WSJ Reports Flynn Offered to testify in exchange for Immunity!

No, I'm afraid they don't want the truth, all of the orange one's follower's believe anything negative is fake news. It's really sad.
It's sad that someone would use terms like orange one's followers and expect to be taken for anything other than a dumb asshole.
I would normally have agreed with you before DJ Trump slandered Obama about the supposed bugging of Trump Towers.

And then Trump and Ryan botched Trumpcare.

So not anymore.

There never was a Trumpcare. You have been brainwashed by the msm. The puritans in the party wouldn't go along with it but only so much could be done via budgeting. They don't have the votes in the senate. How do you know Trump wasn't bugged?
Considering it is not illegal to do business with Russia what would Flynn's crime be? Appearing on RT? Ed Schulz has his own time slot. So it can't be that or Ed would be under arrest.
That's not necessarily true. It could be a crime to do business with Russia if Trump's people were negotiating with Russia to undermine Obama's sanctions on them.

Tony Podesta was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank so unless Clinton's biggest bundler is charged with something I don't see how anyone could be charged on the Trump's team.

What you don't see could fill the Pacific Ocean.

Whatever. No one can come up with what law and or laws were broken.
"No one can...."? You know that, how? Why, in the early parts of an investigation, should they tell you?
(CNN)Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is willing to testify before federal and congressional investigators, but only if he is granted immunity, his lawyer said Thursday.

"Gen. Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit. ... No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution," Robert Kelner, Flynn's lawyer, said in a statement late Thursday.
The Wall Street Journal first reported Thursday that Flynn was in talks to try to get a promise of immunity, but that nobody had agreed to his terms yet.

However, aides to the House intelligence committee said they have not received any requests from Flynn yet. A spokesperson for the Senate intelligence committee declined comment Thursday evening.

Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Really looks interesting.

Can't wait for him to pull an Oliver North.
No, I'm afraid they don't want the truth, all of the orange one's follower's believe anything negative is fake news. It's really sad.
It's sad that someone would use terms like orange one's followers and expect to be taken for anything other than a dumb asshole.
I would normally have agreed with you before DJ Trump slandered Obama about the supposed bugging of Trump Towers.

And then Trump and Ryan botched Trumpcare.

So not anymore.


Evelyn Farkas confirmed what we already knew is that Obama and his deep state surveilled Trump and his campaign during and after the elections.
"Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!" - Trump
BREAKING: The Senate Intelligence Committee has turned down Mike Flynn's request for immunity, a senior official tells NBC News
Ive been listening to this and the Farkas thing all day.

I think both sides of it need to be looked at thoroughly.

But I am not sure what Flynn could have done that was actually illegal and would require protection.

It would suggest to me that Trump had a solid relationship with the Russians. Cant think of anything less.

Am I off base here ?
Oh I think Flynn is worried about his non registered status.

I don't think he's worried about what he said to the Russians at all. They already investigated that and found no wrong doing.

Loads of the lefties are hoping for a whole lot more than they will be getting.
Obama officials made list of Russia probe documents to keep them safe

Trump tweeted Friday morning that “Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!”

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told Fox News he disagrees with the president’s characterization of the Russia investigation, as well as the commander in chief’s decision to comment on it.

“No, I don’t think it’s a witch hunt,” Chaffetz said. “Look, it’s very mysterious to me, though, why all of a sudden Gen. Flynn is suddenly out there saying he wants immunity. I don’t think Congress should give him immunity. If there’s an open investigation by the FBI, that should not happen. I also don’t believe that, actually, that the president should be weighing in on this. They’re the ones that actually would prosecute something.”

....and this coming from right wing maniac Chaffetz..........omg, Houston, we have............
Question: Why are both the House and the Senate investigating the Russian interference/collusion issues? Why are we tying up lawmakers in both houses with this?
It is a witch hunt and any moron should know ....if you go before such a group and testify without immunity you are gambling the assembled lynch party will not attempt to hang you without real evidence against you.
Question: Why are both the House and the Senate investigating the Russian interference/collusion issues? Why are we tying up lawmakers in both houses with this?

because that has been the case since who knows when

both Houses have intel committees, both Houses investigate
It is a witch hunt and any moron should know ....if you go before such a group and testify without immunity you are gambling the assembled lynch party will not attempt to hang you without real evidence against you.

tell that to your chief Hillary email investigator Chaffetz

it is not a witch hunt, it's an investigation of Trump treason

gonna be a LOOOONG summer for some of these pilgrims for sure
Question: Why are both the House and the Senate investigating the Russian interference/collusion issues? Why are we tying up lawmakers in both houses with this?
Because it could be the most major scandal in government history.
thanks for the heads up Mikey

now turn over every email, snail mail, tweet and text you've ever sent or received

oh, and please don't delete the date/time stamps

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