WSJ Reports Flynn Offered to testify in exchange for Immunity!

It's being reported Flynn made the offer after meeting with Trump and WH officials.

That's strange
Not if Flynn was going to roll on obama and clinton.

that's really funny, idiot.

totally against all known information.

unless of course one believes the orange sociopath.

you and your fellow trump morons are real freaks of nature. probably the stupidest people on the planet.

You keep saying that.....

But those stupid people kicked your asses last November.

Stupid people votes count just as much as the sane.

Well, they somehow "outsmarted" you morons. You should be proud.

The easiest election to win (in a long long time) and you blew it. All the way around.

Say hello to justice Gorsuch.
I still don't think that Flynn has any solid evidence of criminal wrongdoing by others in the Trump campaign; he is very likely just trying to save his own skin at this point by doing whatever he can, and given what we know about his Turkish lobbying activities and his penchant for lying, it's consistent with his character. Trump was right to cut this fraud lose.
(CNN)Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is willing to testify before federal and congressional investigators, but only if he is granted immunity, his lawyer said Thursday.

"Gen. Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit. ... No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution," Robert Kelner, Flynn's lawyer, said in a statement late Thursday.
The Wall Street Journal first reported Thursday that Flynn was in talks to try to get a promise of immunity, but that nobody had agreed to his terms yet.

However, aides to the House intelligence committee said they have not received any requests from Flynn yet. A spokesperson for the Senate intelligence committee declined comment Thursday evening.

Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Really looks interesting.
He's guilty of a crime.
I'm surprised this thread isn't a lot more pages in. Republicans must be running scared tonight.
It's being reported Flynn made the offer after meeting with Trump and WH officials.

That's strange
Not if Flynn was going to roll on obama and clinton.

that's really funny, idiot.

totally against all known information.

unless of course one believes the orange sociopath.

you and your fellow trump morons are real freaks of nature. probably the stupidest people on the planet.

You keep saying that.....

But those stupid people kicked your asses last November.

Stupid people votes count just as much as the sane.

Well, they somehow "outsmarted" you morons. You should be proud.

The easiest election to win (in a long long time) and you blew it. All the way around.

Say hello to justice Gorsuch.

Voting doesn't make you smart. We didn't know that siding with the enemy to win an election was fair play.

I just picked it up at the Hill that his lawyer is the one counseling him to go for immunity. I guess it makes sense for all the shit that's been said about him.
You mean all the damning facts.... like his extraordinary business ties to Russia while he worked for Trump.
Every single day there is more suspicious evidence tarnishing and incriminating the orange clown.
You : fake scandal. Lol
OK just read the Hill's account of this. It's his lawyer demanding immunity because of all the rumours that are floating around that Flynn is under criminal investigation.

Here's the real deal.

"Notwithstanding his life of national service, the media are awash with unfounded allegations, outrageous claims of treason, and vicious innuendo directed against him. He is now the target of unsubstantiated public demands by Members of Congress and other political critics that he be criminally investigated,” Flynn’s lawyer Robert Kelner said in a statement.

“No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution," he added.

Kelner said there have been discussions with the House and Senate Intelligence panels."

Flynn offers to testify on Russia for immunity


His lawyer's press release is "the real deal"?

You are so in the tank that you're going to drown.

My my my.. how the times have changed!
It's getting hot in that kitchen. What would he need immunity from?
I don't know; but according to Flynn himself, when someone gets immunity, it's probably because they have committed a crime...

"When you are given immunity that means you have probably committed a crime."

Well with goofballs like Flynn populating the generals ranks, I can understand why america hasn't won a war in the last 70 years. That's pretty clear.
It's getting hot in that kitchen. What would he need immunity from?
I don't know; but according to Flynn himself, when someone gets immunity, it's probably because they have committed a crime...

"When you are given immunity that means you have probably committed a crime."

Obviously these psychopaths didn't concern the supporters! Now look at our situation! OMG; save us! :cuckoo: :321:
I heard something I forgot happened.

first, Congress and the JD has to agree if immunity is warranted.

Iran Contra ... Congress gave North immunity simply because they assumed it would be better to know about Reagans participation than it would be to put North in prison.

history may repeat itself.
It's getting hot in that kitchen. What would he need immunity from?
I don't know; but according to Flynn himself, when someone gets immunity, it's probably because they have committed a crime...

"When you are given immunity that means you have probably committed a crime."

Obviously these psychopaths didn't concern the supporters! Now look at our situation! OMG; save us! :cuckoo: :321:

Yeah, we might just have the biggest political scandal in this nation's history.

I'm happy for Trump -- he strives to be the biggest and the best at whatever he does.

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