to do you a favor .. and leave you alone. :0)

I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

It's funny how you don't even grasp when you are being mocked.

So when I asked you to tell me anything racist I've ever said, you folded tent and ran away. Figures. All you've come up with in the past is I criticized you and you're black. Which is stupid. I have zero respect for you for sure, but that I don't like one race pimp has nothing to do with what I think of blacks in general

:lol: "mocked: :lol:
350,000 WHITE Union soldiers died freeing the slaves....black racists like this fool don't like admitting that.

More ignorance.

What does that have to do with ANYTHING?

My issue isn't the Union, soldiers, or white people.

Is there anyone here with a brain?

Yes, your issue isn't with white people, it's with white people who think blacks are as capable of whites
Why has Trump and white leaders not rejected this horrid event?

Not reading the discussion, are you, Polly. Trump supporters are rejecting this horrid event and some have directly called for his execution. The world revolves around your queen, doesn't it?

OMG, RacistAsShit, how do you deal with that I have no respect for a white liberal shill like you? Oh yeah, you don't ...
More ignorance.

What does that have to do with ANYTHING?

My issue isn't the Union, soldiers, or white people.

Is there anyone here with a brain?

You must have left your brain in your other jacket.....if you can't fathom that we WHITES freed your people from slavery, nothing much is getting through to you. I'm beginning to doubt you're black....another Asslips pose.
So here's your logic.

I'm white

So I'm a Trump supporter

So I say the things that you think Trump supporters say. Note you have zero quotes about blacks not being as capable of whites from me. That's because there isn't one on this or anywhere else. You're just listening with your bigoted ears.

Out of curiosity, why do I keep saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson (and I did vote for him yesterday), starting anti-Trump threads and bashing him and his supporters (and they keep bashing me) if I'm a Trump supporter? Why would I do that? Obviously Trump supporters are not ashamed to support him.

Look in the mirror and feel the racism and hate burn
Lol, they have no logic.

RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ...

"RacistAsShit is in what I call my basket of deplorables ... with Hillary Clinton ."

Have you any idea how dumb that was? How transparent you revealed yourself to be?

I don't think you do.

I'm going to do you a favor .. and leave you alone. :0)

I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

It's funny how you don't even grasp when you are being mocked.

So when I asked you to tell me anything racist I've ever said, you folded tent and ran away. Figures. All you've come up with in the past is I criticized you and you're black. Which is stupid. I have zero respect for you for sure, but that I don't like one race pimp has nothing to do with what I think of blacks in general

:lol: "mocked: :lol:

Hey, I saw a youtube on your lunch at KFC today. Was the fried chicken good at least? Oh, sorry, forgot you can't ask blacks about fried chicken, never mind ...

Why has Trump and white leaders not rejected this horrid event?

Not reading the discussion, are you, Polly. Trump supporters are rejecting this horrid event and some have directly called for his execution. The world revolves around your queen, doesn't it?

OMG, RacistAsShit, how do you deal with that I have no respect for a white liberal shill like you? Oh yeah, you don't ...

I read just fine and apparently you do not.

I didnt ask about Trump SUPPORTERS did I? Now stop whining and seeing messages that arent there skippy

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