WSJ Reports Flynn Offered to testify in exchange for Immunity!

Asking for immunity before going into a huge democrat clusterfuck looking to hang anyone on anything while actually being charged with nothing, Not so crazy in my mind.

The FBI is NOT reporting to the House intelligence committee after what Devin Nunes did. Negotiations would be done with the FBI not Devin Nunes LOL.

Flynn lied to the FBI--which is a Felony, and it is they that hold the charges in lieu of him flipping on someone else involved and it would be they that discuss immunity for that lie, not Devin Nunes.
The fucking FBI doesn't report anything except to Hillary Clinton. Comey needs more of humas dick
Let's look at what he lawyer said, according to USAToday, shall we?

Flynn lawyer: Client wants assurances against 'witch-hunt' prosecution

WASHINGTON — The attorney representing President Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn said late Thursday that his client would not submit to questioning in the ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election without protection against possible prosecution.

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,'' attorney Robert Kelner said in a written statement.

Describing his client as the target of "unsubstantiated public demands by members of congress and other political critics that he be criminally investigated,'' Kelner confirmed that there have been "discussions'' regarding Flynn's possible appearances before the House and Senate Intelligence committees now conducting formal inquires into Russia's attempts to disrupt the American political system.

Flynn lawyer: Client wants assurances against 'witch-hunt' prosecution

A little different from what is being thrown around here. I love how the NYT's, et al left out the underlined bit. Makes a big difference in what the actual story is.

In other words Flynn will tell them everything he knows to get out of being prosecuted is not a witch hunt All of the lies are coming out..Don't you want the truth?
Are these cultists seriously trying to convince us that Flynn's lawyers didn't ask for immunity? The level of delusion is through the roof.
From the Fox article-
In his statement, Kelner said that "no reasonable person ... would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance

From Micheal Flynn

"If someone asks for immunity, then it probably means they committed a crime."
According to the statement, which the press interpreted into immunity, his attorney stated because of the witch hunt atmosphere he wanted assurances he wouldn't be prosecuted. Understandable since the Dems started dusting off the Logans Act, in reference to Flynn.
Even though their own candidates team was talking to foreign officials. Makes his attorney smart to want that assurance. He wouldn't be worth anything, if he hadn't brought it up.

Was he stupid in not being honest with Pence? Yeah. And that got him fired.
From the Fox article-
In his statement, Kelner said that "no reasonable person ... would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance

From Micheal Flynn

"If someone asks for immunity, then it probably means they committed a crime."
Why would Obama subordinates invoke the 5th Amendment?
The first reply in this thread mentions Obama. Changing the subject is what Trump and his supporters do all the time. Barely two months in, the Executive of the United States is already dead in the water. What a stinking mess!
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Already a thread. And his attorney actually stated he wanted assurances of no prosecution due to the witch hunt atmosphere. Can't blame him. He wouldn't be worth the paper his law degree was printed on, if he didn't.
Flynn seeks immunity
Maxine Waters @MaxineWaters
Trump's campaign is under an FBI counterintelligence investigation. His former NS advisor is asking for immunity. Your move, Republicans.

9:18 PM - 30 Mar 2017
Remember back in the old days when shrillary was under FBI investigation but that didn't mean anything and we should all vote for her anyway? All those people taking the fifth were patriots right?

And Maxine looks like a drunk James Brown in that picture.
Why would Obama subordinates invoke the 5th Amendment?
The first reply in this thread mentions Obama. Changing the subject is what Trump and his supporters do all the time. Barely two months in, the Executive of the United States is already a dead in the water. What a stinking mess!

I think Trump should read the book, "The Peter Principle", then he may have avoided reaching his level of incompetence.

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