WSJ: Musk's Twitter files shows real "disinformation" threat is America's former intel leaders

No that’s not straight. Trump and Putin created Russian collusion when their people started talking to eachother and the Trump lied to america about it. That’s what led to the investigation
The investigation though was a concocted lie that came straight from the Clinton campaign. But let’s take away your psych meds and disregard your lies and discuss more.

Russian Collusion came from Obama, Clinton, Biden and Putin to use against Trump to the benefit of Clinton.

It’s a tactic called guilt by association but you’re a lil too stupid to understand such Saul Alinsky Tactics. You just fall for them.

Your entire lying side’s argument is that Trump and Putin created Russian Collusion and The Dirty Dossier which was a KGB construction of lies to destroy Trump not help him…so that Democrats could use it against it’s very creators.

Your argument is that Trump created Russian Collusion to sabotage his own Presidency.

Have you ever been evaluated by a mental health professional?
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There’s a good book called Active Measures that details the history of Russian disinformation. The original story was extremely sketchy and consistent with Russian tactics.

In an attempt to control the narrative, Giuliani refused to allow any credible journalists access it either. Huge mistake.

In the end, the story was blocked on Twitter for a couple of days. You’re all just being drama queens.


Look at the timeline, homey.

April 12 2019 - Hunter drops off laptop at Mac's repair shop

Summer 2019 - Mac TRIED to turn the laptop over to the FBI in Albuquerque, but was turned away.

Oct 2019 - the moment the impeachment starts, the FBI knocks on Mac's door. The FBI then SEIZED the laptop.

Oct 19 - the Intel chiefs come out with their Russian disinfo letter

Oct 21 - it is publicly revealed in the MSM that the FBI has the laptop

Gullible leftard lemming much?

They had a name for you brainless simpletons back in the day, they used to call you cannon fodder.
The investigation though was a concocted lie that came straight from the Clinton campaign. But let’s take away your psych meds and disregard your lies and discuss more.

Russian Collusion came from Obama, Clinton, Biden and Putin to use against Trump to the benefit of Clinton.

It’s a tactic called guilt by association but you’re a lil too stupid to understand such Saul Alinsky Tactics. You just fall for them.

Your entire lying side’s argument is that Trump and Putin created Russian Collusion and The Dirty Dossier which was a KGB construction of lies to destroy Trump not help him…so that Democrats could use it against it’s very creators.

Have you ever been evaluated by a mental health professional?
No the investigation was actually started by Trumps DOJ. You can stop concocting lies now, you’re not in your normal echo chamber
No the investigation was actually started by Trumps DOJ. You can stop concocting lies now, you’re not in your normal echo chamber
There is no ownership of the DOJ. They exist before and beyond any administration or regime.

So again you commit a logical fallacy which is always the basis of all leftists arguments. It’s easier to just call them bald faced lies.

So again defend Trump creating Russian Collusion to Sabotage his own Presidency.
There is no ownership of the DOJ. They exist before and beyond any administration or regime.

So again you commit a logical fallacy which is always the basis of all leftists arguments. It’s easier to just call them bald faced lies.

So again defend Trump creating Russian Collusion to Sabotage his own Presidency.
The DOJ is part of the executive branch. Trump appointed its leaders. The people he appointed started the Russian Collusion investigation because Trump and his team kept lying about communications with russia. It isn’t complicated
The DOJ is part of the executive branch. Trump appointed its leaders. The people he appointed started the Russian Collusion investigation because Trump and his team kept lying about communications with russia. It isn’t complicated
Defend Trump creating Russian Collusion and a KGB authored pack of lies called The Dirty Dossier to sabatoge his own presidency.

Then defend The FBI planting an article they knew to be false in Yahoo about it using circular confirmation to lie to FISA and launch an investigation they knew was based on 100% false allegations and concocted evidence.

Go ahead Einstein.
Defend Trump creating Russian Collusion and a KGB authored pack of lies called The Dirty Dossier to sabatoge his own presidency.

Then defend The FBI planting an article they knew to be false in Yahoo about it using circular confirmation to lie to FISA and launch an investigation they knew was based on 100% false allegations and concocted evidence.

Go ahead Einstein.
Easy. Dossier was opporesearch which every campaign does. Carter Paige was wronged when an FBI agent lied to get a warrant to surveil him. That agent was caught and held accountable. Trump and his people planned meetings with Russia and then lied about those meetings. Trump fired Flynn for getting caught lying about it. Comey was investigating Flynn. Trump asked him to drop it. Comey refused. Trump fired Comey. The investigation came from that. Sessions recused himself. Rosenstein took his place and hired Mueller.

Name one thing about that series of events that’s false. I dare you

They paid a foreign spy for dirt.

No one did any "research".
Like I said opporesearch. Trump sent Rudy to Ukraine to try and get dirt on Biden from a foreign government. Got impeached over it. Remember?

Look at the timeline, homey.

April 12 2019 - Hunter drops off laptop at Mac's repair shop

Summer 2019 - Mac TRIED to turn the laptop over to the FBI in Albuquerque, but was turned away.

Oct 2019 - the moment the impeachment starts, the FBI knocks on Mac's door. The FBI then SEIZED the laptop.

Oct 19 - the Intel chiefs come out with their Russian disinfo letter

Oct 21 - it is publicly revealed in the MSM that the FBI has the laptop

Gullible leftard lemming much?

