WSJ Reports Flynn Offered to testify in exchange for Immunity!

Once again, I am amazed at the mental contortions done by diehard Trump fans to keep their heads in the sand.

No one knows *why* Flynn is seeking immunity, not yet anyway. But the idea that he needs immunity from being wiretapped is so nonsensical that I question what the OP was smoking. :)

As a rule, people volunteer their testimony for immunity because 1) they know they're going to take the fall for something big, and 2) they have enough dirt on people above them to make prosecutors trade this small fish for a big one.

I cannot say that anyone knows for certain this is the case with Flynn. But the idea that Flynn has dirt on Trump and feels Trump is letting him take the fall for it is certainly sensible at this point. But again, that's not saying it's real — it's an educated guess, but still a guess.
1. Flynn was not wiretapped

2. He is probably testifying about Trump-Russia collusion

3. "If someone needs immunity, then they probably committed a crime" - Micheal Flynn
(CNN)Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is willing to testify before federal and congressional investigators, but only if he is granted immunity, his lawyer said Thursday.

"Gen. Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit. ... No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution," Robert Kelner, Flynn's lawyer, said in a statement late Thursday.
The Wall Street Journal first reported Thursday that Flynn was in talks to try to get a promise of immunity, but that nobody had agreed to his terms yet.

However, aides to the House intelligence committee said they have not received any requests from Flynn yet. A spokesperson for the Senate intelligence committee declined comment Thursday evening.

Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Really looks interesting.

Yes it certainly does, wow

I hope that he is in hiding, we know what Putin does to the witnesses against him..

We need to put a name on this reality TV show..lets see\





(CNN)Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is willing to testify before federal and congressional investigators, but only if he is granted immunity, his lawyer said Thursday.

"Gen. Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit. ... No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution," Robert Kelner, Flynn's lawyer, said in a statement late Thursday.
The Wall Street Journal first reported Thursday that Flynn was in talks to try to get a promise of immunity, but that nobody had agreed to his terms yet.

However, aides to the House intelligence committee said they have not received any requests from Flynn yet. A spokesperson for the Senate intelligence committee declined comment Thursday evening.

Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Really looks interesting.

Yet more crap from the Leftist MSM that Leftist Maniacs are eating up.
Lol, straight denial! Like we don't have eyes...

Yes, his lawyers are asking for immunity
Katy Tur @KatyTurNBC
Nunes now: "I did use the White House to help to confirm what I already knew from other sources." …

7:23 PM - 30 Mar 2017

Devin Nunes and the Tragedy of the Russia Inquiry

The House intelligence chairman misled the public about his sources on Trump and Russia. Now his important cause is undermined.

How can someone call out other's as "morons" in the thread title and still be able to keep their thread in Zone 2 without it be considered "baiting?"
Flynn is the same one the FBI has tapes on
They will be able to verify his testimony

Lets see what type of firewall Trump has in place

I know nothing....I never even talked to Flynn
"If someone asks for immunity, it probably means they committed a crime." - Micheal Flynn
Let's look at what he lawyer said, according to USAToday, shall we?

Flynn lawyer: Client wants assurances against 'witch-hunt' prosecution

WASHINGTON — The attorney representing President Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn said late Thursday that his client would not submit to questioning in the ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election without protection against possible prosecution.

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,'' attorney Robert Kelner said in a written statement.

Describing his client as the target of "unsubstantiated public demands by members of congress and other political critics that he be criminally investigated,'' Kelner confirmed that there have been "discussions'' regarding Flynn's possible appearances before the House and Senate Intelligence committees now conducting formal inquires into Russia's attempts to disrupt the American political system.

Flynn lawyer: Client wants assurances against 'witch-hunt' prosecution

A little different from what is being thrown around here. I love how the NYT's, et al left out the underlined bit. Makes a big difference in what the actual story is.
"If someone asks for immunity, it probably means they committed a crime." - Micheal Flynn

Flynn hasn't asked for immunity, Leftists illustrate again reading comprehension problems.

"However, aides to the House intelligence committee said they have not received any requests from Flynn yet."

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