WSJ Reports Flynn Offered to testify in exchange for Immunity!

The last line clearly indicates that Flynn will not testify without being protected, and that, alt right dupes, means immunity.
Bass shows his ass. Read the last paragraph.


No mention about immunity, and there can not be without reference to what the immunity would be for.

Dude take your pills
I love this stuff. American politics is a sham and a joke. Its pure entertainment. I am hoping this situation escalates into something bigger...just for fun.
The last line clearly indicates that Flynn will not testify without being protected, and that, alt right dupes, means immunity.
Number of people in the World who get their information from Jake Starkey = 1

The nurse always ask, did you swallow your pills Jake?
Mike Flynn Offers to Testify in Exchange for Immunity

That means he must have some pretty damning information on somebody, or else they wouldn't even consider giving him immunity.
Wrong, Flynn does not need immunity for being wiretapped. He is also not charged with anything that requires immunity



Try again little girl, Flynn did not request immunity
Spokesman For the House Intelligence Committee Says Flynn Did Not Ask for Immunity Deal - Trading with The Fly




Mike Flynn Offers to Testify in Exchange for Immunity

That means he must have some pretty damning information on somebody, or else they wouldn't even consider giving him immunity.
Wrong, Flynn does not need immunity for being wiretapped. He is also not charged with anything that requires immunity



Try again little girl, Flynn did not request immunity
Spokesman For the House Intelligence Committee Says Flynn Did Not Ask for Immunity Deal - Trading with The Fly





Must be fake news then
(CNN)Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is willing to testify before federal and congressional investigators, but only if he is granted immunity, his lawyer said Thursday.

"Gen. Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit. ... No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution," Robert Kelner, Flynn's lawyer, said in a statement late Thursday.
The Wall Street Journal first reported Thursday that Flynn was in talks to try to get a promise of immunity, but that nobody had agreed to his terms yet.

However, aides to the House intelligence committee said they have not received any requests from Flynn yet. A spokesperson for the Senate intelligence committee declined comment Thursday evening.

Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Really looks interesting.

The FBI is NOT reporting to the House intelligence committee after what Devin Nunes did. Negotiations would be done with the FBI not Devin Nunes LOL.

Flynn lied to the FBI--which is a Felony, and it is they that hold the charges in lieu of him flipping on someone else involved and it would be they that discuss immunity for that lie, not Devin Nunes.
OK just read the Hill's account of this. It's his lawyer demanding immunity because of all the rumours that are floating around that Flynn is under criminal investigation.

Here's the real deal.

"Notwithstanding his life of national service, the media are awash with unfounded allegations, outrageous claims of treason, and vicious innuendo directed against him. He is now the target of unsubstantiated public demands by Members of Congress and other political critics that he be criminally investigated,” Flynn’s lawyer Robert Kelner said in a statement.

“No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution," he added.

Kelner said there have been discussions with the House and Senate Intelligence panels."

Flynn offers to testify on Russia for immunity

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