Wrongfully Convicted Derek Chauvin files petition to Supreme Court

You're a cuck white. A cuck white is a racist white who's been cuckolded by MLK Jr. and his civil rights movement. See more than half the whites hated and despised MLK when he was alive but he's conquered all the whites in death. Miraculously all the white children of those racists whites who despised what MLK was doing now sing his praises once every year. You don't understand how much joy it brings me to watch every cuck white, especially the cuck whites at Fox News profess their love and admiration for MLK every year on his birthday. Racist White America is truly a cuckolded White America. 😄
I was just informed that you are a goat herder Hamas lover... so I don't care what you call me... I can watch your buddies slaughtered on TV by the IDF for fun....
Lovin it.....
I was just informed that you are a goat herder Hamas lover... so I don't care what you call me... I can watch your buddies slaughtered on TV by the IDF for fun....
Lovin it.....
I notice how you couldn't refute anything I said. You're nation of cucks. You lost. All that's left is to watch you die out. 😄
I notice how you couldn't refute anything I said. You're nation of cucks. You lost. All that's left is to watch you die out. 😄
Do you fuck the goats to death before eating them?’
Isn’t that a long held 6th century barbarian tenderizing method?
Do you fuck the goats to death before eating them?’
I curry them before eating them. Anything else is simply a literal figment of your imagination. It's hilarious that you can't see that these are your beastiality fantasies, not mine. 😄
Isn’t that a long held 6th century barbarian tenderizing method?
It's you're fantasy guy, you tell us. 😄
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I curry them before eating them. Anything else is simply a liberal figment of you're imagination. It's hilarious that you can't see that these are your beastiality fantasies, not mine. 😄

It's you're fantasy guy, you tell us. 😄
I’m not the one with a screen name about eating goats
I notice how you couldn't refute anything I said. You're nation of cucks. You lost. All that's left is to watch you die out. 😄
I refuted everything you said and since you said very little it didn't take long....
I know he was convicted but convicted wrongly.... that is my opinion and this is still America... I know that bugs you but we have a right to disagree with a verdict and not just be a dust mop for propaganda and unjust justice....

Sure we can disagree. But to be taken seriously your opinion should be based upon facts.

The Coroner said it was murder caused by positional asphyxiation and compression.

The Pulmonologist said he calculated the pressure and it was more than enough to cause suffocation.

The Use of Force trainer who trained and certified Chauvin said that he had warned Chauvin of the dangers and the policy.

The First Responder Trainer testified that she had told Chauvin in a class that suffocation was a risk in the positioning of the suspect and just because they can speak does not mean they are breathing sufficiently.

The Forensic Pathologist said Floyd was killed by Chauvin.

According to you. They’re all lying. All of them. And the only witness for the Defense was a Coroner who said he would rule the death as undetermined. Under Cross Examination he said as a Medical Professional he could not recommend that someone kneel on a person for nine minutes. Nor could he recommend that someone continue kneeling after the victim lost consciousness. Nor could he recommend they continue kneeling after no pulse could be found. And as a Medical Professional he would recommend that CPR be performed immediately. And if CPR had been used on Floyd when he lost consciousness that it would be likely that Floyd would be alive today.

So what is the truth? Is everyone including the defense expert lying?
When the resisting party is subdued you don’t stop what got him that way
Libs are so emotionally driven and reality absent that it’s just incredible to watch

According to the Trainer for the Minneapolis Police you do stop. Of course. What does he know?
Sure we can disagree. But to be taken seriously your opinion should be based upon facts.

The Coroner said it was murder caused by positional asphyxiation and compression.

The Pulmonologist said he calculated the pressure and it was more than enough to cause suffocation.

The Use of Force trainer who trained and certified Chauvin said that he had warned Chauvin of the dangers and the policy.

The First Responder Trainer testified that she had told Chauvin in a class that suffocation was a risk in the positioning of the suspect and just because they can speak does not mean they are breathing sufficiently.

The Forensic Pathologist said Floyd was killed by Chauvin.

According to you. They’re all lying. All of them. And the only witness for the Defense was a Coroner who said he would rule the death as undetermined. Under Cross Examination he said as a Medical Professional he could not recommend that someone kneel on a person for nine minutes. Nor could he recommend that someone continue kneeling after the victim lost consciousness. Nor could he recommend they continue kneeling after no pulse could be found. And as a Medical Professional he would recommend that CPR be performed immediately. And if CPR had been used on Floyd when he lost consciousness that it would be likely that Floyd would be alive today.

So what is the truth? Is everyone including the defense expert lying?
I watched the entire event and trial... I and thousands of people were disgusted at the conviction of a cop just doing his job the way he was instructed... personally speaking... Floyd was a crook an addict and a felon who frankly I couldn't care less about... the streets are safer without him on them....
According to the Trainer for the Minneapolis Police you do stop. Of course. What does he know?
What he said was you stop using the techniques that got him to the ground. There is no police person of authority anywhere that advocates releasing grips on a subdued criminal and allow him to resume standing
I refuted everything you said and since you said very little it didn't take long....
You refuted how all you cuck whites have bent the knee to the legacy of MLK? Where? 😄 Where are the whites against MLK? Where did they and their children go if not to their knees?
I watched the entire event and trial... I and thousands of people were disgusted at the conviction of a cop just doing his job the way he was instructed... personally speaking... Floyd was a crook an addict and a felon who frankly I couldn't care less about... the streets are safer without him on them....

That’s just it. He was not doing the job as he was instructed. The written policy showed what Chauvin was supposed to do. They spent time and money teaching him that policy and certifying that he had been trained.

It’s the way you think he should be allowed to do the job. But that isn’t the way he was taught. It isn’t the way he was trained.

You said you were a Marine. I was a Soldier. I was a Combat Engineer. We were taught how to do things. Explosives are things with a lot of rules. I was told that those rules were written in blood. The blood of the poor bastards who died to learn the lesson.

You saw the trial. The problem is that so did the jury. You appear to think everyone lied. This is a bit of a conundrum. Because if someone lied, then the Defense should have no problem finding people who would tell the truth.

There should have been a parade of cops who would testify that Chauvin did exactly what they were trained to do. There wasn’t.

But even if you argue Chauvin was right. That being right stopped when Floyd lost consciousness. At that time Chauvin was trained to start helping the patient. He didn’t follow his training. When they couldn’t find a pulse. He continued kneeling.

So even if you think he was right and doing the job properly. You have to admit that continuing to perform an action he knew to be dangerous after Floyd became unresponsive was wrong.

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