They had a name for you brainless simpletons back in the day, they used to call you cannon fodder.
That is almost as poorly made up as your resume.
Easy. Dossier was opporesearch which every campaign does. Carter Paige was wronged when an FBI agent lied to get a warrant to surveil him. That agent was caught and held accountable. Trump and his people planned meetings with Russia and then lied about those meetings. Trump fired Flynn for getting caught lying about it. Comey was investigating Flynn. Trump asked him to drop it. Comey refused. Trump fired Comey. The investigation came from that. Sessions recused himself. Rosenstein took his place and hired Mueller.

Name one thing about that series of events that’s false. I dare you
Pure comedy gold. You liars are all the same.

You paid for The Dirty Dossier and hammered America with it and false claims of Russian Collusion you knew were false despite knowing it was all lies.

The FBI knew it was a lie and even lied in FISA a secret and illegal court and unconstitutional court set up to pursue terrorists not American Citizens making a perversion and mockery of the law and the constitution.

And then they censored and silenced and banned anyone who dared disagree. You laid siege to our Democracy in an attempt to overturn our election and take power by force and coercion through propaganda and bureaucratic means.

You lied then and you lie now.

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No that’s not straight. Trump and Putin created Russian collusion when their people started talking to eachother and the Trump lied to america about it. That’s what led to the investigation
Yet no evidence or charges . Just a debunked hoax that you keep pushing hoping people will eventually believe you.
Like I said opporesearch.

You have piss poor reading comprehension.

What did I just say?

=> No one did any research.

They paid a foreign spy for dirt. That is all.

Trump sent Rudy to Ukraine to try and get dirt on Biden from a foreign government. Got impeached over it. Remember?

Yeah, they impeached him for the EXACT SAME THING THEY THEMSELVES DID.

Progtards are SCUM. Low life gutter dwelling scumbags

Look at the timeline, homey.

April 12 2019 - Hunter drops off laptop at Mac's repair shop

Summer 2019 - Mac TRIED to turn the laptop over to the FBI in Albuquerque, but was turned away.

Oct 2019 - the moment the impeachment starts, the FBI knocks on Mac's door. The FBI then SEIZED the laptop.

Oct 19 - the Intel chiefs come out with their Russian disinfo letter

Oct 21 - it is publicly revealed in the MSM that the FBI has the laptop

Gullible leftard lemming much?

They had a name for you brainless simpletons back in the day, they used to call you cannon fodder.
The story was so sketchy even the authors of the article questioned it and some refused to let their names be attributed to it.


WSJ: Musk's Twitter files shows real "disinformation" threat is America's former intel leaders

6 Dec 2022 ~~ By Ed Morrissey

Point of order: Didn’t we learn that in 2013 when James Clapper perjured himself before Congress? And didn’t we learn that the American media enthusiastically facilitated that disinformation potential by hiring Clapper and former FBI executive Andrew McCabe after getting fired for lying to investigators? Among dozens of others?
We did indeed, but the editors of the Wall Street Journal want to underscore that point in the release of Twitter’s files on the Hunter Biden laptop story. They also note the media’s complicity in promoting this “disinformation,” even in the face of independent corroboration:
Recall that former Democratic intelligence officials James Clapper and John Brennan led the spooks in issuing a public statement suggesting that the laptop may have been hacked and its content was Russian disinformation. On Oct. 16, 2020, Mr. Clapper told CNN that “to me, this is just classic textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft at work.” On Oct. 19, 51 former spooks released their statement claiming that the arrival of the emails “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” (The statement and signers are published nearby.)​
We now know that the Clapper-Brennan claims were themselves disinformation and that the laptop was genuine and not part of a Russian operation. CBS News recently waddled in two years later with a forensic analysis of its own and concluded it is real.​
But the claims by the spies gave an excuse for the media to ignore the Hunter Biden story and even to dismiss Hunter’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, who went on the record before the election to confirm much of the content on the laptop with documentation in the form of voluminous text messages.​
Here’s a thought: perhaps news orgs should rethink the idea of hiring ex-intel leaders as “analysts.” Especially those who have already demonstrated a predilection for lying, either in public or during investigations. If media outlets are interested in actual news and analysis rather than sef-serving spin, that is.
Clearly, they have something else in mind.
The real disinformation threat didn’t turn out to be the laptop or the Russians. Strictly speaking, it’s not even the political hacks who left the intel community to peddle their manipulative crankery on television. It’s the media outlets themselves who hired perjurers as analysts and then pushed their perjury as truth through one national election and almost through another.

The corrupt FBI interfered in the Presidential Election. Threw it to Biden.
Read that again, slowly.
The FBI interfered in the election, period.
This is a larger scandal than the Russia Collusion lie operation (See: Operation Crossfire hurricane). And that was the biggest ever, in America’s history.
The FBI threw the election to Biden!!!!!
They read Rudy’s emails (illegally), found out he gave the Hunter laptop info to Miranda Devine (NY Post), read her emails, knew exactly when the story would drop. Right before, the FBI told Twitter, FaceBook, etc., to be on the lookout for a hacked Russian October surprise.
They shut down the truth completely. Tanked the story. Banned people who shared it.
Then the FBI and did the “53 former Intelligence official hotshots sign the letter, laptop is Russian disinformation!” scam, the second phase in this treasonous ops.
The FBI and former Intelligence officials threw the election to Biden, period. And have been indicted or tried!!!
Meanwhile, Congress as voted themselves immunity from prosecution for lying, libel and slander while in office
Americans are starting to realize it. Maoist Democrats deny it.

Shocking . Trump was absolutely correct again . And democrats were caught lying yet again. Does anyone see a pattern ??

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